Alicia watered the roses and hibiscus that grew on both sides of their small house on the hill. Buddy lay in the shade of a large olive tree and closed his eyes in the late afternoon. Soon, he heard Marcus walking up the gravel path to their home.

“Hey, Buddy, look what I brought you from town.” Marcus held up a Frisbee he’d hidden behind his back. Buddy barked and paced. Marcus tossed the Frisbee over the yard. Buddy bolted across the grass, catching the Frisbee before it could hit the ground.

Alicia stood and smiled. “What a team you two make. Does Buddy ever miss a catch?”

“Only if I do a lousy throw.”

“Maybe we could find a bat and a softball and hit Buddy a few grounders.”

“You should see him clear the bases.”

“Oh, he bats, too?”

“He’s more of a catcher and an outfielder.”

“Could you use somebody on first base?”

“The three of us would make a pretty cool team?”

“Imagine if there were four of us?”

Marcus said nothing for a moment. “Four of us?”

Alicia smiled wide, the setting sun across the Mediterranean dancing in her eyes. “Yes, four of us.”

Marcus grinned. “A baby?”

Buddy dropped the Frisbee at Marcus’s feet and barked once.

Marcus raised his eyebrows. “How long have you known?”

“Just a little while. Are you okay with—”

“Yes…absolutely. I’m not just okay, I’m thrilled.” He stepped over to Alicia, took his hand in hers and led her onto the terrace beside the house, overlooking the sea. He laced his hands behind the small of her back and gently pulled her closer to him. “I’m thrilled beyond words.”

Alicia nodded. “I was so worried that the timing was all off. I didn’t know how to tell you…I’m so happy…” she paused, her eyes tearing.

“It’s okay.” He used his thumb to wipe away a single tear from her cheek. “I think we’re off to a good start for a team, Mrs. Marcus.”


“Yeah, you know, a team could be three or more—”

“Or less.” She laughed. “The only condition I’m evoking in round one is that I never have to wear that maternity dress I had to wear for three long days and nights.”

“Sounds like a deal.”

Buddy sat quietly on his haunches, directly behind them, a Frisbee in his mouth. Marcus laughed and took it, tossing the Frisbee far across the yard. Buddy ran after it, jumping high in the air, defying gravity just for a moment. It was at that same moment the sun slipped into the coppery sea. A gull rode the trade winds above them and laughed. Buddy seemed to smile in midair with the Frisbee caught between his teeth. Time soon dissolved into a full moon rising over the darkening ocean, the tide ebbing its way over rocks and barnacles.

The wind picked up bringing the scent of the night-blooming heather. “I’m cold,” Alicia said.

Marcus stood behind Alicia and reached his arms over her, pulling her closer to him. They watched the yellow moon rise higher, the islands now mammoth silhouettes ascending from the depths of a golden sea.

Beyond the horizon, an ancient volcano slept quietly while the moon climbed high over the summit and cast light deep into the unblinking eye of Etna.

The End