ROBERT ASPRIN was raised in the university town of Ann Arbor, Michigan, home of the University of Michigan Wolverines. This, combined with his Philippine-Irish heritage, has given him a rich wealth of characters and stories to draw upon in his writing. Though he has done several stand-alone novels, such as The Cold Cash War, Tambu, and The Bug Wars, he is best known for his humor series, such as the Myth novels and the New York Times bestselling Phule’s Company books. He also edited the groundbreaking shared-universe anthology series Thieves’ World.

A devoted fan before he turned to professional writing, he founded the Dark Horde in the SCA and the Dorsai Irregulars in fandom. Among the honors he has mustered, he has been inducted into the Filk Hall of Fame.

Billing himself as a “people person,” he encourages fans to feel free to speak with him about anything, not necessarily his own works. His declared “eco niche” is the lobby bar of a convention hotel.
