© 1994 by Deborah Lee
Clarissa, and her beau, Llewellyn,
Specialized in stealing melon.
Crime’s Romeo and Juliet,
They were the infamous “Honeyduet.”
Said Lew, “Though I’m a lucky felon,
You can’t compete with watermelon.”
Replied Clarissa: “Gollyx — maybe
That’s why you’re melancholy, baby.
The time is ripe to make a haul;
Let’s hit the nearest produce stall!”
They made their heist that very day
And made a seedy getaway,
But two detectives on the trail
Said: “Sticky fingers lead to jail!”
And as they put the two on ice,
Llewellyn said: “It’s been a slice!”
And now, our lovers sit and mope—
Depressed because they canteloupe.