Обложка книги Earth and Ashes
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Earth and Ashes

О книге

Добавлена в библиотеку 25.03.2014 пользователем Elleroth
Издание 2003 года
Перевод: Erdag M. Goknar
Размер fb2 файла: 181.03 KB
Объём: 38 страниц
Книгу просматривали 256 раз, оценку поставили 53 читателя


When the Soviet army arrives in Afghanistan, the elderly Dastaguir witnesses the destruction of his village and the death of his clan. His young grandson Yassin, deaf from the sounds of the bombing, is one of the few survivors. The two set out through an unforgiving landscape, searching for the coal mine where Murad, the old man’s son and the boy’s father, works. They reach their destination only to learn that they must wait and rely for help on all that remains to them: a box of chewing tobacco, some unripe apples, and the kindness of strangers.

Haunting in its spareness, Earth and Ashes is a tale of devastating loss, but also of human perseverance in the face of madness and war.

Publishers Weekly:

The devastation of Afghanistan during the Soviet war is succinctly and piercingly conveyed in Earth and Ashes by Atiq Rahimi (trans. from the Persian by Erdag M. Goknar), a novella-length account of an old man’s futile journey. Dastaguir and his grandson Yassin wait beside a guard post on the road to the mine where Dastaguir’s son Murad works. The family’s village has been bombed, and everyone else in the family is dead; Yassin was deafened by the attack. While he waits for a ride to the mine, Dastaguir is visited by fantastic visions (“You find yourself standing on the branch of a jujube tree, stark naked”). The blasted dreamscape of Rahimi’s story and his tightly controlled prose make this a sobering literary testament to the horrors of war.

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