STARTLED WHEN THE doorbell chimed, Shelby looked up and automatically pressed the off button on the cellular phone before quickly making her way to the door. She'd heard quiet footfalls in the stairwell, but had disregarded them because Kris never made a sound when she climbed the steps.

With her eye at the peephole Shelby gazed out, seeing...nothing. She carefully searched the area again. Directing her gaze downward, her heart began pounding in fear. The angle of the peephole and the scant light limited visibility, but Shelby could make out a long, jean clad leg and an arm, the bicep covered by a light blue sleeve.

Oh my God. That's what Kris was wearing! She was barely cognizant of the thought, or of the potential danger, as she unlocked the deadbolt and pulled the door open until the chain stopped it. The fear she'd managed to hold at bay escalated at the sight of Kris lying, unmoving, on the ground outside her door. Driven by fear for the tall woman, she fumbled with releasing the chain, uttering an uncharacteristic curse at her awkwardness.

Pulling the door wide open, Shelby knelt down, immediately noticing the dried blood on Kris' mouth and then registering that her clothes and hair were wet. She laid two fingers gently against the operative's neck, searching for a pulse, and sighed in relief at the steady, regular rhythm. Her eyes cut to a folded piece of paper pinned to Kris' collar, then to the operative's gun lying on the ground between her body and the door. Slightly tearing the paper in her haste to remove it, Shelby opened the note, resting her hand on Kris' arm as she read the neat script.

She is just sleeping off a sedative and should awaken within two hours. Do not call anyone. To do so would greatly endanger both of your lives.

Quickly pocketing the note, Shelby swallowed her fear, unwilling to devote any time to deciphering the cryptic, threatening message. Right now, her first priority was to get Kris inside, but that wasn't going to be easy - the tall woman outweighed her by at least thirty pounds. She picked up the gun and put it in her jacket pocket. All I need is for someone to see that.

Positioning herself at Kris' head, she placed her hands under the operative's shoulders, but quickly realized she was not going to be able to drag her partner inside by herself. Shelby gently squeezed Kris' arm, reluctant to break contact. "Don't worry. I'll be right back."

Barely aware of having spoken aloud, Shelby stood up and began to step over Kris. Her movement caused the gun to bump against her hip, and she realized the weapon was protruding from her pocket. Backing into the apartment, she laid it on the floor in the foyer closet, and shooed Stormy away from the front door before pulling it closed and stepping carefully over Kris. She hurriedly walked the several paces to her closest neighbor and knocked, beginning her entreaty when Bill answered the door.

"Hi, my friend got a little inebriated, and passed out. I was wondering if you'd mind helping me get her into the apartment."

Bill laughed. "Hey, no problem. Been there, done that." He followed Shelby to her fallen friend. Looking at the small streak of blood on Kris' chin, he commented, "She run into the door or something?" When Shelby nodded, he asked curiously, "What did you do, try to wake her up with water?"

Shelby forced a laugh. "Didn't work. You know how drunks are."

"Right." Bill eyed the attractive woman lying on the ground. "Boy is she going to feel like hell in the morning."

"I hear you." Shelby helped Bill raise Kris up to a sitting position, then watched as he hefted her over his shoulder in a fireman's carry and slowly stood up.

"Where do you want her?"

"In my bedroom. She needs the bed worse than I do, tonight."

"You ain't lying. She's really out."

Shelby grabbed two sheets and a couple of towels out of the linen closet on the way down the hallway. Preparing the bed, she quickly pulled down the covers and, leaving the sheets folded in half, spread them on one side of the bed before laying a large towel on the other side. Once she got Kris' wet clothes off, she didn't want her lying on a wet sheet.

She stood aside as Bill deposited the operative on the bed, then accompanied him out of the apartment, thanking him profusely. After securing the door, she practically ran back to the bedroom, her jovial mask replaced with worry.

Wryly aware it was mostly for her own benefit, she nervously began talking to the sleeping woman. "Don't worry. I'll take care of stuff tonight. You have no idea how worried I was about you. I'm just so glad you're okay." Shelby continued stroking the operative's cheek and muttering soothing words as her mind sorted out the best way to remove Kris' wet clothes.

After turning on the light, she leaned over Kris, gently brushed her wet bangs aside, and laid a hand lightly on her forehead. It was cool, but not alarmingly so. Her heart tightened at the red mark on Kris' face and the dried blood on her mouth, and she left to get a washcloth, also grabbing Kris' sleeping shirt from the hook next to her own on the bathroom door.

Shelby returned to the bedroom, slipped her jacket off, and tossed it on a chair. She picked up the washcloth and tenderly wiped the blood from Kris' mouth, noting it had apparently come from a cut inside her mouth. Next, she untied the operative's shoes and tugged them off. Shaking her head, she muttered almost apologetically, "I've gotta get you out of those wet clothes."

A quick trip to the kitchen and she returned with a large pair of scissors, lifted the bottom of Kris' shirt and began cutting it up the middle. She gently chastised Kris as she worked. "I don't want to hear any complaints about your clothes either. You got that? You're the one who turns up wet and unconscious at the door, scaring me half to death." Shelby's voice changed from scolding to concerned. "Who did this to you? And why are you soaking wet?"

As she cut through the fabric, the shirt fell to the sides and Shelby suddenly froze, gasping in horror, "Oh, Kris!"

Angry red and purple bruises covered every inch of skin exposed. Holding her breath, Shelby finished splitting the shirt, noting that the damage seemed concentrated beneath her friend's bra line - from her lower ribs down. Wanting to assess all injuries, Shelby gingerly approached the lower body. She had difficulty unfastening the tall woman's wet jeans, but finally got the zipper down after a struggle. Fearful of what she might find, Shelby gently pulled down the waistband of Kris' underwear, sighing with relief when she saw the bruising didn't extend much lower.

Unaware of tears tracking down her face, Shelby went back to removing the shirt, cutting a path from the center of the garment to each arm until it fell away. "Why couldn't you just talk to me? What's so hard about that? Maybe I could've helped before...before..." Her voice broke as her fingers hovered just above the bruised skin, never quite touching while she studied the jeans. They were going to be harder, and Shelby decided on just splitting them at the outside seam, thankful that they weren't overly snug.

She finally finished, setting the scissors down and ignoring the blister that had formed on her thumb. Freeing Kris from the jeans, she tossed them on the floor, followed a few minutes later by the shirt. In the best business like manner she could muster under the circumstances, Shelby picked the scissors up again. "Sorry, but this is all your own fault." Slightly embarrassed, she cut the bra in front, snipped the straps, then slit the blue stained underwear at the sides, adding both to the pile of wet clothes on the floor. Shelby gazed at the beautiful body, marred only by the mottled color of Kris' abdomen, before diverting her eyes, chastising herself for having indulged in the guilty pleasure.

She gently laid her hand on the mass of bruises, alarmed at the warmth of the angry skin. Wiping the tears from her face, she began working the damp sheets and towel free. "Your sleeping shirt's gonna have to wait until you wake up."

Quickly making her way to the kitchen, she grabbed a universal cold/hot pack out of the freezer. Returning to the agent's side, she opened the cold compress and covered the worst of the bruises, laying a comforting hand on Kris' arm when her patient stirred uneasily. Pulling the covers over her, Shelby said sympathetically, "I know it hurts. This'll help."

Her distress over Kris' injuries was compounded by a myriad of fragmented questions crowding her thoughts, though she had temporarily managed to ignore the clamoring in her mind by focusing on Kris' care. After toweling Kris' hair dry, and placing another pillow beneath the operative's head, she couldn't think of anything else to do for her.

Sitting down, Shelby took one of Kris' hands into her own. "You are going to have to talk to me when you wake up. No more of this 'it's better if you don't know' stuff. Do you hear me? Don't you know I love you?" Shelby squeezed Kris' hand reassuringly when she stirred. "I don't know what I'll do if something happens to you." Looking at the now still, silent woman, tears welled up again. "Oh, Kris, what have you gotten into?"

The last question reverberated through her mind chillingly. Shelby knew only highly trained experts would have been able to overcome Kris and beat her so brutally. She still questioned the wisdom of not calling an ambulance, but nothing appeared to be broken and each time she checked Kris' pulse, it was strong and regular. You should call someone. She tried to ignore the voice of reason. I know, but I can't. Not yet. Not until I talk to her. If I do, they'll hurt her. And if you don't, both of you are going to end up dead. Shelby sighed, and leaned against the headboard, still holding Kris' hand. Not yet.

Even as she made the decision, her mind was haunted by doubts. What possible justification could she give for not calling Dennis or Earl? I will, just not yet. I need to talk to Kris first to get all the facts. She removed the cold pack after twenty minutes, her mind continuing to torment her. Her eyes finally closed in exhaustion, the emotional events of the evening taking their toll.

Shelby's eyes snapped open and turned to Kris. She heard a moan, and immediately knew that was what had awakened her. Glancing at the clock, she noted it was nearly 0100, so she'd only been asleep for a half-hour. If the note were to be believed, Kris should be waking up at any time. Shelby returned her attention to her companion, watching as Kris continued to shift restlessly. When her eyes fluttered open, Shelby squeezed her hand. Her heart cried out in sympathy when pain-filled blue eyes met her gaze.

Kris tried, with little success, to ignore the throbbing as she gazed at Shelby, her mind still groggy. She tried to connect the pain she felt wracking her body with the sight of her partner regarding her with such loving concern. Gradually, the pieces began to fall into place. An image of her mother filled her mind. I am so screwed. She closed her eyes tightly, half-expecting Shelby to start grilling her with questions. Instead, a soft voice asked, "How about some Aleve?"

Her mouth dry, Kris rasped, "Thanks."

"Be right back."

Kris' mind turned to the events of the evening, and she sighed in frustration. What the hell am I going to do? What is Shelby thinking? The effects of the sedative had just about completely worn off, and it even hurt to take deep breaths. She began moving her legs and quickly discovered she was naked. This was even worse than she'd thought. Shelby had seen the damage, and there was no way the woman was going to let her brush it off as a simple mugging.

Shelby returned a couple of minutes later with two pills and a large glass of water.

"Let me help you sit up."

"Wait." Kris knew she had to sit up to drink, but the idea of moving was abhorrent. She also knew it would be much worse for her not to move, and the idea of accepting help for such a basic movement increased her feeling of helplessness.

Shelby watched the conflicting emotions flicker across the tall woman's face and suddenly realized the reason. "If you'd rather do it yourself, it's okay." She held her breath as she waited for Kris to respond. If Kris couldn't accept her help for something this simple, they had no future.

Kris gazed into the sympathetic, green eyes regarding her gravely. She nodded. "Thanks, I'd appreciate it. I'm a little sore."

Relieved, Shelby looked at Kris pointedly. "I would imagine you are." She slid an arm beneath the tall woman's shoulders, helping her up until Kris was supporting herself on an elbow.

Kris took the two pills and swallowed them with water. After drinking deeply, she handed the glass to Shelby and broached the obvious. "You saw."

"Kinda hard to miss."

Nodding, Kris decided to take care of immediate needs first. "I've got to use the bathroom." She focused on getting out of the bed with a minimum of movement.

"Need some help?"

Kris knew she could manage by herself, but was unwilling to turn down the compassionate offer, knowing it could be one of the last she'd receive. "Yes, but let me get my feet on the floor first."

Nodding, Shelby waited at the side of the bed. She watched as Kris gingerly brought her legs around until they reached the floor. Holding out an arm, she said, "Take hold. I'll help you stand up."

Kris grasped Shelby's arm and began to stand, surprised at the strength of the smaller woman, even as her body protested every movement. She leaned heavily on Shelby for several moments until a wave of dizziness passed and the pain became more manageable. Shifting her weight to her own legs, Kris began making her way to the bathroom.

Shelby remained at the operative's side as she slowly walked down the hallway. She left her at the bathroom door, handing her the sleeping shirt she had removed earlier.

Even though she was burning with a desire to know just what was going on, Shelby was more concerned about how Kris felt, and it was obvious to her that the operative was still very groggy and desperately in need of healing sleep. She decided to put her questions on hold until later.

She had already tried to think of all the likely scenarios, and some of the possibilities were frightening. There was no doubt in her mind that Kris was involved in something illegal. But what? And she had obviously displeased some highly trained people. Tonight had proved that. Her thoughts turned briefly to the note, and the words, 'To do so would greatly endanger both of your lives.' Shelby sighed. She could speculate all night, but only Kris held all the answers.

Left alone, Kris examined her body, unsurprised at the damage. She was lucky, really. None of her ribs appeared to be broken, even though it hurt to breathe deeply. She carefully donned the shirt and opened the bathroom door to look for Shelby.

Seeing her standing in the bedroom doorway, she asked, "Did you happen to see my gun?" She hoped it had been returned with her.

"Yeah. I put it in the closet. I'll go get it."

"Would you bring the box of ammo on the top shelf, too?" Kris knew it wouldn't have been returned loaded.

"Okay. Go ahead on into the bedroom, and I'll bring it in there."

Kris eased down into the chair near the bed and waited for Shelby to return. She knew she had a lot of explaining to do, and wished the painkiller would kick in to alleviate some of her discomfort. On top of that, she was exhausted. She snorted derisively. Just woke up and I'm still tired. Go figure.

Shelby walked into the bedroom and handed Kris the gun and box of shells, watching as Kris loaded them. She noticed the operative lacked her usual smooth movements, and couldn't miss the signs of pain Kris was trying desperately to hide.

Looking up, the agent said, "I know you have a lot of questions. Make yourself comfortable, it's a long story."

Shelby studied the tall, attractive woman sitting on the chair gazing at her. Kris was finally willing to trust her with the truth, and the analyst felt like their friendship had just progressed light years from what it had been even hours ago. Shelby decided right then and there to show Kris that her trust wasn't misplaced, and fully extended her own trust, silently committed to helping the operative out of the mess she was in, any way she could.

Kris' stoic act didn't fool Shelby; she knew the injured woman was really hurting. Her face was pale and drawn, and fatigue lined her face. All her movements were guarded and goose bumps lined her arms. A few more hours wasn't really going to make any difference, and she couldn't stand the idea of being responsible for causing Kris to suffer any more than she already was.

"None that can't wait a few more hours. You look terrible. Why don't you get some sleep? We can talk in the morning."

Kris sighed in relief. "Thanks."

Shelby smiled. "You take the bed. You need it a lot more than I do. I'm sleeping on the couch tonight, so don't bother arguing about it."

"Please don't."

"The couch isn't big enough for you even when you're not hurt. You take the bed."

"Only if you sleep in here, too."

Shelby eyes reflected surprise. "I don't want to hurt you anymore. If I move..."

Kris gazed at Shelby, her thoughts tormented. If only for tonight, she wanted the comfort of having the smaller woman close. It might be the last chance she got. It all depended on how Shelby felt about her after they talked in the morning. "You won't hurt me."

Shelby paused, indecisive, then slowly nodded her head. "Okay. I'm going to change."

A couple of minutes later, Shelby slid carefully into the opposite side of the bed, taking care not to jar her companion who was already lying down.

Kris reached over and took Shelby's hand. She found the simple comfort afforded by the contact relaxing, allowing her to put her troubles and concerns in a dark corner of her mind and fall back into the blackness she'd so recently emerged from.

Her hand joined with her partner's, Shelby's mind began to quiet and she soon followed Kris into the realms of sleep.

* * *

Kris slept fitfully, waking before Shelby the following morning. She lay quietly, fully feeling the effects of the punishment inflicted on her body the night before. Her grimace turned into a smile at the sight of the sleeping woman lying next to her. Sometime during the night, they had both moved toward the center of the bed, driven by a need their waking consciousness hadn't allowed.

Ignoring her discomfort, Kris gazed at her companion. The pain would be there later, but whether Shelby would was something she could only hope for. Her blonde, sleep tousled hair lay splayed across the sheet, and her face was peaceful, bearing none of the worry and concern that had lined it the previous night. She stored away each and every detail as her eyes recorded them. Please let this be the beginning and not the end.

Sighing silently, Kris continued to gaze at the woman she had fallen totally in love with. She knew there was no sense in denying it any longer. What she hadn't figured out was why Shelby seemed to care so much for her, too. I tried to remain distant. She directed her internal conversation to her partner. But you wouldn't let me. You ignored the barriers I put up as if they didn't exist. Why? What did you see? Even when you found out I am an assassin, that didn't deter you. Will you hate me when I tell you who I really am? I'd understand if you do. No matter what you decide, I will always love you.

Kris knew Shelby would hold all the cards after this morning, and whatever decision she made would determine if they had any future or if they immediately parted ways. She continued to question her decision. What right do I have to involve her in this? She's already in much greater danger because of me. I don't know if I can protect her from any repercussions from the Company. Am I being fair to her? Her thoughts tormented her, causing her to vacillate between hope and despair.

Slowly sitting up, Kris doubled over in agony at the effort, her breathing quick and shallow to lessen the toll on her body. She had stiffened up overnight and the agent silently cursed, waiting for the pain to abate.

Shelby woke to see Kris sitting with her arms wrapped around her middle as she leaned forward across her legs, and she winced in sympathy. "Can I help?"

"I'm okay. Just take me a minute to get moving. But, thanks." Kris managed to get out of bed and started down the hallway.

Shelby followed Kris out of the bedroom, then went to the foyer and rummaged through Kris' clothes, pulling out a T-shirt and a pair of jogging shorts. She grabbed a clean pair of underwear and returned to the bathroom. Waiting until she heard the toilet flush, she knocked on the door.

When Kris opened the door, she said, "Here you go. Hope these are all right."

Taking the clothes from Shelby, Kris smiled. "Thanks."

"You're welcome. I'll go start the coffee."

Kris stepped out of the bathtub after a quick shower. Examining the bruises again, she cursed her bad luck. There was no doubt in her mind that Sergei had expedited the request for verification of her information. She couldn't ever remember being in a worse spot. In the past, only her life had been at risk. Now, Shelby and her mother had been drawn into this situation because of her.

Her body protesting every movement, Kris slowly dressed and then looked in the medicine cabinet for the Aleve. She took two, then made her way to the kitchen, joining Shelby at the table.

Kris studied Shelby intently, trying to decide on where to start. She looked into the warm, curious eyes and started speaking in a low, even voice.

"Some things in life we don't have any control over. Like our parents, our economic status when we're children, where we're born, stuff like that."

Shelby nodded, surprised at the comment. She'd expected Kris to just make some shocking revelation and had been prepared for that, not for hearing her share her views on life. "I hear you. I sure wouldn't have chosen Jonathan for a stepfather."

"That's exactly what I mean. As children, we don't have any control over our lives. Remember I told you I attended a boarding school for a couple of years?"

"Yeah..." Shelby smiled, wondering where this was going.

Kris looked into her coffee. It's now or never. Forgetting about her injury, she took a deep breath and narrowed her eyes momentarily until the discomfort abated. "Would you promise me something?"

"If I can. You gotta tell me what it is first."

"No matter what I tell you, will you promise to let me finish before forming any conclusions?"

Suddenly very uneasy, Shelby carefully searched Kris' face. "This is something really bad, isn't it?"

"Yeah, you could say that."

Shelby thought about the decision she'd made to stand by Kris, and that included trusting her. "Okay, I promise."

Kris took a sip of coffee, and plunged in. "That boarding school I went to – it wasn't a boarding school. It was a school for gifted Russian children who were hand selected to be inserted in the United States as moles."

Her eyes widening in shock, Shelby blurted out in disbelief. "You're a Russian agent?" She shoved her chair back, standing up, "I don't believe this!" Shelby shook her head, but the revelation lingered in her mind like a waking nightmare. She desperately needed some space and strode into the living room to harness her roiling emotions. She ran a hand through her hair as her head began throbbing. She had grown to know and love Kris – and trust her. Now she questioned whether she'd ever really known her at all, because essentially everything about the agent was a lie.

Shelby had prepared herself for almost anything, figuring that Kris was involved in something illegal, and had even allowed herself to admit the possibility that it could involve foreign agents. The idea that the operative could be just such an agent, however, was a thought she'd never allowed to see the light of day.

Kris' heart sank as Shelby turned and left the dining room. She didn't blame her. She had just dumped a load of bad news on the younger woman and put her in a very compromising situation. The operative knew Shelby's reaction could've been a lot worse and, now, Kris could only wait and see what her partner decided to do.

She could clearly see the internal battle Shelby was waging and as the silence lengthened, her thoughts became even more anguished. Far more than any worries about her course of action if Shelby refused to help, was her overwhelming fear of losing her friend. Kris could hardly bear to contemplate how empty her life would be again without her.

Shelby gazed out the balcony door for an interminable time as she examined her choices. She knew that logically she shouldn't trust the operative, but there was one truth she clung tightly to. Kris was trustworthy. She'd sensed it from the time she'd met her. Yes, she was a foreign agent, but did that fact change the basic makeup of the woman? Shelby made her decision. No it didn't, and no logic could offer an argument to dispel her belief in that. She made her way back to the kitchen.

Kris gazed at Shelby beseechingly as she returned to the kitchen, silently imploring her to hear her out. She was painfully aware of how much she was asking, and once again questioned her decision to involve Shelby.

The emotional pain in Kris' eyes was palpable, and sighing audibly, Shelby slid back down into her chair, asking rhetorically, "Why did it have to be this?"

"I've asked myself that same question for years." Her thoughts tumultuous, Kris felt the weight of the yoke she'd carried most of her life resting heavily on her shoulders.

I trust you. Now convince me I made the right decision. Trying to quell the doubts raging in her mind, Shelby asked quietly, "When did they activate you?"

"The day I arrived back in the States."

Shelby felt a flicker of hope. "You've never heard from them before now?"

Kris shook her head. "No."

"Talk to me, Kris. And don't leave anything out."

Inwardly sighing with relief, Kris began relating her past. "I was subjected to brainwashing techniques at the school to ensure complete compliance with the program. I resisted for two years, until they told me my mother had died. So I started playing the game, determined to get out of there, and within six months I was placed with two Russian spies already here with a complete set of documentation. They were the aunt and uncle I told you about."

Shelby found herself drawn into the story. "You said you didn't like them."

"I hated them and the headmaster at the school. They constantly preached the sins of capitalism, but the more I interacted in school and at college, I realized my views of this country were very different than theirs."

Kris met Shelby's eyes and held them. "I began to love this country and the opportunities available here, and I spent every waking moment trying to find a way out."

"If you weren't going to help them, why'd you join the Company?"

Kris told Shelby what she could. "I knew if I proved myself the best of the best, I would remain in the field and inaccessible to the Russians. In any other job, they could've kept tabs on me a lot more easily. When the USSR collapsed and the Russian Federation was formed, I began to hope I never would be contacted. Many moles never are."

"Why didn't you just tell the CIA and offer to double?"

The operative sighed inwardly. Shelby really cut to the chase, and she still had to be careful what she revealed. "I really didn't want to double. I love this country and it has my loyalty, but I am still Russian. That complicates things."

Shelby nodded. What a horrid way to live. To always wonder if you'd be called upon and staying on the move to prevent that from happening.

"Is that why you said you had to stay in wet ops?"

Kris nodded. Partly. "I knew if I was ever contacted, it would end my career. I'm not sure I would've been contacted now except for that major leak in the Company."

Shelby got up and refilled both of their cups as she digested the information. "We've got a lot more to talk about."

She thanked Shelby for the coffee, then said, "Go ahead. Ask what you want."

"I want to know what happened to you last night."

"When I went out, they were waiting. I don't know how many there were, but I never had a chance because they shot me with a tranquilizer gun. They took me to an interrogation room to teach me a lesson."

"To teach you a lesson?! For God's sake Kris, they beat the shit out of you. What did you do to them?"

"They found out the information I gave them was useless." Kris sighed. "I'd hoped it would take them longer to check it out. Was I ever wrong."

"What did they want?"

"To know where our operatives were. Somehow they knew I had access to some of that information. So I gave them three names of agents that had just completed their mission and been reassigned." Kris chuckled mirthlessly. "Don't think they appreciated it, too much."

Shelby nodded, suddenly understanding. "So that's why you were checking their completion dates."


"Are they the guys that have been following us?"

"Yes, but I think I was followed by someone else when I first got into town. Haven't seen that tail again, though, so I don't know for sure."

"How'd you get wet last night?"

"I passed out during the beating. They turned a hose on me to wake me up. Crude, but effective."

Shelby heart went out to Kris. "Did they make you talk?"

"No. They'd found something more interesting they wanted and told me I had a week to get it. They have...unexpected leverage for their demands."


Kris sighed audibly. "They've got my mother."

Surprised at the revelation, Shelby commented, "You said she was dead."

"I thought she was. After they worked me over, they sent her in. I thought it was just a trick and didn't want to believe it was her." Kris turned tormented eyes to Shelby. "But it was. She's alive. She is their ace in the hole. I don't give them what they want, they kill her first." Kris lowered her head to her hands, suddenly overwhelmed by the complexity of the situation.

What a mess! Shelby thought over what Kris had said, instinctively knowing the operative was telling the truth. She had done nothing wrong except conceal her origins, but how would Kris ever convince the Company of that?

She reached across the table, laying her hand on top of Kris'. "Hey." When the agent looked up, she continued, "You must have a plan. How can I help?"

Kris couldn't believe her ears. "You'd help me? After everything I've told you? You don't hate me?"

Shelby smiled ruefully. "I don't hate you. I could never hate you. Don't you think I know the chance you are taking telling me this? I could turn you in, and I know you've thought of that. Yet, you told me anyway. Why?"

"I felt I could trust you and..." She paused, considering the danger to Shelby once again, but knowing she had passed the point of no return, "...and, I need your help. I was going to tell you last night, even before I found out they had my mother." Kris gazed into the emerald eyes clearly conveying the depth of her feelings. "I wanted there to be a chance for more for us, but I had to find a way out."

Shelby couldn't believe what she was hearing, and her heart skipped a beat even as she was struggling to come to grips with the past Kris had revealed. "You wanted more for us...?"

Kris reached across the table, taking hold of Shelby's hands as she gazed deeply into her eyes. "I love you. I'd give anything for the chance of a future with you."

Shelby found herself drawn into the intense blue eyes brimming with emotion. She'd known Kris cared about her, but to know that her own dreams were mirrored by the tall woman was more than she'd ever hoped for. "I love you, too." Her eyes moist with tears of joy, she pressed Kris' hands to her lips, softly kissing each one.

A wave of exhilaration swept through Kris, momentarily pushing aside her fears and concerns. She knew that Shelby could have just walked away, yet incredibly, she had opened her heart to her instead. She loves me! The three words caressed her mind chasing away the loneliness and despair. Whatever came next, she would bear it because of this woman's love. She knew that, together, they would find a way out. "Will you help me?"

"In any way I can. But Kris, I won't compromise my country to do it."

Kris nodded in understanding.

"What do they want?"

"Your password."

Her voice incredulous, the mood broken, Shelby exploded, "You've got to be kidding. No way in hell..."

"Shelby, I know that, and I'd never ask for it. But I've only got a week to find my mother. We've got to find the leak in this case. If we can, I should be able to find out where my mother's being held."

Calming down, Shelby agreed. "Makes sense. It would also give us something to give the Company."

"Yep. One of Russia's top spies is here under an alias. I'm going to serve him up on a silver platter, but I want to find the leak, too."

"Isn't that sort of doing the same thing you would have done if you'd doubled?"

"No. It's personal. Remember how you said you still hated your stepfather?" Shelby nodded, and Kris continued. "Well, I hate this guy. He punched my mother and left her lying on the ground when he took me to the institute. He took a personal interest in my progress there and wouldn't let me go home for visits, citing fabricated violations of the institute's rules. Then he told me she was dead. Now, he's threatening to kill her. Besides, he's doing damage to this country, and I have to stop that if I can. I'd turn him over in a heartbeat."

Shelby shuddered at the venom in Kris' voice. "What can I do to help?"

"You can help me find the leak. Someone close to the case is providing information and has been since day one. We've got to find out whom."

"Kris, I think we need to involve the Company now. What about talking to Earl?"

"We don't know where the leak is. What if he detains me? My mother would be as good as dead. I can't take that chance."

Shelby thought about the risks. "I could get burned for concealing information."

Kris sighed. "And I don't have the right to ask you to do that. Can't you give me just a few days to find my mother? Then if you feel you must turn me in, go ahead."

"You don't get it, do you? I am not going to turn you in. I'm trying to find a way to help you so there won't be any repercussions for either one of us. I just hate leaving the Company out of this."

"I hear you. But if I tell the wrong person or they don't believe me, I'll be taken to Langley under lock and key."

Shelby felt her heart tighten painfully, knowing what Kris said was true. "How high up do you think the leak is?"

"Hard to say, but it has to be someone who has total access and that's limited to Deputy Directors and above."

"Mostly. I have a lot of access and so do some of the other analysts and auditors."

"True. Are you up to it?"

"For you, yes."

Kris smiled warmly, her discomfort temporarily forgotten. "Thank you for trusting me. I won't let you down."

"I'm going to hold you to that. Have you told me everything?"

Kris remained silent, torn. She couldn't share the only missing piece of information, even with Shelby. Not yet. But she was unwilling to lie to her either.

Watching her, Shelby sighed. "I'm going to help you anyway. I don't know why, since you're still holding back, but I'm going to." She gazed deeply into the intense blue eyes regarding her gravely. "Please don't make me regret it."

Reaching across the table, and laying her hand on Shelby's cheek, Kris gently stroked it. "You won't. I promise."
