Chapter 23

Trey hesitated with his hand on the knob of his apartment door. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to be alone. Maybe he should go visit one of the guys. They were probably busy getting reacquainted with their loved ones. He wouldn’t want to intrude. Maybe Dare would like some company. He stayed up late.

Trey knew he would have to get used to living alone at some point. He’d never been alone a day in his life. He’d gone from living with his parents, to living with his band in a tiny studio apartment over a drycleaners, to living with Brian as roommates, and all of those years had been interspersed with being on tour with dozens of people to keep him company. Brian had moved out to live with Myrna several months ago, but Trey had always made sure he had someone to stay the night with him or that he stayed the night at someone else’s house when faced with the possibility of an empty apartment. He could call a hundred different people and he knew they’d come over to stay with him. He had plenty of friends. Unfortunately they were all friends with benefits and they’d expect sex. He wasn’t ready to go back to mindless fucking. Not so soon after breaking up with Reagan. Even though he’d broken it off with her, he didn’t feel free of her. He didn’t really want to be free of her, but for once in his life he cared about someone’s feelings more than he cared about his own. And it sucked.

Trey opened the door and flipped on the lights. He stepped over the threshold and froze in the entryway. It looked like home, but didn’t feel like home. Certain familiar things were missing—Brian’s leather jacket that usually lay discarded across the back of the sofa, the picture of Brian with his little sister that once rested on the entry table, Brian’s boots by the door, Brian. Trey took a step back. Maybe he should move in with Dare. At least he’d have someone to talk to. And that’s all he really wanted. Companionship. He didn’t do well on his own. Never had.

His phone rang and he was so glad to have someone to talk to that he didn’t even check caller ID before answering. “Hello?” He hoped he didn’t sound too desperate.

“Can we talk?”

Mark. The usual dread that filled Trey when he spoke to Mark was completely lacking. He was glad to hear from him. From anyone. He hadn’t answered the last twenty or so times Mark had called or texted. But now… he really needed someone to talk to.

“About what?” Trey asked.

“The tour is over now. Where are you?”

“I’m at home. Just got in.”

“You’re not staying with your girlfriend, Reagan, tonight?”

“How do you know about Reagan? I never told you her name.”

“It’s been the most discussed topic on Sinners’ News Blog for the past two weeks.”

Did they post on that fucking blog every time someone in the band sneezed or scratched his balls? “No. I’m not with her tonight. I needed a little time to myself.” Though he wanted to confide in someone about his breakup with Reagan and how miserable he was to be alone, he knew Mark was not the right person. Trey didn’t want to give him false hope.

“Liar. You suck at being alone.”

True. “So why did you call?”

“I just want to talk.”

“There’s nothing to say, Mark.”

“You’re the one who introduced me to this lifestyle.”

And Trey definitely regretted that now. He also felt like a hypocrite. He’d pushed Mark into accepting his sexuality, yet he’d hidden his own from Reagan. He should have known that it was the wrong way to handle it. If he’d have been on the other side, offering advice to a friend trying to hide who they were, he’d have told himself that he was being an idiot. That it wouldn’t work. Why had he thought he could make it work? Because he’d wanted her. He still wanted her. And he’d thought she would be enough. That it would work out.

“I just need some advice,” Mark said.

“On what?”

“How to win you back.”

Back? Mark had never had him in the first place.

Trey rubbed a hand over his face, closed the front door, and crossed the room to sit on the comfortable, overstuffed sofa. He knew he had to be careful with Mark’s feelings. Trey wasn’t sure how to get his point across without being cruel. “Mark…”

“Something’s bothering you,” Mark said. “You sound different. Sad.”

“A lot is bothering me.” He reached for the remote and turned on the TV. Background noise. He needed background noise.

“Tell me. You can tell me anything.”

“You shouldn’t call me anymore. You’re grasping at strings.”

“You don’t think I know that? I can’t help who I love.”

“And I can’t help who I don’t love.”

There was a long pause. “How did the tour go?” Mark asked, his voice falsely cheerful. “I saw a few of the shows. When I could get off work. I tried to get backstage to see you, but…”

“It’s nothing personal, Mark. No one was getting backstage. Can I ask you something?” Trey had to get his point across somehow.

“Of course.”

“How do you know when you’re in love?” Trey asked.

Mark hesitated so long that Trey checked his phone to make sure the call hadn’t dropped.

“Why?” he asked finally. “Are you in love with someone?”

“I think so. It’s just that I’ve loved Brian for so long that I’m not sure I can recognize it with someone else.”

“How does this person make you feel?”

Trey hesitated, not sure how to describe how he felt when he was with Reagan. “Like I’m truly alive for the first time in my life.”

“I feel that way too.”

Trey winced. As usual, Mark was hearing what he wanted to hear. That was why it was so hard to get rid of him. “I didn’t mean that I’m in love with you, Mark. I think I love Reagan.” And he’d told her, hadn’t he? Probably not the best thing to say to someone you were breaking up with. The sudden memory of her tear-streaked face squeezed his heart. He knew it was best that they parted ways. She could never accept the part of him that liked the feel of a hard body against his. The touch of a man. To be penetrated. Dominated. Fucked. He didn’t want to hurt her more than he had to. He couldn’t give up his attraction to men. He’d tried it. Maybe that made him a selfish bastard. Maybe he’d never find true love. Maybe he’d never be as happy as he’d been with her, but at least he’d be true to himself.

“She can’t give you everything you need,” Mark said. “Can I come over? I’ll give you what you need. Just hearing your voice makes me hard. Or if you want to top, you know I’ll let you.” Emotionally, Trey wasn’t ready for this, but physically he wanted it. His brain was telling him to hang up before he asked Mark to come over and keep him company, but his body craved the touch of a man. If he wasn’t careful, any man would do. To hell with feelings and consequences.

“Trey?” Mark questioned.

Trey flopped onto his back and stared at the ceiling fan overhead. No matter how much he wanted someone to warm his bed, he couldn’t give in to that temptation. He knew he’d regret it. And Mark was the worst possible choice to appease his needs. Well, second worst. At least he hadn’t given in to Ethan. He was the one Trey really wanted, but that would have devastated Reagan. “Not a good idea.”

Mark cursed under his breath. “I hate that I’m so fucking addicted to you. Do you think I enjoy this?”

Trey produced a lopsided grinned. “You must. You keep coming back for more.”

“You can’t deny that you want me.”

“I enjoy sex with you, sure, but you open up an entire set of complications I’m not ready to deal with. I know what it feels like to be in love with someone who isn’t in love with you. I’ve lived that way for years.”

“Who said I was in love with you?” Mark said.

“I think it was you.”

“Are you telling me that if you had the chance to have sex with Brian, even though you knew he didn’t love you in return, you wouldn’t have taken it?”

“God, yes,” Trey gasped. “I would have taken anything that man wanted to give.”

“I feel the same way about you. You don’t have to love me. Let me come over and I’ll love you.”

“But then you’ll have hope that things will work out between us and they won’t.”

“Even though Brian never had sex with you all those years, didn’t you still have hope?”

Trey sighed in frustration and rolled onto his side and stared at the TV screen. “Yes, but—”

“But? No but, Trey.”

Trey chuckled. “Exactly. No, butt.”

“Own me,” he whispered. “Just in the bedroom. I promise I won’t be a bother to you, if you just own me in the bedroom.”

“I can’t right now, Mark. I need some time to get my head on straight. Why don’t you call Jacob? He’d love to keep you.”

“I don’t want Jacob. I want you. Don’t you want me? Am I undesirable? I don’t understand.”

“You know I’m attracted to you.”

“Then fuck me.”

What would it hurt to lose himself in mindless sex? He’d been doing it his entire life without a second thought. What had changed?

Reagan. Reagan had changed everything, and though something inside him would love to go back to the way he’d been before he met her, he knew that would never be enough for him now.

“I can’t, Mark. Okay? I just can’t. It really isn’t you. Find someone who deserves your love and attention. It isn’t me.”

The intercom near the front door buzzed. Trey scowled. “Who could that be at this hour?” He climbed from the sofa, pressed the button, and spoke into the speaker. “Who is it?”


Trey’s heart skipped a beat. “I have company,” he said to Mark. “I have to go.”

“Who’s Ethan?”

Again with the jealous tone.

“He’s Reagan’s roommate. Don’t call me back. I won’t answer.”

“Thanks for talking to me. I miss you.”

“Bye.” Trey hung up.

His intercom buzzed again. He rubbed a hand over his face and then pressed the button to speak to Ethan again. “Don’t you think you’ve caused enough problems for me for one day?”

“Reagan and I talked. She thinks she can handle—” The repetitive yapping of a small dog emitted from the intercom speaker.

“You’re standing in my way, big fella,” the wizened voice of Mrs. O’Neal, who lived down the hall from Trey, came through the speaker. “Quiet, Shortie.” The yapping changed to a series of low growls.

“Excuse me,” Ethan said to the woman. Into the intercom, he said, “Look, Trey, I don’t think we want to discuss this over the intercom. Can I come up?”

“Is Reagan with you?” Trey said.

“No. It’s just me.”

Trey wasn’t sure why he felt such disappointment. Actually, that wasn’t true. He still had feelings for the woman. He couldn’t turn that off by walking out the door. He did want to hear what Ethan had to say. Maybe things could work out with Reagan. Ethan knew her better than anyone. Maybe he could help Trey figure out how to proceed from here, because even though he’d said he wanted to break up with her, he didn’t. Not at all. He wanted her back. Maybe he could get by with artificial stimulation. Would she wear a strap-on for him? Or maybe… He didn’t know. He had to do something, though. His conversation with Mark had made him realize he needed that woman in his life. He loved her. “Fine.”

Trey pushed the button to let Ethan into the building. He shoved his cell phone into his pocket and glanced around the apartment. He wasn’t sure what Ethan could possibly want to talk to him about. He was probably pretty mad that Trey had made Reagan cry. Maybe he was coming upstairs to rearrange his face. He had that temper issue when he thought he was protecting the innocent. And Reagan was definitely the innocent one in this situation.

Maybe Trey shouldn’t have let him into the building after all.

Maybe he could pretend he wasn’t home.

A set of knuckles rapped on the door.

“Trey?” Ethan called from the hallway.

Trey’s dad was a plastic surgeon. He’d do a good job of fixing Trey’s face if Ethan was pissed enough to hit him. Trey took a deep steadying breath and then went to open the door.

Ethan gazed at Trey with that feral hunger that made Trey’s balls throb. Damn him. Is that why he’d come? For sex? Ethan didn’t look mad. Or even annoyed. He looked horny.

Ethan let himself into the apartment, rubbing up against Trey as he passed. Trey closed his eyes and tried not to be too obvious about inhaling Ethan’s heady, masculine scent. Turning down Mark over the phone had been easy. Ethan in the flesh was a different story. Focus on keeping Reagan. You haven’t strayed yet. You can fix things with her. Be strong.

Trey closed the door. Ethan reached over and turned the deadbolt. He was so close, and he smelled so good, and he felt so hard. Fuck, it had been too long since Trey had been with a man. He couldn’t deny his needs. Wasn’t sure why he’d ever thought he could.

Ethan’s hands moved to Trey’s ass. “You’re mine now,” he said in a low growl.

“Ethan, why did you come here?” Trey asked even though he could probably guess.

Ethan moved one hand to grip Trey’s chin between his thumb and forefinger and forced his head back.

“I’m here to fuck you,” Ethan said.

Trey pulled away from him. “This is what you planned all along, isn’t it? To get me to break up with Reagan so you could seduce me?”

Ethan shook his head. “Don’t flatter yourself. She sent me over here to seduce you. She thinks she can allow you to have a male lover as long as it’s me.”

Trey laughed. “That’s the biggest bullshit story I’ve ever heard. Reagan would never say that. Just look how freaked out she was when you cheated on her with a man.”

“But you didn’t cheat on her. Where I snuck around behind her back to find sexual gratification, you were frank and honest with her. She’s willing to try this to keep you in her life. I’d say that makes you one lucky son of a bitch.”

“So I’m allowed to have sex with a man, but only if it’s you,” Trey said. “Do I get a say in this?”

Ethan gaped at him. Apparently, that was not what he had been expecting Trey to say. He’d probably thought he’d be naked and lubed up by now. “You don’t want to?”

Trey grinned crookedly. “I don’t think Reagan knows what she’s getting herself into. Actually, I’m half-convinced that you’re making this story up and are here because you want to be here. I don’t think it has anything to do with Reagan. I think you’re using her as an excuse to get laid. Or making sure you finish the deal so there is no way she’ll ever let me close to her again.”

“Reagan did send me, but if I didn’t want to be here, I wouldn’t be. You know I want you, Trey. I don’t know what you’re objecting to. Won’t this arrangement make everything work out for everyone?”

“I don’t like to be told who I’m supposed to sleep with.” Though honestly, he’d wanted to sleep with Ethan the first time he’d laid eyes on him and ever since.

Ethan’s cell phone rang and he started. He shifted his attention from Trey to his phone. “Yeah,” he answered. “It’s Reagan,” he mouthed at Trey. “Yeah, I told him.” He paused. “I’m not sure. He doesn’t seem to believe me.”

Trey was tense as Ethan spoke to Reagan. If this was happening, she was offering him the best of both worlds. A wonderful woman to love. A hot buck to fuck. But Trey still felt manipulated. He wasn’t sure why. Maybe because he was the only one who hadn’t had a say in the matter. Reagan and Ethan had decided this without him.

“Reagan wants to talk to you,” Ethan said and handed the phone to Trey. He almost dropped it.

“Reagan,” he said breathlessly.

“Hi, baby. I figured you wouldn’t believe Ethan if I didn’t back up his story. Are you okay with this arrangement?”

Trey’s heart thudded in his chest. “I think you’re going to wind up getting hurt. I’ve been thinking. I don’t know. Maybe I could make these needs more tolerable with a dildo or…” He forced himself not to look at the temptation that was Ethan standing next to his front door. He knew a dildo was no substitute for that hot piece of flesh, but if it helped Trey keep Reagan, he could try to get by with less. Much, much, much less.

“That won’t be enough and you know it,” Reagan said. “Don’t feel like I’m testing you, Trey. This was my idea.”

“But thinking it. Saying it. Living it. All different things.”

“If it’s what makes you happy, I want you to have it. No fooling around with other women though. I don’t have any male parts, but I have all the female goods. I’m the only woman on your menu. Got it?”

She was willing to do this for him? Did she love him, then? She couldn’t possibly love him one millionth as much as he loved her at that moment. Some of the tension melted from his body and he smiled. “Got it.” She made him happy. Just talking to her made his heart flutter. “I love you, Reagan. I want you to know that having sex with another man won’t change how I feel about you. I will still love you. Always love you. Do you believe me?” Trey asked.

When she didn’t say anything, his heart stumbled over several beats.


“S-sorry,” she said brokenly. “I didn’t expect those three little words to take my breath away. I want to look into your eyes when I say them back. Okay?”


“I’m going to give you and Ethan some time alone together. I just wanted to make sure you knew it was okay and that I want us to give this relationship another chance. When you need cock, go to Ethan. He can help.” She said it like Ethan was a mechanic who was going to change Trey’s oil.

“Don’t you want to join us?” Trey asked.

She laughed, more a sound of discomfort than humor. “I’m not sure I’m ready for that.”

“I’d get a lot more enjoyment out of it if we all participated.”

“I do think it would be sexy to watch you two kiss,” she said haltingly.

Trey grinned. “I’ll send you a picture.” He hoped Ethan wasn’t camera shy.

Reagan groaned.

“Is that okay?” Trey asked her.

“God, yes. I think I might want to participate next time. I’m not sure if seeing you with someone other than me would make me insane with jealousy or not. Let me think about it.”

“No pressure,” Trey murmured. “It’s just, you know how much I worship your body. Imagine if I had assistance.” He hung up.

Trey backed Ethan up against the door. He stared deeply into his eyes. “Last chance to back out, Ethan. You have no idea how much I want you right now.”

“I’m sure it doesn’t come close to how much I want you.”

Trey closed the gap between their mouths and kissed him. The kiss started hot, deep, passionate, but soon progressed into demanding, hungry, intense. Trey was so caught up in being devoured that he almost forgot he’d promised Reagan a picture. He lifted his cell phone out to the side and did his best to hold the camera still as he feasted on Ethan’s strong lips and plastered his body along his hard length. He snapped a picture and then slid his phone back in his pocket so he could cling to Ethan’s hard body with both hands. Ethan tugged his mouth away and grabbed Trey’s hair in his fists. “I’ve wanted to fuck you since the moment I laid eyes on you.”

“I know.”

“Touch me,” Ethan said in a low growl.

“Make me.”

The smoldering look Ethan gave him was enough to have Trey reaching for Ethan’s fly. Ethan made a sound that was part growl, part purr, and used his hold on Trey’s hair to crush his mouth against his. God, Trey needed it rough like this. He wasn’t sure if Ethan had picked up on that need or if he was just really worked up. Trey released the top button of Ethan’s jeans. The backs of his fingers brushed against Ethan’s hard stomach and they jerked their mouths apart to stare at each other. Trey slowly lowered Ethan’s zipper. Ethan’s breaths came in harsh, ragged gasps as Trey released his hot, stiff cock from his pants.

“I want your mouth on me,” Ethan said.

“I want to show Reagan how hard you are,” Trey said with a crooked grin. He retrieved his phone from his pocket and sent her the slightly blurry picture of her boyfriend and best friend kissing. He didn’t wait to find out how she would respond to that image. He wanted to push her to the edge of her comfort zone and beyond.

Trey wrapped his hand around Ethan’s cock and stroked it gently from base to tip. Ethan had a magnificent cock. Thick and hard. Trey couldn’t wait until he filled him. Trey snapped a picture of his hand stroking Ethan’s cock and sent that to Reagan before dropping to his knees at Ethan’s feet. He looked up at Ethan and held his gaze as he licked the head of his cock. He held his phone up to Ethan. “Take a picture for Reagan and send it to her.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah. She needs to get used to this, because tomorrow she’s going to be personally involved in it.”

“I’m not sure she’s the threesome type.”

Trey grinned up at him. “She’s definitely the threesome type. She just needs to get used to the idea.”

Ethan gave Trey a questioning look but did as he asked. Trey concentrated on licking, kissing, and suckling the sensitive head of Ethan’s cock. Ethan took several pictures and sent them to Reagan.

“I knew you’d be good at this,” he said to Trey. He stroked his hair gently and caressed his face. “You have the most sensual mouth.”

“Call Reagan,” Trey said. “Ask her what’s she’s doing.”

Ethan dialed her number. “Trey wanted me to call you and ask you what you’re doing,” he said into his cell phone. He paused. “Mmm, let me hear it.”

“What is she doing?” Trey asked, though he had his suspicions.

“She’s masturbating.”

Trey grinned. “Good. I figured this would turn her on. Give me the phone.”

Ethan handed over the phone and Trey held it up to his ear. He heard the unmistakable hum of a vibrator, the sounds of her slick flesh being pounded rhythmically, and in the distance her moans of pleasure. “Reagan,” he said, hoping she could hear him. “Reagan?”

“Trey,” she said breathlessly.

“Does it make you jealous to see me with Ethan?” he asked.

“Jealous? No. Horny? Oh God, yes.”

“Come for me, baby. Let me hear you get off.”

While Trey listened to Reagan’s cries of pleasure, he worked at removing Ethan’s jeans. Within seconds, Reagan cried out as she came. “Was it good, Reagan?”

“It would have been a lot better with you.”

He smiled. “Tomorrow I’m going to show you my favorite position,” Trey said.


“Ethan will have to participate.”

“Okay,” she said breathlessly.

“We’ll see you in the morning. In the meantime, think about what you want from us.”

“I can’t think at all right now.”

Trey chuckled. “Then we’ll surprise you.” He hung up and put the phone back in his pocket.

“She likes this?” Ethan asked.

“Lucky for us. Are you going to help me reward her tomorrow?”

“If she’ll let me.”

Trey winked at him. “She’ll let you.”

“Can I concentrate on you now?”

“Yes, please.”

Ethan eased Trey to his feet. He pulled Trey’s shirt off over his head and bent his head to draw the hoop in Trey’s nipple into this mouth. He sucked. Hard. The tug seemed to extend to Trey’s balls. Ethan suckled a trail down Trey’s belly as he lowered himself to his knees. He unbuttoned Trey’s fly while he looked up at him. Ethan slowly tugged Trey’s jeans and boxers down until his cock sprang free. Ethan emitted an excited gasp. He eased Trey’s pants down his legs and removed the garment, pulling off Trey’s shoes and socks in the process.

Trey stared down at Ethan’s enraptured face. His lips were inches from Trey’s cock, but he wasn’t sucking it. More like worshiping it from afar. Ethan’s hot, moist breath caressed Trey’s most sensitive skin. Trey fought the urge to inch forward until his cock brushed Ethan’s lips. After several moments, Ethan climbed to his feet without touching Trey at all.

Ethan pulled off his white T-shirt giving Trey an eyeful of glorious, muscular bulges in all the right places. He pinned Trey with a hard stare—his brown eyes intense, his expression unreadable. Trey wasn’t sure why that look had him ready to drop to his knees at Ethan’s feet and beg for his touch. The longer Ethan stared at him, the faster and harder Trey’s heart thudded in his chest.

Trey lowered his gaze to Ethan’s cock—hard, huge, and twitching with excitement. Trey couldn’t wait to be filled. Stretched to his limits. He hoped Ethan hurried up about it. Didn’t he realize how bad Trey needed this? Maybe he needed to be more forthright. “I have condoms and lube in my bedroom,” Trey said.

“Do you want me to go get it and bring it out here?”

“The choice is yours. I’m at your mercy.”

A slow smile spread across Ethan’s handsome face. “You won’t regret putting me in charge.” He leaned closer and nipped Trey’s lower lip. “Show me the way.”

Hurrying toward his bedroom, Trey turned on the light and entered the large room. He went to the dresser and opened the top drawer. He had dozens of condoms inside. Lubricants. Toys designed to pleasure men. The second drawer was all for the ladies. Lady, he corrected himself. “Everything you’ll need is in here,” he told Ethan.

“What do you like?” Ethan asked.

“Everything,” he said with hesitation, “but tonight I need to be topped.”

Ethan smiled at him. “And I need to top.”

While Ethan examined Trey’s collection of condoms, lubes, and toys, Trey went to make the lighting in the room less glaring. He turned on several lamps and turned off the overhead lights.

“Go stand and face the end of the bed.” Ethan’s deep, commanding voice sent tingles of pleasure down Trey’s spine. Why had Trey thought he could ever give up men? He loved being with a man just as much as he loved being with a woman. The only thing that could possibly be better was being with both at the same time. They’d get to that tomorrow. Trey moved to stand at the end of the bed and waited for Ethan. And waited. And waited. When he turned to offer Ethan a questioning look, Ethan said, “I said face the end of the bed.”

Trey faced the bed again and waited some more. His anticipation built to the point that he actually shuddered when Ethan finally touched the small of his back.

Ethan planted a tender kiss at the nape of Trey’s neck and his hand slid across Trey’s belly as he pulled him back against the length of his hard body. Trey felt Ethan’s cock, hard and thick against his ass. He expected him to surge into his body. Just take him. Trey was okay with that. He didn’t need the tender caresses and loving kisses in this sort of situation. He was no stranger to having sex for the sake of sex, so he was a taken a little off guard when Ethan started to nibble on the edge of his ear and stroke his belly, his chest, his arms.

“You have a perfect body,” Ethan murmured. “And you smell so good.” Ethan’s hands slid down Trey’s hips, his fingers tracing the ridges of Trey’s hip bones.

Ethan circled Trey’s cock with both hands and stroked it slowly with a firm grip. Trey leaned back against Ethan’s hard chest and closed his eyes. He gasped with pleasure, quivering with unfulfilled desire.

“I want to hear you, Trey. Make some noise for me.”

Ethan’s hands moved faster. Trey’s instincts were to grit his teeth and hold it all in, but he liked to give his lovers what they wanted so he worked on voicing his excitement. Ethan’s tongue traced the outer edge of Trey’s ear and then plunged inside. Trey emitted a sputtering cry.

“Damn, I want to fuck you,” Ethan growled in his ear. He bit the edge of Trey’s ear and held on as he stroked Trey’s cock faster. Faster. Trey’s heart rate accelerated out of control.

“Don’t make me come yet. I want you inside me when I come. Ethan. Ethan?”

Ethan dropped his hands and stepped away. Disoriented, Trey tried to catch his breath.

“Is it okay if I just look at you?” Ethan asked.

No. What are you waiting for? “Um…” he said between ragged breaths. “Um… I need…”

Ethan’s hands began to wander Trey’s body again. He caressed the insides of Trey’s thighs, cupped his balls gently, and then rubbed his hips rhythmically.

Trey whispered, “I want to feel your body against mine.” His hard, hard body.

Ethan turned Trey to face him and jerked Trey against his chest. He kissed him deeply, tongue thrusting into Trey’s mouth, and Trey clung to his muscular back. Ethan’s rough manner totally turned him on. He wanted to be taken. Devoured. Trey’s hands rubbed over hard bumps and muscular bulges. The man’s ass was spectacularly firm beneath Trey’s seeking palms. Ethan’s hard cock prodded Trey in the belly. He wanted it to prod him somewhere else entirely.

Ethan’s hands traveled down Trey’s ass. When he began to massage Trey’s throbbing opening, the strength went out of Trey’s legs and he swayed against Ethan. Yeah, that’s the spot.

“Do you want me to use the numbing lubricant?”

Trey shook his head.

“I’m pretty big. I don’t want to hurt you.”

“I want to feel you. I don’t like to be numb.”

An instant later, slippery fingers began to rub against Trey’s opening. He widened his stance. Yes. Now. Take me, Ethan.

Ethan’s finger slid inside Trey’s body and he gasped in excitement. Much too long since he’d been with a man. Much too long.

Ethan had two fingers inside of him now. He moved his fingers in a wide arc, stretching Trey’s body to accept him more easily.

“I’m ready for you,” Trey insisted. “Don’t make me wait. I can’t stand it anymore.”

Ethan applied a condom and coated his cock with excess lubricant.

Trey bit his lip as Ethan’s fingers plunged particularly deep. Damn, he was excited. He was going to come so hard when he let go.

Ethan pulled his fingers free and turned Trey’s body to face the opposite direction. He nudged the head of his cock against Trey’s ass. Heat raced up Trey’s spine. Ethan’s hand moved to stroke the tip of Trey’s cock, distracting him with pleasure as he sought possession. Trey leaned forward to make it easier for Ethan to enter him. He buried his fingers in the comforter at the end of the bed and relaxed.

Ethan pressed forward, claiming Trey’s body one agonizingly slow inch at a time. Stretched to his limits, Trey shuddered in delight. He didn’t even realize he was gasping in rapture until Ethan said, “You okay? Can I go deeper?”

There was more? Fuck yeah! “Y—yes… deeper. Oh God. You’re so… thick.”

“Does it hurt?”

“No. Feels phenomenal.”

Ethan, completely buried now, gripped Trey’s hips in both hands and ground his cock deeper.

“Ah, yes,” Trey gasped and rocked back to meet him. He had all of him now. Inside.

Ethan drew back slowly and then thrust forward, hard and deep. Trey cried out as Ethan repeated the motion again. Again. He knew he wouldn’t last long. This is exactly what he’d been craving—deep, hard penetration. A dominant male who knew how to give as much pleasure as he took. Trey leaned farther forward and rested his face on the end of the mattress. It felt so good. He just wanted to feel Ethan moving inside him. He didn’t need anything else. Just this. Ethan slid his hands around Trey’s hips and took his cock in both hands. He didn’t stroke Trey’s length, just held him until Trey couldn’t stand it anymore and he began to rock his hips, thrusting into Ethan’s hands. The only thing that could have possibly felt better was if he was thrusting into Reagan’s body instead. Tomorrow he would make that thought a reality.

Trey fought orgasm. Breathing hard. Wanting the pleasure to build. To last.

Ethan slowly pulled back and then surged forward again, so deep his balls bounced against Trey.

Trey tumbled over the edge. Spasms gripped the base of his cock and his ass tightened around Ethan’s thrusting cock. Ethan paused in mid-thrust and groaned. When Trey’s body went limp, Ethan wrapped both arms around him and tugged him upright so that his back was pressed firmly against Ethan’s belly.

Ethan’s hands moved over Trey’s chest. His belly. His hips. Ethan suckled and licked the side of Trey’s neck until another wave of pleasure coursed through him and he shuddered.

“I’m not finished yet.” Ethan turned Trey to face the post at the end of the bed. He took Trey’s hands and wrapped them around the smooth wood. “Hold on tight. I’m going to fuck you until you’re hard again. I won’t let myself come for a long, long time.”

Trey made a sound of torment but gripped the bedpost with both hands and spread his legs to give Ethan easier access.

Ethan’s hands worked Trey’s cock as he thrust into him gently, almost lovingly. He continued to kiss the nape of his neck as well. Trey wasn’t sure why he was being so tender with him. Or why he insisted on getting him hard again. He was satiated.

“Ethan, you don’t have to get me off again,” Trey told him. “I’ll let you finish.”

“I’ve been thinking of all the things I’ve wanted to do to you for weeks,” he said, his deep voice making Trey’s cock twitch to life in his hand. Something about its timber excited Trey. “I lie in bed and think about you. I tell myself I can’t have you. Can’t touch you. You’re Reagan’s. I get so hard thinking about you. Wondering if you’re as wonderful as I imagine.” He nipped his ear. “You’re even better. I deny myself any contact for as long as I can stand it and then when I finally let myself jerk off I come so hard. Like I did in the bathroom tonight while you watched. This might be my only opportunity to make those fantasies a reality. I haven’t even started with you, Trey.”

Would this really end up being their only time together? Trey supposed it was possible that Reagan would change her mind and things wouldn’t work out, but Trey sincerely hoped that wasn’t the case. He’d really like Ethan to become a permanent fixture in his sex life.

Trey was nearly in tears by the time Ethan got him hard again. The pleasure was almost too much to bear. Ethan continued to slowly possess Trey from behind. He encouraged Trey to turn until they were facing the mirror over the dresser at the end of the bed. Trey loved the way Ethan looked standing behind him. So big and powerful. The bronze skin of his hands contrasted with Trey’s lighter-toned cock as he stroked him.

“Dear God, what a view,” Ethan growled and sank his teeth into Trey’s shoulder to quiet his cries of ecstasy as his excitement finally reached its pinnacle. Ethan’s thrusts became more vigorous and shallow as he sought a quick release. His body went rigid behind Trey and he swore under his breath. Ethan’s growls of pleasure as he got off made Trey’s balls tighten, but he didn’t come. He was a long way from coming a second time. After a moment, Ethan pulled out and massaged Trey’s opening with two fingers. “Are you okay? Was that too much?”

Trey glanced at him over his shoulder and met his eyes. “Are you kidding? I never get enough. Now it’s my turn.”

Ethan’s handsome face crinkled in confusion. “Your turn?”

“To take you.”

Ethan chuckled. “Not happening. I don’t bottom. Ever.”



“So you’re a virgin?” Trey asked, his predatory side making his heart thud with thoughts of the hunt. Trey wanted Ethan in every capacity and if he could be the first to take him, it increased his interest even further. He loved cherries.

“And I’m going to stay that way.”

For now, Trey thought.

“Well, you aren’t going to leave me like this,” Trey said, nodding at his hard cock.

“Of course I’m not. It’s not going in my ass, but I haven’t tasted you yet.” He licked his upper lip and Trey’s knees buckled.

The man was a great kisser. Trey couldn’t wait to feel those strong lips tugging on his cock. He grabbed a spare sucker from the nightstand, unwrapped it, and stuck it in his mouth. He then climbed up onto the bed and lay down on his back. Resting on the pillows, Trey linked his hands behind his head and looked down at the gorgeous man at the foot of his bed. “Get busy.” he said with a crooked grin and nodded toward his erection. Trey tugged his sucker in and out of his mouth a few times and couldn’t help but chuckle at Ethan’s expression. He looked like he regretted allowing himself to come.

Ethan crawled up the bed and licked Trey’s cock. His tongue slid up Trey’s length and then flicked down to the base. Up. Down. Up. When he reached Trey’s throbbing head again, Ethan suckled it with his lips, taking it in a deep kiss. Trey clung to the bedclothes beneath him. His back arched involuntarily.

Ethan gazed up at Trey. “You are so fucking sexy.” He growled and placed a sucking kiss just beneath Trey’s belly button. He worked his way up Trey’s body, leaving sharp bite marks all the way up to his neck. “I’ve never met a man more suited for sex.” Ethan took his sucker and tossed it aside before he grabbed his hair in both fists and kissed him. Hard. Trey didn’t know how the man knew he liked to be treated roughly by his male lovers. It drove him insane with desire.

Trey moaned into Ethan’s mouth.

Ethan inhaled Trey’s vocalizations of excitement as he continued to kiss him. Trey knew he was chanting, “Oh fuck,” but he couldn’t stop. Nor could he seem to stop his hand from moving to his cock. He wanted Ethan to watch him come. Show him how much he desired him.

Ethan grabbed Trey’s wrists and pinned them to the bed. “Let me do it, Trey.”

“Hurry, Ethan.”

The only thing that turned him on more than being treated roughly by a man was being pinned down and forced to take pleasure. The first man he’d ever been with—Brian—had done that for him and Trey had carried a torch for him for a dozen years. Trey stared up at Ethan, amazed that he had that same burning desire he felt for Brian when he looked at Ethan. He wouldn’t call it love. Pure sexual fulfillment. That’s what he’d call it.

“Fuck, I’m getting hard again,” Ethan said, his voice gruff. “I already want you again.”

Ethan tugged Trey down the bed and rolled him onto his stomach. When Ethan lay on top of him, Trey sighed in contentment. Ethan’s heat and masculine scent surrounded him. Ethan rubbed his cock up and down the crack of Trey’s ass, driving them both insane with need.

“Are you ready for me again?” Ethan asked.

“I never stopped being ready.”
