Sherlock caught up with Matty Arnatt next day at the market. He was beginning to be able to predict Matty’s movements. It was late morning, and the market traders had been working since early morning. They would be thinking about food, and possibly taking it in turns to go and get something to eat — one of them watching over two stalls while the other went to get some bread and some meat, or a pie, and maybe a pint of beer. That meant lunchtime was one of those times when their attention would be spread thinnest, giving Matty the chance to snitch some fruit or vegetables from the corner of a stall without being noticed. Sherlock disapproved of theft, but he also disapproved of people starving and of kids being rounded up and sent to a workhouse, so he supposed it was a balance of ethical dilemmas, and to be honest he didn’t begrudge Matty the odd worm-eaten apple. It wasn’t going to bring down the Empire.
The market was spread over a small field with buildings on three sides. There were stalls selling piles of onions and parsnips, potatoes and beets, and other vegetables in a variety of colours that Sherlock didn’t even recognize. Other stalls had knuckles of ham suspended from hooks with flies buzzing around them, and fish laid out on straw. There were people selling various materials and clothes as well — druggets and bombazines, barragons and shalloons, tub greens and serges. A makeshift pen to one side held a herd of sheep along with a couple of pigs that were lying down, sleeping despite the hubbub. The mixture of smells was almost overwhelming, with only a faint hint of decay in the air. By sundown, Sherlock guessed, the whole place would stink of rotting vegetables and fish, but by then most of the shoppers would have gone and only the poorer locals would remain, hoping the market traders would start to reduce their prices to get rid of their stock.
There seemed to be a subdued air to the market. It wasn’t as lively as Sherlock remembered. Rather than the hustle and bustle that a small town market ought to generate, with people treating it as much as a social event as an opportunity to buy whatever they needed, the shoppers appeared to be set on heading towards whatever they needed, buying it with the minimum of bartering and then heading out again.
“Was Crowe in?” Matty asked as Sherlock approached. He was sitting on an upturned wooden crate, watching the market traders intently for a moment’s inattention.
“Not at first, but I met his daughter.”
“Yeah, I’ve seen her around.”
“You could have told me about her,” Sherlock complained. “She caught me by surprise. I wasn’t expecting her to be there. I must have looked like an idiot.”
Matty glanced momentarily at Sherlock, eyeing him up and down. “Yeah, pretty much,” he said.
Sherlock felt self-conscious and changed the subject. “I’ve had a thought—"
He stopped as Matty suddenly darted off into the crowd, slipping between shoppers like an eel between rocks. Within moments the boy was back again, brushing dirt off a pork pie. “It fell off the edge of a stall,” he said proudly. “I’ve been waiting for that to happen. Too much stuff piled too high — something was bound to fall off eventually.” He took a huge bite, then handed it to Sherlock. “Here, try it.”
Sherlock nibbled a bit off the edge of the crust. It was salty, buttery and thick. He took another bite, managing to scoop up some of the pinkish meat and transparent jelly inside. The meat was tasty, studded with bits of fruit — prunes, perhaps? Whatever it was, the combination was incredible.
He handed the pie back. “I already had some apple and cheese,” he explained. “You finish this.”
“You said you had a thought.”
“I need to get to Guildford.”
“Take a good few hours on the bike,” Matty said, still scanning the crowd.
Sherlock thought back to his trip from Deepdene School for Boys to Farnham, passing through Guildford and then Aldershot on the way. He didn’t particularly relish the thought of cycling all the way to Guildford and then all the way back again, and he wasn’t sure he could do it in a day — and find an expert to talk to about poisons and diseases as well.
He sighed. “Forget it,” he said. “It was a stupid idea.”
“Not necessarily,” Matty replied. “There are other ways of getting to Guildford.”
“I can’t ride, and I haven’t got a horse.”
“What about the train?”
“I’d rather do it without leaving a trail — without anyone knowing. Mrs Eglantine seems to be friendly with the stationmaster — I don’t want her knowing what I do all the time.”
Mrs Eglantine is no friend of the family. The words from Mycroft’s letter suddenly floated across his mind, causing him to shiver.
“There’s another way,” Matty said cautiously.
“What’s that?”
“The Wey.”
“What way?”
“No, the Wey. The River Wey. Runs from here to Guildford.”
Sherlock considered the thought for a moment. “We’d need a boat.” And then, before Matty could say anything, he exclaimed, “And you’ve got one — a narrowboat, at least!"
“And a horse to pull it.”
“How long would it take?”
Matty considered for a moment. “Prob’ly as long as cycling, but it’s a lot less effort. I don’t think we can do it today. You could meet me at sunrise tomorrow, and we could spend the day on the water, but that wouldn’t give you much time in Guildford.”
“What about if we start before dawn?” Sherlock asked.
Matty glanced curiously at him. “Won’t your aunt and uncle worry?”
Sherlock’s mind was whirring away like a grandfather clock about to strike. “I can go back for dinner, then tell them I’m going to bed. I can sneak out of the house later, when it’s dark and everyone’s gone to sleep — I’m sure of it. Nobody ever checks on me. And I can leave a note in the dining room saying that I’ve got up before breakfast and gone out with Amyus Crowe. They won’t find it until the morning. It’ll work!"
“The river loops close to your uncle’s house,” Matty said. “I can draw you a map and meet you there. We can be in Guildford for morning, and back before sunset.”
Quickly, Matty scratched a map on a scrap of wood that he pulled from the crate he was sitting on, using a sharp stone from the ground. Sherlock suspected that the boy couldn’t read or write, but his map was perfect and nearly to scale. Sherlock could visualize exactly where they would meet.
“I need you to do something,” Sherlock said.
“Ask around. See if you can find out about the man who died — the man whose house you were standing outside. Find out what he did.”
“What do you mean?”
“What he did for a job. Where he earned his money. I’ve got a feeling that might be important.”
Matty nodded. “I’ll do what I can,” he said, “but nobody usually tells kids anything.”
After that, everything went smoothly. Sherlock rode back to Holmes Manor and arrived just as the family was sitting down for lunch. He tried to think through his plan, testing each step for resilience against unexpected events and checking the details for flaws, but he found that his thoughts kept shifting around to Virginia Crowe. He couldn’t get the shape of her face, and her cascading hair, from his mind.
Amyus Crowe arrived after lunch, and spent several hours outside, on the veranda, testing Sherlock’s thinking processes with mind games and puzzles. One in particular stuck in Sherlock’s mind.
“Let’s imagine there’s three fellows who decide to split the cost of a hotel room,” Crowe said. “The room costs thirty shillings a night includin’ dinner an’ breakfast — obviously a prestigious place. So the fellows pay the manager ten shillings each. OK so far?”
Sherlock nodded.
“Good. Next mornin’ the manager realizes he’s made a grievous error. There’s a special rate on the room cos of buildin’ work in the hotel. So he sends a bellhop — bellboy, I think you call ’em — to the fellows’ room with five shillings to give back. The fellows are so pleased they decide to keep a shilling each an’ tip the bellboy two shillings. So, each of the men ended up payin’ nine shillings instead of ten, an’ the bellboy made two shillings. Right?”
Sherlock nodded again, but his mind was rushing to keep up. “Hang on — if each man ended up paying only nine shillings, that’s twenty-seven shillings in total. Add that to the two shillings the bellboy got, and you get twenty-nine shillings. There’s a shilling missing.”
“That’s right,” Crowe said. “You tell me where it went.”
Sherlock spent the next twenty minutes working it out, first in his mind and then on paper. Eventually he admitted defeat. “I don’t know,” he said. “The manager gave back five shillings, so he didn’t keep it; the bellboy got two shillings, so he didn’t get it, and the men each got one shilling back, so they didn’t get it.”
“The problem’s in the description,” Crowe explained. “Yep, three times nine shillings does equal twenty-seven shillings, but the tip is already included in that. It makes no sense to add the tip to that to make twenty-nine shillings. If you restructure the problem, you realize that the men paid twenty-five shillings for the room and two shillings for the tip, then got a shilling back each, making thirty shillings. And the upshot is... ?”
Sherlock nodded. “Don’t let someone else phrase the problem for you, because they might be misleading you. Take the facts they provide, then rephrase the problem in a logical way that enables you to solve it.”
Amyus Crowe left before dinner, and Sherlock returned to his room to think about what he had learned. He came back down for dinner and ate in silence, while his uncle read and his aunt talked to herself. Mrs Eglantine eyed him suspiciously from the side of the room, but he didn’t meet her gaze. The only conversation was when his uncle looked up from the book he was reading and said to the housekeeper: “Mrs Eglantine, what stocks of food do we have within the Manor House gardens?”
“For vegetables, we grow enough for our needs,” she said, her mouth pinched. “For fowl and for eggs, likewise. As far as meat and fish are concerned, we can probably manage for a few weeks before we run out, if it is carefully husbanded.”
Uncle Sherrinford nodded. “I think we must assume the worst. Prepare to smoke or otherwise preserve as much of the meat as possible. Lay in stocks of essentials. If the plague gets hold of Farnham then we may be isolated for some time. I know that Amyus Crowe is counselling caution, but we should take precautions.” He turned to Sherlock. “Which reminds me — Mr Crowe tells me you haven’t spent much time on your Latin and Greek.”
“I know,” Sherlock said. “Mr Crowe and I have been concentrating on... Mathematics.”
“Mr Crowe’s time is valuable,” Uncle Sherrinford went on in a calm, measured manner. “And your brother has gone to some expense to secure his services. You may wish to reflect on that.”
“I will, Uncle.”
“Mr Crowe will return tomorrow afternoon. Perhaps you might do some translation for me.”
Remembering Matty’s estimate that they wouldn’t be back until dinner time, Sherlock winced. He couldn’t tell his uncle that he was going to Guildford, however. He might be forbidden to go. Glancing up, he found that Mrs Eglantine was glaring at him with her small, beady eyes. What did she know?
“I’ll be here,” he promised, knowing as he said the words that he was unlikely to make it back in time. He would worry about explaining that when it happened.
Finishing dinner, he excused himself and pushed open the door to the library. His uncle was still in the dining room, eating, and he had said a day or two back that Sherlock could go in the library if he wished, but still he felt like an intruder in this hushed room, curtains drawn against the sunlight, with the smell of leather and old paper filling every nook and cranny. Sherlock browsed along the shelves, looking for something related to local geography. He found several different sets of encyclopaedias, bound volumes of ecclesiastical periodicals, a myriad books containing collections of sermons from what he presumed were renowned clergymen of the past, and many histories of the Christian Church, and eventually came across several shelves of local history and geography. Choosing a book about the waterways of Surrey and Hampshire, he left the library and returned to his room in the eaves of the house.
For half an hour or so he composed a note explaining that he had gone out early and that he would be back later. His first few attempts were too detailed, specifying various untruths about what he was going to do and where, but he realized after a while that the simpler his note was, and the fewer facts it contained that could be checked, the better. Once he had finished it, he lay on his bed and read the book that he had taken from the library.
Sherlock scanned the book looking for mentions of the River Wey, preferably with a map that he could memorize, but soon found more than he expected. The Wey, for instance, wasn’t just a river — it was apparently something called a “navigation”. Rivers tended to wind around the landscape in unpredictable directions, whereas canals — built for purposes of trade between towns — were straight where possible and used step-like constructions called “locks’ to raise and lower the level of the water depending on the shape of the land. A navigation, he discovered, was a river that had been made more navigable by the building of weirs and locks — converting a natural river into something closer to a canal.
Sherlock’s head buzzed with details of the immense feats of engineering that had been required to bend the river to the will of man, and the many years that it had taken. He eventually tried to sleep, knowing that he was going to have a long day ahead of him. Although his mind seethed with ideas, images and facts, he slipped into a dreamless sleep before he knew it. When he woke it was still dark, but a fresh breeze was blowing through the window and the birds were beginning to sing in the trees and bushes. It was four o’clock.
He had lain down dressed, and so within moments he was slipping through the darkened house, out on to the attic landing and down the narrow wooden stairs, making sure that he stepped on the outside of the treads to avoid creaks, then cautiously along the first-floor landing, past the bedroom of his aunt and uncle, past their dressing room, past the bathroom, trying not to breathe too heavily, and then down the main stairs that swept in a curve into the ground-floor hall, hugging close to the wall and sensing the weight of the paintings that hung above him, their ornately carved wooden frames dwarfing the pictures themselves into relative insignificance. The only noise was the ticking of the great clock that stood in the angle where the stairs met the tiled floor.
He paused as he reached the hall. Now he had to cross the expanse of tiled floor towards the front door. No more sliding along the wall — he would be exposed, out in the open if anyone happened to come out of a doorway or looked down from the upstairs balcony. He knelt for a moment, trying to see if there was any light under any of the doors, but everything was dark. Eventually he screwed up his courage and crossed the tiles. By the time he reached the front door his heart was hammering twice as fast as the ticking of the clock.
The door was bolted, but he slipped the bolt and slowly pulled it open. Someone might notice in the morning that the door had been unlocked, but hopefully they would assume that someone else had got there first.
The door was almost closed when Sherlock remembered the note that he needed to leave, explaining that he had gone out early. He threw his weight against the door, pushing it open again, then slipped back inside and left the note on a small side table in the hall next to the hat-stand where the morning and afternoon post was usually placed awaiting collection.
The air outside was cool and refreshing compared with the stuffiness within the house, and there was the suspicion of a glow above the trees where the darkness was giving way to the blue of the dawn. Sherlock sprinted as quickly as he could across the stones of the drive, hearing them crunch beneath his feet, before hitting the silence of the lawn.
It took ten minutes for him to get to the riverbank, following Matty’s directions. A long black shape lay on the silvery river, moving back and forth as the water undulated. It looked strangely like a long, low hut that had been built on top of a narrow keel. The only gap was at the rear end, where the hut stopped and there was a platform with room for two people to stand, one of them holding the tiller. A rope attached to the front of the boat dipped towards the surface of the water, then rose again to where a horse contentedly ate its way along the grassy banks. Unlike Virginia Crowe’s magnificent black stallion, this appeared to be a heavy, thick-legged creature with a shaggy mane. It glanced once, incuriously, at Sherlock, then went back to eating.
Matty was waiting on the front of the narrowboat, a dark shape against the dawn sky, like the figurehead on a ship or a gargoyle on a cathedral. He was holding a boathook — a long wooden pole with a metal hook on one end.
“Let’s go,” he said as Sherlock clambered on to the boat. “That’s Albert, by the way.” He made a clicking noise with his tongue. The horse looked round at him with an expression of regret on its long face, then started walking along the side of the river. The rope running between it and the boat pulled taut, then the boat began to move as Albert dragged it along. Matty used the boathook to push the narrowboat away from the bank so that it didn’t get caught in the reeds.
“Does he know where he’s going?” Sherlock asked.
“What’s to know? He walks along the bank pulling the boat after him. If he comes to an obstruction, he stops and I sort it out. You stay at the back and keep a hand on the tiller. If we start drifting out into the river then steer us back towards the bank. There’s a blanket on the deck, if you get cold. It’s a horse blanket, but it’ll keep you just as warm as a fancy one.”
The narrowboat drifted on. Water lapped against its sides in a regular rhythm that lulled Sherlock into a drowsy, almost hypnotic state. The river was empty of anything apart from the occasional duck or goose drifting past.
“What did you find out about the man who died?” Sherlock called forward after a while. “The first man. The one in the house.”
“He was a tailor,” Matty yelled back. “Worked for a company who were making uniforms for the Army in Aldershot. Big order, apparently, so the company were calling in all the local people who could cut cloth or sew the pieces together.”
“How did you find out?”
Matty laughed. “I said I was his son, and that my mam wanted to find out if he had any money coming from an employer. Apparently he’s owed some back wages, but his landlord’s already got his eye on that for rent.”
“Where was the company based?” Sherlock called back.
“They’ve got a main office near the market, but they’ve also got a warehouse on the edge of town where the cove worked. That’s probably the one you burned down!"
Sherlock reflected, as the narrowboat drifted on, pulled by Matty’s horse. The man who died had been a tailor, making uniforms. The warehouse where he had worked had been full of boxes, which the thugs had loaded on to a cart. Boxes of uniforms? It seemed likely. But that still didn’t explain why the man had died, or how, and it didn’t explain the death of the second man, the one in the woods.
The sky to the East was the deep purple of a fresh bruise, and the trees lining the river were just visible as darker shapes against adark background. A lone star shone brightly, close to the horizon. Ahead, Sherlock could see a black arch crossing their path: probably a bridge. Perhaps even the one that he and Matty had sat on, only a day or two before, watching the fish in the river.
Albert snickered, as if something had startled him. Sherlock stared at the bank, trying to make out the animal’s shape against the darkness of the hedges that lined the bank. The sound of its hoofs against the path changed. To Sherlock it sounded as if the horse was trying to move away from something that was getting too close.
Matty said something calming — more a reassuring noise than actual words — but Sherlock could tell from the tone of his voice that he was concerned. What was the problem? Was there a wild dog wandering around, spooking the horse, or had it just smelt something unexpected?
Sherlock was about to call to Matty and ask him what the problem was when something moved on the bridge beyond the black shape of Matty’s head and shoulders.
Sherlock switched his gaze on to the dark shape that was crossing the river ahead of them. Something was breaking the smooth arc of the bridge: a lumpy shadow slightly off-centre. Two lumpy shadows, as the first one was joined by a second. They conferred for a few moments, leaning together, and then moved apart.
Locals from Farnham, out and about early? Poachers, perhaps?
Theories that Sherlock abandoned when the flare of a match momentarily illuminated a swarthy face that he recognized from the warehouse.
The thug named Clem.
The flame turned into a warm glow that spilt across the brickwork. Clem held a lamp high, casting its light down on to the approaching narrowboat. As they headed towards the bridge Sherlock could see a cruel smile twisting his mouth. The glow from the lamp outlined Matty’s figure as he stood up in the bows of the boat. He seemed as if he was about to say something, but Clem swung the lamp above his head, sending shadows flickering everywhere, and then threw the lamp at Matty’s head.
Matty ducked, and the lamp bounced twice before shattering across the back of the narrowboat, spilling burning oil everywhere. Tiny slivers of flame caught hold of the wood, licking hungrily across the veneer. Sherlock glanced around. They were on a river, for heaven’s sake, and he could see no way of getting the water to where they needed it!
His gaze snagged on the horse blanket that Matty had pointed out to him, crumpled in the corner of the deck near the tiller. Sherlock swept it up and threw it forward, across the flames, keeping hold of one corner so that the blanket didn’t slide off into the water. Smoke rose from underneath, but no flames. Sherlock pulled the blanket back towards him. Half of the fire was out, suffocated by the thick material, but tiny ripples of flame were still investigating the seams in the boat’s construction.
Matty cried out as another oil lamp hit the edge of the boat near Sherlock’s head and bounced into the river, where it sank, spitting and hissing as the wick touched the water. Sherlock whirled round and dipped the blanket over the side of the boat, making sure he kept a tight grip on it. Before it became too saturated, he pulled it out and heaved it across the wood again. This time the flames hissed as the sodden material extinguished them.
Sherlock glanced up at the bridge as the narrowboat passed beneath it, expecting a third oil lamp to come hurtling down on to his head, but their assailants appeared to have no more. Instead, Sherlock was shocked to see a body plunging down towards him. Clem had jumped. The thug hit the roof of the narrowboat, cracking the wood with his boots. He fell backwards on to the deck. Pulling himself to his feet, teeth clenched and eyes gleaming, he advanced towards Sherlock. Reaching down with his right hand, he pulled a wickedly curved knife from his belt.
“You thought you could break into our barn an’ get away with it?” he snarled. “You was seen running off from the blaze like the rat you are.” He reached for Sherlock’s hair with his left hand. “Prepare to meet your Maker!"
Sherlock backed into the corner of the tiny deck area, feeling the breeze as Clem’s flailing fingers passed in front of his eyes. The man was so close that Sherlock could smell the rank, sweaty odour rising from his rough clothes and see the dirt ingrained beneath his chipped fingernails.
Clem lunged forward and wound his fingers into Sherlock’s hair, pulling the boy forward. Sherlock couldn’t help crying out at the pain as his hair was almost yanked out of his scalp. For a moment, bizarrely, the memory of Albert tearing clumps of grass out of the riverbank filled his mind.
Clem pulled Sherlock against his shirt and gazed down into the boy’s eyes. Sherlock could feel Clem’s right hand coming up towards his throat, holding the knife. He was seconds away from having his throat slit open, and he didn’t even know why!
Something slammed against Clem’s back. Clem’s eyes widened in shock, and Sherlock felt the tight grip on his hair relax. He took a step backwards, pushing Clem away with both hands. The man didn’t resist, but staggered back before shuffling round, taking exaggeratedly careful steps.
Matty stood behind Clem. He was holding the boathook raised in both hands. For a moment Sherlock couldn’t quite work out what had happened, and then, as Clem turned fully towards Matty, Sherlock could see a deep and bloody gash running down the back of his head from the crown to his thick, bullish neck. The skin was split open, and Sherlock could see white bone beneath the blood. Matty had hit him squarely on the back of the head with the boathook.
Clem took a step forward towards Matty, and then another. He raised the hand that held the knife, but he didn’t seem to know what to do with it. He gazed stupidly at the knife, and then he toppled sideways, off the narrowboat and into the river, like a falling tree. The splash as he hit the surface of the water reached up almost as far as the bridge. For a moment Sherlock could see Clem’s face as he sank, and the expression of disbelief in his mad eyes, and then he was vanishing into the murk and sediment at the bottom of the river. His hands were the last to disappear, fingers waving like weeds in the current, and then they too were gone.