Our third example of a modern, microkernel-based operating system is Chorus. The structure of this chapter is similar to that of the previous two: first a brief history, then an overview of the microkernel, followed by a more detailed look at process management, memory management, and communication. After that, we will study how Chorus tackles UNIX emulation. Next comes a section on distributed object-oriented programming in Chorus. We will conclude with a short comparison of Amoeba, Mach, and Chorus. More information about Chorus can be found in (Abrossimov et al., 1989, 1992; Armand and Dean, 1992; Batlivala, et al., 1992; Bricker et al., 1991; Gien and Grob, 1992; and Rozieret al., 1988).
In this section we will summarize how Chorus has evolved over the years, discuss its goals briefly, and then give a technical introduction to its microkernel and two of its subsystems. In subsequent sections we will describe the kernel and subsystems in more detail. The Chorus documentation uses a somewhat nonstandard terminology. In this chapter we will use the standard names but give the Chorus terms in parentheses.
Chorus started out at the French research institute INRIA in 1980, as a research project in distributed systems. It has since gone through four versions, numbered from 0 through 3. The idea behind Version 0 was to model distributed applications as a collection of actors, essentially structured processes, each of which alternated between performing an atomic transaction and executing a communication step. In effect, each actor was a macroscopic finite-state automaton. Each machine in the system ran the same kernel, which managed the actors, communication, files, and I/O devices. Version 0 was written in interpreted UCSD Pascal and ran on a collection of 8086s connected by a ring network. It was operational by mid-1982.
Version 1, which lasted from 1982 to 1984, focused on multiprocessor research. It was written for the French SM90 multiprocessor, which consisted of eight Motorola 68020 CPUs on a common bus. One of the CPUs ran UNIX; the other seven ran Chorus and used the UNIX CPU for system services and I/O. Multiple SM90s were connected by an Ethernet. The software was similar to Version 0, with the addition of structured messages and some support for fault tolerance. Version 1 was written in compiled, rather than interpreted, Pascal and was distributed to about a dozen universities and companies for experimental use.
Version 2 (1984-1986) was a major rewrite of the system, in C. It was designed to be system call compatible with UNIX at the source code level, meaning that it was possible to recompile existing UNIX programs on Chorus and have them run on it. The Version 2 kernel was completely redesigned, moving as much functionality as possible from it to user code, and turning the kernel into what is now regarded as a microkernel. The UNIX emulation was done by several processes, for handling process management, file management, and device management, respectively. Support was added for distributed applications, including remote execution and protocols for distributed naming and location.
Version 3 was started in 1987. This version marked the transition from a research system to a commercial product, as the Chorus designers left INRIA and formed a company, Chorus Systemes, to further develop and market Chorus. Numerous technical changes were made in Version 3, including further refinement of the microkernel and its relation to the rest of the system. The last vestiges of the actor model, with its atomic transactions, disappeared, and RPC (Remote Procedure Call) was introduced as the usual communication model. Kernel mode processes also appeared.
To make Chorus a viable commercial product, the ability to emulate UNIX was beefed up. Binary compatibility was added, so existing UNIX programs could be run without being recompiled. Part of the UNIX emulation, which had been in the microkernel, was moved to the emulation subsystem, which was simultaneously made more modular. Exception handling was changed to be able to handle UNIX signals correctly.
Its performance was improved. Also, the system was partially rewritten in C++. Furthermore, it was made more portable and implemented on a number of different architectures. Version 3 also borrowed many ideas from other distributed system microkernels, notably the interprocess communication system, virtual memory design, and external pagers from Mach, and the use of sparse capabilities for global naming and protection from Amoeba.
The goals of the Chorus project have evolved along with the system itself. Initially, it was pure academic research, designed to explore new ideas in distributed computing based on the actor model. As time went on, it became more commercial, and the emphasis shifted. The current goals can be roughly summarized as follows:
1. High-performance UNIX emulation.
2. Use on distributed systems.
3. Real-time applications.
4. Integrating object-oriented programming into Chorus.
As a commercial system, much work focuses on tracking evolving UNIX standards, porting the system to new CPU chips, and improving performance. The company wants Chorus to be seen as an alternative to AT&T UNIX, re-engineered, easier to maintain, and oriented to future user requirements.
A second major theme is the need for distribution. Chorus is intended to allow UNIX programs to run on a collection of machines connected by a network. To support distributed applications, various extensions have been added to the programming model. Some of these, such as message-based communication, fit easily in the existing model. Others, such as the introduction of threads, required a rethinking of existing features, such as UNIX signal handling.
A third direction is the introduction of support for real-time applications. The approach taken is to allow real-time programs to run (partly) in kernel mode and have direct access to the microkernel, without any software in the way. User control over interrupts and the scheduling algorithm are also important here.
Finally, another goal is the introduction of object-oriented programming into Chorus in a clean way, without disturbing existing subsystems and applications. How this is being done will be described in detail later in this chapter.
Chorus is structured in layers, as illustrated in Fig. 9-1. At the bottom is the microkernel (called the nucleus in the Chorus documentation). It provides minimal management of names, processes, threads, memory, and communication. These services are accessed by calls to the microkernel. Over 100 calls exist. Processes in higher layers provide the rest of the operating system. Every machine in a distributed system based on Chorus runs an identical copy of the Chorus microkernel.
Fig. 9-1. Chorus is structured in layers, with a microkernel, subsystems, and user processes.
On top of the microkernel, but also operating in kernel mode, are the kernel processes. These processes can be dynamically loaded and removed during system execution and provide a way to extend the functionality of the microkernel without permanently increasing its size and complexity. Since these processes share the kernel space with the microkernel and with each other, they must be relocated after being loaded. They can invoke the microkernel to obtain services, and can call one another as well.
For example, interrupt handlers are written as kernel processes. On a machine with a disk drive, at system initialization time, the disk interrupt handler process will be loaded. When disk interrupts occur, they will be handled by this process. On diskless workstations, the disk interrupt handler is not needed and will not be loaded. The ability to dynamically load and unload kernel processes makes it possible to configure the system software to match the hardware, without having to recompile or relink the microkernel.
The next layer contains the system processes. These run in user mode, but can send messages to kernel processes (and each other) and can make calls to the microkernel, as shown by the arrows in Fig. 9-1. A collection of kernel and system processes can work together to form a subsystem. In Fig. 9-1, processes S1, S2, and K1 form one subsystem and processes S3 and K2 form a second one. A subsystem presents a well-defined interface to its users, such as the UNIX system call interface. One process in each subsystem is the manager and controls the operation of the subsystem.
On top of the subsystems are the user processes. For example, system calls made by a user process U1 might be caught by K1 and passed on to S1 or S2 for processing. These, in turn, could use microkernel services, where appropriate. Subsystems make it possible to build new (or old) operating systems on top of the microkernel in a modular way, and to allow multiple operating system interfaces to exist on the same machine at the same time.
The microkernel knows which subsystem (if any) each user process is using, and ensures that it is restricted to making the system calls offered by that subsystem. Direct calls from user processes to the microkernel are not permitted, except for those calls that the subsystem defines as legal. Real-time processes can run as system processes, rather than as user processes, and thus make full use of the microkernel without intervention or overhead.
The kernel (by which we mean the microkernel) provides and manages six key abstractions that together form the basis for Chorus. These concepts are processes, threads, regions, messages, ports, port groups, and unique identifiers. They are illustrated in Fig. 9-2. Chorus processes (still called actors in the Chorus documentation) are essentially the same as processes in other operating systems. They are containers that encapsulate resources. A process owns certain resources, and when the process disappears, so do its resources.
Within a process, one or more threads can exist. Each thread is similar to a process in that it has its own stack, stack pointer, program counter, and registers. However, all threads in a process share the same address space and other process-wide resources. In principle, the threads of a process are independent of one another. On a multiprocessor, several threads may be running at the same time, on different CPUs. All three kinds of processes can have multiple threads.
Each process has an address space, normally going from 0 to some maximum address, such as 2³²–1. All the threads in a process have access to this address space. A consecutive range of addresses is called a region. Each region is associated with some piece of data, such as a program or a file. In systems that support virtual memory and paging, regions may be paged. Regions play a major role in memory management in Chorus.
Fig. 9-2. Processes, threads, regions, messages, and, ports are identified by UIs.
Threads in different processes (potentially on different machines) communicate by passing messages. Messages can have a fixed part and a variable-sized body, both of which are optional. The body is untyped and may contain whatever information the sender puts into it. A message is addressed not to a thread, but to an intermediate structure called a port. A port is a buffer for incoming messages and holds those messages received by a process but not yet read. Like a thread, region, or other resource, at any instant, each port belongs to a single process. Only that process can read its messages. Ports can be put together to form port groups. These groups will be discussed below.
The last kernel abstraction relates to naming. Most kernel resources (e.g., processes and ports) are named by a 64-bit unique identifier or UI. Once a UI has been assigned to a resource, it is guaranteed never to be reused for another resource, not even on a different machine a year later. This uniqueness is guaranteed by encoding in each UI the site (machine or multiprocessor) where the UI was created plus an epoch number and a counter valid in that epoch. The epoch number is incremented each time the system is rebooted.
UIs are just binary numbers and are themselves not protected. Processes can send UIs to other processes in messages or store them in files. When a UI is transferred across the network and the receiver tries to access the corresponding object, the location information in the UI is used as a hint for where the object might be.
Because UIs are long and expensive to use, local identifiers or LIs are used within a single process to identify resources, similar to the use of small integers as file descriptors to identify open files in UNIX.
The kernel abstractions are not the only ones used by Chorus. Three other abstractions that are jointly managed by the kernel and subsystems also are important. These are capabilities, protection identifiers, and segments. A capability is a name for a resource managed by a subsystem (or, in a few cases, by the kernel). It consists of the 64-bit UI of a port belonging to that subsystem and a 64-bit key assigned by the subsystem, as shown in Fig. 9-3.
Fig. 9-3. A capability in Chorus.
When a subsystem creates an object, such as a file, it returns to the caller the capability for the object. From the capability, that process, or any subsequent process acquiring the capability, can find the UI of a port to which messages can be sent to request operations on the object. The 64-bit key must be included in such messages to tell the subsystem which of its many objects is being referenced. Included in the 64 bits is an index into the subsystem's tables, to identify the object. Other bits are randomly chosen to make it difficult to guess valid capabilities. Like UIs, capabilities may be freely passed in messages and files. This naming scheme was taken from Amoeba (Tanenbaum et al., 1986).
Memory management in Chorus is based on two concepts, regions, which were described above, and segments. A segment is a linear sequence of bytes identified by a capability. When a segment is mapped onto a region, the bytes of the segment are accessible to the threads of the region's process just by reading and writing addresses in the region. Programs, files, and other forms of data are stored as segments in Chorus and can be mapped onto regions. A segment can also be read and written by system calls, even when it is not mapped onto a region. An example address space is shown in Fig. 9-4.
Having described the main abstractions provided by the Chorus kernel, let us now briefly examine how the kernel is structured internally. The kernel consists of four pieces, as illustrated in Fig. 9-5. At the bottom is the supervisor, which manages the raw hardware and catches traps, exceptions, interrupts, and other hardware details, and handles context switching. It is written partly in assembler and has to be redone when Chorus is ported to new hardware.
Fig. 9-5. Structure of the Chorus kernel.
Next comes the virtual memory manager, which handles the low-level part of the paging system. The largest piece of it deals with managing page caches and other logical concepts, and is machine independent. A small part, however, has to know how to load and store the MMU registers. This part is machine dependent and has to be modified when Chorus is ported to a new computer.
The two parts of the virtual memory manager together do not do all the work of managing the paging system. A third part, the mapper, is outside the kernel and does the high-level part. The communication protocol between the virtual memory manager and the mapper is well defined, so users can provide their own specialized mappers.
The third part of the kernel is the real-time executive. It is responsible for managing processes, threads, and scheduling. It also takes care of arranging for synchronization between threads for mutual exclusion and other purposes.
Finally, we have the interprocess communication manager, which handles uis, ports, and the sending of messages in a transparent way. It makes use of the services of the real-time executive and virtual memory manager to do its work. It is completely portable and does not have to be changed at all when Chorus is moved to a new platform. The four parts of the kernel are constructed in a modular way, so changes to one usually do not affect any of the others.
Since Chorus is now a commercial product, it must give the masses what they want, and what they want (at least in the high-end workstation world) is compatibility with UNIX. Chorus accomplishes this goal by providing a standard subsystem, called MiX, that is compatible with System V. the compatibility is both at the source level (i.e., unix source programs can be compiled and run on Chorus) and at the binary level (i.e., executable programs compiled on a true UNIX system for the same architecture run without modification on Chorus). An earlier version of MiX (3.2) was compatible with 4.2 BSD, but we will not discuss that version further in this chapter.
MiX is also compatible with UNIX in other ways. For example, the file system is compatible, so Chorus can read a UNIX disk. Furthermore, the Chorus device drivers are interface compatible with the UNIX ones, so if UNIX device drivers exist for a device machine, they can be ported to Chorus with relatively little work.
The implementation of the MiX subsystem is more modular than UNIX. It consists of four processes, one for process management, one for file management, one for device management, and one for streams and interprocess communication. These processes do not share any variables or other memory, and communicate exclusively by remote procedure call. Later in this chapter we will describe in detail how they work.
As a research experiment, a second subsystem has been implemented, this one for object-oriented programming. It consists of three layers. The bottom layer does object management in a generic way and is effectively a microkernel for object-oriented systems. The middle layer provides a general runtime system. The top layer is the language runtime system. This subsystem, called COOL, will also be discussed later in this chapter.
In this section we will describe how processes and threads work in Chorus, how exceptions are handled, and how scheduling is done. We will conclude by describing briefly some of the major process management kernel calls available.
A process in Chorus is a collection of active and passive elements that work together to perform some computation. The active elements are the threads. The passive elements are an address space (containing some regions) and a collection of ports (for sending and receiving messages). A process with one thread is like a traditional UNIX process. A process with no threads cannot do anything useful, and normally exists only for a very short interval while a process is being created.
Three kinds of processes exist, differing in the amount of privilege and trust they have, as listed in Fig. 9-6. Privilege refers to the ability to execute I/O and other protected instructions. Trust means that the process is allowed to call the kernel directly.
Type | Trust | Privilege | Mode | Space |
User | Untrusted | Unprivileged | User | User |
System | Trusted | Unprivileged | User | User |
Kernel | Trusted | Privileged | Kernel | Kernel |
Fig. 9-6. The three kinds of processes in Chorus.
Kernel processes are the most powerful. They run in kernel mode and all share the same address space with each other and with the microkernel. They can be loaded and unloaded during execution, but other than that, can be thought of as extensions to the microkernel itself. Kernel processes can communicate with each other using a special lightweight RPC that is not available to other processes.
Each system process runs in its own address space. System processes are unprivileged (i.e., run in user mode), and thus cannot execute I/O and other protected instructions directly. However, the kernel trusts them to make kernel calls, so system processes can obtain kernel services directly, without any intermediary.
User processes are untrusted and unprivileged. They cannot perform I/O directly, and cannot even call the kernel, except for those calls that their subsystem has decided to make on their behalf. Each user process has two parts: the regular user part and a system part that is invoked after a trap. This arrangement is similar to the way that UNIX works.
Every process (and port) has a protection identifier associated with it. If the process forks, its children inherit the same protection identifier. This identifier is just a bit string, and does not have any semantics associated with it that the kernel knows about. Protection identifiers provide a mechanism which can be used for authentication. For example, the UNIX subsystem could assign a UID (user identifier) with each process and use the Chorus protection identifiers to implement the UIDs.
Every active process in Chorus has one or more threads that execute code. Each thread has its own private context (i.e., stack, program counter, and registers), which is saved when the thread blocks waiting for some event and is restored when the thread is later resumed. A thread is tied to the process in which it was created, and cannot be moved to another process.
Chorus threads are known to the kernel and scheduled by the kernel, so creating and destroying them requires making kernel calls. An advantage of having kernel threads (as opposed to a threads package that runs entirely in user space, without kernel knowledge), is that when one thread blocks waiting for some event (e.g., a message arrival), the kernel can schedule other threads. Another advantage is the ability to run different threads on different CPUs when a multiprocessor is available. The disadvantage of kernel threads is the extra overhead required to manage them. Of course, users are still free to implement a user-level threads package inside a single kernel thread.
Threads communicate with one another by sending and receiving messages. It does not matter if the sender and receiver are in the same process or are on different machines. The semantics of communication are identical in all cases. If two threads are in the same process, they can also communicate using shared memory, but then the system cannot later be reconfigured to run with threads in different processes.
The following states are distinguished, but they are not mutually exclusive:
1. ACTIVE — The thread is logically able to run.
2. SUSPENDED — The thread has been intentionally suspended.
3. STOPPED — The thread's process has been suspended.
4. WAITING — The thread is waiting for some event to happen.
A thread in the ACTIVE state is either currently running or waiting its turn for a free CPU. In both cases it is logically unblocked and able to run. A thread in the SUSPENDED state has been suspended by another thread (or itself) that issued a kernel call asking the kernel to suspend the thread. Similarly, when a kernel call is made to stop a process, all the threads in the ACTIVE state are put in the STOPPED state until the process is released. Finally, when a thread performs a blocking operation that cannot be completed immediately, the thread is put in WAITING state until the event occurs.
A thread can be in more than one state at the same time. For example, a thread in suspended state can later also enter the stopped state as well if its process is suspended. Conceptually, each thread has three independent bits associated with it, one each for SUSPENDED, STOPPED, and WAITING. Only when all three bits are zero can the thread run.
Threads run in the mode and address space corresponding to their process. In other words, the threads of a kernel process run in kernel mode, and the threads of a user process run in user.
The kernel provides two synchronization mechanisms that threads can use. The first is the traditional (counting) semaphore, with operations UP (or V) and DOWN (or P). These operations are always implemented by kernel calls, so they are expensive. The second mechanism is the mutex, which is essentially a semaphore whose values are restricted to 0 and 1. Mutexes are used only for mutual exclusion. They have the advantage that operations that do not cause the caller to block can be carried out entirely in the caller's space, saving the overhead of a kernel call.
A problem that occurs in every thread-based system is how to manage the data private to each thread, such as its stack. Chorus solves this problem by assigning two special software registers to each thread. One of them holds a pointer to the thread's private data when it is in user mode. The other holds a pointer to the private data when the thread has trapped to the kernel and is executing a kernel call. Both registers are part of the thread's state, and are saved and restored along with the hardware registers when a thread is stopped or started. By indexing off these registers, a thread can access data that (by convention) are not available to other threads in the same process.
CPU scheduling is done using priorities on a per-thread basis. Each process has a priority and each thread has a relative priority within its process. The absolute priority of a thread is the sum of its process' priority and its own relative priority. The kernel keeps track of the priority of each thread in ACTIVE state and runs the one with the highest absolute priority. On a multiprocessor with k CPUs, the k highest-priority threads are run.
However, to accommodate real-time processes, an additional feature has been added to the algorithm. A distinction is made between threads whose priority is above a certain level and threads whose priority is below it. High-priority threads, such as A and B in Fig. 9-7(a), are not timesliced. Once such a thread starts running, it continues to run until either it voluntarily releases its CPU (e.g., by blocking on a semaphore), or an even higher priority thread moves into the ACTIVE state as a result of I/O completing or some other event happening. In particular, it is not stopped just because it has run for a long time.
Fig. 9-7. (a) Thread A will be run until it is finished or it blocks. (b)-(c) Threads C and D will alternate, in round robin mode.
In contrast, in Fig. 9-7(b), thread C will be run, but after it has consumed one quantum of CPU time, it will be put on the end of the queue for its priority, and thread D will be given one quantum. In the absence of competition for the CPU, they will alternate indefinitely.
This mechanism provides enough generality for most real-time applications. System calls are available for changing process and thread priorities, so applications can tell the system which threads are most important and which are least important. Additional scheduling algorithms are available to support System V real-time and system processes.
The Chorus software distinguishes between three kinds of entries into the kernel. Traps are intentional calls to the kernel or a subsystem to invoke services. Programs cause traps by calling a system call library procedure. The system supports two ways of handling traps. In the first way, all traps for a particular trap vector go to a single kernel thread that has previously announced its willingness to handle that vector. In the second way, each trap vector is tied to an array of kernel threads, with the Chorus supervisor using the contents of a certain register to index into the array to pick a thread. The latter mechanism allows all system calls to use the same trap vector, with the system call number going into the register used to select a handler.
Exceptions are unexpected events that are caused by accident, such as the divide-by-zero exception, floating-point overflow, or a page fault. It is possible to arrange for a kernel thread to be invoked to handle the exception. If the handler can complete the processing, it returns a special code and the exception handling is finished. Otherwise (or if no kernel handler is assigned), the kernel suspends the thread that caused the exception and sends a message to a special exception-handling port associated with the thread's process. Normally, some other thread will be waiting for a message on this port and will take whatever action the process requires. If no exception port exists, the faulting thread is killed.
Interrupts are caused by asynchronous events, such as clock ticks or the completion of an I/O request. They are not necessarily related to anything the current thread is doing, so it is not possible to let that thread's process handle them. Instead, it is possible to arrange in advance that when an interrupt occurs on a certain interrupt vector (i.e., a specific device), a new kernel thread will be created spontaneously to process it. If a second interrupt occurs on the same vector before the first one has terminated, a second thread is created, and so on. All I/O interrupts except the clock are handled this way. The clock is fielded by the supervisor itself, but it can be set up to notify a user thread if desired. Interrupt threads can invoke only a limited set of kernel services because the system is in an unknown state when they are started. All they can do are operations on semaphores and mutexes, or send minimessages to special miniports.
The best way to find out what a kernel or operating system really does is to examine its interface, that is, the system calls it provides to its users. In this section we will look at the most important Chorus kernel calls available to system processes. Calls of less importance and protected calls available only to kernel threads will be omitted.
Call | Description |
actorCreate | Create a new process |
actorDelete | Remove a process |
actorStop | Stop a process, put its threads in STOPPED state |
actorStart | Restart a process from STOPPED state |
actorPriority | Get or set a process' priority |
actorExcept | Get or set the port used for exception handling |
Fig. 9-8. Selected process calls supported by the Chorus kernel.
Let us start with the process calls, listed in Fig. 9-8. ActorCreate creates a new process and returns that process' capability to the caller. The new process inherits the priority, protection identifier, and exception port of the parent process. Parameters specify whether the new process is to be a user, system, or kernel process, and tell what state it is to start in. Just after creation, the new process is empty, with no threads and no regions and only one port, the default port. Note that actorCreate represents a major orthographic advance over UNIX: "Create" is spelled with an "e" at the end.
The actorDelete call kills a process. The process to be killed is specified by a capability passed as a parameter. ActorStop freezes a process, putting all of its threads into STOPPED state. The threads can only run again when an actorStart call is made. A process may stop itself. These calls are typically used for debugging. For example, if a thread hits a breakpoint, the debugger can use actorStop to stop the process' other threads.
The actorPriority call allows a process to read the priority of another process, and optionally, to reset it to a new value. Although Chorus is generally location transparent, it is not perfect. Some calls, including this one, work only when the target process is on the caller's machine. In other words, it is not possible to get or reset the priority of a distant process.
ActorExcept is used to get or change the exception port for the caller or some other process for which the caller has a capability. It can also be used to remove the exception port, in which case if an exception has to be sent to the process, the process is killed instead.
The next group of kernel calls relate to threads, and are shown in Fig. 9-9. ThreadCreate and threadDelete create and delete threads in some process (not necessarily the caller's), respectively. Parameters to threadCreate specify the privilege level, initial status, priority, entry point, and stack pointer.
Call | Description |
threadCreate | Create a new thread |
threadDelete | Delete a thread |
threadSuspend | Suspend a thread |
threadResume | Restart a suspended thread |
threadPriority | Get or set a thread's priority |
threadLoad | Get a thread's context pointer |
threadStore | Set a thread's context pointer |
threadContext | Get or set a thread's execution context |
Fig. 9-9. Selected thread calls supported by the Chorus kernel.
ThreadSuspend and threadResume stop and then restart threads in the target process. ThreadPriority returns the target thread's current relative priority, and optionally resets it to a value given as a parameter.
Our last three calls are used to manage a thread's private context. The threadLoad and threadStore calls load and set the current software context register, respectively. This register points to the thread's context, including its private variables. The threadContext call optionally copies the thread's old context to a buffer, and optionally sets the new context from another buffer.
The synchronization operations are given in Fig. 9-10. Calls are provided for initializing, acquiring, and releasing both mutexes and semaphores. These all work in the usual way.
Call | Description |
mutexInit | Initialize a mutex |
mutexGet | Try to acquire a mutex |
mutexRel | Release a mutex |
semInit | Initialize a semaphore |
semP | Do a DOWN on a semaphore |
semV | Do an UP on a semaphore |
Fig. 9-10. Selected synchronization calls supported by the Chorus kernel.
Memory management in Chorus borrows many ideas from Mach. However, it also contains some ideas not present in Mach. In this section we will describe the basic concepts and how they are used.
The main concepts behind memory management in Chorus are regions and segments. A region is a contiguous range of virtual address, for example, 1024 to 6143. In theory, a region can begin at any virtual address and end at any virtual address, but to do anything useful, a region should be page aligned and have a length equal to some whole number of pages. All bytes in a region must have the same protection characteristics (e.g., read-only). Regions are a property of processes, and all the threads in a process see the same regions. Two regions in the same process may not overlap.
A segment is a contiguous collection of bytes named and protected by a capability. Files and swap areas on disk are the most common kinds of segments. Segments can be read and written using system calls that provide the segment's capability, the offset, the number of bytes, the buffer, and the transfer direction. These calls are used for doing traditional I/O operations on files.
However, another possibility is mapping segments onto regions, as shown in Fig. 9-4. It is not necessary that a segment be exactly the size of its region. If the segment is larger than the region, only a portion of the segment will be visible in the address space, although which portion is visible can be changed by remapping it. If the segment is smaller than the region, the result of reading an unmapped address is up to the mapper. For example, it can raise an exception, return 0, or extend the segment, as it wishes.
Mapped segments are usually demand paged (unless this feature is disabled, for example, for real-time programs). When a process first references a newly mapped segment, a page fault occurs and the segment page corresponding to the address referenced is brought in and the faulting instruction restarted. In this way, ordinary virtual memory can be implemented, and in addition, a process can make one or more files visible in its virtual address space, so it can access them directly instead of having to read or write them using system calls.
The kernel supports special I/O segments for accessing the machine's I/O registers on machines with memory-mapped device registers. Using these segments, kernel threads can perform I/O by reading and writing memory directly.
Chorus supports Mach-style external pagers, which are called mappers. Each mapper controls one or more segments that are mapped onto regions. A segment can be mapped into multiple regions, even in different address spaces at the same time, as shown in Fig. 9-11. Here segments S1 and S2 are both mapped into processes A and B, on the same machine but at different addresses. If process A writes address A1 it changes the first word of S1. If process B later reads B1 it also gets the value A wrote. Furthermore, if S1 is a file, when both processes terminate, the change will be made in the file on disk.
The virtual memory manager in each kernel maintains a page cache and keeps track of which page belongs to which segment. Pages in the local cache can belong to named segments, such as files, or to nameless segments, such as swap areas. The kernel keeps track of which pages are clean and which are dirty. It may discard clean pages at will, but must return dirty pages to the appropriate mappers to reclaim their space.
A protocol between the kernel and mapper determines the flow of pages in both directions. When a page fault occurs, the kernel checks to see if the needed page is cached. If it is not, the kernel sends a message to the mapper controlling the page's segment asking for the page (and possibly adjacent pages as well). The faulting thread is then suspended until the page arrives.
When the mapper gets the request, it checks to see if the needed page is in its own cache (in its own address space). If not, it sends a message to the thread managing the disk to perform I/O and fetch the page. When the page arrives (or if it was already present), the mapper notifies the kernel, which then accepts the page, adjusts the MMU page tables, and resumes the faulting thread.
Fig. 9-11. Segments can be mapped into multiple address spaces at the same time.
The mapper can also take the initiative and ask the kernel to return dirty pages to it. When the kernel returns them, the mapper can keep some of them in its own cache and write others to disk. Various calls are provided to allow the mapper to specify which pages it wants back. Most mappers do not keep track of how many page frames their segments are occupying since the kernel is free to discard clean pages and will return dirty pages to their mappers when space gets tight.
The same caching and management mechanism is used for pages that are part of mapped segments as for pages that are read and written using explicit segment I/O commands. This approach guarantees that if one process modifies a mapped page by writing on it, and immediately thereafter another process tries to read the file it is part of, the second process will get the new data, since only one copy of the page exists in memory.
Chorus supports paged distributed shared memory in the style of IVY, as discussed in Chap. 6. It uses a dynamic decentralized algorithm, meaning that different managers keep track of different pages, and the manager for a page changes as the page moves around the system (for writable pages).
The unit of sharing between multiple machines is the segment. Segments are split up into fragments of one or more pages. At any instant, each fragment is either read-only, and potentially present on multiple machines, or read/write, and present only on one machine.
Memory management in Chorus supports 26 different system calls plus several upcalls from the kernel to the mappers. In this section we will briefly describe just the more important ones. The calls we will describe relate to region management (rgn prefix), segment management (sg prefix), and upcalls to the mappers (Mp prefix — not mp, which is used for miniport calls, described later). The calls not described here relate to managing local caches (lc prefix) and virtual memory (vm prefix).
A selection of the region management calls is given in Fig. 9-12. RgnAllocate specifies a region by giving the capability for a process, a starting address, a size, and various options. If there are no conflicts with other regions and no other problems, the region is created. The options include initializing the region to zero bytes, setting its read/write/executable bits, and wiring it down so it is not paged. RgnFree returns a previously allocated region so its portion of the address space is free for allocation to another region or regions.
Call | Description |
rgnAllocate | Allocate a memory region and set its properties |
rgnFree | Release a previously allocated region |
rgnInit | Allocate a region and fill it from a given segment |
rgnSetInherit | Set the inheritance properties of a region |
rgnSetPaging | Set the paging properties of a region |
rgnSetProtect | Set the protection options of a region |
rgnStat | Get the statistics associated with a region |
Fig. 9-12. Selected calls supported by the Chorus kernel for managing regions.
RgnInit is similar to rgnAllocate except that after the region is allocated, it is also filled in from a segment whose capability is a parameter to the call. Several other calls that are similar to rgnInit are also present, filling the region in different ways.
The next three calls change the properties of an existing region in various ways. RgnSetInherit relates to the possibility that a region might later be copied, and specifies whether the copy is to get its own pages or to share the original region's pages. RgnSetPaging is used primarily by processes that are interested in providing real-time response and cannot tolerate page faults or being swapped out. It also tells what to do if the process is trying to allocate a nonswappable nonpageable region that is wired down, but there is insufficient memory available. RgnSetProtect changes the read/write/execute bits associated with a region and can also make a region accessible only to the kernel. Finally, rgnStat returns to the caller the size of a region and other information.
The segment I/O calls are shown in Fig. 9-13. sgRead and sgWrite are the basic I/O calls that allows a process to read and write a segment. The segment is specified by a descriptor. The offset and number of bytes are also provided, as is the buffer address to copy to or from. SgStat allows the caller, typically a mapper, to ask for statistical information about a page cache. SgFlush (and several related calls) allow mappers to ask the kernel to send them pages so they can be cached in the mapper's address space or written back to their segments on disk. This mechanism is needed, for example, to ensure that a group of mappers collectively supporting distributed shared memory can remove writable pages from all machines but one. Other calls in this group relate to locking and unlocking individual pages in memory and getting various sizes and other information about the paging system.
Call | Description |
sgRead | Read data from a segment |
sgWrite | Write data to a segment |
sgStat | Request information about a page cache |
sgFlush | Request from a mapper to the kernel asking for dirty pages |
Fig. 9-13. Selected calls relating to segments.
The calls in Fig. 9-14 are calls to a mapper, either from the kernel or from an application program asking the mapper to do something for the caller. The first one, MpCreate is used when the kernel or a program wants to swap out a segment and needs to allocate disk space for it. The mapper responds by allocating a new segment on disk and returning a capability for it.
Call | Description |
MpCreate | Request to create a dummy segment for swapping |
MpRelease | Request asking to release a previously created segment |
MpPullIn | Request asking for one or more pages |
MpPushOut | Request asking mapper to accept one or more pages |
Fig. 9-14. Mapper calls.
The MpRelease call returns a segment created using MpCreate. MpPullIn is used by the kernel to acquire data from a newly created or existing segment. The mapper is required to respond to it by sending a message containing the pages needed. By using clever MMU programming, the pages need not be copied physically.
The MpPushOut call is for transfers the other way, from kernel to mapper, either in response to a sgFlush (or similar) call, or when the kernel wants to swap out a segment on its own. Although the list of calls described above is not complete, it does give a reasonable picture of how memory management works in Chorus.
The basic communication paradigm in Chorus is message passing. During the Version 1 era, when the research was focused on multiprocessors, using shared memory as the communication paradigm was considered, but rejected as not being general enough. In this section we will discuss messages, ports, and the communication operations, concluding with a summary of the kernel calls available for communication.
Each message contains a header (for the microkernel's internal use only), an optional fixed part and an optional body. The header identifies the source and destination and contains various protection identifiers and flags. The fixed part, if present, is always 64 bytes long and is entirely under user control. The body is variable sized, with a maximum of 64K bytes, and also entirely under user control. From the kernel's point of view, both the fixed part and the body are untyped byte arrays in the sense that the kernel does not care what is in them.
When a message is sent to a thread on a different machine, it is always copied. However, when it is sent to a thread on the same machine, there is a choice between actually copying it and just mapping it into the receiver's address space. In the latter case, if the receiver writes onto a mapped page, a genuine copy is made on the spot (i.e., Mach's copy-on-write mechanism). When a message is not an integral number of pages but the message is mapped, some data just beyond the buffer (or before it) will be lost when the final (or first) page is mapped in.
Another form of message is the minimessage, which is only used between kernel processes for short synchronization messages, typically to signal the occurrence of an interrupt. The minimessages are sent to special low-overhead miniports.
Messages are addressed to ports, each of which contains storage for a certain number of messages. If a message is sent to a port that is full, the sender is suspended until sufficient space is available. When a port is created, both a unique identifier and a local identifier are returned to the caller. The former can be sent to other processes so they can send messages to the port. The latter is used within the process to reference the port directly. Only threads in the process currently holding the port can read from the port (ports can migrate).
When a process is created, it automatically gets a default port that the kernel uses to send it exception messages. It can also create as many additional ports as it needs. These additional ports (but not the default port) can be moved to other processes, even on other machines. When a port is moved, all the messages currently in it can be moved with it. Port movement is useful, for example, when a server on a machine that is going down for maintenance wants to let another server on a different machine take over its work. In this way, services can be maintained in a transparent way, even as server machines go down and come back up again later.
Chorus provides a way to collect several ports together into a port group. To do so, a process first creates an empty port group and gets back a capability for it. Using this capability, it can add ports to the group, and later it can use the capability to delete ports from the group. A port may be present in multiple port groups, as illustrated in Fig. 9-15.
Fig. 9-15. A port may be a member of multiple port groups.
Groups are commonly used to provide reconfigurable services. Initially some set of servers belongs to the group, which provides some service. Clients can send messages to the group without having to know which servers are available to do the work. Later, new servers can join the group and old ones can leave without disrupting the services and without the clients even being aware that the system has been reconfigured.
Two kinds of communication operations are provided by Chorus: asynchronous send and RPC. Asynchronous send allows a thread simply to send a message to a port. There is no guarantee that the message arrives and no notification if something goes wrong. This is the purest form of datagram and allows users to build arbitrary communication patterns on top of it.
The other communication operation is RPC. When a process performs an RPC operation, it is blocked automatically until either the reply comes in or the RPC timer expires, at which time the sender is unblocked. The message that unblocks the sender is guaranteed to be the response to the request. Any message that does not bear the RPC's transaction identifier will be stored in the port for future consumption but will not awaken the sender.
RPCs use at-most-once semantics, meaning that in the event of an unrecoverable communication or processing failure, the system guarantees that an RPC will return an error code rather than take a chance on having an operation executed more than once.
It is also possible to send a message to a port group. Various options are available, as shown in Fig. 9-16. These options determine how many messages are sent and to which ports.
Fig. 9-16. Options for sending to a port group. (a) Send to all members. (b) Send to any member. (c) Send to port at the same site as a given port. (d) Send to a port not at a specific site.
Option (a) in Fig. 9-16 sends the message to all ports in the group. For highly reliable storage, a process might want to have every file server store certain data. Option (b) sends it to just one, but lets the system choose which one. When a process just wants some service, such as the current date, but does not care where it comes from, this option is the best choice, as the system can then select the most efficient way to provide the service.
The other two options also send to just one port, but limit the choice the system may make. In (c), the caller can specify that the port must be on a specific site, for example, to balance the system load. Option (d) says that any port not on the specified site may be used. A use for this option might be to force a backup copy of a file onto a different machine than the primary copy.
Sends to port groups use the asynchronous send. Broadcast sends (i.e., to all members) are not flow controlled. If flow control is required, it must be supplied by the user.
To receive a message, a thread makes a kernel call telling which port it wants to receive on. If a message is available, the fixed part of the message is copied to the caller's address space, and the body, if any, is either copied or mapped in, depending on the options. If no message is available, the calling thread is suspended until a message arrives or a user-specified timer expires.
Furthermore, a process can specify that it wants to receive from one of the ports it owns, but it does not care which one. This option can be further refined by disabling some of the ports, in which case only enabled ports are eligible to satisfy the request. Finally, ports can be assigned priorities, which means that if more than one enabled port has a message, the enabled port with the highest priority will be selected. Ports can be enabled and disabled dynamically, and their priorities can be changed at will.
The port management calls are shown in Fig. 9-17. The first four are straightforward, allowing ports to be created, destroyed, enabled, and disabled. The last one specifies a port and a process. After the call completes, the port no longer belongs to its original owner (which need not be the caller) but instead belongs to the target process. It alone can now read messages from the port.
Call | Description |
portCreate | Create a port and return its capability |
portDelete | Destroy a port |
portEnable | Enable a port so its messages count on a receive from all ports |
portDisable | Disable a port |
portMigrate | Move a port to a different process |
Fig. 9-17. Selected port management calls.
Three calls are present for managing port groups. They are listed in Fig. 9-18. The first, grpAllocate, creates a new port group and returns a capability for it to the caller. Using this capability, the caller or any other process that subsequently acquires the capability can add or delete ports from the group.
Call | Description |
grpAllocate | Create a port group |
grpPortInsert | Add a new port to an existing port group |
grpPortRemove | Delete a port from a port group |
Fig. 9-18. Calls relating to port groups.
Our last group of kernel calls handles the actual sending and receiving of messages. These are listed in Fig. 9-19. IpcSend sends a message asynchronously to a specified port or port group. IpcReceive blocks until a message arrives from a specified port. This message may have been sent directly to the port, to a port group of which the specified port is a member, or to all enabled ports (assuming that the specified port is enabled). An address into which the fixed part is to be copied must be supplied, but an address for the body is optional, because the size is not always known in advance. If no buffer is provided for the body the ipcGetData call can be executed to acquire the body from the kernel (the size is now known since it is returned by the IpcReceive call). A reply message can be sent using ipcReply. Finally, ipcCall performs a remote procedure call.
Call | Description |
ipcSend | Send a message asynchronously |
ipcReceive | Block until a message arrives |
ipcGetData | Get the current message's body |
ipcReply | Send a reply to the current message |
ipcCall | Perform a remote procedure call |
Fig. 9-19. Selected communication calls.
Although being UNIX-like was not even one of the original goals of Chorus at all (it had a totally different interface and was written in interpreted UCSD Pascal), with the advent of Version 3, UNIX compatibility became a major goal. The approach taken is to have the kernel be operating system neutral, but to have a subsystem that allows existing UNIX binary programs to run on it without modification. This subsystem consists partly of new code written by the Chorus implementers, and partly of the System V UNIX code itself, licensed from UNIX System Laboratories. In this section we will describe what Chorus UNIX is like and how it is implemented. The UNIX subsystem is called MiX, which stands for Modular UNIX.
A UNIX process runs as a Chorus user process, on top of the UNIX subsystem. As such, it has all the features of a Chorus process, although existing UNIX programs will not use all of them. The standard text, data, and stack segments are implemented by three mapped Chorus segments.
On the whole, the way Chorus works is not hidden from the UNIX runtime system and library (although it is hidden from the program). For example, when the program wants to open a file, the library procedure open invokes the subsystem, which ultimately gets a file capability. It stores the file capability internal to itself and uses it when the user process calls read, write, and other procedures that deal with the open file.
Open files are not the only UNIX concepts that are mapped onto Chorus resources. Open directories (including the working directory and root directory), open devices, pipes, and in-use segments are all represented internally as capabilities for the corresponding Chorus resources. Operations on all of these are done by the UNIX subsystem by passing the capability to the appropriate server. To remain binary compatible with UNIX, the user process must never see the capabilities.
Chorus provides UNIX processes with many extensions to make distributed programming easier. Most of these are just standard Chorus properties that are made visible. For example, UNIX processes can create and destroy new threads using the Chorus threads package. These threads run in quasiparallel (on a multiprocessor, actually in parallel).
Since Chorus threads are managed by the kernel, when one thread blocks, for example on a system call, the kernel is able to schedule and run another thread in the same process. However, it is not usually possible for two threads in the same process to execute most system calls simultaneously because the ancient UNIX code that handles the system calls is not reentrant. In most cases, the second thread is suspended transparently before starting the system call until the first one has completed.
The addition of threads has necessitated rethinking how signals are handled. Instead of all signal handlers being common to the entire process, the synchronous ones (the ones caused by a thread action) are associated with specific threads whereas the asynchronous ones (like the user hitting the DEL key) are process wide. For example, the ALARM system call arranges for the calling thread to be interrupted after the indicated number of seconds. Other threads are not affected.
Similarly, one thread can arrange to catch floating-point overflows and similar exceptions, while another ignores them, and a third thread does not catch them (meaning that it will be killed if one occurs).
Other signals are, by nature, not specific to one thread. A kill signal sent by another process, or a SIGINT or SIGQUIT from the keyboard are sent to all threads. Each one can catch or ignore it as it wishes. If no thread catches or ignores a signal, the entire process is killed.
Signals are handled by the process itself. Associated with every UNIX process is a control thread within the UNIX subsystem that spends its day listening to the exception port. When a signal is triggered, this normally dormant thread is awakened. The thread then gets the message sent to the control port, examines its internal tables, and performs the required action, namely interrupting the appropriate thread or threads.
A third area in which UNIX has been extended is in making it distributed. It is possible for a process to make a system call to indicate that new processes are not to be created on the local machine, but on a specific remote machine. When a new process is forked off, it starts on the same machine as the parent process, but when it does an EXEC system call, the new process is started on the remote machine.
User processes using the UNIX subsystem can create ports and port groups and send and receive messages, like any other Chorus processes. They can also create regions and map segments onto them. In general, all the Chorus facilities related to process management, memory management, and interprocess communication are available to UNIX processes as well.
The implementation of the UNIX subsystem is constructed from four principal components: the process manager, the object manager, the streams manager, and the interprocess communication manager, as depicted in fig. 9-20. Each of these has a specific function in the emulation. The process manager catches system calls and does process management. The object manager handles the file system calls and also paging activity. The streams manager takes care of I/O. The interprocess communication manager does System V IPC. The process manager is new code. The others are largely taken from UNIX itself to minimize the designer's work and maximize compatibility. These four managers can each handle multiple sessions, so only one of each is present on a given site, no matter how many users are logged into it.
Fig. 9-20. The structure of the Chorus UNIX subsystem. The numbers show the sequence of steps involved in a typical file operation.
In the original design, the four processes should have been able to run either in kernel mode or in user mode. However, as more privileged code was added, this became more difficult to do. In practice now, they normally all run in kernel mode, which also is needed to give acceptable performance.
To see how the pieces relate, we will examine how system calls are processed. At system initialization time, the process manager tells the kernel that it wants to handle the trap numbers standard AT&T UNIX uses for making system calls (to achieve binary compatibility). When a UNIX process later issues a system call by trapping to the kernel, as indicated by (1) in Fig. 9-21, a thread in the process manager gets control. This thread acts as though it is the same as the calling thread, analogous to the way system calls are made in traditional UNIX systems. Depending on the system call, the process manager may perform the requested system call itself, or as shown in Fig. 9-20, send a message to the object manager asking it to do the work. For I/O calls, the streams manager is invoked. For IPC calls, the communication manager is used.
In this example, the object manager does a disk operation and then sends a reply back to the process manager, which sets up the proper return value and restarts the blocked UNIX process.
The process manager is the central player in the emulation. It catches all system calls and decides what to do with them. It also handles process management (including creating and terminating processes), signals (both generating them and receiving them), and naming. When a system call that it does not handle comes in, the process manager does an RPC to either the object manager or streams manager. It can also make kernel calls to do its job; for example, when forking off a new process, the kernel does most of the work.
If the new process is to be created on a remote machine, a more complicated mechanism is required, as shown in Fig. 9-21. Here the process manager catches the system call, but instead of asking the local kernel to create a new Chorus process, it does an RPC to the process manager on the target machine, step (3) in Fig. 9-21. The remote process manager then asks its kernel to create the process, as shown in step 4. Each process manager has a dedicated port to which RPCs from other process managers are directed.
Fig. 9-21. Creating a process on a remote machine. The reply message is not shown.
The process manager has multiple threads. For example, when a user thread sets an alarm, a process manager thread goes to sleep until the timer goes off. Then it sends a message to the exception port belonging to the thread's process.
The process manager also manages the unique identifiers. It maintains tables that map the UIs onto the corresponding resources.
The object manager handles files, swap space, and other forms of tangible information. It may also contain the disk driver. In addition to its exception port, the object manager has a port for receiving paging requests and a port for receiving requests from local or remote process managers. When a request comes in, a thread is dispatched to handle it. Several object manager threads may be active at once.
The object manager acts as a mapper for the files it controls. It accepts page fault requests on a dedicated port, does the necessary disk I/O, and sends appropriate replies.
The object manager works in terms of segments named by capabilities, in other words, in the Chorus way. When a UNIX process references a file descriptor, its runtime system invokes the process manager, which uses the file descriptor as an index into a table to locate the capability corresponding to the file's segment.
Logically, when a process reads from a file, that request should be caught by the process manager and then forwarded to the object manager using the normal RPC mechanism. However, since reads and writes are so important, an optimized strategy is used to improve their performance. The process manager maintains a table with the segment capabilities for all the open files. It makes an sgRead call to the kernel to get the required data. If the data are available, the kernel copies them directly to the user's buffer. If they are not, the kernel makes an MpPullIn upcall to the appropriate mapper (usually, the object manager). The mapper issues one or more disk reads, as needed. When the pages are available, the mapper gives them to the kernel, which copies the required data to the user's buffer and completes the system call.
The streams manager handles all the System V streams, including the keyboard, display, mouse, and tape devices. During system initialization, the streams manager sends a message to the object manager, announcing its port and telling which devices it is prepared to handle. Subsequent requests for I/O on these devices can then be sent to the streams manager.
The streams manager also handles Berkeley sockets and networking. In this way, a process on Chorus can communicate using TCP/IP as well as other network protocols. Pipes and named pipes are also handled here.
This process handles those system calls relating to System V messages (not Chorus messages), System V semaphores (not Chorus semaphores), and System V shared memory (not Chorus shared memory). The system calls are unpleasant and the code is taken mostly from System V itself. The less said about them, the better.
The division of labor within the UNIX subsystem makes it relatively straightforward to configure a collection of machines in different ways so that each one only has to run the software it needs. The nodes of a multiprocessor can also be configured differently. All machines need the process manager, but the other managers are optional. Which managers are needed depends on the application.
Let us now briefly discuss several different configurations that can be built using Chorus. Figure 9-22(a) shows the full configuration, which might be used on a workstation (with a hard disk) connected to a network. All four of the UNIX subsystem processes are required and present.
Fig. 9-22. Different applications may best be handled using different configurations.
The object manager is needed only on machines containing a disk, so on a diskless workstation the configuration of Fig. 9-22(b) would be most appropriate. When a process reads or writes a file on this machine, the process manager forwards the request to the object manager on the user's file server. In principle, either the user's machine or the file server can do caching, but not both, except for segments that have been opened or mapped in read-only mode.
For dedicated applications, such as an X-terminal, it is known in advance which system call the program may do and which it may not do. If no local file system and no System V IPC are needed, the object manager and interprocess communication manager can be omitted, as in Fig. 9-23(c).
Finally, for a disconnected embedded system, such as the controller for a car, television set, or talking teddy bear, only the process manager is needed. The others can be left out to reduce the amount of ROM needed. It is even possible for a dedicated application program to run directly on top of the microkernel.
The configuration can be done dynamically. When the system is booted it can inspect its environment and determine which of the managers are needed. If the machine has a disk, the object manager is loaded; otherwise, it is not, and so on. Alternatively, configuration files can be used. Also, each manager can be created with one thread. As requests come in, additional threads can be created on-the-fly. Table space, for example, the process table, is allocated dynamically from a pool, so it is not necessary to have a different kernel binary for small systems, with only a few processes, and large ones, with thousands of processes.
Chorus has been designed to handle real-time applications, with or without UNIX. The Chorus scheduler, in particular, reflects this goal. Priorities range from 1 to 255. The lower the number, the higher the priority, as in UNIX.
Ordinary UNIX application processes run at priorities 128 to 255, as shown in Fig. 9-23. At these priority levels, when a process uses up its CPU quantum, it is put on the end of the queue for its priority level. The processes that make up the UNIX subsystem run at priorities 64 through 68. Thus a large number of priorities are available both higher and lower than the ones used by the UNIX subsystem for real-time processes.
Fig. 9-23. Priorities and real-time processes.
Another facility that is important for real-time work is the ability to reduce the amount of time the CPU is disabled after an interrupt. Normally, when an interrupt occurs, an object manager or streams manager thread does the required processing immediately. However, an option is available to have the interrupt thread arrange for another, lower-priority thread to do the real work, so the interrupt can terminate almost immediately. Doing this reduces the amount of dead time after an interrupt, but it also increases the overhead of interrupt processing, so this feature must be used with care.
These facilities merge well with UNIX, so it is possible to debug a program under UNIX in the usual way, but have it run as a real-time process when it goes into production just by configuring the system differently.
The UNIX subsystem is really nothing more than a collection of Chorus processes that are marked as a subsystem. Consequently, it is possible to have other subsystems running at the same time. A second subsystem that has been developed for Chorus is COOL (Chorus Object-Oriented Layer). It was designed for research on object-oriented programming and to bridge the gap between coarse-grained system objects, such as files, and fine-grained language objects, such as structures (records). We will describe COOL in this section. For more information, see (Lea et al., 1991, 1993).
Work on the first version, COOL-1, began in 1988. The goal was to provide system-level support for fine-grained object-oriented languages and applications, and do so in such a way that new COOL programs and old UNIX programs could run side by side on the same machine without interfering.
Each Object in COOL-1 consisted of two Chorus segments, one for the data and one for the code. Programs did not access the data segments directly. Instead they invoked procedures, called methods, located in the objects' code segments. In this way, the objects' internal representation was hidden from the user, allowing object writers the freedom to use whatever representation seemed best (for example, an array or a linked list). This representation could even be changed later, without programs using the objects even knowing. Multiple objects of the same class shared the same code segment, to save memory.
To make a long story short, the resulting system was disappointing in terms of performance, resource usage, and so on, and the gap between coarse-grained system objects and fine-grained language objects was not bridged. In 1990, the designers started over and designed COOL-2. This system was running a year later. Below we will describe its architecture and implementation.
Conceptually COOL provides a COOL base layer that spans machine boundaries. This layer provides a form of address space that is visible to all COOL processes without regard to where they are running, much like a distributed file system provides a global file space. On top of this layer is the generic runtime system, which is also system wide. Above that are the language runtime systems and then the user programs, as illustrated in Fig. 9-24.
Fig. 9-24. The COOL architecture.
The COOL base provides a set of services for COOL user processes, specifically for the COOL generic library that is linked with each COOL process. The most important service is a memory abstraction, roughly analogous to distributed shared memory, but more tuned to object-oriented programming. This abstraction is based on the cluster, which is a set of Chorus regions backed by segments. Each cluster normally holds a group of related objects, for example, objects belonging to the same class. It is up to the upper layers of software to determine which objects go in which cluster.
A cluster can be mapped into the address spaces of multiple processes, possibly on different machines. A cluster always begins on a page boundary, and occupies the same addresses in all processes that are currently using it. The regions in a cluster need not be contiguous in virtual address space, so a cluster may, for example, occupy addresses 1024-2047, 4096-8191, and 14336-16535 (assuming a 1K page size).
Fig. 9-25. Context spaces and clusters.
A second concept supported by the COOL base is the context space, which is a collection of address spaces, again, possibly on multiple machines. Figure 9-25 shows a system with five address spaces (on up to five machines) and two context spaces. The first context space spans all the machines and contains a cluster with three regions. The threads living in these address spaces can all access the objects in this cluster as though they were in a shared memory. The second context space spans only three machines and has a cluster with one region. Threads in address spaces 1 and 2 cannot access the objects in this cluster. The corresponding clusters in different address spaces must be mapped in at the same virtual addresses. Internal pointers are relocated at the time the mapping occurs.
Clusters are not replicated. This means that although a cluster may appear in multiple address spaces at the same time, there is only one physical copy of each cluster. When a user thread tries to invoke a method on an object that is in its address space but physically not present on its machine, a trap occurs to the COOL base. The base then either forwards the request to the machine holding the cluster for remote invocation or arranges for the cluster to migrate to its machine for local invocation.
The COOL generic runtime uses clusters and context spaces to manage objects. Objects are persistent and exist on disk when no process has them mapped in. Operations are provided to the language runtime system to create and delete objects, map them into and out of address spaces, and invoke their methods. When an object invokes a method of another object that is located in its own cluster, the invocation is done by a local procedure call. When the invoked object is in a different cluster, the generic runtime system is used to ask the COOL base to arrange for the remote invocation. Because the overhead of intracluster invocations is so much smaller than that of intercluster invocations, putting objects that invoke each other a lot together in one cluster greatly reduces system overhead. In COOL-1, all invocations were effectively intercluster operations, which proved to be expensive.
The generic runtime system has a standard interface to the language-dependent runtime systems that use it. The interface is based on up calls, in which the generic runtime system calls the language runtime system to find out properties of objects, for example, to find internal pointers for relocation purposes when an object is mapped in.
Normally, when programmers define objects, they define them in a special interface definition language. These definitions then are compiled into objects that can be called at run time to invoke the objects. These interface objects then decide whether invocations on remote objects will be done remotely, or the object will be migrated locally. Methods in the interface objects allow the program to control the policy used.
The COOL subsystem runs on top of the Chorus microkernel, just like the UNIX one. It consists of a process that implements the COOL base and a COOL generic runtime system that is linked with every COOL program (along with the language library), as shown in Fig. 9-26. This design allows COOL processes to make calls to the COOL subsystem, while at the same time UNIX processes make calls to the UNIX subsystem, without the two interfering. This modularity is a direct result of the microkernel design, and holds for Amoeba and Mach as well, of course.
Fig. 9-26. Implementation of COOL.
In this and the preceding two chapters we have looked at three microkernel-based distributed operating systems, Amoeba, Mach, and Chorus, in considerable detail. While they have some points in common, Amoeba and Mach differ in many of the technical details. Chorus has borrowed many ideas from both Amoeba and Mach, and thus often takes an intermediate position between the two. In this section we will look at all three systems side-by-side to illustrate the various choices that designers can make.
Amoeba, Mach and Chorus have different histories and different philosophies. Amoeba was designed from scratch as a distributed system for use on a collection of CPUs connected by a LAN. Later, multiprocessors and WANs were added. Mach (actually RIG) started out as an operating system for a single processor, with multiprocessors and LANs being added afterward. Chorus began as a distributed operating systems research project quite far from the UNIX world, and went through three major revisions, getting closer and closer to UNIX each time. The consequences of these differing backgrounds are still visible in the systems.
Amoeba is based on the processor pool model. A user does not log into a particular machine, but into the system as a whole. The operating system decides where to run each command, based on the current load. It is normal for requests to use multiple processors; rarely will two consecutive commands run on the same processor. There is no concept of a home machine.
In contrast, Mach and Chorus (UNIX) were designed with the idea that a user definitely logs into a specific machine and runs all his programs there by default. There is no attempt to spread each user's work over as many machines as possible (although on a multiprocessor, the work will be spread automatically over all the multiprocessor's CPUs). While it is possible to run remotely, the philosophical difference is that each user has a home machine (e.g., a workstation) where most of his work is carried out. However, this distinction was later blurred when Mach was ported to the Intel Paragon, a machine consisting of a pool of processors.
Another philosophical difference relates to what a "microkernel" is. The Amoeba view follows the famous dictum expounded by the French aviator and writer Antoine de St. Exupery: Perfection is not achieved when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away. Whenever a proposal was made to add a new feature to the kernel, the deciding question was: Can we live without it? This philosophy led to a minimal kernel, with most of the code in user-level servers.
The Mach designers, in contrast, wanted to provide enough functionality in the kernel to handle the widest possible range of applications. In many areas, Amoeba contains one way to do something and Mach contains two or three, each more convenient or efficient under different circumstances. Consequently, the Mach kernel is much larger and has five times as many system calls (including calls to kernel threads) as Amoeba. Chorus occupies an intermediate position between Amoeba and Mach, but it still has more system calls than 4.2 BSD UNIX, which is hardly a microkernel. A comparison is given in Fig. 9-27.
System | Kernel calls |
Amoeba | 30 |
Version 7 UNIX | 45 |
4.2 BSD | 84 |
Chorus | 112 |
Mach | 153 |
SunOS | 165 |
Fig. 9-27. Number of system calls and calls to kernel threads in selected systems.
Another philosophical difference between Amoeba and Mach is that Amoeba has been optimized for the remote case (communication over the network) and Mach for the local case (communication via memory). Amoeba has extremely fast RPC over the network, while Mach's copy-on-write mechanism provides high-speed communication on a single node, for example. Chorus has primarily emphasized single CPU and multiprocessor systems, but since the communication management is done in the kernel (as in Amoeba) and not in a user process (as in Mach), it potentially can have good RPC performance, too.
Objects are the central concept in Amoeba. A few are built in, like threads and processes, but most are user defined (e.g., files) and can have arbitrary operations on them. About a dozen generic operations (e.g., get status) are defined on nearly all objects, with various object-specific operations defined on each one as well.
In contrast, the only objects supported directly by Mach are threads, processes, ports, and memory objects, each with a fixed set of operations. Higher level software can use these concepts to build other objects, but they are qualitatively different than the built-in objects like memory objects.
In all three systems, objects are named, addressed, and protected by capabilities. In Amoeba, capabilities are managed in user space and protected by oneway functions. Capabilities for system-defined objects (e.g., processes) and for user-defined objects (e.g., directories) are treated in a uniform way and appear in user-level directories for naming and addressing all objects. Amoeba capabilities are in principle worldwide, that is, a directory can hold capabilities for files and other objects that are located anywhere. Objects are located by broadcasting, with the results cached for future use.
Mach also has capabilities, but only for ports. These are managed by the kernel in capability lists, one per process. Unlike Amoeba, there are no capabilities for processes or other system or user-defined objects, and they are not generally used directly by application programs. Port capabilities are passed between processes in a controlled way, so Mach can find them by looking them up in kernel tables.
Chorus supports about the same built-in objects as Mach, but also uses Amoeba's capability system for allowing subsystems to define new protected objects. Unlike Amoeba, Chorus capabilities do not have an explicit (crypto-graphically protected) field giving the allowed rights. Like Amoeba's capabilities and unlike Mach's, Chorus' capabilities can be passed from one process to another simply by including them in a message or writing them to a shared file.
All three systems support processes with multiple threads per process. Again in all three cases, the threads are managed and scheduled by the kernel, although a user-level threads packages can be built on top of them. Amoeba does not provide user control over thread scheduling, whereas Mach and Chorus allows processes to set the priorities and policies of their threads in software. Mach provides more elaborate multiprocessor support than the other two.
In Amoeba and Chorus, synchronization between threads is done by mutexes and semaphores. In Mach it is done by mutexes and condition variables. Amoeba and Mach support some form of glocal variables. Chorus uses software registers to define each thread's private context.
Amoeba, Mach, and Chorus all work on multiprocessors, but they differ on how they deal with threads on these machines. In Amoeba, all the threads of a process run on the same CPU, in pseudoparallel, timeshared by the kernel. In Mach processes have fine-grained control over which threads run on which CPUs (using the processor set concept). Consequently, the threads of the same process can run in parallel on different CPUs.
In Amoeba, a similar effect can be achieved by having several single-threaded processes run on different CPUs and share a common address space. Nevertheless, it is clear that the Mach designers have devoted more attention to multiprocessors than have the Amoeba designers.
Chorus supports having multiple threads within a single process running on different CPUs at the same time, but this is handled entirely by the operating system. There are no user-visible primitives for managing thread-to-processor allocation, but there will be in the future.
However, the Amoeba designers have put more work into supporting load balancing and heterogeneity. When the Amoeba shell starts a process, it asks the run server to find it the CPU with the lightest workload. Unless the user has specified a specific architecture, the process may be started on any architecture for which a binary is available, with the user not even being aware which kind has been selected. This scheme is designed to spread the workload over as many machines as possible all the time.
In Mach, processes are normally started on the user's home machine. Only when explicitly requested to do so by the user are processes run remotely on idle workstations, and even then they have to be evicted quickly if the workstation's owner touches the keyboard. This difference relates to the fundamental difference between the processor pool model and the workstation model.
Chorus allows a process to be started on any machine. The UNIX emulation provides a way to set the default site.
Amoeba's memory model is based on variable-length segments. A virtual address space consists of some number of segments mapped in at specific addresses. Segments can be mapped in and out at will. Each segment is controlled by a capability. A remote process that has the capabilities for another process' segments (e.g., a debugger) can read and write them from any other Amoeba machine. Amoeba does not support paging. When a process is running, all of its segments are in memory. The ideas behind this decision are simplicity of design and high performance, coupled with the fact that extremely large memories are becoming common on even the smallest machines.
Mach's memory model is based on memory objects and is implemented in terms of fixed-size pages. Memory objects can be mapped and unmapped at will. A memory object need not be entirely in main memory to be used. When an absent page is referenced, a page fault occurs and a message is sent to an external memory manager to find the page and map it in. Together with the default memory manager, this mechanism supports paged virtual memory.
Pages can be shared between multiple processes in various ways. One common configuration is the copy-on-write sharing used to attach a child process to its parent. Although this mechanism is a highly efficient way of sharing on a single node, it loses its advantages in a distributed system because physical transport is always required (assuming that the receiver needs to read the data). In such an environment, the extra code and complexity are wasted. This is a clear example of where Mach has been optimized for single-CPU and multiprocessor systems, rather than for distributed systems.
Chorus' memory management model is taken largely from Mach. It too has memory objects (segments) that can be mapped in. These are demand paged under the control of an external pager (mapper), as in Mach.
Amoeba, Mach, and Chorus all support distributed shared memory, but they do it in different ways. Amoeba supports shared objects that are replicated on all machines using them. Objects can be of any size and can support any operations. Reads are done locally, and writes are done using the Amoeba reliable broadcast protocol.
Mach and Chorus, in contrast, support a page-based distributed shared memory. When a thread references a page that is not present on its machine, the page is fetched from its current machine and brought in. If two machines heavily access the same writable page, thrashing can occur. The trade-off here is the more expensive update on Amoeba (due to the replication of writable objects), versus the potential for thrashing on Mach and Chorus (only one copy of writable pages).
Amoeba supports both RPC and group communication as fundamental primitives. RPCs are addressed to put-ports, which are service addresses. They are protected cryptographically using one-way functions. The sending and receiving machines can be anywhere. The RPC interface is very simple: only three system calls, none with any options.
Group communication provides reliable broadcasting as a user primitive. Messages can be sent to any group with a guarantee of reliable delivery. In addition, all group members see all messages arrive in exactly the same order.
Low-level communication uses the FLIP protocol, which provides process addressing (as opposed to machine addressing). This feature allows process migration and (inter)network reconfiguration automatically, without the software even being aware of it. It also supports other facilities useful in distributed systems.
In contrast, Mach's communication is from process to port, rather than from process to process. Furthermore, the sender and port must be on the same node. Using a network message server or the NORMA code as a proxy, communication can be extended over a network, but this indirection extracts a performance penalty. Mach does not support group communication or reliable broadcasting as basic kernel primitives.
Communication is done using the mach_msg system call, which has seven parameters, ten options, and 35 potential error messages. It supports both synchronous and asynchronous message passing. This approach is the antithesis of the Amoeba strategy of "Keep it simple and make it fast." The idea here is to provide the maximum flexibility and the widest range of support for present and future applications.
Mach messages can be either simple or complex. Simple messages are just bits and are not processed in any special way by the kernel. Complex messages may contain capabilities. They may also pass out-of-line data using copy-on-write, something Amoeba does not have. On the other hand, this facility is of little value in a distributed system because the out-of-line data must be fetched by the network message server, combined with the message header and in-line data, and sent over the network. This optimization is for the local case and wins nothing when the sender and receiver are on different machines.
On the network, Mach uses conventional protocols such as TCP/IP. These have the advantage of being stable and widely available. FLIP, in contrast, is new, but is faster for typical RPC usage and has been specifically designed for the needs of distributed computing.
Communication in Chorus is philosophically similar to Mach, but simpler. Messages are directed to ports and can either be sent asynchronously or by using RPC. All Chorus communication is handled by the kernel, as in Amoeba. There is nothing like the network message server in Chorus. Like Amoeba and unlike Mach, a Chorus message has a fixed header containing source and destination information, and an untyped body that is just an array of bytes as far as the system is concerned. As in Amoeba, capabilities in messages are not treated in any special way.
Chorus supports broadcasting at the kernel level but in a way more like Mach (which does not support it) than like Amoeba (which does). Ports can be grouped together in port groups, and messages sent to all the members of a port group (or to just one). There is no guarantee that all processes see all messages in the same order, as in Amoeba.
Amoeba has a variety of servers for specific functions, including file management, directory management, object replication, and load balancing. All are based on objects and capabilities. Amoeba supports replicated objects via directories that contain capability sets. UNIX emulation is provided at the source code level, is based on POSIX, but is not 100 percent complete. The emulation is done by mapping UNIX concepts onto Amoeba ones and calling on the native Amoeba servers to do the work. For example, when a file is opened, the capability for the file is acquired and stored in the file descriptor table.
Mach has a single server that runs BSD UNIX as an application program. It provides 100 percent binary-compatible emulation, a great boon for running existing software for which the source code is not available. General object replication is not supported. Other servers also exist.
Chorus provides full binary compatibility with System V UNIX. The emulation is done by a collection of processes (like Amoeba) rather than by running UNIX as an application program (like Mach). However, some of these processes contain actual UNIX code, like Mach and unlike Amoeba. Like Amoeba, the native servers were designed from scratch with distributed computing in mind, so the emulation translates the UNIX constructs onto the native ones. Just as in Amoeba, for example, when a file is opened, a capability for it is fetched and stored in the file descriptor table.
A brief summary of some of the points discussed above is given in Fig. 9-28.
Item | Amoeba | Mach | Chorus |
Designed for: | Distributed system | 1 CPU, multiprocessor | 1 CPU, multiprocessor |
Execution model | Pool processor | Workstation | Workstation |
Microkernel? | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Number of kernel calls | 30 | 153 | 112 |
Automatic load balancing? | Yes | No | No |
Capabilities | General | Only ports | General |
Capabilities in: | User space | Kernel | User space |
Threads managed by: | Kernel | Kernel | Kernel |
Transparent heterogenity? | Yes | No | No |
User-settable priorities? | No | Yes | Yes |
Multiprocessor support | Minimal | Extensive | Moderate |
Mapped object | Segment | Memory object | Segment |
Demand paging? | No | Yes | Yes |
Copy on write? | No | Yes | Yes |
External pagers? | No | Yes | Yes |
Distributed shared memory | Object based | Page based | Page based |
RPC? | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Group communication | Reliable, ordered | None | Unreliable |
Asynchronous communication? | No | Yes | Yes |
Intermachine messages | Kernel | User space/kernel | Kernel |
Messages address to: | Process | Port | Port |
UNIX emulation | Source | Binary | Binary |
UNIX compatibility | POSIX (partial) | BSD | System V |
Single-server UNIX? | No | Yes | No |
Multiserver UNIX? | Yes | No | Yes |
Optimized for: | Remote case | Local case | Local case |
Automatic file replication? | Yes | No | No |
Fig. 9-28. A comparison of Amoeba, Mach, and Chorus.
Like Amoeba and Mach, Chorus is a microkernel-based operating system for use in distributed systems. It provides binary compatibility with System V UNIX, support for real-time applications, and object-oriented programming.
Chorus consists of three conceptual layers: the kernel layer, the subsystems, and the user processes. The kernel layer contains the microkernel proper, as well as some kernel processes that run in kernel mode and share the microkernel's address space. The middle layer contains the subsystems, which are used to build provide operating system support to user programs, which reside in the top layer.
The microkernel provides six key abstractions: processes, threads, regions, messages, ports, port groups, and unique identifiers. Processes provide a way to collect and manage resources. Threads are the active entities in the system, and are scheduled by the kernel using a priority-based scheduler. Regions are areas of virtual address space that can have segments mapped into them. Ports are buffers used to hold incoming messages not yet read. Unique identifiers are binary names used to identifying resources.
The microkernel and subsystems together provide three additional constructs: capabilities, protection identifiers, and segments. The first two are used to name and protect subsystem resources. The third is the basis of memory allocation, both within a running process and on disk.
Two subsystems were described in this chapter. The UNIX subsystem consists of the process, object, streams, and interprocess communication managers, which work together to provide binary compatible UNIX emulation. The COOL subsystem provides support for object-oriented programming.
1. Capabilities in Chorus use epoch numbers in their UIs. Why?
2. What is the difference between a region and a segment?
3. The Chorus supervisor is machine dependent, whereas the real-time executive is machine independent. Explain.
4. Why does Chorus need system processes in addition to user processes and kernel processes?
5. What is the difference between a thread being SUSPENDED and it being STOPPED? After all, in both cases it cannot run.
6. Briefly describe how exceptions and interrupts are handled in Chorus, and tell why they are handled differently.
7. Chorus supports both semaphores and mutexes. Is this strictly necessary? Would it not be sufficient to support only semaphores?
8. What is the function of a mapper?
9. Briefly describe what MpPullIn and MpPushOut are used for.
10. Chorus supports both RPC and an asynchronous send. What is the essential difference between these two?
11. Give a possible use of port migration in Chorus.
12. It is possible to send a message to a port group in Chorus. Does the message go to all the ports in the group, or to a randomly selected port?
13. Chorus has explicit calls to create and delete ports, but only a call for creating port groups (grpAllocate). Make an educated guess as to why there is no grpDelete.
14. Why were miniports introduced? Do they do anything that regular ports do not do?
15. Why does Chorus support both preemptive and nonpreemptive scheduling?
16. Name one way in which Chorus is like Amoeba. Name one way in which it is like Mach.
17. How does Chorus' use of port groups differ from group communication in Amoeba?
18. Why did Chorus extend the semantics of UNIX signals?