This book is dedicated to you, my faithful readers.

Deluge: The Conqueror Worms II is a sequel to The Conqueror Worms. (You probably guessed that from the title). It is being presented as a free, semi-weekly online serial. It is a thank-you to my readers, all of whom continue to purchase my books during these hard economic times. I will do my best to post a new chapter each and every week. Deadlines and other professional responsibilities may preclude this, so I thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.

A note on this format. While this e-serial is indeed being offered for free, it is also protected by all applicable copyright laws. It is copyrighted 2008-2009-2010-2011 by Brian Keene (that’s me). Posting excerpts or chapters elsewhere is not allowed, without my explicit permission. Failure to abide by this will result in me sending Ob over to your house to eat your face.

You should definitely read The Conqueror Worms before beginning this e-serial. Our tale picks up exactly where the first book ended, and because of the frenetic pace, very little back-story will be given. It is my expectation that readers will already be familiar with the characters and their situation, as well as the worms, Behemoth, Leviathan, the White Fuzz, and the inclement weather. if readers are not familiar with any of the above, then they are pretty much screwed as far as understanding what’s going on here. Reading this e-serial without first reading The Conqueror Worms would be like viewing Return of the Jedi without knowledge of Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back.

So, if you haven’t already, click HERE, scroll down, get yourself a copy of The Conqueror Worms, and read it first. We’ll be here when you are finished.

In fact, even if you’ve already read The Conqueror Worms, it might not be such a bad idea to go back and read it again. I’ll wait for you. And when you’re done, we’ll hook up with Kevin and Sarah, who when we last saw them, were fleeing Teddy’s house in an old pick-up truck and being chased through a flood by a bunch of giant, carnivorous worms. Their situation has grown even worse since then.

Here’s what happened next…

Brian Keene
