

“De Payens.”

“De Clairvaux.”

one thousand two thousand three thousand

“Bernard, it would have been a kindness to warn me that PC Plod was going to pay a visit.”

“Ah. That’s where he is. I wondered. But I didn’t worry. Should I have worried?”

“Whether I’d be able to deal with a country bobby? I hope you know me better than that.”

“Don’t underestimate him. I thought we had corraled him but I see we have not. Don’t worry, I’ll deal with it. So how did it go?”

“He asked me about Andre while his acolyte chatted up Mummy.”


“And he went away as he arrived, which is, I’d say, uncertain but extremely suspicious. I could find nothing to say to allay his suspicions. In fact, to have attempted to be other than I am would itself have been suspicious, don’t you think?”

“You’re probably right. He’s no fool, and he’s been an irritation since he first appeared. And of course it’s through him that the hunt is up for Andre.”

“Yes. Maybe I should have sent Andre after him rather than the moron.”

“No. That was a mistake, my mistake, which has already proved costly. Let’s not make any more. So far, unless the one in a coma dies, our hands are clean of our own side’s blood. Andre is still holed up with Geoffrey O, I take it?”

“Yes. I spoke to him yesterday. He was still keen to go ahead with taking the Sheikh out. Andre seemed amused when Omer admitted to having taken that potshot and said he’d like to demonstrate how the job should be done.”

“I hope you told him that’s a definite no. After Omer’s stupidity, Sheikh Ibrahim is going to be particularly difficult, and the last thing we want is Andre exposing himself. It’s too great a risk.”

“He enjoys risk. And surely now he’s been blown, he’s the one we could afford to keep active? The others have been signaled to go to earth for the time being. And if the worst happened and he was taken, he is at the same time completely loyal and completely unbreakable.”

“No one is unbreakable.”

“I am, Bernard. OK, Andre could lead them to me, but I don’t believe he ever would…”

“He has already.”

“Not directly. That was that smart-aleck cop. Anyway my point is, even if I did get blown, there’s no way I would ever lead them to you if that’s what’s worrying you. Sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”

“Why not? Of course it worries me. And it should worry you too. You may not mean to do it, but as our persistent Mr. Pascoe has demonstrated, these people are no fools. And if Andre did crack, then they’d have you in their chosen environment. Don’t imagine your wheelchair will keep you out of prison.”

“Where do you think I am now?”

“I assume you’re sitting on that horse of yours? No riding in prison. No filet mignon and fine wines, no high-tech to smooth your path, no loving hand to smooth your brow. Think about it.”

“I’ll think about it. But whatever happens, I wouldn’t give you up any more than I think Andre would give me up. We were trained in the same school, remember?”

“But not one that Geoffrey B went to.”

“Forget Geoffrey B. At the worst he might think of giving himself up but he can’t do that without giving O up too, which, being a true English gentleman, he will hardly do.”

“I prefer not to rely too heavily on the code of the Woosters. Worst-case scenario-if he snapped, what damage can he do?”

“Nothing, except point them to Andre, and they’re after him already. But why should it happen? So let’s forget Geoffrey B and concentrate on keeping up the momentum.”

“Momentum is what a handcart heading down to hell has. For the time being, let’s just keep things on an even keel, at least till I get Pascoe out of the way. Tell Andre he needs to keep his head down till arrangements are made for him to get out of the country. It may be on short notice. He needs to be available at all times. Make that clear to him. We do things my way.”

“Without you, Bernard, it would hardly be possible to do anything at all.”
