
Henry Pitts came home to find a crater where his rental unit had been. He was more distressed about my troubles in his absence than any damage to his property, which was covered by insurance. He has big plans now about building a new studio for me and he's already conferring with an architect. I managed to salvage a few articles of clothing, among them my all-purpose dress and my favorite vest. What could I complain about? As soon as I was on my feet again, I went back to work. Mac arranged for California Fidelity to refurbish my office as a way of making amends for my temporary suspension. Andy Motycka was fired and criminal charges were filed against him. The D.A.'s office probably whited my name out and typed his in its place. Within two days of the explosion, Daniel left with Bass. I can't say I felt much. After all I'd been through, his be-trayal seemed beside the point.

In surveying the situation, there was only one other matter that needed cleaning up. I conferred with Lieuten-ant Dolan in private about the five thousand dollars Ter-ry'd deposited to my account. He advised me to keep my mouth shut, which I did.

Respectfully submitted, Kinsey Millhone
