Dismayed, Pittman ran with Jill back to the Duster. Inside, he turned on the radio and switched stations, cursing impatiently at call-in shows and country-western programs. “There must be a news station somewhere.”

He turned on the car’s engine, afraid he would weaken the battery while he switched stations. Ten minutes later, an on-the-half-hour news report came on.

“Anthony Lloyd, onetime ambassador to the United Nations, the former USSR, and Britain, past secretary of state as well as past secretary of defense, died this evening at his home near Washington,” a solemn-voiced male reporter said. “One of a legendary group of five diplomats whose careers spanned global events from the Second World War to the present, Lloyd was frequently described-along with his associates-as a grand counselor. To quote the reaction of Harold Fisk, current secretary of state, ‘Anthony Lloyd had an immeasurable influence on American foreign policy for the past fifty years. His wisdom will be sorely missed.’ While the cause of death has not yet been determined, it is rumored that Lloyd-aged eighty-died from a stroke, the result of strain brought on by the recent apparent murder of his colleague, Jonathan Millgate, another of the grand counselors. Authorities are still looking for Matthew Pittman, the former reporter allegedly responsible for Millgate’s death.”

The news report changed to other topics, and Pittman shut off the radio. In silence, he continued to stare at the dashboard.

“Died from a stroke?” Jill asked.

“Or was he murdered, too? It’s a wonder they didn’t blame his death on me, as well.”

“In a way, they did,” Jill said. “Their story is that the first death caused the second.”

“Died from strain.” Pittman bit his lip, thinking. He turned to Jill. “Or from guilt? From worry? Maybe something’s happening to all of them. Maybe the grand counselors aren’t as strong as they thought.”

“What are you getting at?”

“We’ll have to eat on the road and take turns sleeping while the other drives. We’ve got a lot of miles to cover.”
