Chapter 24

Lleveret Dante sat scrunched down in the front seat of his Range Rover. He’d been sitting there for a good ten minutes when he saw the woman with the curly auburn hair and black slacks suit emerge from the Endicott Building.

He’d caught her out of the corner of his eye as he strode past her after leaving the office of that idiot, Sam Sestero. Something about the tone of the woman’s voice or the way she had appeared so decidedly blasé had raised his radar. Suspicious by nature, he had tuned her in, like a wolf with his nose to the wind. Once again, his sixth sense hadn’t disappointed him. The woman had seemed to be watching him. Spying on him.

He’d waited for her to emerge from Sestero’s building. Then what a big surprise he’d gotten as he watched her saunter down the street and disappear into the County Services Building! That had blown his mind slightly, but it had also confirmed his suspicions. He knew damn well what was housed in the basement of that innocuous building.

Such a curious coincidence that his lawyer’s office was just down the street from where the body of his dead partner lay on a metal table.

But even more curious was that this strange woman was so interested in both of them.

He would follow this woman, to be sure. Find out who she was, where she lived. Tuck that information away for future use.
