Much respect is due to the creators of the original Deus Ex games and their compelling fictional world—Warren Spector, Harvey Smith, Sheldon Pacotti, Austin Grossman, Chris Todd, and everyone who was part of the Ion Storm team.
My appreciation to my colleagues at Eidos Montreal for making my work on Deus Ex: Human Revolution such a great experience—Mary DeMarle, Taras Stasiuk, Mark Cecere, Lucien Soulban, Jean-Francois Dugas, Jonathan Jacques-Belletete, Antoine Thisdale, Francois Lapikas, Jim Murray, David Anfossi, and Stephane D’Astous; tips of the hat also to Andre Vu and Rene Valen.
Thanks to my editors, Tricia Pasternak and Michael Braff, at Del Rey Books.
Lastly, my gratitude to William C. Dietz and Karen Traviss for their advice; my fellow narrative paramedics Rhianna Pratchett and Andrew S. Walsh; and much appreciation to Chris Bateman for the nod.