They sat on the steps of North View together, looking out to sea, Valentine holding the picture of Garry Tyler. If Tug Coyle, the ferryman, was his father, then it suggested he was also their killer. But how could he be? He’d brought the Andora Star into East Hills through seawater stained with the victim’s blood. He couldn’t have been in two places at once: on the beach with the murder weapon and in the boat, alone at the helm.
Shaw closed his eyes to rest the muscles, and it was then — robbed of the distraction of sight — that he heard the silence. The sounds of the beach had gone entirely, not just the gentle whisper of the holiday crowd but even the rustling of the pinewoods. He stood to see if a fresh storm cloud was edging over but instead found that about a hundred yards away, along the beach, an almost solid wall of mist was advancing east, drifting along the coast.
‘Fret,’ he said, using the local word.
They were common in summer, especially after storms, when icy rain fell on a warm sea. A fog bank, formed at the margin of sea and land, would condense in a few minutes then hug the coast. Soon they’d be within it and the thought made Shaw shiver because it would be cold in there, and damp, and the rest of the world would recede even further. If silence could have a physical form then this was it.
Shaw closed his eyes and waited for the moment. First he smelt the mist — that acrid, bitter edge to the salty air, and then he felt it, a bristling moisture on his skin. Opening his eyes he found he was enclosed in the whiteness: he could see Valentine and the hut, but nothing else. But almost immediately the fog parted to reveal a view of the sea: a wedge of blue, sun-splashed. There was a boat out there, the one he’d seen earlier, but the sailor on board was motionless now, his hand on a line. The boat, thought Shaw, was in exactly the same spot. ‘That’s it,’ said Shaw. He stood, pointing out to sea. ‘Coyle said he stood off East Hills that day for what — twenty minutes? Well, he wouldn’t have let the boat drift — he’d have put down an anchor. Just like that guy. We thought someone might have swum off the boat, or out to the boat, but maybe it was just Coyle. He could have swum ashore, killed White in the water, and swum back. The boat would still be there. Then ten minutes later he brings the ferry in as the body of his victim drifts along the beach.’
‘Motive?’ asked Valentine, trying to light a Silk Cut with damp fingers.
‘Maybe he’d been caught on film with Marianne Osbourne,’ suggested Shaw. ‘Or — this is better — she’d gone to him for help because White was blackmailing her? Don’t forget he was Aidan’s cousin — she must have known him. And he runs the ferry. So she asks for help and he makes a plan. They know White will be out there. He swims ashore like I said from the Andora Star — a hundred yards, maybe less. White’s not in the water, he’s up in the dunes, lured there by Marianne. He kills White, with maybe Marianne a witness or accomplice. So it’s his DNA on the towel. He’s Sample X.
Then we resurrect the case and send out letters telling everyone we’re going to test all the men taken off East Hills that day. He knows we won’t find a match. Does he think we’ll work out it’s him? Or does he think Marianne will buckle in the interview? She’s rocky, unstable. She thinks she can’t do it, so they talk at the house.
‘The last time he visits — the day before the mass screening — he takes the cyanide pill with him. Where’d he get it? My guess is Tug Johns, his grandfather. Or at least it was in the old man’s stuff — something left in the attic, or maybe one of the dugouts did survive. Old Tug Coyle was a shoe-in for one of these secret units. He’s got all the skills plus leadership. So young Tug brings the pill. It’s a gift for Marianne: a one-way ticket out of a life she can’t face anymore. And he helps her take it. Maybe even makes her take it. Meanwhile there’s a family crisis. His son is hauled in for the identity parade at Wells. Tug knows it’s him. He knows we’ll arrest the kid. The first thing we’ll do is take a DNA swab for the database. And in one step that will take us to Tug Coyle. In this case the match is all we need, George. It’s not like Tug Coyle can claim the forensic evidence is down to an accidental meeting on the beach. He was never on the beach — that’s his story, has been his story for eighteen years. This would prove he lied, and the only verdict a jury would bring in would be guilty. So Arthur Patch has to die to keep young Garry Tyler out of trouble.’ Shaw stood and walked forward in the wet sand, crunching razor shells on the high water mark.
‘And Holtby?’ asked Valentine.
‘There’s a DNA link, there has to be, we just need to find it.’
‘There’s a simpler answer,’ said Valentine. He didn’t really believe in conspiracy, grand theories of crime. He thought criminals were a lower order: not exactly stupid, just subnormal, without the wit to see the outcome of their own actions. So anything that smacked of accident, or cock-up, sounded right to him. ‘It doesn’t have to be DNA, Peter. What if Coyle got the pills from the dugout, and it is up in the pinewoods above The Circle? Maybe Holtby stumbled on something up there, something he couldn’t ignore. It could have got him killed.’
Shaw looked out over the sands, noting how the rain had rubbed them clean of footprints, leaving just a stippled, virgin pattern. ‘We need to up the search for Coyle,’ he said. ‘East of England constabularies, plus a radio and TV alert. And contact UK Border Agency, make sure they’ve got his details online in case he tries to catch a flight out, or skip on a ferry.
‘Or a boat?’ suggested Valentine. ‘A small boat along the coast?’
Out at sea they heard a ship’s foghorn through the mist, answering the one on shore. It was three hundred miles to the nearest continental port. In a small boat Coyle had no chance. Which didn’t mean he wouldn’t try.
‘He’d have to be desperate,’ said Shaw.
They locked up and began to walk back, joining the crowd which was still trickling off the beach, children grumbling, parents hauling gear. Shaw had reached the hut he’d hired with the family, where the signal picked up, when his mobile vibrated in his pocket. It was a prompt call from his message box, so he retrieved the text. It was from the chief constable’s secretary asking Shaw to call about the story which had appeared in that morning’s edition of The Daily Telegraph concerning East Hills: did he know the source?
He was trying to think of a good answer when a single fresh text arrived from Twine. HUNSTANTON CLIFF CAR PARK. ASAP. INCIDENT.