Chapter Three

It was the heat that finally woke her. The rays of the sun were pouring through the bedroom window, making it hot and uncomfortable. She sprawled on top of the sheets, too lethargic to even move. Stretching slightly, her leg brushed against something hard and firm. Abel. Smiling, she opened her eyes and just stared at him. They were lying close together, but not touching, both of their bodies damp with perspiration.

His hair was plastered to his skull, his chin was shadowed with morning stubble, and his lips were pressed together in a firm line. Even though they were closed now, Erin loved the way his green eyes subtly changed shade, lightening and darkening, depending on his moods. His face was as tanned as the rest of him, evidence that he spent quite a bit of time outdoors. Even resting, his body was a study in rippling muscles and toned flesh. There wasn’t an extra ounce of fat anywhere on the man. Simply put, he was gorgeous.

She sighed, knowing she could easily pass a day just looking at him. But strangely, that was not what really attracted her to him. Even when she was only a kid, Erin had sensed an innate kindness in Abel, as well as a sense of fair play and justice. He always stuck up for the underdog and didn’t tolerate bullies. She’d found that out when he’d stopped several older boys from teasing her about her height and her red hair. Although she’d only been eight, after that incident she’d followed the fifteen-year-old Abel around, openly adoring him. Not once had he ever scolded her for it or made her feel bad in any way.

The senseless death of his parents had changed him so much. He’d gone from open, smiling young man to one who was grim and silent. The man who’d shot his mother and father in a convenience store holdup had been arrested and charged with their deaths, and Abel had gone to the trial proceedings every day, absorbing every detail. His first book had come out of that incident. It had simply been entitled, A Son’s Search for Justice by A. B. Garrett.

Almost a dozen more books had followed, each one chronicling the tragic events of some crime. Erin had read only one. The story had been gripping and so real it had given her nightmares for weeks. She owned them all, but had never read more than the opening and final chapters of any of them.

No matter where he had lived or traveled for his work, Abel had always made a pilgrimage home once a year. Sometimes he was here for as long as a week, other times he’d be gone after two or three days. No one ever knew when he was coming or when he was leaving, but he always wrote to them. Well, really he occasionally wrote to Jackson who shared the letters with her and Nathan. They were always filled with details of where he was and what he was working on. Erin had traveled all the way around the country through those letters.

Erin didn’t know how he could keep his sanity investigating gruesome crimes such as serial murders and rapes, and then writing about them. She sensed from his letters that it had taken a toll on him. Over the years, his letters had gotten further apart and sparser on details, but permeating them all was a sense of aloneness. It broke her heart to think of him buried in his work, hardly coming up for breath between projects. It was if he was driven to write each one, as if that would somehow make dealing with the death of his own parents easier to handle.

Reaching out, she placed her hand on his arm, simply wanting contact with him. She admired him as a person, but she adored him as a man. This morning, he’d made her feel sexy and womanly for the first time in her life and for that alone, he had earned a special place in her heart forever.

Flawed he might be, but she didn’t think she’d ever met a finer man. Their time together might be short, but she planned to take full advantage of every second. He didn’t move a muscle, but suddenly she knew he was awake. She peeked up at him and sure enough, his green eyes watched her with such a look of sexual intent that it almost took her breath away.

“Hi,” she said.

“Hi back.” Taking her hand from his arm, he kissed her palm before laying her hand on the bed between them. “I’m sweating like a pig in this heat, honey. You don’t want those gorgeous hands on me until I get a shower.

She placed her hand on his chest. “I don’t mind. I’m sweaty too.” Leaning forward, she dropped a kiss on his lips. “Besides, I’m a farm girl. I don’t mind a little honest sweat.”

Laughing, he grabbed her in a bear hug and tugged her on top of him. “Then I’m a very lucky man.”

She nodded emphatically. “You certainly are.” Pushing her hips against his already half-aroused penis, she added, “And maybe you might get even luckier.”

“Think so?” he teased.

“I know so.” She loved bantering with him. Never had she felt this comfortable in any man’s presence, including her brothers. Her glance happened to stray to the bedside table where the clock radio sat. She blinked, not believing her eyes. It couldn’t be that late. But when she looked again, the clock still said that it was just after eleven.

“Omigod.” Screaming, she rolled out of bed, ignoring Abel’s surprised yelp as her knee came to close to his groin for comfort, and began to frantically search for her clothing. Bending over, she grabbed her underwear, but before she could tug them on, she was captured from behind in a bear hug and tossed back on top of the bed.

With her panties still clutched in her hand, she glared up at him. Smiling, a very pleased, satisfied male smile, he surveyed her naked body from head to toe. Her flushed skin felt even hotter and her nipples tightened, but one more glance at the clock had her sighing. “I’ve got to go.”

Abel leaned over her, planting a hand on either side of her head. Bending down, he lowered his mouth to hers. His lips skimmed her own and she parted hers in response. Quickly taking advantage, his tongue swept inside, engaging hers in a sexual duel. Her arms crept up around his neck, pulling him closer to her. Taking his time, he kissed her with a thoroughness that left her breathless when he finally did pull away.

“Good morning, again.” Taking her hand in his, he placed it over his obvious erection. “I know you have to go, but we could take a shower together before you do. It’s the environmentally responsible thing to do you know, to conserve water.”

His grin was wicked and she couldn’t resist teasing him. “Well,” she drawled. “I suppose if it’s for the environment, I can sacrifice myself.”

Standing, he tugged her up from the bed and pulled her along behind him as he left the bedroom and padded down the hallway. “Abel,” she cried. “We’re naked.” She was desperately trying to cover part of herself with her free hand.

He stopped in his tracks and threw back his head and laughed. Erin, not amused by his humor, tried to free her hand from his hold, although he wasn’t holding her tight, his grip was unbreakable. Finally, she stopped trying and settled for just standing there and glaring at him. Really, the man lacked all sense of modesty.

Getting himself back under control, he scooped her up in his arms, threw her over his shoulder, and proceeded to carry her down the hallway. Erin yelped when he picked her up. She was no lightweight, but he carried her with ease. At first she struggled against his hold, but he smacked her on the ass. “Settle down, honey. There’s no one here but us, and besides, we’ll be in the shower in just a second. It doesn’t make any sense to get dressed.”

“I know,” she muttered, squirming slightly as his hand soothed the slight sting on her bottom. The heat on her bottom aroused her, which surprised her greatly.

Her reaction to their nudity made her feel like a prudish old maid. “I’m just not used to it.” She felt the need to justify herself.

“That’s okay. I’ll make sure you get plenty of practice.” He deposited her on the countertop in the bathroom and then leaned over to turn on the taps in the oversized shower stall. The smooth countertop was cool against her behind and she could barely resist the urge to spread her legs and push her hot pussy against it.

Swinging her feet back and forth, she watched him as he went about readying everything for their shower. Anything to distract herself from the throbbing ache between her legs. All his movements were fluid and sure for such a large man. Opening a cabinet door, he rummaged around and pulled out a couple of towels, setting them on the hamper next to the shower. Checking the water, he adjusted it to his satisfaction.

Sauntering back to the counter, he spread her legs wide with his hands and stepped between them. Startled, Erin splayed her hand on the countertop for support. Abel leaned down and drew one of her engorged nipples into his mouth and sucked hard.

Erin moaned, dropping her head back and widening her legs even further. Abel’s fingers lightly pinched the other hard nub as his teeth lightly bit the other. Lightning ran from her breasts to her pussy. “Fuck me, Abel.” She was panting hard now and so close to coming again.

Abel lifted his head from her breasts and moved his fingers down to her wet pussy. “Not yet.” Thrusting two of his fingers deep inside her, he widened them before pulling them out again with maddening slowness. “I like my pussy hot and begging.” His fingers pinched her throbbing clit. “You’re not there yet, but you will be.” Scooping her up once again, he carried her to the shower and set her underneath the spray.

Erin sputtered as water covered her face, but the cool liquid felt so good against her heated, sensitive skin. She didn’t know whether to smack him, yell at him or beg him to fuck her. Before she could decide, large hands began to comb through her hair, wetting the curly locks.

Surprised, she started to turn to see what he was doing, but he placed his hands on her waist, keeping her faced away from him, and whispered in her ear. “Let me?” His voice sent shivers running down her spine, and she slowly nodded.

Curious now, she stood in the shower with the water cascading over both of their bodies and waited to see what he would do. She could hear the sound of him opening a bottle and the sound of something being squeezed out. Then his hands were back on her head as he rubbed the shampoo into her hair. Taking his time, he massaged her scalp and worked the lather all the way down to the tips of her hair before rinsing it off.

Erin had never felt anything like it in her life. His hands were strong and rough, yet when he washed her hair, they were gentle and soothing, yet strangely arousing. Never, had she felt as pampered in her life, and the wonder of it was that he wasn’t finished yet.

With her hair rinsed free of soap, he leaned back over and picked up another bottle. A moment later, his hands cupped her breasts and began to lather her skin. His fingers slid easily over her wet, soapy skin, taking special care to make sure that both mounds were completely soaped. With his thumb and forefinger, he pinched them rhythmically until Erin was sure she’d come any second. Moaning, she leaned back against his chest for support as her knees went weak.

Abel shifted his hands from her breasts and continued to soap her upper body, her arms and her stomach. Erin sucked in her breath as his fingers slid through her pubic hair, parted her and slipped right inside her. Spreading her legs to allow him easier access, she enjoyed the feel of his fingers inside her. With one hand on her breast and the other between her legs, he easily aroused her to a fevered pitch.

“I need you.” She could feel his cock hot and heavy behind her and knew that he was more than ready for her as well.

“Is your pussy hot?” His breath was hot on the back of her neck as he teased her. His fingers continued to slip in and out of her hot, slippery slit.

“Yes,” she cried. If she was any hotter, she’d self-combust. If he didn’t fuck her soon, she was going to trip him and throw herself on top of him.

Instead of answering her, he turned her until she was facing the tiled wall of the shower stall. “Put your hands on the wall.”

She immediately followed his instructions and placed her hands against the slick tile. His hand caressed the back of one of her legs before coming to rest behind her knee. Bending her leg, he lifted it to a little ledge in the wall. “Keep you foot propped up here.”

Erin nodded and her whole body clenched in anticipation. She could feel him behind her as he fitted his body to hers and drove his wet cock deep inside her. Because of the soap and water, he entered her easily even though it was a tight fit. His cock seemed to lengthen even more as he held himself within her. The feeling was not uncomfortable, but she felt full. Filled to her very core by him. She tried to move, but her balance was precarious.

“Let me do all the work,” he whispered as he started to move. With his feet braced apart and one arm wrapped around her and the other against the wall, he began to move. Pulling back slightly, he’d almost withdraw from her before plunging back into her pulsing vagina.

Erin forgot all about the time, work, and getting home on schedule to fix lunch. Nothing mattered but making love to Abel and for both of them to reach sexual fulfillment. Her insides churned as he continued to ease out of her before plunging back inside her waiting heat. His strokes got harder and harder, and the slap of their wet skin aroused her even further.

Her nipples were throbbing, so she leaned her face and upper body against the tiles and pushed her breasts against the wall to help ease the ache. “Harder,” she commanded. She sensed his momentary surprise, but then he gripped her tighter and began to pound in and out of her body.

That was all it took for her to explode. Screaming her release, she came long and hard as Abel continued to plunder her body. A moment later, she felt him swell and then he erupted inside her. Erin felt herself sliding down the wall and was grateful when Abel’s arm tightened around her. His head rested on her shoulder and he was panting as hard as she was.

The water was freezing cold now, but neither of them cared. Erin’s body still felt warm and flushed even as the icy water bathed her skin. When Abel eased himself out of her, her body clenched in protest.

Abel groaned before giving a slight rumble of laughter. “They say that a lot of household accidents happen in the shower.” He kissed her shoulder, his teeth grazing the sensitive flesh at the base of her neck. “As much as I’d like to stay here, we’d better get you out of the shower and home before Jackson comes looking for you.”

That reminder was enough to get Erin functioning again. They both rinsed off quickly before Abel turned off the water, stepped out of the shower, and shook out a big fluffy towel. Motioning her out, he waited while she stepped out of the shower stall. The moment she was out, he wrapped her in the towel, bent down and planted a kiss on her lips. It wasn’t a passionate kiss, but it was a slow intimate one that left her feeling languid and satisfied.

Stepping back, he picked up the other towel and began to wipe the moisture from his body. Erin watched him, entranced by the beads of water sliding over his large, muscled torso and down his strong, sturdy legs. He glanced at her and his lips curved up in a knowing smile. Erin gave herself a mental shake and began to briskly dry herself.

“I don’t know that we actually conserved any water.” She gave him a saucy grin as she wrapped the towel around her body and tucked the tails in at the top over her breasts.

“No, but we sure had fun.” Abel pulled a dry towel from the cabinet and handed it to her. “For your hair.”

Erin squeezed most of the water from her hair before wrapping the towel around it like a turban. “Can I borrow your hairdryer?”

“Sure.” He pulled a dryer out of the drawer and plugged it in over the counter. The mirror wasn’t steamed up too badly where they’d left the door open and the water had been mostly cold. Abel leaned against the counter with his towel wrapped around his waist and watched her as she dried her hair. It was slightly disconcerting as, in many ways, Erin found this even more intimate than sleeping with Abel.

As quickly as she could, she dried her hair and finger-combed it before she put it back into her familiar braid and realized she didn’t have anything to hold it with. Able held out his hand and she gladly took it, holding the tail of her braid in the other. Erin felt light and happy as they padded back to the bedroom, and reluctantly let his hand go so she could dig a rubber band out of the pocket of her jeans to secure the ends of her hair.

“We’ve never talked about birth control.” Abel’s voice brought her back to reality in a rush. He raked his fingers through his hair. “I should have taken care of it, and I’m sorry for that. It was up to me to protect you.”

“I’m on the pill,” she confessed. “The doctor put me on it several years ago to help regulate my period.” Erin was embarrassed to be discussing this even though she knew it was necessary.

“I promise that I’m healthy. I’ve never forgotten to use a condom before in my life.” He sounded aggravated with himself, and in a perverse way, she was pleased that she could make a man as self-contained as him lose all control. She knew she’d feel very different if she hadn’t been on the pill, but since birth control wasn’t an issue, she decided to enjoy herself.

Erin tugged on her clothes and watched Abel as he hauled on his jeans. When they were both dressed, she walked up to him, went up on her toes, and kissed his cheek. “Don’t worry about it, everything is fine.”

“You’re sure?”

“Positive,” she answered. A glance at the clock told her that she was out of time. If she hurried, she’d get home the same time as Jackson. He was getting soup and sandwiches for lunch if he wanted to eat at all.
