After the incident with Barry, Kyle slept with one eye open. The story of being killed by Generates could be used for him just as easily if Barry saw fit to take him out. Prime was a little over a day’s drive away and he knew that time would seem like an eternity.

Curious as to the conditions outside, Kyle peeled back the edge of the sheeting on the front bay windows and peered out to find a gray overcast day, but no signs of any storm. The ground was covered in a thin layer of snow giving the rolling hills a serene and majestic looked but Kyle knew it could be deceiving as there was a high probability the ground was littered with radioactive material.

Barry emerged from the shadows behind him. In his hand he held a satellite phone.

“Where did you get that?” Kyle asked thinking it ironic that just the other day Tommy had mentioned sat phones.

“Do you have to ask? I’m the Number Two. Can I go outside? I need to make a call,” Barry said.

“You saw me trying to radio and you didn’t say you had a phone?”

“It wouldn’t have done any good, I need line of sight and the storm was raging. Seemed pointless to say anything.”

“In the large black container box I have a spare pair of rubber boots, I think they’re your size, put them on. Don’t touch anything else outside.”

Barry disappeared to go find the box.

Kyle went back to the room he’d slept and began packing. He heard the front door creak open and close. Dying to know what Barry was saying, he went back to the front window that overlooked the porch. He put his ear close and listened but couldn’t pick up on anything of significance.

Barry finished his call but didn’t come back inside right away, he stood on the porch and stared out towards the mountains beyond.

Deciding there was nothing to be gained from his eavesdropping, Kyle went back to packing. When he closed the lid on the last box, he noticed Barry hadn’t come back in. Wondering what was delaying him, Kyle went to the front door and opened it. There he found Barry still staring off. “What are you doing? I could’ve used your help.”

Barry turned around and handed him the phone. “I think you should call your wife.”

Kyle gave him an odd look and asked, “Why?”

“Trust me, call her,” Barry said putting the phone in his hands and walking inside.

Kyle looked at the phone, concern grew to fear. He quickly dialed the number. The phone clicked several times then started to ring.

“This is Operator Fourteen, number to connect,” a woman’s voice said.

“Connect me to Lima Four Two Six,” Kyle said.

“Connecting,” the operator said.

The phone clicked several times.

“Hello,” Portia answered.

“Are you okay?”

She hesitated.

“Portia, are you there?” he asked.

She could hear his troubled tone. “I, I’m fine and you?”

“I was told to call you.”

“You were? Who told you to do that?”

“Number Two, he said I needed to call you. Is something wrong? Did something happen?”

Again she paused not knowing how to answer.

“Portia, tell me.”

“It was an accident, I didn’t mean to be trouble. I just lost my composure,” she stuttered unable to get the right words out.

“Calm down and tell me what happened.”

“You know Melissa, the little…”

He interrupted her and said, “Yes. I remember her.”

“Well, they did a round of tests yesterday and she was picked to be banished. I couldn’t just let her get thrown out without talking to her one last time. Anyway, there was an incident,” she said and paused.

“What happened?”

“I tried to force my way into the holding room and well, a guard had to subdue me. It was really bad, but Number One, he, he’s forgiven me. I just need to do something for him and all will be forgotten.”

“Do what?”

“I don’t know yet. He said he’ll summon me when it’s time. Those were his words.”

Kyle sighed heavily. Number One wasn’t known for giving pardons so if there was one, it was coming at a heavy price.

“I’m sorry,” she cried.

“Don’t, no, don’t cry. You need to think clearly. I need you to not get emotional, do you hear me? I need you strong. Whenever someone is leading with their emotions they make bad decisions.”

“I’m so sorry.”

“It’ll be fine. I’ll be home soon and get this worked out. And don’t accept any deals from Number One until I get back, do you understand? No matter what.”

“Yes, I understand,” she replied. “Kyle?”


“I’m scared.”

“Don’t be. I’ll be home soon and straighten this all out. I’m going to hang up. Again, don’t accept any deals until I get home.”

“I won’t.”

“I’ll see you soon, bye.”


When the phone disconnected, Kyle cursed loudly and punched the door. This was the last thing he needed to worry about.

Barry appeared and asked with a sneering grin, “Is she okay? I heard the incident at the infirmary yesterday was quite dramatic.”

Kyle didn’t know what to say and now more than ever he needed to watch what he said. He had already gotten on Barry’s bad side but if Number One had something on Portia he was in a no win situation.

“I hear my dad is going to make her a deal. I can’t remember the last time my dad has done that. Your wife must be quite the enchantress to get my dad to not bring down the hammer of the law against her because I do believe what she did is punishable by banishment.”

Still Kyle was speechless.

“Whatever it is, I know this truth, you lose.”

And right there, it was confirmed. Kyle was in a no win situation. In other words, he knew he was fucked.

“Where my father isn’t one for making deals with the exception of your lovely wife. Maybe you and I can make a deal.”

“And what could you possibly offer? And secondly, why would you ever want to help me? I believe I choked you out, put a knife to your face and threatened to kill you.”

“I can forgive. I’m a man that can be bought.”

“I’m a driver, I don’t have anything of value.”

“Oh yes you do. You have something that is priceless.”

“And what’s that?”

“A reputation.”


Seconds after hanging up with Kyle the phone rang again. She picked it up and said, “Kyle?”

“No, this is Bravo One. There’s a car out front, get in it. It will take you somewhere.”

“But I’m not dressed.”

“Get in the car now,” Bravo One ordered.

She put the phone down, walked to the front door and opened it to find a large SUV parked out front. Should I wait? She asked herself.

The driver exited, stepped around and opened the rear passenger door.

Think Portia, think. Kyle said don’t do anything until he got back .

Seeing that she wasn’t coming, the driver approached and said, “I need you to get in the car.”

“Where are we going?”

“You’ll find out soon enough, now, go get in the car.”

It took all off her strength to take that first step but once she did the momentum took her all the way until she was seated in the back.

When the driver closed the door she heard Number One. “Hi Portia, are you ready to know what this unorthodox plan is?”


Kyle sat quietly, both of hands on the steering wheel in a white-knuckle grip. His teeth grinding and jaw clenched as he stewed over his predicament. Barry was right, Number One never offered deals, if he was anything, it was predictable. Knowing Portia was being granted a pardon in exchange for something led him to believe it couldn’t be good. Then there was Barry, he hadn’t asked yet, but he had a good idea what he asking for and that was most likely to keep quiet while Barry leveraged what influence he had on behalf of Portia. Knowing Portia was in Number One’s clutches both panicked and angered him.

Barry also sat quietly, while Kyle was going over his potential options.

“We’re getting closer. What do we have, a little less than a day?” Barry asked hoping to get a response from Kyle. His previous attempts failed to illicit even a nod or grunt.

Hearing Barry’s voice only made Kyle grip the wheel tighter, if that was possible.

“I think we should talk, I really do. Don’t you want to know what I can offer to help you and your wife?” Barry asked.

“I want to wait until I hear more from Portia,” Kyle said, finally breaking his silence.

“But by then, it may be too late.”

Kyle chewed on that response. There was truth to that reasoning. Information was his friend and the more he had the better. “Fine. What are you offering and for what?”

“I want you to kill my father,” Barry said calmly.

Kyle slammed on the brakes, bringing the truck to a stop but forcing Barry into the dash. “What?”

“Christ man, how about warning me before you do that shit!”

“You just asked me if I would kill your father. Do you know how many guards are around him at all times?”

“Yes, but…”

“And how do I do it without getting caught. The last thing I want to do is die and leave Portia a widow.”

“But all you…”

“You’re joking, right? This is a stupid childish prank, a test,” Kyle asked once more interrupting Barry.

“If you’d let me finish I’ll tell you everything, I just need you to close your mouth for five minutes and I can break it all down for you.”

Kyle’s nostril’s flared and his face turned flush. “Go ahead,” he snapped.

“I’ll easily get you in front of my father, just us three, from there you can take him out. Once I’m in charge, I’ll pardon your wife and you two can go back to living you happy life.”

“How is that a deal at all? I don’t even know what your father is proposing to Portia, for all I know it could be benign.”

Barry began to shake his head.


“I know you’re a bit clueless, but now you sound fucking stupid. You’ve known my father for nineteen years. He wants something so valuable to you, that he asked me…” Barry said then stopped talking.

Intrigued, Kyle said, “Finish what you were going to say.”

“This morning, I called my father to check in. He was having someone go get her right after I got off the phone,” Barry said.

“Finish your other thought,” Kyle barked.

“He asked me to kill you,” Barry said plainly.

Hearing that, Kyle looked to make sure Barry didn’t have a weapon in his hand or near him, he then thought hard if what Barry was saying could be true. He knew Number One’s wife had recently passed away and he also knew Number One had an eye for younger women and that it was rumored he had affairs with other people’s wives. Why would he do that to him? This was the same man who had saved him years ago. Now after all these years he wanted him dead?

“Search your thoughts and feelings. You know it’s true,” Barry said.

Kyle did just that. The more he thought on it, the more confidence he had in Barry’s theory. He looked at Barry and said, “He wants me out of the way so that he can get Portia.”

Barry put his finger on the tip of his nose. “Bingo.”

Dismayed, Kyle let go of the steering wheel and lowered his head. “But why?”

“Why do people do anything?” Barry asked.

“I’ve been loyal to him since after he found me. I gave him my life in service to The Collective.”

“I’m going to tell you something else and this will no doubt piss you off.”

Kyle sat speechless.

“You don’t have any leverage over me, it’s not like this is a deal so my father doesn’t find out I’m fucking kids. He knows. He’s known for a long time. While you’re out there driving and risking your life for The Collective, he’s been playing four-dimensional chess against you. I never went missing, he sent you out to quote unquote find me so we could kill you.”

“Why didn’t you?”

“Because I want you to kill him.”

“I kill him and you take over, it’s simple, very simple.”

“Yes, now you see,” Barry said with a broad smile.

“How about I kill you and kill him, hell I’ll kill everyone,” Kyle said out of anger.

“You and I both know that you’ll never succeed at that. This is the only way for you and Portia to be together and safe. If you show up at The Collective, you won’t make even past the walls and Portia will be his new wife.”

Kyle sat and thought. As he looked towards the gently sloping hills and the mountains beyond he couldn’t help but think that even after a nuclear war, man was still scheming, and devising ways to screw each other over. Number One’s experiment for social justice and a government designed to bring equality and fairness was all bullshit. He still lived in opulence and he pursued and went after anything he wanted, even other people’s wives. This wasn’t a reboot, this was the same all over again.

“Let me tell you one more thing that will make it easier for you. My father is sick. He has something called Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. I guess women normally get it but nevertheless he has it. He needs a steady supply of hormone replacement and the only place we’ve found a plentiful supply is in the Rocky Mountain Republic. I guess those bastards have a pharmaceutical plant in their boundaries and they got it up and running a few years back. We ran into some trouble with them ten years ago concerning trade as you know well. However, with father’s need for those hormones he began trading in the one commodity we could spare… children.”

Kyle snapped his head and glared at Barry, “He’s been involved in the slave trade of children?”

“Yes, just so he could get his precious hormones,” Barry confessed.

“Why am I just finding out about this? How could this remain so quiet?”

“It’s called paying people off, we knew you couldn’t be bought but we found other drivers like Ten and Two, and others. You’d be surprised who’s involved.”


“Now you know why I kept saying you were clueless. While you were being the honorable one out there fighting and scavenging for The Collective, the rest of us were playing the game of greed, lust, gluttony, you name it. This whole system we created is bullshit, it’s a scam.”

Clenching his fists, Kyle said, “I just want to…”

“Kill him?”

Kyle squeezed his fists tightly and answered, “Yes.”


Portia hadn’t been outside the walls of Collective Prime since they had gone up. There wasn’t any need for her too and it was illegal.

“Where are you taking me?” Portia asked Number One.

“Right there, he said pointing towards a large building.”

“Is that a hotel?”

“Yes, before The Reboot it was the Ritz Carlton, it’s now my secret getaway, I call it the Lair. It’s heavily protected so you don’t have to worry.”

“Why are you taking me here?” she asked.

“I’ll explain it all once we get there. And from now on, please call me Xavier.”

She nodded.

Ahead of them, the road narrowed and channeled them towards a large metal gate which opened when they came near. On the other side the road widened again and slivered up the hill towards a second gate, which too was open for them. After that, they continued until they stopped under a massive wood porte cochere. Armed men surrounded the vehicle and faced out. More men came and opened her and Xavier’s door.

She stepped out and was greeted, “Good morning.”

“Oh, hi,” she said startled by her treatment.

Xavier walked around and took her by the hand, “Come with me dear.”

Feeling like she was living another person’s life, she just went with it, fearful that saying no could lead to something worse.

He led her through the front doors and into a large lobby. She was amazed by the beauty of the space. The marble floors glowed and stretched out from the entrance to a far wall with towering windows that overlooked the valley below. They moved to a bank of elevators located on the left and walked on the first one available.

“Do you live here?”

“Not all the time, I use it as a home away from home when I want to escape the day to day bullshit of The Collective.”

The words he was using were unlike anything she’d ever heard him use.

The doors opened and he led her down the hall, stopping in front of a set of double door. He turned the lever handle and opened the door. “After you.”

She stepped inside. Like the lobby, the room was gorgeous with marble floors, plush carpeting, wallpapered walls with hard wood trim accenting it all.

He pointed to a couch and said, “Take a seat, please.”

She did as he said.

He briskly walked towards a pair of closed doors inside and asked, “Do you like surprises?”

“Ah, sure.”

He opened and pushed the door open. There sitting on the bed was Melissa. He gave her a wink and said, “Come here.”

Melissa jumped up and cautiously walked to him.

“Melissa!” she exclaimed jumping up and running towards her.

“Teacher Seven!” Melissa cried out.

The two embraced.

“You’re here, I can’t believe it. You’re here and safe. You’re not hurt are you?” Portia said looking her over.

“I’m fine. I’ve been here the entire time.”

“What do you mean you’ve been here the entire time?” Portia asked giving Xavier an odd look.

He shrugged his shoulders and smiled.

“I’m so happy to see you,” Portia said.

“Have you seen my daddy?” Melissa asked.

“No, I haven’t. So he hasn’t come and visited you here?” Portia asked.


“Let’s talk,” Xavier said motioning for Portia to go back to the couch. He looked at Melissa and said, “Do you mind going back into the bedroom while us adults talk?”

Melissa shook her head and walked back into the bedroom.

After closing the door, Xavier took a seat across from her. “It’s been said, I give the best surprises.”

She smiled awkwardly. While it was wonderful to see Melissa and know she was safe, she didn’t know why she was there or why he saved Melissa.

“This must seem out of sorts. So instead of keeping you in suspense any longer I’ll ask you this. How would you like to live here, with Melissa of course?”

“I don’t understand.”

“It’s simple, if you like this place, you can have it. And if you want Melissa to live with you she can.”

She shook her head and raised her hand to massage her temple. “This is confusing. I thought Melissa had an incurable virus? And why would you offer me and Kyle this place. I broke the law and now you’re giving us this place and allowing us to raise Melissa. What about her father?”

He leaned forward, put his elbows on his knees and rested his face in his hands. “Let me explain,” he said pausing to think. “About Kyle.”

“What about him?”

“I didn’t know how to tell you, but I received a call this morning. I’m sorry to be the one to tell you, but he was killed by a pack of Generates.”

“What? When? I spoke to him too. He seemed fine. Was it after that?”

He raised an eyebrow not expecting to hear her say she’d spoken to him. “Ah, yes, right after.”

“When did you hear?”

“This morning. When did you hear from him?” he countered.

“Right before you picked me up.”

“It was right after that. My driver told me just before you got in the vehicle. It’s such a tragedy. I’ll throw a memorial and parade The Collective hasn’t ever seen in his honor. He was an incredible resident, a true hero of our collective.”

Emotions overwhelmed her. She burst into tears and began sobbing.

He raced to her side to comfort her. With his arm draped over her shoulder he softly said, “I know this must be difficult. He was such a good man, a good husband, I even considered him a friend of sorts.”

“How is it possible? I had just spoken to him. Like I hung up and the next second the phone rang and I was being summoned.”

Number One hated surprises and clearly he hadn’t expected this, but he considered himself a smooth talker who could deceive most.

“Why don’t you rest here? I’ll send for some food and water. How about some tea? I can have it brought up.”

“Nothing,” she answered, her face buried in her hands.

“I’ll leave you. Get comfortable. I’ll have your things brought over.”

Hearing that she looked up. “I don’t know if I can do this. It doesn’t seem right. What about my job?”

“We’ll think about that later. You need to mourn and there’s a little girl needing a mother. Let me take care of everything else.”

“Why are you doing this?”

“Remember the story I told you the other day, the one about the first time we met? I instantly knew you were going to be something great, I just knew that you and I didn’t meet like that by accident. I’ve paid close attention to your life ever since. I know I’m not supposed to do that. A leader can’t have a favorite but I’ll admit I did, and you were it. I want to see you happy, so if you’ll permit me, I’d like to give that to you.”

She was confused. Is this really happening? Is Kyle really dead? What will happen to me? She thought.

He got up and said, “I’ll leave you be. If you need anything at all, just pick up the phone and call. I’ll be back later tonight.”

Wiping tears from her face she nodded. “I think I’ll check on Melissa.”

“Good idea. Again, my condolences,” he said before leaving her alone.

When the door closed she started to sob heavily. This can’t be happening. She thought. Lost in her misery she didn’t hear the bedroom door open. When Melissa’s hand touched her back she snapped her head up to see her standing there. “Why are you crying?”

“Come here,” Portia said pulling Melissa close.

“Did someone get hurt?” Melissa asked.

“Yes they did, sweetie, yes they did.”


Barry pulled the truck up to the towering forty foot high gate and honked his horn.

Two guard towers stood equals distance apart on either side of the gate. One called down, “One second.” A guard emerged from a guard station on the outside of the gate and approached the truck. “Is that you Driver Eight?”

Barry opened the door and got out. “It’s Number Two, open the gate.”

The guard recognized the truck as Kyle’s so asked, “Where’s Driver Eight?”

Lowering his head to feign sorrow, Barry answered, “The Generates got him.”

“Oh shit, no way.”

“You need to keep this quiet. What’s your name?”

“Guard Forty-Two.”

“Guard Forty-Two, you must not say a word about Driver Eight. Do you understand?”


“Good. We can’t let this get out until we can notify his wife and others. I know you’ll be discreet,” Barry said.

“Of course.”

“Good, open the gate.”

The guard looked up and gave a hand signal.

A loud metal clank followed by the sounds of heavy wheels and cranks moving. The two door gate slowly opened inward.

Barry drove through and headed directly to the executive mansion.

* * *

“Number One, you son has arrived. He was driving Driver Eight’s truck,” Bravo One said.

Xavier looked up from a stack of papers on his desk. “Good. And has Teacher Seven made any calls from the suite?”

“No,” Bravo One said. She cleared her throat and continued, “Xavier, are you sure this is a good idea.”

He leaned back and smiled, “Using my birth name, this is serious. You must be talking about Portia.”


“I’m a single man, she’s now a single woman. Why can’t we fall in love? I couldn’t think of a more appropriate pairing, the leader of The Collective and the widow of Driver Eight.”

“I don’t trust her,” she said.

“We’ve been together since the beginning, I trust your counsel but I feel strongly about this.”

“I just don’t know if the other residents will see that. You’re twenty-three years her senior.”

“That’s antiquated thinking,” he said then thought about why she was asking. “You’re jealous, aren’t you?”

“I’ve been with you for many years. I’d be lying if I said I haven’t grown to love you.”

He got up and walked over to her. He placed his hand tenderly against her cheek and said, “We’ve had our moments, we’ve shared each other and I love you but I’m not in love with you. You mean so much to me, I hope you’ll accept my decision and welcome Portia as my next wife.”

She touched his hand and said, “You’ll always have my support.”

“You’re a good woman.”

“Knock, knock,” Barry said tapping on the open door. “Am I disturbing something intimate?”

“No, Bravo One was just leaving,” Xavier said giving Bravo One a nod. She picked up some papers from the desk and hurried out.

“Son, come in, close the doors and have a seat,” Xavier said.

Barry did as he was told and plopped down in a thick leather chair next to the desk.

“Care for a drink? Whiskey?”


Xavier poured two glasses, gave one to Barry and sat back down at his desk. “So, tell me, did he beg for his life? Or did you just walk up behind him and shoot him in the head?”

“Let’s first talk about what you’re doing with his wife. Are you really taking her as yours?”

Shocked that Barry knew, he asked, “How did you hear about that?”

“I have my own ears around town.”

He pointed at Barry and laughed, “A chip off the old block.”

“I learned from the best,” Barry said with a smile.

“She’s beautiful. I can’t wait to get my hands on her,” Xavier said. “And with these new hormones you’ve gotten for me, and some of the other enhancers, I should be fit as a fiddle.”

“When you told me you wanted me to kill Driver Eight, I thought you must have made a mistake. That’s why I asked for a confirmation. You know dad, I still remember when we found him. I told you it was a bad idea and you said either he’ll end up being a savior for our fledging group or he’ll be the one that will put an end to it. I think that’s pretty much verbatim.”

“I remember that, good memory.”

“Driver Eight gave us nineteen years of his life. Driving millions of miles so that our little experiment would thrive and when he had something that you wanted you had him killed. What kind of person does that?”

“Son, the world is not for the weak or the meek. We must take what we want.”

“When do you think I can take over?” Barry asked.

“Why do you ask?”

“I’m just curious. I’m almost twenty-six, I’m strong, educated. I think I’m getting close. Plus, I imagine you’ll want to enjoy retirement with your new bride.”

Xavier laughed. “Son, I’m not going to retire while I’m still standing. Secondly, you still need a bit more seasoning. Give it some more time, maybe spend some time outside the gates. See what’s out there.”

“I don’t need to see what’s out there. Its’ a shit hole.”

“You look tired. I’m sure your trip and what I asked of you has made you tired.”

“No, what I’m tired of is being disrespected. I’m ready to lead now.”

“I’m not sure why you’re getting upset. It’s must be because you’re weary. Go rest, let’s continue this conversation over dinner.”


Xavier stood up. “I’ll not have you yell at me.”

Barry took a deep breath and calmly said, “Your time is up, father.”

The office doors opened and in walked Kyle with a pistol in his hand.

“You’re alive?” Xavier asked, his face contorted in terror.

Barry got up quickly and moved out of the way.

“You ordered to have me killed. You tried to take my wife from me. I served you out of a sense of duty because you saved my life and that is how you repay?” Kyle barked marching towards Xavier.

“Let me explain,” Xavier pleaded his hands up.

“There’s nothing to explain. I just heard this entire conversation,” Kyle said.

Across the room, Barry held up a hand held radio. “Sorry, dad.”

“You, you planned this?” Xavier hollered at Barry.

“What did you say dad, the world is not for the weak or the meek.”

Kyle walked until the desk was the only thing that stood between him and Xavier. “Time to die.”

“No, no, don’t. I can reverse all of this. Let me do that. I’ll give you whatever you want, just don’t kill me.”

Kyle index finger began to apply pressure to the trigger.

“I put you in that truck not because we needed you to scavenge for us, but because I know you needed to look for her. I know you’ve never forgiven yourself for surviving that day. I know you’ve been searching for her.”

“Shut up!”

“Let me help you find her,” Xavier implored.

“Shut up.”

“Please, let me help you.”

“Why? You can have anyone you want, but my wife?”

“It’s not like that.”

“It definitely seems that way to me. I’ve been loyal to you. I gave you my life in service because you saved me and put me in that truck.”

Xavier’s initial shock was morphing into anger at the sight of Kyle pointing a pistol at him. He could see something in his eyes that he’d never seen before, fear. “I did and I told you why. You’ve been driving everywhere looking for her, I know you have but did I stop you? No. I only let you do what you needed even though you were putting your needs about the others, even above your own wife.”

Kyle tightened his grip on the pistol and took a step closer, “Shut up!”

Barry watched with pure joy the interaction between his two foes knowing that this showdown would be the end of both.

“Do you know how alone Portia has been? Sitting and waiting for a man who can never truly give his heart to her because it belongs with someone else. Can you imagine how that must feel?”

“Shut your mouth!”

Growing impatient, Barry blurted out, “Shoot him already!”

Xavier looked at Barry, his expression turning to surprise.

“Just tell me why you’d betray me?” Kyle asked. His need to know was cloudy his judgement and putting the plan in jeopardy.

“Betrayal? Ask your wife about that,” Xavier said.

“I’ve been a good husband.”

“Sure, you haven’t lay with other women, but you’re never there for her, you’re always gone. Driving mile after mile all with the hope that one day you’ll find her. What was here name?”

“Don’t talk about her.”

“Her name, it was the only thing you kept saying when we found you. It was…”

“Don’t you dare utter her name,” Kyle said angrily.

“Let me remember, oh yeah, it was, Tif…”

Kyle pulled the trigger. The forty-five caliber round struck Xavier in the head and exited out the back leaving the wall behind him covered in blood and brain matter.

Xavier dropped to the ground dead.

“You did it! For a time there, I didn’t think you’d do it. I can’t fucking believe it, you killed him. Yes! Yes! You did it!” Barry cheered.

A gunshot cracked behind Kyle. He looked down expecting to see an exit would but nothing was there.

Barry turned to see Bravo One standing in the open doorway of the office with a pistol in her hand. She pulled the trigger of her pistol again but this time it didn’t fire. She tried again, nothing.

Not waiting to get shot at again, Kyle swiveled around and shot her two times in the chest.

She stumbled forwards, dropped to her knees then fell forward, her head smacking the floor hard. She gasped loudly then died.

The roar of heavy footfalls echoed in the hall beyond.

Kyle gave Barry and look, seeking to know what he should do.

“Don’t do anything stupid, I’ll tell the guards to stand down, but I think you should put the gun down,” Barry said walking towards Kyle.

A squad of guards rushed into the room, their rifles at the ready but Barry now stood in between them and Kyle, who still held the pistol firmly in his grip and out in front of him.

“Driver Eight, put down the gun. No more deaths. We have a deal, remember.”

The lead guard shouted, “Number Two step out of the way!”

“Don’t shoot, I’ve got this handled,” Barry replied. “Driver Eight, give me the pistol. These men won’t hurt you, I promise.”

“Can I trust you?”

“Of course, we had a deal.”

Kyle nodded and let go of his pistol.

Barry took it, stepped a few feet away and barked, “Arrest him. He murdered my father, he murdered our dear leader!”


Portia ran a brush through Melissa’s long, thick, dark hair. “What kind of braid do you want?”

“What kind are there?” Melissa asked moving the arms of a doll that sat on her lap.

“Let’s see, there’s a French braid, and a tear drop braid, that one we take and have it make a teardrop shape around your ear.”

“That one sounds nice,” Melissa answered.

Loud banging came from the door.

“You stay in here, let me see who that is,” Portia said getting up and going to the front door. “Who is it?”

The door burst open striking Portia, causing her to fall backwards onto the floor. Guards raced in, rifles at the ready. “Portia Grant you’re under arrest.”

Melissa emerged from the bedroom to see what all the noise was. A guard spotted her and yelled. “Take the girl into custody too.”

“Leave her alone,” Portia yelled now on her belly as a guard cuffed her.

Melissa stood clinging to her doll as a guard walked over and picked her up.

Cuffed, Portia was pulled to her feet. “Where’s Number One? He put me here.”

The guards remained silent.

“Talk to Number One, he knows I’m here,” Portia yelled.

Barry walked into the room. “Hi Portia.”

“Who are you? Wait, you’re Number One’s son,” Portia said. “Tell him what’s happening, please.”

“Unfortunately, that’s now impossible on account of your husband murdered our dear leader,” Barry explained.

“That’s impossible, Kyle is dead, your father told me this morning.”

“You must be confused. Your husband is very much alive and my father is very much dead. I was with him when Driver Eight came into his office and gunned him down in cold blood.”

“Impossible. Even if Kyle was alive, he’d never kill Number One, never.”

“Again, you’re mistaken. He did kill him,” Barry said. He cleared his throat and continued, “Portia Grant you’re being arrested for high treason, conspiring to murder our dear leader and kidnapping.” Barry looked at Melissa and said, “Take her back to her father. Tell him she doesn’t have the virus and that I expect his loyalty."

"Are you sure?" the guard asked.

"Yes, you see, I’m merciful," Barry laughed.

“Why are you doing this?” Portia cried.

Barry gave Portia a toothy grin and said, “Take her away.”

The guards escorted Portia from the room.

Knowing he needed to proceed rapidly, Barry turned to the lead guard and ordered, “Call a mandatory gathering for first thing in the morning. We need to give the residents of The Collective swift justice.”

“Yes, sir.”

The other guards left leaving Barry alone in the room. He walked to a large window and looked out on the picturesque scenery of the sloping mountain. The ski runs that once graced the north facing slope could still be made out, though they were overgrown with thick vegetation and small trees. The high speed quad which used to ferry happy skiers to the top sat silent. For Barry it represented a by gone day, a reminder of a time that had run its course. Not far from the quad sat the magic carpet lift used for new skiers to access the bunny slope. He remembered riding that for the first time when he was six, life was happy for him then, though his father and mother both spent most of their time working, leaving him to sit alone in his room playing. His dad took him out that day after his first ski lesson. He was so happy to be spending time with him, and proud to show how good he was after one lesson. But it was fleeting, he never went again after that and six months later the world he knew ended. It was ironic he called an old ski town home, since he couldn’t even ski. But who skied anymore? He rose his chest high and smiled for everyone had underestimated him. From Kyle to his father, he had outmaneuvered everyone. Soon he’d get his payback against Kyle for the disrespect he suffered from him. Once he was gone, he’d take full control of The Collective and lead it the way he saw fit.


A loud clang woke Kyle. Groggy, he slowly opened his eyes and looked around but saw nothing. Shuffling feet stirred his curiosity. He sat up and to his surprise saw it was Portia being escorted down the walkway. He got to his feet and briskly walked to the end of his cell. “Are you okay?” he asked, his arm dangling between the bars hoping to touch her.

She took his hand in hers and said, “I’m fine. I’m so happy to see you. I was told you were dead.”

“Move along,” a guard barked and shoved her.

“You hurt her, I’ll…”

“You won’t do anything Driver Eight, just shut up and sit down,” the guard mocked taking Portia by the arm and placing her in the cell next to Kyle.

When the guard disappeared, Kyle called out, “Portia, are you there?”


Six inches of reinforced concrete separated them. Though they couldn’t see the other, they could hear.

“Kyle, what are we going to do?”

“I don’t know yet, but I’ll figure it out,” he answered.

“I’m so sorry, I got you wrapped up in this. It’s all my fault,” she moaned.

“Stop it, this has nothing to do with you. These was a scheme by Barry to take control of The Collective.”

“Is it true Number One is dead?”


“And is it true you killed him?”


“Oh, I wish I could see your face and hold your hand,” she complained.

“The fault is mine, if I hadn’t been on the road all the time, this wouldn’t have happened,” he said.

“No, it’s my fault,” she countered.

“Well, it doesn’t matter now. We’re in this situation, but I’ll figure something out,” Kyle said hoping he could find a way to reassure. While he gave her hope and an optimistic appraisal, deep down he knew their situation was almost untenable.

“He told me you had been killed. Why would he do that?” she asked.

“Because that’s what his plan had been. He wanted me dead so he could have you, that’s how simple this is. One man’s desire for another man’s wife has set off a chain of events that finds us behind bars and…” he said then stopped from finishing his thought.

“Are we going to die?” she asked.

“No, I will find a way,” he replied.

She wanted to believe him but just couldn’t put all her feelings into that prospect.

They sat and talked for what felt like hours. Though he reassured her, he talked in ways to let her know how he felt just in case there was no way out of their situation.

“Do you remember when I slipped on our wedding day?” she asked.

“Do I? I felt so bad for you. I’ll say this, you were the most beautiful bride that I’ve ever seen, falling or not,” he replied.

She paused, her thoughts went to the one question she’d never gotten him to answer. If there was a time to answer fully, it was now. “Who was Tiffany?”

He sighed. Thinking of how to answer he attempted to blow it off. “Now isn’t the time to talk about that.”

“Actually, there’s never been a better time,” Portia fired back.

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

“But I do.”


“I know you love me, but sometimes I feel I wasn’t or maybe even was never your true love. On the night we were married, just after you fell asleep you had a terrible dream. You were thrashing and calling out her name.”

“I told you before, I knew her before the war.”

“Did something happen to her?”

Thoughts of that day came rushing back. He could see her smiling face punctuated with those deep dimples on both cheeks. Her green eyes with the yellow specs and that auburn silky hair she often had pulled into a long pony tail.

“Kyle, are you there?” Portia asked.

Her question jolted him from his daydream. “Yeah.”

“Did something happen to her?” she asked again but this time more delicately.

Sensing Portia was not going to take no for an answer, he said, “Yes.”


“Please, I don’t want to talk about it.”

“I need to know. I feel like she’s been a part of our marriage.”

Giving in fully he said, “Five weeks after the war I discovered a radio broadcast coming from a military base, Cheyenne Mountain. It was a recording that repeated over and over. It said to come to a specific set of coordinates for aid. We were low on food and fearful that bandits operating close by would come to the camp. With no weapons at all to defend against such an attack and with the prospect of me finding more food, it seemed like the best, let me rephrase that, only option we had. So, we loaded all the kids on bus. I was in a pickup truck with another counselor. After several hours on the road I started to get drowsy. It was suggested we switch drivers so we did. Not minutes after we got back on the road were we attacked. The woman with me was killed, shot through the windshield. The truck turned hard and started to roll, I was thrown from the truck. Next thing I know I wake up. I’m not sure how long I’d been out, but I was badly hurt. I look and see the bus and Tiffany on the ground, she look terrified but still she showed a strength and resilience I haven’t seen before. She signaled for me to stay down. Seconds later the bus moves and I never see her again.”

“I’m sorry,” Portia said.

“I passed out again and when I woke up next I was being put into a van. The rest is written in the annals of The Collective.”

“Is she why you became a driver?”

“Can we please stop talking about this?”

“No. I need to know.”

“I’ve held a tremendous amount of regret since that day. I was helpless to stop what happened and to be honest it does haunt me. I have nightmares about what happened to her, to all of them, especially the children.”

“So you became a driver with hopes that you’d find her.”

“It’s not like that,” he countered.

“I know you love me, Kyle; but I sometimes think you’re not in love with me. That you have that special kind of love reserved for Tiffany. Maybe it’s guilt, maybe it’s shame, I don’t know but it forces you onto the road, driving mile after mile in hopes you will find her.”

“I never got closure. One minute she’s there, the next gone forever. I just wasn’t ready to let her go,” he confessed.

She put her arm out of through the cell bars and said, “Take my hand.”


“Take my hand, put your arm through and try to take my hand,” she said.

He did as she said. When their hands met, she slipped her slender fingers into his rough and callused hand. “I love you and I’m in love with you, Portia Grant. You’re so precious. I couldn’t imagine my life without you in it.”

“Thank you for telling me.”

“Sorry it took so long.”

“You’re a good man. A true romantic. Promise me if we get out of this and I somehow disappear that you’ll never stop looking for me.”

He squeezed her hand and said, “I promise.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too,” he replied.
