About the Author

Elaine Cunningham was born several centuries after the decline of bardcraft. Undaunted, she pursued from a very early age her love of stories and song. She started reading folklore and mythology at the age of nine, and her fascination with this field continues to grow. She received a bachelor of music education degree and spent several years teaching and performing. A mezzo soprano, she also has studied piano, classical guitar, bass viol, and lute. Although she has been away from music for a number of years, she recently taught preschool piano classes at a local college and hopes to resume her own studies, inspired in part by the time she spent with the bards of the Forgotten Realms.

Her first novel, the Harper story Elfshadow, introduced Danilo Thann and Arilyn Moonblade, who also made an appearance in the anthology Realms of Valor. Elaine also wrote The Radiant Dragon, book four in the SPELLJAMMER® Cloakmaster Cycle.

Elaine is a transplanted New Englander undergoing yet another uprooting. She lives with her husband, Billy, and their two children, Andrew and Sean, in a cat-infested home filled with books and computer stuff. Family hobbies include bike rides, hiking, going to movies, and haunting bookstores. In her spare time, she reads omnivorously, bakes world-class cookies, and writes bad poetry. She has a perverse fondness for lute music, Italian opera, political cartoons, and sick puns.
