"El Signo Amarillo" (The Yellow Sign), "El reparador de reputaciones" (The Repairer of Reputations), "En la Corte del Dragón" (In the Court of Dragon), "La máscara" (The Mask), "La Demoiselle d'Ys" (The Demoiselle d'Ys) y el poema "El canto de Cassilda" (Cassilda's Song) pertenecen a

The King in Yellow, F. Tennyson, Neely, Nueva York, 1895.

"El Hacedor de Lunas" (The Maker of Moons) y "Una agradable velada" (A pleasant Evening) a

The Maker of Moons, G. P. Putnam's Sons. New York, 1896.

"El mensajero" (The Messanger), "La Llave del Dolor" (The Key to Grief) y el poema sin título que comienza "Pequeño mensajero gris…" a

The Mystery of Choice, D. Appleton & Company, Nueva York, 1897.

