1 “neither of business nor politics” PC, 235.
2 “The journeys begin and end at rue Le Sueur” Nézondet told his view also in his interrogation, March 22, 1944, APP, Série J, affaire Petiot, carton n° III, and in his memoir, René Nézondet, Petiot “le Possédé” (Paris: Express, 1950), 71.
3 “No, I concluded” … “None” PC 236–237.
4 “The longer this trial goes” Ibid.
5 hat trimmed with otter fur Le Pays, March 29, 1946.
6 a strong Slavic accent Jean Galtier-Boissière, Mon journal dans la drôle de paix (Paris: La Jeune Parque, 1947), 207–208.
7 “the circumstances of my friends” AN 334, AP 65, 4566.
8 delightful AN, 4570–4571.
9 “Of course, Mr. President” AN 334, AP 65, 4571.
10 “They were not only anti-Nazi” Ibid.
11 “as their God” Ibid.
12 “I understand now” AN 334, AP 65, 4575.
13 “injections, nightclubs, drugs” AN 334, AP 65, 4576.
14 “hunted as a harmful beast” AN 334, AP 65, 4577.
15 “stay put” Ibid.
16 “an adventuress … who lies” AN 334, AP 65, 4592.
17 “many difficulties” AN 334, AP 65, 4608.
18 “came to us to give tips” AN 334, AP 65, 4355–4356.
19 Insults and insinuations AN 334, AP 65, 4609–4610.
20 “offended the very legitimate sensitivities” AN 334, AP 65, 4611.
21 “saluted by a number of German” AN 334, AP 65, 4614.
22 “Since you do not appear to remember” AN 334, AP 65, 4615.
23 The judge ordered Request for Dossier No. 16582, March 28, 1944, APP, Série J, affaire Petiot, carton n° III.
24 “I have not looked at your hands” … “Pétain?” AN 334, AP 65, 4623–4624.
25 “Was she tortured” Galtier-Boissière, Mon journal, 211.
26 “these equally plausible” Ibid.