Scott McGough recently moved to farm country and can now compare the urban, suburban, and agrarian lifestyles. Not surprisingly, his first choice hasn’t changed since childhood: All things being equal, he’d rather be down the shore.
Scott worked on The Duelist magazine before joining the Creative Team for Magic: The Gathering®. He worked on almost all of the sets in the Urza/Phyrexia saga and has since written eight novels and a handful of short stories for Magic: The Gathering. All this, and yet he has only ever appeared on one Magic™ card. Though he finds this burden bitter and onerous, he will at least admit that that it’s a really good picture.
Greg Staples may be best known for his dynamic comic work and for his lucious fantasy art for gaming giants Wizards of the Coast. Known also for his skill as a painter, he has painted some of the greatest characters created including Batman, Green Lantern and Judge Dredd. He was voted best artist 2005 by the readers of Inquest Magazine.