Friday, 24 December
Christmas Eve: 10.00 a.m. sharp, the offices of Masters amp; Masters, solicitors, reached by Shaw and Valentine via a staircase through a door marked only with a brass plaque between W. H. Smith and Waterstone’s in the Vancouver Shopping Centre. The view from the one window in the office of Mr Jerrold Masters would, on most occasions, have been suicide-bleak — across the flat roofs dotted with air filters and flues, a copse of satellite dishes and a ramshackle night-watchman’s hut. But the snow had continued to fall overnight so that the cityscape was transformed into an Arctic scene — completed in the far distance by the three masts of a naval training ship on the quay. The cranes on the far bank of the Cut were decked out with fairy lights, immobile, like giant Meccano sets opened early for Christmas.
In the outside office Shaw had left his daughter with DC Fiona Campbell. He’d promised her a tour of St James’s, a look in the cells — an area she seemed particularly obsessed with — and breakfast in the canteen. Campbell had volunteered to be her guide, as Fran — no doubt prompted by his wife — seemed determined to see how women fitted into the West Norfolk Constabulary. After breakfast there’d be Christmas shopping for Lena’s presents, and for the dog a new winter jacket, then they’d all meet for lunch out on the coast. He had a week off. The thought of it made his blood buzz, as if he’d started to run.
‘Is Mrs Robins coming?’ asked Shaw.
‘A minute,’ Masters said, checking his watch, then setting a large envelope on his blotter beside a letter-knife in the shape of an eel.
Shaw considered Chris Robins’s last will and testament. For what could he hope? At best, a confession — a confession implicating Robert Mosse? Admissible in court? Hardly. If they had a new case to present to the CPS on Mosse a confession from Robins would be powerful corroborating testimony. But what they needed was evidence to get a new case in front of a judge and jury. Shaw looked around the shabby room and thought the chances of that were negligible, close to vanishing point, like the ghost-grey masts of the ship on the Cut. All they had was an envelope on a blotter.
‘Busy?’ said Masters, suddenly overcome with embarrassment at the silence. He held up the previous Tuesday’s edition of the Lynn News.
Lizzie Murray had been charged with the murder of Pat Garrison. She had insisted, despite counsel’s advice, on making a statement in which she confessed to the crime. Shaw had taken little pleasure from the moment, frustrated rather by the continuing silence of Alby Tilden and Ian Murray. They might face charges for what they’d done, but unless they confessed to the crucial intermediary role of Bea Garrison, all three would escape a charge of murder. Neither had administered a lethal poison, and Bea Garrison’s silence was impenetrable.
Shaw tore himself away from his own thoughts to answer the solicitor’s question.
‘Sure. But then it’s Christmas. We can all enjoy that,’ he said. He thought Valentine said something then, under his breath, but he couldn’t be sure.
There was a carpet in the corridor outside so they didn’t hear footsteps approaching the door. When it opened Robert Mosse walked in, carrying a long metal safe-deposit box and a slim briefcase. Shaw’s heartbeat raced, and something about the moment made him smile, despite the surprise and all the questions that crowded into his mind.
Mosse froze, but his face didn’t respond, as if each micro-muscle was under direct control from the brain — an impossibility, Shaw knew, but Mosse appeared to have the skill. Only the eyes revealed a life within the skull, taking in Shaw, Valentine and the envelope on the blotter.
Shaw was pleased to see that he looked once back at the door, twice at the window — a classic fear response, checking out the means of escape.
‘Bob,’ said Masters, standing, holding out a hand.
‘Jerry,’ said Mosse. The voice was as perfectly judged as the slate-grey suit, the swept-back lustrous black hair.
‘This is unusual,’ he continued, looking at Shaw and holding out his hand.
Shaw shook it, noting the sandpaper dryness.
‘All will become clear,’ said Masters, smiling. Shaw knew then that Masters was one of those people who manage to get through life without ever realizing they have no ability whatever to sense the emotional temperature of those around them. There was so much tension in the air Shaw expected to see a spark suddenly leap from the eel-shaped letter opener.
Mosse sat, but Shaw noticed his eyes again flicking twice to the door by which he’d entered. He’d have seen Fiona Campbell in reception with Fran and presumed it was a child-protection case. Mosse’s jawline hardened perceptibly — the first time his body had betrayed him.
Masters pressed a buzzer on his desk. A minute later the door opened and Peggy Robins was shown in by the secretary. Shaw hadn’t seen her in reception and guessed she’d been put in a side room with a cup of tea to wait until the last moment. It was thoughtful, and Masters fussed like a family doctor. She sat quickly, didn’t look at anyone, and Shaw was reminded of his first impression: that she was a strong woman, but always braced for a blow. She gathered herself in her seat and then looked at Mosse’s polished black leather shoes, then his face. She knew him instantly, and her mouth fell open.
‘Mrs Robins,’ said Masters. ‘Peggy. Right — all present and correct.’ Again, the beaming inappropriate smile. He slit the envelope open. Valentine massaged his scalp with one hand, aware that the headache stealing from the base of his skull over the cranium was self-inflicted.
Mosse quickly opened the briefcase and checked a note, his head down so that none of them could see his face.
‘Client MM 45/65/82?’ he asked.
‘Yes, indeed,’ said Masters. ‘Sorry — you’d no name until now. That’s it — Christopher Alan Robins.’
Masters began to read the will, Mosse’s eyes fixed on some point in the snowy roofscape outside. The estate had been valued at?13,700. It all went to his mother. It took his solicitor less than a minute to read in full.
‘Now,’ he said, setting the document aside. ‘One other duty. Mr Robins — it seems odd to call him that. I knew his father, you see — John,’ said Masters. ‘He had a shop down on the quay — shoe repair. I always used to call him John …’ He trailed off, looking at each of them in turn, unable to work out why everyone was so silent, so studiedly impatient.
‘Well. Anyway. Christopher had two unusual requests. He asked me in …’ he checked a note on the blotter, ‘in 2002 to take receipt of some items, and to lodge them in our offices for safe keeping until he requested their release. Or, in the event of his death, they would form part of his estate. Two years ago he asked that these same items be transferred to Mr Mosse’s firm but under a client number only — no name. You’ll remember that, Bob?’
Mosse’s chin moved a centimetre in answer.
‘Yes, I’m sure you do,’ Masters continued. ‘He specifically asked me to make sure the signatory should be Mr Mosse himself. And that was undertaken — at an annual fee of thirty-five pounds and seventy pence, I see from my records.’ Again, the mindless smile.
‘And one further alteration — that, upon the reading of the will, these items were to be released into the custody of DI Peter Shaw of the West Norfolk Constabulary.’
Mosse was looking at the metal deposit box, his legs crossed casually at the ankles.
‘Did he say why?’ asked Shaw.
‘He said that would become clear on the day. Yes — those exact words.’
The door opened and the secretary came in with coffee cups, a pot, Nice biscuits. The tension in the room was almost intolerable. Shaw imagined the crockery shattering. She left the tray, retreated.
‘And the other unusual requirement was a statement, lodged with us, to be read on this occasion.’ He leant across the desk and gave Shaw a second envelope. ‘By you, Inspector.’
‘I don’t have to listen to this,’ said Mosse.
Masters missed the intonation, but was quick to respond to the legal niceties.
‘Mr Robins stipulated that the statement was to be read before the contents of the deposit box were transferred. I’m sure it will only take a minute.’
Mosse looked into the middle distance. Shaw tried to imagine just how fast Mosse’s brain must be calculating. If he walked out now he wouldn’t know what he was facing. And why leave, why run, when all the life he’d built was here, in Lynn? Job, money, reputation, family, children, not to mention a shiny black BMW.
‘You might as well stay. You’re going to hear it one way or another,’ said Shaw. Valentine was standing now, staring at Mosse.
Shaw opened the envelope and extracted a single sheet of A4, typed, single spaced.
‘I typed it,’ said Peggy Robins. ‘And signed it.’
Shaw nodded, noting the scrawl at the foot, the two signatures almost merged.
He read.
‘“I know this statement is worthless — that I’m as guilty as Bob, and the rest, of these crimes. But it seems to me — to all of us — that we’ve suffered, paid the price, and he hasn’t. Ever.”’
‘Oh,’ said Masters. ‘Goodness.’ He held up a hand, as if suddenly deciding it shouldn’t be read.
‘It’s all right. Carry on,’ said Mosse. He took out a yellow legal pad from the briefcase and started making a note.
‘“The night those people died in the car, it was Robert Mosse what drove. He was down from Sheffield and he wanted a bit of action. His idea. We went out to Hunstanton and he got the Mini over the ton. We drank — all of us. Bob was taking us home by the back roads, trying to keep the car over eighty — even on the lanes. He didn’t see the T-junction until it was way late. It wasn’t until afterwards that we realized he’d stayed in the car — let us get out, wander round. So those first few days was a nightmare. I didn’t tell you, Mum, did I? I’m sorry for that. And I stayed out — with the others, down at Alex Cosyns’s lock-up. We got the car in there and me and Voycy got a drum of paint from work to respray it — yellow, tractor yellow they called it. Alex was soft on that dog he’d taken from the car. Night of the crash he cried about it — ’bout the old people in the back. He’d taken the dog because he said he wanted something to live. Like I said — soft. Then that evening — the evening the Tessier boy died — Alex took the dog for a walk. When he came back the kid was with him. Alex had tried to tell him that it wasn’t the same dog. But the kid could get it to do stuff — beg, roll over. Odd kid. He wasn’t going anywhere. We let him play with it and decided on a plan: we’d let him go, let him take the dog, sit tight — that would work in our favour when the police came. We’d say it was the driver who was drunk at the crash, but we wouldn’t say who it was. We’d admit the rest. Bob needed to lie low — and we’d fix up an alibi for him on the Westmead.
‘“Bob said it wasn’t going to work. That one of us would crack and tell the truth. He told the Tessier kid to stop crying and cuffed him on the back of the head. And then he put those gloves on, his driving gloves — the leather ones with the fur on the inside, and he had a bit of nylon rope.”’
Peggy Robins took out a tissue and pressed it to her mouth, looking out of the window.
‘“Then he kind of hugged the kid, turned his back on us. And he held on. It was Alex who realized what he was doing first. He told him to stop. But we all kind of froze. I’ve never forgiven myself — and I know I could have stopped it, but I didn’t. And Bob pulled the kid around, behind him, like I said, so we couldn’t see their faces. There wasn’t any noise at first. I heard a snap, like a plastic snap, a bone giving. And then the kid made a noise, just once, and it was over. He dropped the kid to the floor. He had one of Bob’s gloves in his mouth, stuffed in. Bob took the other one off and just dropped it on the floor, like he’d finished a job. He didn’t smoke, but he took one of mine.”’
Shaw realized his breathing was shallow, so he too took a lungful of air.
‘“So we made another plan. Bob thought it all through. He said they’d be looking for the kid, that they’d go on looking until they found him, so the trick was to give them the kid. Dump him — under the big tower. That’s where you get the gangs, the crime, and they’d think the kid had got caught up in something nasty. I was to clean up the garage. Bob went to get his car, Alex went to check out where the kid lived, see how long we had, see if they was searching already. We put Voycy on lookout up by the community centre. When Bob got back with his car we waited until after dark and then rolled the kid up in a bit of old carpet, put him in the boot. The light was bad by then — and we dared not use the mechanics’ lights we had for working on the car, ’cos we thought the police would be out on the estate by then looking for the kid. I took all the things I could find in the garage that might be linked to us — bagged it, took it to the bins under our flat. Later, when we knew they was searching for the kid, I took it out on the roughlots and burnt it. Then we all met at the pub on the estate — the Painted Lady. Bob said he’d been seen dumping the kid, and he had to get rid of the car. So he reported it missing and we fixed him up with an alibi — at the cinema, ’cos his mum had been and all we needed was a ticket. I’m sorry for what I did. We tried to make Bob pay but we never had the courage to face up to what we’d done. He knew that. But I am sorry. Tell the kid’s mother I’m sorry. And tell her that what I’ve left is for her. I didn’t burn everything.”’
Shaw leant forward, put the sheet of A4 on the desk. Valentine beckoned for Mosse to hand him the box, then passed it to Shaw. Masters opened his desk, took out a pair of identical small gold padlock keys and handed them to the detective. Shaw worked one into the lock on the box. As he lifted the lid a look of disappointment crossed his face: the box appeared to be empty. Then he saw a plastic bag tucked into one corner, knotted, with an unbroken paper seal signed by Chris Robins and Jerrold Masters. He held the bag up: inside was a single fur-lined leather glove. In the leather was imprinted the marks of a child’s teeth, pressing down, a faint ghost of the last bite, drawing blood at last.
By Our Crime Correspondent
Lynn solicitor Robert Mosse was yesterday given a life sentence after being convicted of the murder of a nine-year-old boy in 1997 on the town’s notorious Westmead Estate.
The trial judge recommended that Mosse, 34, should spend the rest of his life in custody. Leave to appeal was denied.
‘In over twenty years on this bench I have never encountered a more cold-blooded crime,’ said Mr Justice Lamfrey. ‘Robert Mosse is a calculating killer who poses a continuing threat to society.’
Mosse, through his solicitor, said after the verdict, ‘It is clear the police have fabricated the evidence upon which my conviction is based — as they did at my original trial. I am innocent of this crime.’
Mosse, who was due to be called to the Bar later this year, is a founding partner in Mosse, Turnbull amp; Smith. His wife and three children live in a million-pound house on the exclusive Clearwater Estate.
The Crown Prosecution Service said in a statement after the trial that the files on two subsequent murders, which the police claim Mosse committed to cover up his original crime, would now be closed.
Mosse denied killing nine-year-old Jonathan Tessier on the night of 25 July 1997 at a lock-up garage on the Westmead Estate in Lynn’s North End. The prosecution’s case was that Mosse had strangled the child to prevent his implication in another crime.
Mosse was charged with the killing at the time, but the original trial was unable to proceed owing to a legal technicality. Recently, however, the police obtained new forensic evidence linking him to Tessier’s murder.
A fur-lined leather glove, the partner to one recovered at the murder scene, was found to contain skin shed by Mosse and was heavily impregnated with dried saliva, later matched by DNA analysis to the Tessier family, and exhibiting bite marks that matched the victim’s dental records.
Mosse’s first trial in 1997 was stopped because the investigating officers had taken the glove discovered at the underground car park where Tessier’s body was found to Mosse’s home — a flat in the tower block above — potentially contaminating it.
The original trial judge implied that this might have been done deliberately in an attempt to secure a conviction.
‘I would like to say at this point,’ said Mr Justice Lamfrey after passing sentence, ‘that today’s conviction in large part clears those original officers of any improper or criminal behaviour.
‘Furthermore, I would like to commend publicly the work of DI Peter Shaw and DS George Valentine of the West Norfolk Constabulary, for their tireless determination to bring Robert Mosse to justice.’
DI Shaw, the lead investigating officer in the case, is the son of DCI Jack Shaw, who led the original murder inquiry. DCI Shaw took early retirement on the grounds of ill-health shortly after Mosse’s acquittal. He died in 1998.
The prosecution alleged that Mosse and three other associates, all now dead, were involved in a road accident three days before Tessier’s murder, in which two elderly women were killed.
Mosse was driving when the four, in a Mini, struck another vehicle at a T-junction near Castle Rising. They fled the scene. When the emergency services arrived 45 minutes later the two passengers were found to be dead. The driver survived.
One of the fatalities was Jonathan Tessier’s grandmother. She had been travelling with her pet dog — a puppy — which was taken by one of the joyriders from the rear of the car, according to CCTV footage of the crash.
Three days later the four teenagers were in the lock-up garage on the Westmead respraying the damaged car. Jonathan recognized the puppy when one of the gang took it for a walk on the estate, and followed it back to the garage.
Mosse’s defence argued that the killing of the child had been an accident. One of the other members of the gang, Chris Robins, had hit the child to stop him crying, Mosse claimed.
But the court heard a statement left by Robins as part of his last will and testament. It outlined a different version of events in which Mosse — at the time a law student — decided to kill the child to save his career.
The defence argued that Robins’s version of events was designed to divert the guilt on to an innocent man. But the forensic evidence corroborated Robins’s version of events.
The jury retired for sixteen hours before returning a majority guilty verdict.
Police believe that Mosse also killed two members of the gang — Alex Cosyns and Jimmy Voyce — because they had threatened to go to the authorities with the truth.
DCS Max Warren of the West Norfolk Constabulary released the following statement after sentencing.
‘The verdict in this case restores the high reputation of the officers of the West Norfolk Constabulary. It illustrates that we were always determined to give Jonathan Tessier and his family the justice they were denied in the months after his brutal and callous murder.’
A spokesman for the Law Society confirmed that Mosse’s conviction would result in his name being permanently removed from the Society’s register. His partners at Mosse, Turnbull and Smith declined to comment.