
Eddie Storrs was locked up again, this time forever. Stuart and Jane Blount fled back to Saratoga.

Chris Porterfield returned to Albany; Timmy and I had a nice Sunday brunch with her and Margarita Mayes, and they sold us a February vacation trip to Key West. Billy Blount moved in with Huey Brownlee, at least temporarily. Mark Deslonde-who had gone back to his apartment that Friday night to pick up some belongings and gotten distracted by his mirror-moved in with Phil permanently. And I moved in with Timmy.

Late on the first night in my new home, I said to Timmy,

"One thing. When you and Blount were in that cubicle at the tubs that day-what did you two do all that time?"

"Oh, fucked and whatnot. Blount was worried about his sexuality. He said he needed reassurance. Why do you ask?"

"Oh, just wondering."

Some Jesuit. This wasn't going to get easier.
