This book, Dragons of the Hourglass Mage , concludes the Lost Chronicles series. Our goal in these books has been to tell the previously untold and unknown stories of the Innfellows during the War of the Lance, a period covered by the Dragonlance Chronicles . Although these books can be read on their own, readers will find that they will have a far more complete idea and understanding of what is happening to whom and where and why it is happening if they read the complete series of Dragonlance Chronicles before reading the Lost Chronicles . The end of the War of the Lance was chronicled by Astinus of Palanthas in a volume that came to be known as Dragons of Spring Dawning . In that book, we follow the adventures of the Heroes of the Lance: Tanis Half-Elven; Flint Fireforge; Tasslehoff Burrfoot; Caramon Majere; and their friends Laurana, the Golden General; Tika Waylan; Riverwind; and Goldmoon; and we recount how they finally defeat the Queen of Darkness. This book deals with one of the heroes of the Lance, Raistlin Majere, whose story was never told, but without whom the other Heroes could never have succeeded. If you would like to follow the complete tale, Astinus suggests that you read Dragons of Spring Dawning first then read this book after. If you would just like to share Raistlin’s dark and perilous adventures, then simply keep on reading. At the time this book begins, the Heroes of the Lance have been separated by the war. Tanis; Caramon and Raistlin; and Tika, Riverwind, and Goldmoon travel to the nightmare land of Silvanesti and from there to Flotsam. Laurana, Sturm Brightblade, Flint, and Tasslehoff travel to Icewall and from there to the High Clerist’s Tower, where Sturm sacrifices his life for the cause of Light. Laurana helps defeat Kitiara and her dragonarmy at the battle of the High Clerist’s Tower. She, Flint, and Tas travel to Palanthas, where Laurana is made the Golden General, in charge of the human and elf forces now battling Takhisis. Once in Flotsam, Tanis meets his former lover, Kitiara, and is shocked to discover that she is now a Dragon Highlord in Takhisis’s evil army. But though she is on the side of evil, he cannot resist her dark eyes and crooked smile. The two again become lovers. Kitiara urges Tanis to join her army. He cannot abandon his friends and the cause of Light. Torn by guilt, he leaves Kit and joins his friends on a ship fleeing Flotsam. On board the ship is also Berem Everman, sought by the Queen of Darkness. Hearing the Everman is on this ship, Kitiara flies her dragon in pursuit. Desperate to escape, Berem steers the ship into a maelstrom. Raistlin Majere believes the ship is doomed, and he uses the magical dragon orb he obtained in Silvanesti to save himself, leaving his twin brother and friends to die. His magic carries him to the Great Library of Palanthas. The spellcasting proves too much for him. He is on the verge of death when Astinus accidentally provides Raistlin with the key that will not only restore him to life, but unlock the mystery of his divided soul. Raistlin arrives in Palanthas on the twenty-sixth day of the month of Rannmont. We take up his story several days later, on the first day of the month of Mishamont.

Astinus, Chronicler of the History of Krynn, writes: On the Twenty-sixth Day of the Month of Mishamont, Year 352 AC, in the city of Neraka, the Temple of Takhisis falls. The Dragon Queen is banished from the world. Her armies go down to defeat. Much of the credit for this victory is given to the Heroes of the Lance, who fought valiantly for the Forces of Light. History should note, however, that the Light would have been doomed to failure if not for one man who chose to walk in Darkness.
