The dog's long tongue dangled as he panted, dripping spit on the seat between Peggy's spread legs. Peggy no longer leaned back in the corner, but sat facing directly forward, her feet on the floor, one foot under the dog's lower belly so she could stimulate his slippery cock with her toes-the same sexy toes Denise had been sucking on only a few minutes ago. The dog let out a low growl, and he started to hump, fucking his cock between Peggy's toes. Giggling, Peggy moved her other bare foot under the dog, catching his cock between her feet and letting him fuck between them.
Denise didn't know how to react. She was appalled by what Peggy was doing, and yet she couldn't take her eyes away from the dog-cock fucking between Peggy's feet. A clear fluid leaked from the dog's cock, getting Peggy's feet slippery. Denise noticed a musky, animal aroma in the air now, apparently coming from the Lab's excited cock.
Peggy stroked the dog's head. "You beautiful sexy boy you. You just can't get enough of rubbing that hot prick of yours against something, can you?"
The dog let out a little whimper, lapping at Peggy's tits, then sniffing some more at her cunt.
"Isn't he a doll?" Peggy said, glancing at Denise. "You wouldn't believe how hot his prick is. God, the feel of it between my feet drives me crazy! Oh, I wanna fuck!"
Peggy suddenly slumped in her seat, kicking her legs up in the air and spreading them wide. She braced her bare feet up on the back of the seat in front of her.
"Take me, Romeo," she moaned. "Oh God, fuck me!"
The dog rose up, prick flexing crazily, and grabbed Peggy around the waist, sinking his claws into her smooth flesh for a good hold. He humped at the air as he moved close to Peggy's crotch, jabbing at her pussy mound until his pointed prick found the entrance to her fuck hole and sank into her cunt, disappearing between her blonde-furred pussylips like a red snake.
Peggy writhed, her eyes rolling crazily. "Oh Romeo, oh God, yes!"
She stroked her hands down the dog's sleek black flanks, down his lower back, caressing him with trembling fingers as he fucked her. Her toes clutched at the back of the seat against which she'd braced her feet, getting the black vinyl of the seat slimy with lube from the dog's cock.
Denise could hardly breath. She was scared out of her mind. What if the other kids came back here and found out what was going on? Within seconds the entire bus would know. Denise would never live the embarrassment down. How could Peggy do such a thing?
The dog fucked faster, dripping dog-spit all over Peggy's wobbling tits. His prick fucked in and out, a red blur between Peggy's swollen cunt-lips. A rapid squishing noise came from Peggy's cunt as the dog pistoned his prick inside it.
Peggy reached over and grabbed Denise's hand, squeezing it fiercely.
"God, I can hardly stand it!" Peggy's eyes looked glazed, drugged. "Oh Denise, the feeling, it's incredible!"
This isn't happening, Denise kept repeating in her mind. This can't be happening. She winced as Peggy squeezed her hand even tighter, and she knew for certain that this was happening.
God, this was embarrassing! Even though Peggy was the one performing this filthy act with the dog, Denise felt her own face burning with shame. The shame came from deep inside Denise, from the part of her mind where she hid her deepest secrets. How many times had Denise imagined getting fucked by a dog? How many times had she jerked off, pretending that the finger in her cunt was the prick of a dog-or of some other animal? Too many times to remember. And there slumped Peggy, naked and panting, legs up in the air and spread, acting out Denise's deepest, darkest fantasies.
"Oh God, I'm coming," Peggy whispered, and she nearly crushed the bones in Denise's hand as she squirmed with orgasm, her cunt clutching madly around the dog's pistoning cock. "Oh Denise, it feels so good, oh yesss!"
Denise squeezed Peggy's hand in return, sympathetic to the other girl's pained pleasure.
As Peggy's spasms continued, she clutched the fucking Lab between her thighs, slowing his humping. The dog whimpered, trying to fuck faster.
Peggy jerked a few last times and pushed the dog away from her, forcing him to pull out.
"Sorry, boy," she mumbled.
The dog whimpered, humping at the air, his prick red and dripping.
"Poor boy," Peggy said. She glanced at Denise. "Help him out, huh?" She started to pull on Denise's hand.
"Hey wait," Denise said, but it was too late.
Denise suddenly found herself being jerked hard toward Peggy. She fell on her side in Peggy's lap, felt the warmth of Peggy's large tits as they pressed down on her cheek. Her head rested in Peggy's lap. The scent of Peggy's cunt made her dizzy and weak instantly.
"Blow him," Peggy said. "He loves blow-jobs."
Denise stifled a cry as the dog's hot cock rammed against her lips and cheeks, drooling cock-slime on her. As much as she was horrified by what was happening, as much as she wanted to fight and break free, she dreaded even more the rest of the kids discovering her back here like this.
"Open up," Peggy said. "Think of it as a candy cane." She pinched Denise's cheek until Denise was forced to open her mouth.
The big dog-prick slid into Denise's mouth, searing her lips and tongue, jabbing at her tonsils and making her gag, oozing fuck-lube down her throat.
"Suck him!" Peggy hissed. "Suck him off!"
The dog's cock tasted salty and bitter, musky and bestial. Denise tried not to swallow the hot fluid leaking out of it, or the slick fluids she was being forced to suck off the dog's prick. She was tasting not only the dog's cock, the dog's fuck-lube, but the juices from Peggy's cunt.
Only moments ago this quivering cock had been fucking between the spasming lips of Peggy's pussy. And now Denise had that dog cock in her mouth-tasting it, eating it, sucking on it.
Denise couldn't quite believe it. Even though the dog's sizzling prick pistoned between her lips, making them tingle and itch, even though it rubbed more tingles into her tongue and the inside of her mouth, even though his prick jabbed her tonsils and made her gag-Denise kept telling herself that this wasn't happening, that this couldn't be happening.
"Use your tongue," Peggy said. "Lick it just like you'd lick a boy's cock. Romeo loves it, just like the boys love it. Come on, baby, suck that stud off." She pushed on Denise's head, jerked on it, forcing Denise's mouth to work up and down on the dog's cock.
Denise's eyes ran tears. Snot ran from her nose. The smell of dog-cock and cunt made her feel drugged. Her brains were being shaken loose as Peggy jerked on her head.
"Suck it!" Peggy hissed. "Suck that cock!"
The dog's cock flexed, quivered, seemed to get hotter and hotter, harder and harder. Denise feared the bone-hard fuck rod would split open, that its veins would burst and spurt hot blood into her mouth.
The bottom side of the dog-cock kept rubbing heat and sensation into Denise's tongue and tingles streamed down her throat. Her entire mouth seemed to be pulsating, her lips swelling, getting tighter and hotter.
She realized suddenly that she was sucking, sucking like a baby sucking its bottle. It was almost a reflex. She tried to stop sucking and she couldn't. As the dog's cock fucked in and out, her lips munched around it, her tongue flapped.
"That's it." Peggy said. "Make him feel real good and he'll give you his jizz. It's a real treat, girl-sweet as syrup fresh from the boiler. Come on, baby, suck him off, make him come."
The dog fucked her mouth faster, growling, whimpering. One of his hot paws was braced on Denise's neck, his claws digging in. For some strange reason, Denise enjoyed the feel of his paw on her neck. She made a tight ring of her lips, starting to enjoy the feel of his cock fucking her mouth, starting to enjoy even the taste and smell of it.
"Come on, boy, give her your jizz," Peggy said. "Squirt it right down her throat."
Denise closed her eyes, sucking, munching, aware of an intense throbbing in her cunt. She tried to visualize cum spurting from the dog's cock and down her throat. She had seen dogs spurt jism before, had secretly watched Tim and some of his buddies jerk off dogs while laughing hilariously. She'd seen that grayish-white dog-cum spurt in long sticky strands-and she'd always wondered what dog-cum smelled like, what it felt like, what it tasted like. But she'd never had the guts to try to find out.
The dog let out a moaning yelp. His prick swelled, growing longer and fatter, turning harder than steel. As his cock swelled it began to vibrate. Then the dog-cock flexed hard and suddenly Denise's throat was flooded with steaming cum. She started to choke on the bitter dog-cum, her head filled with the peppery scent of jizz.
"Swallow it!" Peggy said. "Don't waste it. Swallow it!" She spoke in whispers, but her tone was commanding.
The dog fucked his cock in and out, squirting more and more slimy jizz into Denise's mouth. She had no choice but to swallow the stuff. It was either swallow it or choke to death on cum. The dog kept whimpering, kept humping, kept shooting stream after stream of hot fuck-slime-and Denise glugged it down, sucked it down. At first the alkaline taste, the slimy feel-like swallowing hot oysters-made Denise think she was going to vomit. Then, suddenly, she was liking the taste, the texture.
Suddenly she was hungry for more dog-cum, and she sucked vigorously, slurping down the hot jism as fast as the dog shot it. She drained the dog before she'd had half enough, and she sucked hungrily on his wilting cock as he whimpered as if in pain. As his cock escaped her mouth, her lips smacked together and she moaned.
"You little bitch!" Peggy said, pushing Denise away, forcing her to sit up. "You almost chewed my dog's cock off." She petted the Lab's head.
"There, there, boy, feeling better now?" She peeked under him at his wilted cock.
Denise watched with her as the dog's cock slid back in its sheath like a retreating eel.
"I guess you didn't hurt it any," Peggy said, giving Denise a disturbed glance. "It still seems to work. If I'd have thought you were gonna try to bite it off, I wouldn't have let you suck it, bitch."
"Let me?" Denise said, outraged. "You forced me to do it!"
"Oh, go read one of your dirty books," Peggy said. She slid back in the corner of the seat, resting her head against the window frame and letting the wind blow her hair. She crossed her arms and closed her eyes and appeared to fall asleep almost immediately. She had her right foot up in the bus seat and her left one on the floor. Her dog lay on the floor with his muzzle resting on her foot, sleeping like his mistress.
Peggy's blonde cunt-bush stared Denise in the face, its lips pulled apart slightly and revealing the pink wet cunt meat between them.
Denise took off her shoes and socks. For a moment she played with a fantasy of fucking her toe up inside the bitch's crotch and watching her squirm awake. It was a sadistic and wicked fantasy that Denise felt slightly ashamed of.
The sound of a girl gasping pulled Denise out of her own thoughts and made her look down the aisle. She couldn't see the girl making the noise. All she could see was the girl's bare foot, toes clutching at the air and quivering. The girl's foot shivered and she continued to gasp for several seconds before she sighed loudly and her foot went limp. Almost every boy on the bus was standing up in their seat and trying to get a look at the girl who'd been making all the noise. A few boys jeered. Others laughed. The relative silence that had filled the bus as the girl had spasmed and cried out her pleasure gave way once again to gabbing and laughter.
Denise thanked God that she and Peggy were at the back of the bus, that their shameful carrying on had neither been heard nor spotted. The kids up front were too busy necking and watching each other neck to bother with two girls and a dog far back in the bus. Denise opened "Please Let me In" and tried to read. She couldn't absorb a word of the book into her mind. Her thoughts whirled through her head.