Tom Lowe Destiny

For Christopher Lowe


This novel is a bit of a departure for me. After writing six Sean O’Brien mystery/thriller books, I wanted to take a shot at writing my first stand-alone novel. I had an idea gnawing inside me that involved a side of Isaac Newton that isn’t as widely known as his scientific discoveries. Newton spent more than fifty years of his life combing the Bible for codes — for prophecies. Did he succeed? And if he did, what did he find?

More than 250 years after his death a chest containing Newton’s unpublished and lost papers was found and opened. In 1936, the papers and manuscripts were sold at auction in London. Who bought the papers, and what did Newton’s final notes reveal? And how, collectively, might these lost pages speak to our times?

What if they could speak volumes because Newton was searching for codes that might shine a long light into future events — events of today and tomorrow? Newton helped explain gravity — but could he do the same for humankind and our destiny?

On this page is the part of writing that I enjoy the most because it’s where I can thank those who’ve helped me. A HUGE thank you to beta readers Cassie Turner, Darcy Yarosh and Helen Christensen. Great job! I tip my hat to my phenomenal production team at Amazon which includes: Carina Petrucci, Kandis Miller and Brianne Twilley.

A special thanks to a special person … my wife Keri. She’s an excellent editor with a savvy insight into human nature. Her skill-set includes a dry sense of humor that is particularly vital when married to a guy who often starts a sentence with, “What if?”

And finally to you, the reader. Thank you very much for taking a seat at the campfire. If you’re a new reader of my work, welcome. If you’ve been on the journey through our Sean O’Brien novels, I hope you enjoy this story and find it as fascinating as I did when I first thought, “What if?”
