A rising wind stirred the forest. Branches rattled and leaves showered down onto the patrol as Hollypaw followed her Clanmates through the woods.
It’s so dark!
She glanced up. No starlight glittered through the leaves, and clouds had hidden the moon.
Brackenfur’s tail brushed her cheek. He was only a few paw steps ahead of her, but she could hardly see him.
“Stay close,” he whispered.
The patrol was moving slowly, picking its way through the forest. WindClan might be hiding anywhere, waiting for them to pass by.
“Ow!” Mousewhisker’s muted yelp from behind made Hollypaw jump.
“Are you all right?” she hissed over her shoulder.
“Scratched my eye on a bramble.”
Hollypaw stopped and peered through the darkness at Mousewhisker’s cut. Blood was welling around his eye and it was already puffed up.
Mousewhisker brushed away the drips with his paw. “I’ll be okay,” he mewed.
“Keep up!” Brackenfur called to them.
Falling in beside Mousewhisker to guide him, Hollypaw quickened her pace. It was like running blind. Her paws fell on leaves, then mud, then tangled roots. She sniffed the air, her heart racing as she tried to picture where she was. This was how Jaypaw must feel all the time.
Only when her paws scraped against stone did she realize they had reached the old Twoleg path. It was dotted with tufts of weeds, and she had to be careful not to trip.
“Stay close together,” Brambleclaw warned. Hollypaw could only just make out his shadow in the darkness. “It’ll be easy for WindClan to surprise us.”
What do WindClan want? The question whirled in Hollypaw’s mind. All of our territory? But where would we go? We don’t deserve this! Only ThunderClan had tried to help when other Clans refused. Daisy, Millie, Stormfur, and Brook would have had to survive as loners if ThunderClan hadn’t welcomed them.
And Firestar would never have been able to save ThunderClan—to save all the Clans—if Bluestar hadn’t taken him in as a kittypet all those moons ago.
Why did the other Clans make such a fuss about it?
Because the warrior code rejects kittypets, loners, and rogues.
As the grim answer flashed in Hollypaw’s mind, the ground seemed to rock beneath her paws. Her Clan had been ignoring the warrior code forever! Glancing ahead, she could just make out the abandoned Twoleg nest looming darkly against the black sky. It seemed to sway in front of her.
Brambleclaw’s yowl snapped her back to alertness and she realized the nest was not swaying, but swarming with the shadows of WindClan warriors. They streamed from the openings, their night-grayed pelts ghostly in the darkness.
“Spread out!” Brambleclaw ordered.
Where? Hollypaw tried to make out the signal he must be making with his tail, but it was too dark. Then WindClan were on him, and he disappeared altogether in a mass of shadowy pelts. She stared in terror as two warriors—Weaselfur and Emberfoot—streaked from the gloom, heading straight for her. Their eyes gleamed with hunger for blood. Her paws felt frozen. Then she was tumbling to the ground while claws raked her side like fire in her flesh.
Remember your training!
Anger shot through her like lightning, and she leaped to her paws, claws unsheathed, and lashed out at her attackers.
She caught Weaselfur across the muzzle and felt his blood spatter her fur.
Mousewhisker appeared beside her, his injured eye half-closed, and lunged for Emberfoot, while Hollypaw swiped again at Weaselfur. She had to jump back as Brackenfur rolled past, grappling with Tornear. Weaselfur saw his chance and leaped for her, sending her staggering back with a heavy blow to her cheek. Her paws skidded on the stone path, and she fell. The WindClan warrior’s eyes flashed with triumph as he dropped on her, lips drawn back in a snarl. Blood roared in Hollypaw’s ears as she fought panic. She twisted just in time to avoid the warrior’s sharp teeth, and pushed out with her hind legs.
Yes! She’d caught him in the belly and sent him lurching backward. Leaping onto her paws, she ducked forward and sank her teeth into his hind leg.
“Well done.” Brackenfur was beside her. He reared up and slammed Weaselfur to the ground. Hollypaw lunged again, tasting blood as she sank her teeth into his other hind leg.
The WindClan warrior yowled in agony and streaked away into the shadows.
Hollypaw reared up to scan the battle.
Thornclaw was fighting off two WindClan cats. As he batted one away, the other dived in low, nipping at his legs.
Cloudtail’s white fur glowed in front of the Twoleg nest.
WindClan warriors surrounded him. His pelt is giving him away!
Beside her, Mousewhisker suddenly shrieked. Emberfoot had pinned him to the ground. Mousewhisker was flailing desperately, half-blinded by the scratch to his eye.
“I’ll help him,” Brackenfur hissed. “You help Cloudtail.”
Hollypaw pelted forward, but Brambleclaw was already beside the white warrior. The ThunderClan deputy dragged two WindClan cats from Cloudtail’s back and flung them away like dead leaves. His eyes sparked as he spotted Hollypaw.
“We’re outnumbered,” he hissed. “You’ll have to ask Blackstar for help!”
“Me?” Hollypaw gasped. How could she persuade the ShadowClan leader to fight on behalf of ThunderClan?
“Just do it!” Brambleclaw yowled. “Blackstar would rather have us on their borders than this fox-hearted bunch!”
The two WindClan warriors had scrambled to their paws and were diving back for revenge. Before Brambleclaw disappeared beneath a fury of bristling pelts, he glanced at her. “Go!”
She turned and f led. Fear pulsed in her blood. How would she make it through ShadowClan territory alone? My Clanmates need help. The thought gave her courage. And her black pelt would hide her.
She slid through the shadows along the Twoleg path, veering into the woods when she scented the ShadowClan border.
She had never been this way. How will I find their camp?
Sniffing, she scented her way along, feeling the forest floor change underfoot from broad, slippery leaves to prickly needles. The undergrowth grew sparse around her, the trunks thin and smooth as the territory passed from lush woodland to pine forest. Strong ShadowClan scents made the fur along her spine prickle. She must be crossing the border. Ducking low, she thanked StarClan for the darkness. She didn’t want to be caught by a suspicious patrol; she wanted to get right into the camp to speak directly to Blackstar. She weaved through the woods, staying close to the trees, praying that their shadows would be enough to hide her.
Where’s the camp? Her heart pounded harder. She tasted the air. ShadowClan scent flooded her mouth. Hope fluttered in her belly as she ducked to sniff at the forest floor. A trail!
Countless ShadowClan paws had passed here. It must lead to the camp!
She followed the scent trail on trembling paws and, glancing up, saw a shadow looming ahead. A swath of brambles blocked the path. Could this be the camp? She slowed, pricking her ears. She could hear muffled mewing. A kit cried and the bramble leaves rustled.
This must be the camp.
She padded closer, skirting the brambles, wondering how she could find the entrance.
“Who’s there?” A snarl startled her. She blinked into the gloom as pine needles shifted ahead of her. A cat blocked her path. It was Ivytail; Hollypaw recognized her white-and-tortoiseshell pelt from Gatherings.
Breathing hard, she tried to explain. “I’m Hollypaw of ThunderClan,” she mewed. “Brambleclaw sent me. I must talk with Blackstar.”
Ivytail approached cautiously, whiskers twitching as she sniffed at Hollypaw. She scanned the forest. “Where’s the rest of your patrol?”
“There’s only me.” Hollypaw spotted a gap in the wall of brambles. The entrance? Was Ivytail guarding it?
“No warriors would send an apprentice into enemy territory alone,” Ivytail growled.
Hollypaw dug her claws into the needle-strewn ground. “I must talk to Blackstar,” she repeated. My Clanmates are being torn to shreds.
“Are you planning to distract him while your Clanmates attack?” Ivytail sneered. “How stupid do you think we are?”
Hollypaw’s patience snapped. She shouldered past the ShadowClan warrior and darted for the gap in the brambles.
Ivytail raced after her as she tore through the tunnel and burst into the ShadowClan camp.
“What in the name of StarClan…?” A large tabby tom spun around to face Hollypaw as she skidded to a halt in the clearing.
“Where’s Blackstar?” she demanded.
The tom bristled, his eyes round with surprise.
“Hollypaw!” A familiar voice sounded beside her.
Hollypaw turned, relieved to see Tawnypelt. “You’ve got to help me!” Her mew was choked with desperation.
“Slow down,” Tawnypelt soothed.
“There’s no time to slow down,” Hollypaw panted. “WindClan are attacking, and Brambleclaw’s patrol is outnumbered.
He sent me to get help!”
Tawnypelt stiffened. “Come with me.” She led Hollypaw across the clearing and beckoned her to follow her through a gap in the brambles. Inside, Hollypaw blinked, trying to see in the gloom.
“Blackstar.” Tawnypelt addressed a shadow at the back of the den. “ThunderClan need our help.” She brushed Hollypaw’s flank with her tail and Hollypaw guessed she was inviting her to speak.
“Blackstar.” She dipped her head low. “I’m sorry for breaking into your camp, but it’s a matter of life and death. WindClan have invaded our territory. They’re all over our forest, and we’re outnumbered. You have to help us or they’ll drive us away.”
Blackstar stepped from the shadows, his eyes wide with worry. “Fetch Russetfur,” he whispered to Tawnypelt.
The ShadowClan she-cat slipped from the den, leaving Hollypaw alone with Blackstar.
“How many WindClan warriors?” he asked.
“It seems like all of them, except the elders and kits.”
“Where are they?”
“Brambleclaw’s fighting a patrol at the abandoned Twoleg nest.” Hollypaw tried to stop her voice from shaking. “Firestar followed some to the border, and Dustpelt went to follow another patrol by the lake.”
A voice sounded at the entrance. “It sounds like a well-planned invasion.” Russetfur slid into the den, Tawnypelt at her side.
Hollypaw turned to face the ShadowClan deputy. “It is. We were totally unprepared.”
Russetfur’s whiskers twitched. “ThunderClan caught off guard, eh?” Was that amusement in her mew?
Hollypaw bristled with rage. “My Clanmates might be dying while you talk!”
Russetfur blinked. “Yes.” She sat down beside her leader.
“This is serious. We can’t let one Clan be driven out.”
Hollypaw stared at Blackstar. Wasn’t he going to say anything?
Russetfur went on. “There have always been four Clans.
Onestar seems to have forgotten that. We will all be more vulnerable if one disappears.” She narrowed her eyes. “But should ShadowClan risk its warriors to fight ThunderClan’s battle?”
Yes! Hollypaw stared at Blackstar. Oh, please say yes!
Blackstar stood up. “We will come.”
Relief flooded Hollypaw.
“Russetfur will organize the patrol.”
Don’t be long! Hollypaw longed to beg him to hurry, but Tawnypelt brushed her lips with the tip of her tail. “I’ll go with Hollypaw now,” she suggested, “and give what help I can till the others arrive.”
Blackstar narrowed his eyes. Did he suspect that Tawnypelt was just worried about her brother, Brambleclaw, and her former Clanmates?
Who cares? Let’s just go!
Blackstar nodded. “Very well.”
Tawnypelt dipped her head and backed out of the den.
“Thank you so much!” Hollypaw burst out before scooting after the she-cat. She almost tripped over the kits tumbling around Tawnypelt’s paws just outside Blackstar’s den.
“Dawnkit, Flamekit, stay out of the way!” Tawnypelt scolded.
A third kit stomped up and down in front of her. “We want to go to the battle!” he squeaked.
“Tigerkit! Have you been eavesdropping again?” Tawnypelt glared at her dark tabby kit, but it was easy to see the fondness in her gaze.
Hollypaw felt a purr rumble in her throat at the sight of their short, fluffy tails.
“Sorry about my kits,” Tawnypelt apologized. “They can’t wait to become warriors.”
“I remember feeling just the same way,” Hollypaw mewed.
Tawnypelt hustled the kits toward a yew bush. A white queen waited at the entrance.
“Look after them, Snowbird,” Tawnypelt meowed as the queen swished them into the den with her tail. “Make sure they don’t leave camp.”
Snowbird nodded. “I know all their tricks,” she promised.
“Bye, Tawnypelt!” Dawnkit’s mew was muff led by Snowbird’s fur.
“I’ll be back before you know it,” Tawnypelt promised. She glanced at Hollypaw and added under her breath, “StarClan willing.”
She darted out of the camp like a shadow. Hollypaw paused, glancing up at the sky. The clouds were thinning, scudding across the moon. “StarClan help us!” she whispered.
Tawnypelt was waiting outside the camp. “Follow me.”
She led Hollypaw through the woods and into a sloping field. A stream cut through it. This was the land ThunderClan had given to ShadowClan moons ago. Twolegs lived here in strange, flapping nests, but only in greenleaf.
“Keep low,” Tawnypelt warned. She ducked and streaked across the grass, leaping the stream where it narrowed near the top of the field. A few Twoleg nests rustled in the breeze, but there was no sign of life apart from a gentle growling from inside.
They were in the ThunderClan forest within heartbeats.
Tawnypelt clearly knew the territory well. She headed straight for the Twoleg path and followed it, her paws almost silent on the stone.
Hollypaw pricked her ears, suddenly terrified. Had she been gone too long? Had WindClan chased off her Clanmates already?
A screech told her that the battle still raged. Tawnypelt began to run, and Hollypaw hared after her. The Twoleg nest loomed ahead of them, yowls splitting the air. Cloudtail’s white pelt was stained and ragged as he struggled with the shadowy shapes of two WindClan warriors. Brackenfur screeched in fury as he threw a tabby tom from his back.
Brambleclaw and Mousewhisker fought side by side, driving a line of WindClan cats back against the stone side of the Twoleg nest. With a battle cry, Tawnypelt flung herself into the fray.
Hollypaw stared. Would this battle never end? Unsheathing her claws, she raced to defend her Clanmates.