Quotations from writings other than Copernicus’s:
“It seemed as though a new world. . possession of the whole community.” from Henri Pirenne’s A History of Europe, translated by Bernard Miall (New York, 1956)
“If at the foundation. . but despair?” from Søren Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling, translated by Walter Lowrie (Princeton, N. J., 1968).
“I hold it true. . the ancients dreamed.” from Albert Einstein’s Herbert Spencer Lecture, Oxford, 1933 (quoted by Jeremy Bernstein in Einstein, London, 1973)
“Science aims at. . of commonplace experience.” from Sir Arthur Eddington’s The Nature of the Physical World (Cambridge, 1923).
“It is of the highest. . we are confronted.” from Max Planck (quoted by Bernstein in Einstein, p. 156)
“The death of one god is the death of all.” from Wallace Stevens’s “Notes Toward a Supreme Fiction”, Collected Poems (London, 1955).