
I must thank the person who pushed me to begin Providence. The same person who swung her pom-poms every step of the way, through every book, and in between. My dearest friend Beth, I thank you so much. Your support, encouragement and insistence has brought Providence — and me-to the end of this series. Every good thing that has happened to me in the last three years stemmed from your insistence that I could.

I would also like to thank my mother Brenda for her assistance in any way I asked, or that she could.

Many thanks to authors Jessica Park, Tammara Webber, Abbi Glines, Liz Reinhardt, and EL James for your advice, your encouragement, and direction. I adore each and every one of you, and I am so very glad that we crossed paths;

To Jim Thomsen for his patience and expertise;

To Dr. Ross Vanhooser for believing in me and putting action and risk behind that belief;

To Harmony Hempfling, who is the best listener, and a fantastic beta reader.

To Maryse at and reader Nikki Estep for their enthusiasm and being instrumental in my success as an author;

And to my amazing husband, Jeff. You are infinitely supportive, patient, and love me even when I’m ignoring you for fictional people. You are my partner in life; my everything, and I wouldn’t think of doing any of this without you. I wouldn’t want to. Thank you so much for being everything that you are.
