An officer of the Body Guard. The former.
OFFICER (urgently).
Rebellion! Where's the king?
[He makes his way through the crowd up to the KING.
Madrid's in arms!
To thousands swelled, the soldiery and people
Surround the palace; and reports are spread
That Carlos is a prisoner-that his life
Is threatened. And the mob demand to see
Him living, or Madrid will be in flames.
THE GRANDEES (with excitement).
Defend the king!
ALVA (to the KING, who remains quiet and unmoved).
Fly, sire! your life's in danger.
As yet we know not who has armed the people.
KING (rousing from his stupor, and advancing with dignity among then).
Stands my throne firm, and am I sovereign yet
Over this empire? No! I'm king no more.
These cowards weep-moved by a puny boy.
They only wait the signal to desert me.
I am betrayed by rebels!
Dreadful thought!
There! fling yourselves before him-down before
The young, the expectant king; I'm nothing now
But a forsaken, old, defenceless man!
Spaniards! is't come to this?
[All crowd round the KING, and fall on their knees before
him with drawn swords. CARLOS remains alone with the corpse,
deserted by all.
KING (tearing off his mantle and throwing it from him).
There! clothe him now
With this my royal mantle; and on high
Bear him in triumph o'er my trampled corpse!
[He falls senseless in ALVA's and LERMA's arms.
For heaven's sake, help!
Oh, sad, disastrous chance!
He faints!
ALVA (leaves the KING in LERMA's and FERIA's hands).
Attend his majesty! whilst I
Make it my aim to tranquillize Madrid.
[Exit ALVA. The KING is borne off, attended by all the grandees.