Bibliography of Scientific Publications of R.W.Wood

1. The Kingdom of the Dream. Experience with Hasheesh. New York Herald, 1889; also in William James' Psychology, Vol. 2

2. Apparatus for Rapid and Prolonged Washing of Precipitates. Jour. Anal. Chem., Vol. IV, Part 4, 1890

3. Combustion of Gas Jets Under Pressure. Amer. Jour. Science, 41 (1891), 477

4. Effects of Pressure on Ice. Amer. Jour. Science, 41 (1891), 30

5. The Action of Salts on Acids. Amer. Chem. Jour., 15 (1893), 663

6. The Affinity Constants of Weak Acids and the Hydrolysis of Salts. Amer. Chem. Jour., 16 (1894), 313

7. Eine einfache Methode, die Dauer von Torsionsschwingungen zu bestimmen. Wied. Ann. 56 (1895), 171

8. Demonstration of Caustics. American Jour. Science, 50 (1895), 301

9. On the Dissociation Degree of Some Electrolytes at 0°. Phil. Mag., 41 (1896), 117; Zeit. f. phys. Chem., 18, (1895), 521

10. The Duration of the Flash of Exploding Oxyhydrogen. Phil. Mag., 41 (1895), 120

11. A Duplex Mercurial Air-Pump. Phil. Mag., 41 (1896), 387; Wied. Ann., 58 (1896), 206

12. Note on "Focus Tubes" for Producing X-rays. Phil. Mag., 41 (1896), 382

13. Ueber eine neue Form der Quecksilbe luftpumpe und die Erhaltung eines guten Vacuums bei Rontgen'schen Versuchen. Wied. Ann., 58 (1896), 205

14. On the Absorption Spectrum of Solutions of Iodine and Bromine Above the Critical Temperature. Phil. Mag., 41 (1896), 423; Zs. phys. Chem., 19 (1896), 689

15. Experimental Determination of the Temperature in Geissler Tubes. Phys. Rev., 4 (1896), 191; Wied. Ann., 59, 238 (1896)

16. The X-ray Arc. Electrician, 38 (1896), 289, 371

17. Lecture-Room Demonstration of Orbits of Bodies Under the Action of a Central Attraction. Phys. Rev., 4 (1896), 413

18. Demonstration of the Doppler Effect. Phys. Rev., 4 (1896), 504

19. A New Form of Cathode Discharge and the Production of X-rays, Together with Some Notes on Diffraction. Phys. Rev., 5 (1897), 1

20. Apparatus for Illustrating Potential Gradient. Phys. Rev., 6 (1898), 164

21. Apparatus for Showing the Conductivity of Gases. Phys. Rev., 6 (1898), 165

22. Phase-Reversal Zone-Plates and Diffraction Telescope. Phil. Mag., 45 (1898), 511

23. Equilibrium Figures Formed by Floating Magnets. Phil. Mag., 46 (1898), 162

24. The Anomalous Dispersion of Cyanin. Phil. Mag., 46 (1898), 380

25. Some Experiments on Artificial Mirages and Tornadoes. Phil. Mag., 47 (1899), 349

26. An Application of the Diffraction Grating to Colour Photography. Phil. Mag., 47 (1899), 368

27. Photography of Sound Waves by the "Schlieren Methode." Phil. Mag., 48 (1899), 218

28. Dark Lightning. Nature, Sept. 14, 1899, 460

29. Diffraction Process of Color Photography. Science, 9 (1899), 859; Photog. Jour., 24 (1900), 256; Jour. Soc. Arts., (1900), 285

30. On the Cause of Dark Lightning and the Clayden Effect. Jour. Phot. Soc., Phila., Nov. 8, 1899, 69

31. Zone Plate Photography. Photog. Jour., 24 (1900), 248

32. Photography of Sound Waves. Photog. Jour. of Roy. Photo. Soc. London., 24 (1900), 250

33. An Application of the Method of Striae to the Illumination of Objects Under the Microscope. Phil. Mag., 50 (1900), 347

34. The Photography of Sound Waves and the Demonstration of the Evolutions of Reflected Wave Fronts with the Cinematograph. Phil. Mag., 50 (1900), 148; Smithsonian Report for 1900 (1901) 359; Chem. News, 81 (1900), 103; Proc. Roy. Soc., A 66 (1900), 283

35. Artificial Representation of a Total Solar Eclipse. Nature, 63 (1901), 250; Science, 13 (1901), 65

36. Vortex Rings. Nature, 63 (1901), 458

37. Pseudoscopic Vision Without a Pseudoscope. Nature, 64 (1901), 351; Science, 14 (1901), 185

38. The Anomalous Dispersion of Cyanin (with C. E. Magnusson). Phil. Mag., 1 (1901), 36

39. The Problem of the Daylight Observation of the Corona. Astrophys. Jour., 12 (1901), 281

40. The Nature of the Solar Corona. Astrophys. Jour., 13 (1901), 68

41. The Anomalous Dispersion of Carbon. Phil. Mag., 1 (1901), 405

42. On the Propagation of Cusped Waves and Their Relation to the Primary and Secondary Focal Lines. Phil. Mag., 1 (1901), 589

43. On the Production of a Bright-Line Spectrum by Anomalous Dispersion and Its Application to the "Flash-Spectrum." Phil. Mag., 1 (1901), 551; Naturwissensch. Rundschau, 16 (1901), 394; Astrophys. Jour., 13 (1901), 63

44. On Cyanine Prisms and a New Method of Exhibiting Anomalous Dispersion. Phil. Mag., 1 (1901), 624

45. A Mica Echelon Grating. Phil. Mag., 1 (1901), 627

46. Anomalous Dispersion of Sodium Vapour. Proc. Roy. Soc., 69 (1901), 157

47. On the Fluorescence and Absorption Spectrum of Sodium Vapour. Phil. Mag., 3 (1902), 359

48. A Suspected Case of Resonance of Minute Metallic Particles for Light Waves. Phil. Mag., 3 (1902), 396

49. Surface Colour. Phys. Rev., 14 (1902), 315

50. Prisms and Plates for Showing Dichromatism. Phys. Rev., 15 (1902), 121

51. The Invisibility of Transparent Objects. Phys. Rev., 15 (1902), 123

52. Absorption, Dispersion, and Surface Colour of Selenium. Phil. Mag., 3 (1902), 607

53. Production of a Magnetic Field by a Flight of Charged Particles. Phil. Mag., 3 (1902), 659

54. Cooling of Gases by Expansion. Science, 16 (1902), 592

55. The Kinetic Theory of the Expansion of Compressing Gas into a Vacuum. Science, 16 (1902), 909

56. On a Remarkable Case of Uneven Distribution of Light in a Diffraction Grating Spectrum. Phil. Mag., 4 (1902), 396

57. On the Electrical Resonance of Metal Particles for Light Waves. Second Communication. Phil. Mag., 4 (1902), 425; Phys. Zs., 4 (1903), 338

58. The Clayden Effect and the Reversal of Spectrum Lines. Phil. Mag., 4 (1902), 606

59. Screens Transparent Only to Ultra-Violet Light and Their Use in Spectrum Photography. Phil. Mag., 5 (1903), 257; Phys. Zs., 4 (1903), 337; Astrophys. Jour., 17 (1903), 133

60. On Photographic Reversals in Spectrum Photographs. Explanation of Dark Lightning. Astrophys. Jour., 17 (1903), 361

61. On the Anomalous, Dispersion, Absorption and Surface Colour of Nitrosodimethyl Aniline with a Note on the Dispersion of Toluine. Phil. Mag., 6 (1903), 96; Proc. Am. Acad. Arts and Sci., 39 (1903), 51

62. Electrical Resonance of Metal Particles for Light Waves. Third Communication. Phil. Mag., 6 (1903), 259

63. Fluorescence and Absorption Spectra of Sodium Vapour (with J. H. Moore). Phil. Mag., 6 (1903), 362; Astrophys. Jour., 18 (1903), 94

64. Some New Cases of Interference and Diffraction. Phil. Mag., 8 (1904), 376

65. The Achromatization of Approximately Monochromatic Interference Fringes by a Highly Dispersive Medium, and the Consequent Increase in the Allowable Path-difference (with a note by Lord Rayleigh). Phil. Mag., 8 (1904), 324

66. Scintillations of Radium. Science, 19 (1904), 195

67. The N Rays (Letter exposing delusion). Nature, 70 (1904), 530

68. A Quantitative Determination of the Anomalous Dispersion of Sodium Vapour in the Visible and Ultra-Violet Regions. Phil. Mag., 8 (1904), 293; Phys. Zs., 5 (1904), 751; Am. Acad. Arts Sci., 40 (1904), 365

69. Apparatus to Illustrate the Pressure of Sound Waves. Phys. Rev., 20 (1905), 113; Phys. Zs., 6 (1905), 22

70. Intensity of Grating Spectra. Astrophys. Jour., 21 (1905), 173; Phys. Zs., 6 (1905), 238

71. The Magnetic Rotation of Sodium Vapor (with H. W. Springsteen). Phys. Rev., 21 (1905), 41

72. Physical Optics (Textbook). Macmillan Company, New York. London, 1905

73. The Scintillations Produced by Radium. Phil. Mag., 10 (1905), 427

74. The Magneto-Optics of Sodium Vapour and the Rotatory Dispersion Formula. Phil. Mag., 10 (1905), 408

75. The Fluorescence of Sodium Vapour and the Resonance Radiation of Electrons. Phil. Mag., 10 (1905), 513

76. Anomalous Dispersion of the Magnetic Rotation of the Plane of Polarization. Phil. Mag., 10 (1905), 725; Phys. Zs., 6 (1905), 416

77. The Meteorological Optics of Prof. J. M. Pernter: Review. Monthly Weather Review, 1906

78. Fluorescence and Magnetic Rotation Spectra of Sodium Vapor, and Their Analysis. Phil. Mag., 12 (1906), 499; Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci., 42 (1906), 235

79. Fluorescence and Lambert's Law. Phil. Mag., 11 (1906), 782

80. Interference Colours of Chlorate of Potash Crystals and a New Method of Isolating Heat Waves. Phil. Mag., 12 (1906), 67

81. Fish-Eye Views and Vision Under Water. Phil. Mag., 12 (1906), 159

82. Bemerkung über die Selbstumkehrung der Wasserstofflinien. Phys. Zs., 7 (1906), 926

83. Fluorescence, Magnetic Rotation and Temperature Emission Spectra of Iodine Vapour. Phil. Mag., 12 (1906), 329

84. The Intensification of Glass Diffraction Gratings and the Diffraction Process of Colour Photography. Phil. Mag., 12 (1906), 585

85. Abnormal Polarization and Colour of Light Scattered by Small Absorbing Particles. Phil. Mag., 12 (1906), 147

86. Atlas of Absorption Spectra (with H. S. Uhler). Carnegie Institution Publication, 71 (1907)

87. Eine Interferenz methode zur Auffindung von Gesetzmässigkeiten in linienreichen Spektren. Phys. Zs., 8 (1907), 607

88. Die Temperaturstrahlung des Joddampfes. Phys. Zs., 8 (1907), 517

89. Ein einfaches Wassergeblase zum Betriebe von Gebläselampen. Phys. Zs., 8 (1907), 517

90. A Simple Treatment of the Secondary Maxima of Grating Spectra. Phil. Mag., 14 (1907), 477

91. Modification in the Appearance and Position of an Absorption Band Resulting from the Presence of a Foreign Gas. Astrophys. Jour., 26 (1907), 41

92. The Magnetic Rotation of Sodium Vapour at the D Lines. Phil. Mag., 14 (1907), 145

93. A Hydraulic Analogy of Radiating Bodies for Illustrating the Luminosity of the Welsbach Mantle. Phys. Rev., 24 (1907), 436; Nature, 75 (1907), 558

94. Note on the Photography of Very Faint Spectra. (Increased sensitivity of plate by pre-exposure.) Astrophys. Jour., 27 (1908), 379

95. Polarized Fluorescence of Metallic Vapors and the Solar Corona. Astrophys. Jour., 28 (1908), 75

96. Anomalous Magnetic Rotatory Dispersion of Neodymium. Phil. Mag., 15 (1908), 270

97. On the Existence of Positive Electrons in the Sodium Atom. Phil. Mag., 15 (1908), 274

98. The Resonance Spectra of Sodium Vapour. Phil. Mag., 15 (1908), 581

99. On the Emission of Polarized Light by Fluorescent Gases. Phil. Mag., 16 (1908), 184

100. On a Method of Showing Fluorescent Absorption Directly if It Exists. (Disproving claims of certain observers.) Phil. Mag., 16 (1908), 940

101. An Extension of the Principal Series of the Sodium Spectrum. Phil. Mag., 16 (1908), 945

102. The Fluorescence and Magnetic Rotation Spectra of Potassium Vapor (with T. S. Carter). Phys. Rev., 27 (1908), 107

103. The Resonance and Magnetic Rotation Spectra of Sodium Vapor Photographed with the Concave Grating (with F. E. Hackett). Astrophys. Jour., 30 (1909), 339

104. The Complete Principal Series in the Sodium Spectrum (50 lines). Astrophys. Jour., 29 (1909), 97

105. The Mercury Paraboloid as a Reflecting Telescope. Astrophys. Jour., 29 (1909), 164

106. The Selective Reflexion of Monochromatic Light by Mercury Vapor. Phil. Mag., 18 (1909), 187

107. The Damping of Mercury Waves. Phil. Mag., 18 (1909), 194

108. The Absorption, Fluorescence, Magnetic Rotation and Anomalous Dispersion of Mercury Vapour. Phil. Mag., 18 (1909), 240

109. On the Flow of Energy in a System of Interference Fringes. Phil. Mag., 18 (1909), 250

110. The Ultra-violet Absorption, Fluorescence, and Magnetic Rotation of Sodium Vapour. Phil. Mag., 18 (1909), 530

111. High Purity Interference Phenomena of Chlorate of Potash Crystals. Phil. Mag., 18 (1909), 535

112. Talbot's Fringes and the Echelon Grating. Phil. Mag., 18 (1909), 758

113. Note on the Theory of the Greenhouse. Phil. Mag., 17 (1909), 319

114. The Ultra-violet Absorption Spectra of Certain Metallic Vapors and Their Mixtures (with D. V. Guthrie). Astrophys. Jour., 29 (1909), 211

115. The Moon in Ultra-violet Light, and Spectro-selenography. Popular Astronomy, No. 172 (1910); Monthly Notices, Roy. Astr. Soc., 70 (1919), 226

116. Lichtschwebungen und Dopplereffekt. Phys. Zs., 11 (1910), 503, 671, 851

117. Optische Täuschungen und doppelte Umkehrung von Spektrallinien. Phys. Zs., 11 (1910), 822

118. Determination of Stellar Velocities with the Objective Prism. Astrophys. Jour., 31 (1910), 376

119. Additional Notes on Radial Velocities with Objective Prism. Astrophys. Jour., 31 (1910), 460

120. Determination of Absolute Wavelengths with Objective Prisms (with E. C. Pickering). Harv. College Obs. Circ., 154 (1910)

121. Isolierung langwelliger Wärmestrahlung durch Quarzlinsen (with H. Rubens). Sitz. phys. math. Cl., Dec. 1910, 1122

122. The Cathode-Ray Fluorescence of Sodium Vapor (with R. H. Galt). Astrophys. Jour., 33 (1911), 72

123. Nickeled Glass Reflectors for Celestial Photography. Astrophys. Jour., 34 (1911), 404

124. A New Radiant Emission from the Spark. Phil. Mag., 20 (1910), 707; Phys. Zs., 11 (1910), 823

125. Some Experiments on Refraction by Non-homogeneous Media. Phil. Mag., 20 (1910), 712

126. The Echelette Grating for the Infra-red. Phil. Mag., 20 (1910), 770

127. Groove-Form and Energy Distribution of Diffraction Gratings (with Augustus Trowbridge). Phil. Mag., 20 (1910), 886

128. Note on Infra-red Investigations with the Echelette Grating (with Augustus Trowbridge). Phil. Mag., 20 (1910), 898

129. Focal Isolation of Long Heat-Waves (with H. Rubens). Phil. Mag., 21 (1911), 249

130. Recent Experiments with Invisible Light. A "Friday Evening Discourse." Roy. Inst. Gt. Bt. (1911), 1

131. The Resonance Spectra of Iodine. Phil. Mag., 21 (1911), 261

132. Transformation of a Resonance Spectrum into a Band Spectrum by Presence of Helium (with J. Franck). Phil. Mag., 21 (1911), 265

133. The Destruction of the Fluorescence of Iodine and Bromine Vapour by Other Gases. Phil. Mag., 21 (1911), 309

134. The Influence upon the Fluorescence of Iodine and Mercury of Gases with Different Affinities for Electrons (with J. Franck). Phil. Mag., 21 (1911), 314

135. The Resonance Spectra of Iodine Vapour and Their Destruction by Gases of the Helium Group. Phil. Mag., 22 (1911), 469

136. Bemerkungen zu der A. Heurungschen Arbeit: Untersuchungen über die magneto-optischen Effekte bei Chlor und Jod. Ann. d. Phys., 37 (1912), 594

137. Diffraction Gratings with Controlled Groove Form and Abnormal Distribution of Intensity. Phil. Mag., 23 (1912), 310; Phys. Zs., 13 (1912), 261

138. Selective Reflexion, Scattering and Absorption by Resonating Gas Molecules. Phil. Mag., 23 (1912), 689; Phys. Zs., 13 (1912), 353

139. Preliminary Note on the Electron Atmospheres of Metals. Phil. Mag., 24 (1912), 316

140. Resonance Spectra of Iodine by Multiplex Excitation. Phil. Mag., 24 (1912), 673; Phys. Zs., 14 (1913), 177

141. Kritische Bermerkung zu der Arbeit des Herrn Steubing über die strahlende Emission seitens des Funken. Phys. Zs., 13 (1912), 32

142. Selective Absorption of Light on the Moon's Surface and Lunar Petrography. Astrophys. Jour., 36 (1912), 75

143. Method of Obtaining Very Narrow Absorption Lines for Investigations in Magnetic Fields (with P. Zeeman). Phys. Zs., 14 (1913), 405

144. On the Imprisonment of Radiation by Total Reflexion. Phil. Mag., 25 (1913), 449; Phys. Zs., 14 (1913), 270

145. The Selective Dispersion of Mercury Vapour at the 2536 Absorption Line. Phil. Mag., 25 (1913), 433; Phys. Zs., 14 (1913), 191

146. Resonance Experiments with the Longest Heat-Waves. Phil. Mag., 25 (1913), 440; Phys. Zs., 14 (1913), 189

147. The Satellites of the Mercury Lines. Phil. Mag., 25 (19,3), 443; Phys. Zs., 14 (1913), 273

148. On the Use of the Interferometer for the Study of Band Spectra. Phil. Mag., 26 (1913), 176. Cf. No. 87

149. Resonance Spectra of Iodine Under High Dispersion. Phil. Mag., 26 (1913), 828; Phys. Zs., 14 (1913), 1189

150. Polarisation of the Light of Resonance Spectra. Phil. Mag., 26 (1913), 846; Phys. Zs., 14 (1913), 1200

151. Researches in physical optics; with especial reference to the radiation of electrons) Part I. Columbia University Press, 1913.

152. Ratio of the Intensities of the D-Lines of Sodium. Phys. Zs., 15 (1914) , 382

153. Photometric Investigation of the Superficial Resonance of Sodium Vapour (with L. Dunoyer). Phil. Mag., 27 (1914), 1025

154. Photometric Study of the Fluorescence of Iodine (with W. P. Speas). Phil. Mag., 27 (1914), 531; Phys. Zs., 15 (1914), 317

155. Separation of Close Spectrum Lines for Monochromatic Illumination. Phil. Mag., 27 (1914), 524; Phys. Zs., 15 (1914), 313

156. Intense Sodium Flame. Phil. Mag., 27 (1914), 530

157. Radiation of Gas Molecules Excited by Light. Proc. London Phys. Soc., 26 (1914), 185

158. Fluorescence of Gases Excited by Ultra Schumann Waves (with G. A. Hemsalech). Phil. Mag., 27 (1914), 899

159. The Separate Excitation of the Centers of Emission of the D-Lines of Sodium (with L. Dunoyer). Phil. Mag., 27 (1914), 1018

160. Magneto-Optics of Iodine Vapour (with G. Ribaud). Phil. Mag., 27 (1914), 1009; Phys. Zs., 15 (1915), 650; Jour. de Phys., 4 (1914), 378

161. Experimental Determination of the Law of Reflexion of Gas Molecules. Phil. Mag., 30 (1915), 300

162. The Effect of Electric and Magnetic Fields on the Emission Lines of Solids (with C. E. Mendanhall). Phil. Mag., 30 (1915), 316

163. Nickelled Glass Mirrors for Ultra-Violet Photography. Astro-phys. Jour., 42 (1915), 365

164. Further Study of the Fluorescence Produced by Ultra-Schumann Rays (with C. F. Meyer). Phil. Mag., 30 (1915), 449

165. Principal Series of Sodium (with R. Fortrat). Astrophys. Jour., 43 (1916), 72

166. Monochromatic Photographs of Jupiter and Saturn. Astrophys. Jour., 43 (1916), 310

167. Scattering and Regular Reflection of Light by an Absorbing Gas (with M. Kimura). Phil. Mag., 32 (1916), 329

168. Condensation and Reflection of Gas Molecules. Phil. Mag., 32 (1916), 364

169. Ionising Potential of Sodium Vapour (with S. Okano). Phil. Mag., 34 (1917), 177

170. Band and Line Spectra of Iodine (with M. Kimura). Astrophys. Jour., 46 (1917), 181

171. Zeeman-effect for Complex Lines of Iodine (with M. Kimura). Astrophys. Jour., 46 (1917), 197

172. Resonance Spectra of Iodine. Phil. Mag., 35 (1918), 236

173. Series Law of Resonance Spectra (with M. Kimura). Phil. Mag., 35 (1918), 252

174. Scattering of Light by Air Molecules. Phil. Mag., 36 (1918), 272

175. Ultra-Violet Light of High Intensity as Beacons and for Secret Signals in War-time. (A complete disclosure of the method of producing what is now called "black light," and a description of its properties and possible uses.) Jour. de Phys. (Paris), 9 (1919), 77. In the same number Wood's apparatus for the determination of the time interval between electrical contact and explosion of machine gun cartridges, exploded electrically and synchronized to fire through airplane propeller, is described by de Watteville.

176. Invisible Light in Warfare. London Phys. Soc. Proc., 31 (1919), 232

177. Resonance Radiation of Sodium Vapour Excited by One of the D-Lines (with F. L. Mohler). Phil. Mag., 37 (1919), 456; Phys. Rev., 11 (1918), 70

178. Optical Properties of Homogeneous and Granular Films of Sodium and Potassium. Phil. Mag., 38 (1919), 98

179. Researches in physical optics; with especial reference to the radiation of electrons) Part II. Columbia University Press, 1919.

180. Light Scattering by Air and the Blue Colour of the Sky. Phil. Mag., 39 (1920), 423

181. Extension of the Balmer Series of Hydrogen, and Spectroscopic Phenomena of Very Long Vacuum Tubes. Proc. Roy. Soc., 97 (1920), 455

182. The Fluorescence of Mercury Vapor (with J. S. van der Lingen). Astrophys. Jour., 54 (1921), 149

183. The Time Interval Between Absorption and Emission of Light in Fluorescence. Proc. Roy. Soc., 99 (1921), 362

184. On Hydrogen Spectra from Long Vacuum Tubes. Phil. Mag., 42 (1921), 729

185. Fluorescence and Photochemistry. Phil. Mag., 43 (1922), 757

186. Atomic Hydrogen and the Balmer Series Spectrum. Phil. Mag., 44 (1922), 538

187. Selective Reflection of λ 2536 by Mercury Vapour. Phil. Mag., 44 (1922), 1105

188. Polarised Resonance Radiation of Mercury Vapour. Phil. Mag., 44 (1922), 1107

189. Spontaneous Incandescence of Substances in Atomic Hydrogen Gas. Proc. Roy. Soc., 102 (1922), 1

190. Destruction of the Polarisation of Resonance Radiation by Weak Magnetic Fields (with A. Ellett). Nature, 111 (1923), 255

191. On the Influence of Magnetic Fields on the Polarisation of Resonance Radiation (with A. Ellett). Proc. Roy. Soc., A 103 (1923), 396

192. Vacuum Grating Spectrograph and the Zinc Spectrum. Phil. Mag., 46 (1923), 741

193. Dialysis of Small Volumes of Liquid. The Lily-pad Dialyser. J. Phys. Chem., 27 (1923), 565

194. Controlled Orbital Transfers of Electrons in Optically Excited Mercury Atoms. Proc. Roy. Soc., 106 A (1924), 679

195. An Experimental Study of Grating Errors and "Ghosts." Phil. Mag., 48 (1924), 497

196. Polarised Resonance Radiation in Weak Magnetic Fields (with A. Ellett). Phys. Rev., 24 (1924), 243

197. Fine Structure, Absorption and Zeeman Effect of the 2536 Mercury Line. Phil. Mag., 50 (1925), 761; Nature, 115 (1925), 461

198. Optical Excitation of the Mercury Spectrum. Phil. Mag., 50 (1925), 774

199. Improved Grating for Vacuum Spectrographs (with Th. Lyman). Phil. Mag., 2 (1926), 310

200. Structure of Cadmium and Zinc Resonance Lines. Phil. Mag., 2 (1926), 611

201. Self-Reversal of the Red Hydrogen Line. Phil. Mag., 2 (1926), 876

202. Optical Excitation of Mercury with Controlled Radiating States and Forbidden Lines. Phil. Mag., 4 (1927), 466

203. The Physical and Biological Effects of High Frequency Sound Waves of Great Intensity (with A. L. Loomis). Phil. Mag., 4 (1927), 417. At the end of this paper is clearly disclosed what is now called "electric-fever"; namely, the heating of animals in high-frequency electric fields

204. Variation of Intensity Ratios of Optically Excited Spectrum Lines with the Intensity of the Exciting Light. Nature, 120 (1927), 725

205. Spectra of High-frequency Discharges in Super-vacuum Tubes (with A. L. Loomis), Nature, 120 (1927), 510

206. Rotational Structure of the Blue-Green Bands of Na2 (with F. W. Loomis). Phys. Rev., 31 (1928), 1126; Phys. Rev., 32 (1928), 223

207. Optically Excited Iodine Bands with Alternate Missing Lines (with F. W. Loomis). Phil. Mag., 6 (1928), 231; Phys. Rev., 31 (1928), 705; Nature, 121 (1928), 283

208. Fluorescence of Mercury Vapour (with V. Voss). Nature, 121 (1928), 418; Proc. Roy. Soc., 119 (1928), 698

209. Factors Which Determine the Occurrence of the "Green-Ray." Nature, 121 (1928), 501

210. Factors Governing the Appearance of the "Forbidden Line" 2656 (with E. Gaviola). Phil. Mag., 6 (1928), 271

211. Wave-length Shifts in Scattered Light. Nature, 122 (1928), 349

212. The Fluorescence Spectrum of Sodium Vapor in the Vicinity of the D Lines (with E. L. Kinsey). Phys. Rev., 31 (1928), 793

213. New Effects in the Optical Excitation of Vapours. J. Frank. Inst., 205 (1928), 481

214. Anti-Stokes Radiation of Fluorescent Liquids. Phil. Mag., 6 (1928), 310

215. Power Relation of the Intensities of the Lines in the Optical Excitation of Mercury (with E. Gaviola). Phil. Mag., 6 (1928), 352

216. Raman Spectra of Scattered Radiation. Phil. Mag., 6 (1928), 729

217. Photosensitised Band Fluorescence of OH, HgH, NH, H2O and NH3, Molecules (with E. Gaviola). Phil. Mag., 6 (1928), 1191; Phys. Rev., 31 (1928), 1109

218. Raman Lines Under High Dispersion. Phil. Mag., 6 (1928), 1282

219. Excitation of the Raman Effect. J. Frank. Inst., 208 (1929), 617

220. Raman Effect in Gases I, HCl and NH3. Phil. Mag., 7 (1929), 744; Nature, 123 (1929), 166, 279

221. Raman Effect by Helium Excitation. Phil. Mag., 7 (1929), 858

222. Chromium Echelette Gratings for Infra-Red. Phil. Mag., 7 (1929), 742

223. Ozone Absorption During Long Arctic Night. Nature, 123 (1929), 644

224. Densitometer Curves of the Green Mercury Line. Phil. Mag., 8 (1929), 205

225. Molecular Spectra and Molecular Structure. Part II, Excitation of Raman Spectra. Trans. Far. Soc., 25 (1929), 792

226. Spectra of High Frequency Discharge in O2 and CO. Phil. Mag., 8 (1929), 207

227. Raman Lines of Mercury in Arc Improbable. (Criticism of reported results.) Nature, 125 (1930), 464

228. Plasmoidal H. F. Oscillatory Discharges in "Non-Conducting" Vacua. Phys. Rev., 35 (1930), 673

229. Raman Effect in HCl Gas (with G. H. Dieke). Phys. Rev., 35 (1930), 1355

230. Improved Technique for the Raman Effect. Phys. Rev., 33 (1929), 294; 36 (1930), 1421

231. Raman Spectra of Benzene and Diphenyl. Phys. Rev., 36 (1930), 1431

232. Ball Lightning. Nature, 126 (1930), 723

233. Stereophotographic Models of Electron Motion in Stark Effect. Phys. Rev., 38 (1931), 346

234. Selective Thermal Radiation of Coloured and Pure Fused Quartz. (Quartz Containing Neodymium). Phys. Rev., 38 (1931), 487

235. Nuclear Spin of Potassium (with F. W. Loomis). Phys. Rev., 38 (1931), 854

236. Absorption Spectra of Salts in Liquid Ammonia. Phys. Rev., 38 (1931), 1648

237. Raman Effect for Benzene Substitution Products. Phys. Rev., 38 (1931), 2168

238. Analysis of Complicated Band Spectra with the Aid of Magnetic Rotation Spectra (with G. H. Dieke). Nature, 128 (1931), 545

239. Raman Spectra of a Series of Normal Alcohols and Other Compounds (with G. Collins) Phys. Rev., 42 (1932), 386

240. Remarkable Optical Properties of the Alkali Metals. Phys. Rev., 44 (1933), 353; 43 (1933), 779, 1052

241. Influence of Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide upon the Absorption Spectrum of Mercury Vapor (with H. W. Straub) Phys. Rev., 44 (1933), 1030

242. Raman Spectrum of Heavy Water. Nature, 133 (1934), 106; Phys. Rev., 45 (1934), 392

243. Raman Spectrum of Heavy-Water Vapor. Phys. Rev., 45 (1934), 732

244. Ultra-Violet Absorption of Heavy Water Vapour (with J. Franck) Phys. Rev.45 (1934), 667

245. Comment on Paper by Langsdorf and Dullridge on Optical Rotation of Unpolarized Light. J. Opt. Soc. Amer., 24 (1934), 4

246. The Purple Gold of Tut-Ankhamun. Brit. J. Egyp. Arch., 20 (1934), 62

247. Physical optics, 3rd edition (1934). London & New York: Macmillan

248. Raman Spectrum of Heavy Chloroform (with D. H. Rank). Phys. Rev., 47 (1935), 792; 48 (1935), 63

249. Far Ultra-Violet Absorption Spectra and Ionisation Potentials of Benzenes C6H6 and C6D6 (with W. C. Price). J. Chem. Phys., 3 (1935), 439

250. Raman Spectrum of Heavy Benzene C6D6. J. Chem. Phys., 3 (1935) 444; Phys. Rev., 48 (1935), 488

251. Anomalous Diffraction Gratings. Phys. Rev., 48 (1935), 928

252. Fluorescence of Chlorophyll in Its Relation to Photochemical Processes in Plants and Organic Solutions. (with J. Franck). J. Chem. Phys., 4 (1936), 551

253. Optical and Physical Effects of High Explosives. Proc. Roy. Soc, 157 A (1936), 249

254. Raman Spectra of Deuteroparaldehyde and Paraldchyde. J. Chem. Phys., 5 (1937), 287

255. Recent Improvements in Diffraction Gratings and Replicas. Nature, 140 (1937), 723

256. Spectrum of the Arc in Hydrogen (with G. H. Dieke). Phys. Rev., 53 (1938), 146

257. Optical Properties of Alkali Metals (with C. Lukens). Phys. Rev., 54 (1938), 332

258. Negative Bands of N14 - N15 (with G. H. Dieke). J. Chem. Phys., 6 (1938), 734

259. Nuclear Spin of N15 (with G. H. Dicke). J. Chem. Phys., 6 (1938), 308

260. Supersonics, the Science of Inaudible Sounds. The Colver Lectures, Brown University, 1939. Providence: Brown University, 1939. (Popular level book but very influential in the new science of ultrasonics).

261. The Negative Bands of the Heavy Nitrogen Molecule (with G. H. Dieke). J. Chem. Phys., 8 (1940), 351

262. Fire-fly "Spinthariscope". Nature, 144 (1939), 381

263. Presence of a Hitherto Unrecognized Nicotinic Acid Derivative in Human Urine (with V. A. Najjar). Proc. Soc. Exp. Biology and Medicine, 44 (1940), 386

264. Diffraction Gratings for Astro-physical Research. Astrophys. Journ., Dec. 1941

265. Animated Crystals of Proto-catechuic Acid. J. Chem. Phys., Dec. 1941

266. Improved Diffraction Gratings and Replicas. J. Opt. Soc. Amer., 34 (1944), 509

267. The Use of Echelette Gratings in High Orders. J. Opt. Soc. Amer., 37 (1947), 733

268. Spontaneous Deformation of Protocatechuic Acid Crystals. Proc. Roy. Soc. A., 197 (1949), 283
