Chapter Five

Roxanne’s head was spinning. One minute Radnor was kissing her senseless. The next he’d pulled away and was looking more fierce than ever as he told a crazy tale of a magic tapestry, a strange world and brothers who competed for a woman’s affection.

Did she believe any of this? For a dream, it was damn real. Her head throbbed from her fall. Her breasts and her pussy ached with sexual need. Her leg still tingled from where he’d touched her and her lips felt swollen and damp from his kisses. She’d gone from fighting for her life to being immersed in sexual pleasure.

In some ways it wasn’t so far-fetched. One intense emotion had been swapped for another. Fleeing from death made her want to celebrate life in the most elemental way.

That was a very human and natural reaction. And since it was her dream, she’d much rather be kissing a hunk like Radnor than fighting with her ex for her life.

But the things he’d said to her. She lifted her hand and fanned her face, feeling the heat climbing over it. He’d been quite explicit about what he wanted to do to her.

Radnor’s words still echoed in her mind. Bury his face between her thighs and feast on her sweet flesh until she screamed with pleasure. Just like her dream from last night.

A thought occurred to her. Compete. Did she really want to know? “Umm, what do you mean, compete?”

Radnor’s gaze was fierce as he watched her. A sense of determination surrounded him. “Sexually.”

Her mouth dropped open and she shook her head in denial. Surely he couldn’t mean what she thought he did.

He plowed forward, ignoring her denial. “We will take you to bed, separately and together, and pleasure you. That way you will be able to choose which brother you like better.”

“That’s…” she struggled to find the right words, “that’s crazy.” At least that’s what her brain was saying. Her body was thrumming with sexual arousal, as though it had decided to embrace this dream to the fullest and take advantage of what was being offered.

Radnor’s lips pulled into a thin line. He propped his hands on his hips. He looked huge standing over her. She realized she was still reclining on the bales of hay, her dress riding up, exposing a large amount of bare thigh. She scrambled to her feet and shoved the pink polyester down to cover herself. It wasn’t a soft bed anyway and the stiff blades of grass were sticking into her bare legs and scratching her arms.

“Not crazy,” he said, his voice low and controlled. “It is simply the way things are here.”

This was the strangest dream she’d ever had. It was very real. If the situation in her real life wasn’t so dire, she might like to stick around and see where things went. But she didn’t have that luxury.

She tried to reason with him. “Okay, let’s just say for the sake of argument, I believe this is real. I didn’t ask for this. What if I want to go home?” Roxanne backed up a step as Radnor stirred restlessly in front of her. He seemed to become even bigger, every muscle in his arms rippling as he crossed his arms over his chest. “The tapestry will appear again on the third day. You will then have to make your choice. Go or stay.”

She shook her head, making it throb. This was crazy. Totally unbelievable. Three days. She didn’t have three days. Not even in a dream. She had to wake up this very moment. Now.

She scrunched her eyes together and concentrated fiercely on waking. She opened her eyes to find herself still in her dream world. Try as she might, nothing happened.

She was still standing in a large, stone structure, her bare feet on the smooth ground and several strands of hay stuck to her uniform.

The sweet smell of the hay and the darker, lusher scent of hot male wafted around her. The sound of her breathing got louder with each passing second. There was still an incredibly handsome and extremely large man standing in front of her. It all seemed so real even though she knew it wasn’t. It couldn’t be.

She was probably lying unconscious in her apartment. Or worse, maybe even now she was stuffed in the front seat of Michael’s vehicle as he drove her back to Nevada.

Maybe even the trunk, depending on what he was driving and his mood. She had to wake up.

Closing her eyes, she concentrated with all her strength. She tightened her fists by her sides and hunched her shoulders. “Wake up. Wake up,” she commanded herself.

She opened her eyes and Radnor was still standing there watching her. There was an aura of sadness about him she hadn’t seen there before and, somehow, she knew she was responsible for it.

“I’m sorry,” she began, willing him to understand. “But this isn’t real.” She darted around him, searching for an exit. “I have to wake up. I have to get back home.” He didn’t stop her as she ran through the opening behind him. Roxanne glanced around. The building was obviously a barn even though it seemed to be empty. Where were the horses? There was no time to ask questions. She had to wake up. There was an entrance at the far end and she hurried toward it. She could see the light. Maybe when she got there, she’d be back to reality.

Not that she really wanted to go back there, but she had no choice. She couldn’t live in a dream. She had to fight for her life. Michael was going to kill her. If not now, then at some point down the road. She had to wake up, had to get her wits about her. There was no white knight in shining armor to save her. Not even a warrior with a naked chest and a very large sword. There was only herself.

She ignored the pang in her heart. If only Radnor were real. If only men like him truly existed, she might not have to fight alone. But it was only a dream.

She was very aware of Radnor keeping pace with her as she made her way toward the door. For such a big man, he moved with uncommon grace and speed, making little noise. But it made an odd kind of sense considering this was all just a figment of her imagination.

The floor was cool and rough beneath her feet. She was still dressed exactly as she’d been when Michael had found her. She’d much rather be wearing jeans and sneakers than a pink polyester uniform and no shoes. You’d think since it was her dream she could change that. Maybe she could do something about that if she thought hard enough.

Before she could even attempt to change her clothing she reached the door. She came to a dead stop, swaying where she stood. Radnor’s arm snaked around her from behind, keeping her upright. She was glad for his strength and support. Without it, she might have ended up flat on her bottom.

An entire world existed in front of her. One she’d never seen before. It looked like a scene from a movie or possibly a book. A castle loomed large before her, the gray stones reaching high into the sky. It was a fortress, meant to defend and protect. Chickens squawked, dogs barked, children yelled and people talked as they worked inside the large courtyard. There were men everywhere and the occasional woman. Everyone seemed to be busy at some task.

Roxanne brought her hand to her eyes, shielding them from the sun blazing in the bright blue sky. Mountains rose majestically in the distance and a large, dense forest rose up behind the castle. She wasn’t in California anymore. She felt more like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, except there was no tornado. Only a light breeze that tickled her skin and made the ends of her dress flutter.

More precisely, it looked like the scene from the tapestry, not her apartment. “I don’t understand.” Bitter tears came to her eyes but she blinked them away.

Radnor rested his chin on the top of her head and sighed. “It is all real, Roxanne.

No matter how much you wish it was nothing more than a dream.” She spun around to face him, pulling away from his embrace. “This can’t be real.

Don’t you understand? This is a dream.” The only other explanation was that she was losing her mind. Maybe she was going crazy. Maybe that last hit to the head had pushed her past some point of no return.

No. She refused to believe that.

“You can deny it all you want, but it won’t change a thing. You are here until the tapestry comes back for you.”

“On the third day.” That’s what he’d told her before.

“Yes.” He looked so real standing there. All of it looked authentic.

She suddenly became aware of a growing silence behind her. She looked over her shoulder and found herself the center of attention. Everyone had stopped what they were doing and were staring at her. Some of the men were ogling her legs. Everyone was watching her intently, a growing sense of disbelief on their faces. She shifted uncomfortably, taking a step closer to Radnor.

He wrapped his arm around her, holding her close, just as a masculine voice boomed through the quiet. “What’s going on?”

She blinked as the sea of people parted and the other man from her dream came into view. His hair was long and brown, but there were skinny braids on either side of his face. His features were finer than Radnor’s, not quite as harsh. But there was no denying the resemblance between the two men. They were definitely brothers. This then, had to be Sednar.

His gaze ran over her, slowing as it hit her breasts and continued a leisurely path to her bare feet. She curled her toes in the sun-warmed dirt even as she inched closer to Radnor. The heat from his large body gave her a sense of safety, which didn’t make much sense. There was nothing to be afraid of. As she kept reminding herself, this was just a dream.

He turned his attention to Radnor. “What do we have here?” Radnor’s arm tightened around her and he pulled her closer. Her back was pressed against his chest, his hips against her lower back. She froze as a large, thick bulge nudged against her. Radnor was definitely aroused. Her nipples tightened and she bit her bottom lip to keep from moaning. This was so not the time or the place to get turned on. Problem was, her body wasn’t listening to reason.

“This is Roxanne Sykes. The tapestry brought her.” Radnor’s deep voice rumbled against her back.

A low murmur of surprise and shock rippled through the crowd. Bewilderment and then wonder etched Sednar’s face. The corners of his mouth slowly tipped upward in a smile. “Welcome to Craddock Keep. I am Sednar of the House of Craddock.” Roxanne’s stomach lurched and she broke out into a cold sweat even though the sun was warm and bright in the sky. All her senses were telling her this was indeed reality. Somehow, someway, she’d gone from her apartment to this strange new world.

This couldn’t be happening. Yet it was. Her body swayed and the world suddenly closed in around her. Her vision dimmed, the edges going dark until all she could see was a pinprick of light. That winked out and she felt her body go limp. Her last thought was, What if this isn’t a dream?

Radnor caught Roxanne as her body went limp, scooping her into his arms. Sednar rushed to his side, concern etched on his face. “What happened? Is she hurt?” Ignoring his brother’s questions, he started toward the keep. “We need hot water and the healer.”

Sednar grabbed Radnor’s arm, stopping his progress. “She is hurt.” Radnor scowled, not liking the implication in his brother’s words. “I didn’t do it,” he growled. “She was injured when she arrived. She said her ex-husband attacked her.”

“She is married?”

“No. She left him because he hit her,” Radnor explained as he carried Roxanne toward the keep. Just saying the words aloud had a hurricane of fury swirling deep inside him. He despised any man who would hurt a woman. Doubly so if the woman was Roxanne.

He glanced down at her pale face, reassured by the slow, steady rise and fall of her chest. She was light in his arms. Her head rested in the crook of his shoulder, her breath warmed his skin. She felt right, as though she belonged there.

“She is brave.” Sednar fell into step beside him. “To leave the man who hurt her.”

“Yes.” She was brave and stubborn and the most precious creature he’d ever laid eyes on. He would stop at nothing to protect her and would thank the gods for the rest of his days if she chose to stay. He barely knew her and already she was a song in his blood, in his soul. What would it be like in three days if she left?

He tightened his hold on her as he went through the massive oak and metal door and into the keep. Not pausing, he started up the stairs, carrying her to his room.

Thankfully, Sednar didn’t object. His brother paused long enough to bellow a few orders before pounding up the stairs behind him. Sednar was only two steps behind by the time Radnor shouldered the door open and carried Roxanne into his room. He set her gently on the bed and had to force himself to release her.

“The tapestry brought her?” Radnor could hear the disbelief in his brother’s voice.

“That’s what she said.” He could see the bump on her temple and the beginnings of bruises on her arms. Was she injured elsewhere? He hesitated briefly before reaching for the fastener on her tunic. It was a strange metal contraption, but it only took him a moment to figure out how to work it.

“Incredible,” Sednar whispered as the metal teeth in the front of her garment parted to expose the woman beneath.

Radnor’s fingers shook as a swatch of white, smooth skin was exposed. Lust was riding him hard. He wanted to bury his face in the curve of her neck and simply breathe in her essence. He wanted to lie on his back and pull her on top of him, feeling every soft curve conform to the hard planes of his body.

His cock pulsed, molding its hard length against the front of his pants. He yearned to bury his shaft in the welcoming moist heat of her pussy, to feel her close around him in the most intimate of caresses.

He made a low rumbling noise in his chest as he pushed the colorful material aside, revealing plump, firm breasts encased in a few skimpy pieces of cloth. Radnor ran his finger down the edge of the unusual garment, following the curve of her breasts.

His heart raced, like the pounding of Xander’s hooves on the hard-packed ground when he was allowed to run free. Roxanne moaned, releasing him from the erotic spell that had ensnared him. She was hurt and he had to take care of her. That came before all else.

Gently pushing his arm behind her back, he lifted her into a sitting position and tugged at the short sleeves of her tunic or dress or whatever it was she was wearing.

Sednar helped and, between the two of them, they quickly had it removed. Sednar brought the garment to his nose and inhaled. Radnor couldn’t blame him. Roxanne’s scent was intoxicating.

With her still in a seated position, Radnor examined the contraption binding her breasts. A sense of satisfaction filled him when he discovered two hooks at the back. He quickly released them and the cloth eased away from her body. He carefully laid her back on the bed and pulled the fragile piece of clothing over her arms and away from her body.

Beside him, Sednar inhaled deeply. Radnor knew exactly what his brother was feeling. It was like being kicked in the teeth by a fractious horse. He shook his head to try to clear it while he stared at the bounty laid out before him.

Her breasts were magnificent. Plump and firm and tipped with rosy nipples puckered into tight buds. His fingers itched to touch them, to shape them with his palms before leaning down and capturing one with his mouth.

Another scrap of fabric wrapped around her hips and covered her sex. It was almost transparent, barely a barrier at all. He could snap the thin band with his hands, tug away the remains and she would be totally naked. Or he could slide his fingers beneath the covering and find the soft, slick folds beneath. His cock flexed in agreement. His fingers curled into fists to keep from reaching out to touch her. It wouldn’t be right to do that. But it would be oh so easy.

Goosebumps rose on her arms and legs. Radnor swore and grabbed the covers, tossing them over her almost naked form. Here he was ogling her, imagining stroking her intimately, when she was injured and cold.

Maybe he was a monster. No decent man would do that.

“Where is the healer?” he barked.

Sednar raised his eyebrow in question. Radnor knew his tone was argumentative and brusque. He didn’t care. Roxanne had all his emotions in an uproar. Not to mention his body.

A timid knock sounded on the door. Not waiting for his brother to answer it, Radnor strode over and yanked open the portal. An elderly woman stood there, head down. Waiting.

He tried to remember her name but couldn’t. “On the bed.” He motioned forward and the woman scuttled past. Radnor bit back a scathing comment. He was tired of everyone who lived in the keep fearing him when he’d personally never hurt any of them. He was sick to death of paying for the crimes of his older brothers.

Locking his jaw against the pain, he returned to the side of the bed. Darrina. That was the woman’s name. “Can you help her, Darrina?” The elderly woman jumped when he said her name, her gaze dropping to the floor, as if to avoid his angry glare. “I’m not a healer proper, my lord. But I can try.”

“Do the best you can,” Sednar told her.

Darrina nodded and both brothers stood back and watched as she examined the wound on Roxanne’s head.

Another knock came on the door. Radnor went to open it. A boy came into the room carrying a bowl of hot water. After that, there was a steady stream of servants carrying clothes and food and herbs.

Sednar eventually sat at the table and helped himself to some ale and a bowl of thick stew. Radnor couldn’t eat, couldn’t rest. Not until he knew the extent of Roxanne’s injuries. He watched as the elderly woman examined Roxanne’s limbs. She muttered under her breath as she worked and it took every ounce of Radnor’s patience not to demand answers.

Finally, after what seemed like days rather than minutes, Darrina tugged the covers back up around Roxanne’s shoulders. Her limbs had been washed and a healing salve had been applied to her bruises. Roxanne seemed to be sleeping peacefully.

“Well?” Radnor demanded.

Darrina shrugged. “The bump on her head is the worst of it. Not serious enough for stitches, but it was still quite a crack. Let her rest for now. Wake her every hour or so to make certain she doesn’t fall into a sleep from which she never wakes.”

“Is that possible?” Sednar demanded as he jumped up from the table and strode to the side of the bed.

Again the elderly woman shrugged. “Who knows? It happens. If she awakes each time then she should be fine. If not, it is up to the gods.” Gathering her healing salves, Darrina shuffled off. “I’ll send someone back to clear away the mess.” With that, she was gone.

Radnor and Sednar were alone in the room with Roxanne. Her face was still pale, but she seemed to be breathing with no problem. Radnor couldn’t even contemplate the idea that she might not wake up.

Unable to wait, he bent down and laid his hand on her shoulder, lightly shaking it.


“What are you doing?” Sednar asked. “Darrina just got her settled.” Radnor ignored his brother, raising his voice slightly. “Wake up, Roxanne.” She mumbled and her eyelids fluttered open and then closed again. “Go away. I’m sleeping.” She turned over onto her side and snuggled beneath the covers.

He started to shake her again. Sednar placed his hand on Radnor’s arm stopping him. “She woke and talked. That’s enough for now. Sleep will help her heal. When she wakes, we will sort all this out.” Sednar’s features hardened. “Tell me everything.”

Knowing he owed his brother that much, Radnor motioned toward the table. He turned his chair so he could keep an eye on Roxanne as she slept. Sednar sat and poured two goblets of ale, handing one of them to Radnor.

“It all started when I decided to examine the progress of the new stable.” Michael Talbot’s head was throbbing. He opened his eyes and then closed them again. It was too bright. He felt like he had a hell of a hangover, but he hadn’t been drinking. The last thing he remembered was going after that faithless bitch of a wife. He didn’t care what the courts said. Roxanne was still his wife. Until he decided he didn’t want her anymore.

He forced his eyes open and looked around. “What the fuck?” He pushed himself into a seated position. He certainly wasn’t in Roxanne’s apartment any longer. He was in the middle of some godforsaken forest. What had that bitch done to him?

He struggled to remember. He’d dragged her back to her small sofa, planning to avail himself of his husbandly rights. There’d been a flash of light so bright it had momentarily blinded him. Then he’d been thrown back and felt himself fall.


Standing, he surveyed his surroundings. He couldn’t stay here. He had no idea how far he was from civilization. Roxanne must have done something to him. Had she somehow managed to drug him? That had to be it. Nothing else made sense. She’d pay for that.

A heavy pounding came from off to his left. He turned just in time to see two large horses break into the meadow. Each horse was carrying a man dressed in nothing but leather—pants, boots and vest. They circled him, their eyes narrowed.

Michael’s heart thudded, but he showed no fear. He’d met this kind in prison and recognized kindred spirits. The corner of his mouth turned up in a sneer. “Where the hell am I?”

They brought their horses to a stop and stared down at him. They both had long hair to their waist, but one had thin braids on either side of his face. The one with the braids drew a long sword from a scabbard at his waist. He extended the weapon until the tip touched Michael’s face, breaking the skin. A bead of blood rolled down Michael’s cheek. He didn’t move. Didn’t flinch.

“Who are you?” the stranger asked. “And why are you on our land?”

“Name’s Michael Talbot. I don’t know how the hell I got here, but I’m looking for my wife.”

The man eased his weapon back. “You have a woman?” Michael sensed the stranger’s interest and nodded. “I need to find her.” The stranger sat back in his saddle. “Why should we help you? What will you give us if we help you?”

“What do you want?” Michael had a feeling he knew what they wanted. He’d seen the gleam in the stranger’s eye when he’d mentioned a woman.

The second stranger nudged his horse forward. “Is the woman pretty?”

“I wouldn’t bother with her if she wasn’t,” Michael retorted.

“We want her.” The first stranger sheathed his weapon but that in no way made him any less dangerous.

Michael shrugged. He was almost finished with her anyway. Serve her right if he left her with these two. She’d be begging to come back to him in no time. Only he wouldn’t take her. Not after these two had their dicks in her. “When I’m done with her, she’s all yours.”

The stranger smiled. Michael could see the cruelty in it. Roxanne was going to get what was coming to her one way or another. Maybe leaving her with these bastards would show her just how good she’d had it with him.

The stranger glanced at the other man with him. They were obviously related in some way. Probably brothers.

“I told you my name. Who the fuck are you?”

The man with the thin braids smiled his cruel smile again. “I am Agmar of the House of Luther. This is my brother Ivan.”

Strange names, but then again, these weren’t exactly normal-looking guys. If they weren’t riding horses, Michael would have pegged them as part of a biker gang. Maybe they were. Maybe they had a place to crash near here and kept horses.

“Where am I?” He hated not knowing, not being in full control of the situation. But that was about to change. Michael knew what these men wanted now and he was a master at manipulating people to get what he wanted. It was only a matter of dangling what they desired before them. And right now, they desired Roxanne.

“You are in Javara.” It was the second man who answered him. He turned his horse around and offered Michael his hand. It was either swing up on the horse or walk.

Riding was better than walking any day.

“Never heard of it. How close is that to Los Angeles?”
