Chapter One Friends in the Forest

Peep! Peep!

“Dad,” Lily Hart called, “the ducklings are hungry!”

“Give them some seeds to keep them happy,” her dad said, clearing the work table where he treated sick animals. “I’ll check on them in a moment.”

Lily’s best friend, Jess, grabbed some seeds from a bag. “I love helping your parents,” she told Lily. “I’m so glad we’re best friends.”

Lily grinned at Jess. Her parents ran the Helping Paw Wildlife Hospital in a converted barn behind their house in Brightley. Both girls loved working in the hospital and feeding different creatures in their pens outside.

Soon the ducklings had gobbled up the all the seeds.

“Come on, greedy,” said Mr. Hart, lifting one of them onto his table.

“What will happen to them now?” asked Jess.

“If Dad says they’re strong enough, we’ll release them back where we found them in Brightley Stream,” Lily explained. “The poor things were abandoned by their mother. They were all alone and very hungry.”

“Feathers—fine. Feet and bill—excellent. Weight—perfect,” said Mr. Hart, popping the duckling into a box. “Next?”

Lily carefully passed him another duckling, while Jess picked up a third.

“Its feathers are so soft,” Jess said, cuddling the little bird against her sweater. “Will they be able to find food for themselves?”

“Easily!” said Lily. “They’ve lived on our pond for the last few days, eating duckweed, grass, worms, slugs...”

“Yuck!” said Jess. She pretended to shudder, making her blond hair swing.

Mr. Hart laughed. “It might be yucky to you,” he said, “but it’s not yucky to a duck!” He placed the last duckling into the box. “Ready to go!”

“Can we release them?” Lily asked.

“Please?” begged Jess.

“Of course,” said Mr. Hart. He lifted the box into Jess’s arms. “You carry them, and Lily will show you exactly where we found the little things. Have fun!”

They set off for Brightley Stream. Jess walked very carefully, keeping the box level. They could hear the ducklings scrabbling around inside it.

“Dad doesn’t need to worry about us having fun,” said Lily with a smile. “Especially with Goldie around!”

Goldie the cat came from Friendship Forest, a magical world filled with talking animals. She had already taken Lily and Jess on two adventures there. Each time, Lily and Jess had helped stop Grizelda, an evil witch, from driving the animals away.

“I hope we see Goldie soon,” said Jess.

Lily nodded. “She said she’d find us if Grizelda was up to no good again.”

The girls gently set the ducklings on the water near the stepping-stones.

“They look happy!” Jess said.

The ducklings bobbed around, dipping their beaks in the stream, but always staying close together. Gradually, they grew braver, and one climbed the bank to peck at the grass.

When Lily stood to brush off her sweater, she felt something soft touch her leg. She looked down, expecting to see a duckling, but instead saw a beautiful cat with golden fur and eyes as green as fresh lettuce.

“Goldie!” she cried in delight. “She’s back!”

The girls stroked the purring cat. Goldie rubbed around their ankles, then meowed up at them and darted toward the stepping-stones that crossed Brightley Stream. She looked back at the girls and they knew exactly why she wanted them to follow her.

“She’s taking us to Friendship Forest!” said Jess with a grin. “Come on!”

They followed Goldie across the stream and through Brightley Meadow to the Friendship Tree. It looked like a huge, dead-looking oak tree, but as the golden cat ran up to it it burst into life. Fresh green leaves and scented blossoms sprouted from the branches. The girls had seen this before, but they still couldn’t help gasping at the sight.

Goldie reached up a paw to where letters were carved into the tree trunk. The girls knew that they must read the words aloud.

Holding hands, Lily and Jess said, “Friendship Forest!”

A little door, just as tall as their shoulders, appeared in the trunk. Jess reached for the leaf-shaped handle and opened it. A shimmering, golden light poured out of the tree.

The cat slipped through the door and Jess and Lily ducked their heads, following her into the golden glow. Their skin tingled all over, and they knew that they were becoming a little smaller.

As the light faded, they were thrilled to find themselves once more in a sun-dappled forest clearing, surrounded by trees and flowers.

“Toadstool Glade!” said Lily. “It’s so beautiful.”

“And magical,” Jess whispered.

Nestled among the nearby trees were pretty little cottages, where the animals of Friendship Forest lived.

“Welcome,” said a soft voice. They turned to see Goldie. She was now standing upright, as tall as the girls’ shoulders, and wearing a golden scarf.

Jess and Lily hugged her and, as they did so, other creatures appeared, rushing to greet them.

“Hello! I’m Bertie,” a young badger as high as the girls’ knees told them. “I heard that you saved the Treasure Tree from the Boggits!”

The Boggits were Grizelda’s horrible, filthy, smelly helpers, who did everything she told them to do. They had already tried to destroy the beautiful Blossom Briar and the Treasure Tree that gave the animals their food.

“Nice to meet you, Bertie!” said Jess, shaking the paw he stretched up to her. She whispered to Lily, “I know we’ve been here before, but isn’t it still amazing to talk to the animals?”

Before Lily could reply, the girls heard a squeak and looked down to see a pretty little mouse.

“Molly Twinkletail!” Lily said, kneeling down.

Molly was holding a carefully wrapped present that was twice as big as she was.

“Is someone having a birthday?” asked Jess.

“Yes, Ellie Featherbill, the duckling,” said Molly. “We’re all going to her party later. Come on, Bertie, let’s go and wrap your present for Ellie.”

They rushed off, calling, “See you soon!”

Lily turned to Goldie. “Have you brought us here to help again?” she asked. “Jess and I wondered if Grizelda was up to something.”

Their cat friend looked serious. “She might be,” Goldie said. “The butterflies say that something strange is happening by Willowtree River. They’re not sure what.”

Jess grinned. “Then let’s find out. Come on!”
