In writing this book, I have drawn on the work of many explorers and scientists, and I feel that I must acknowledge a debt to some specific authors and books. But before I list these, I must also thank Sandy Dimcan, Dr. Nicholas Scott, Dr. David Raeder, Dr. Sara Vrnicombe, Douglas Kennedy, Narendra Thapa Magar, Peter Godwin, Jonathan Burnham, Caroline Michel, Rosemary Davidson, Robert Bookman, Caradoc King, Nick Marston, Linda Shaughnessy, Paula Wagner, Marian Wood, Jerry Bruckheimer, and Michael Lynton.
I owe a debt to the work of the following scientists, explorers and writers:
Bezruchka, Stephen. Trekking in Nepal
Boardman, Peter. The Shining Mountain
Bonington, Chris. The Next Horizon: Everest South West Face; Annapurna South Face
Bruce, C. G. The Assault on Mount Everest 1922
Burrows, W., & R. Windrem. Critical Mass
Combe, G. A. A Tibetan on Tibet
Diamond, Jared. The Rise and Fall of the Third Chimpanzee
Dupuy, Trevor. Future Wars
Foley, Robert. Humans Before Humanity
Fossey, Dian. Gorillas in the Mist
Fowler, Murray. Restraint and Handling of Wild and Domestic Animals
Fraser, J. B. Journal of a Tour Through Part of the Snowvy Range of the Himalayan Mountains
Gribbin, John, & Jeremy Cherfas. The Monkey Puzzle
Crumley, M. There Are Giants on the Earth
Hahn, Emily. Look Who’s Talking
Hooker, J. D. Himalayan Journals
Izzard, Ralph. The Abominable Snowman Adventure
Kurten, Bjorn. Our Earliest Ancestors
Johanson, Donald, & James Shreeve. Lucy’s Child (with Lenora Johanson and Blake Edgar); Ancestors
Leakey, Richard. The Making of Mankind; Origins Reconsidered (with Roger Lewin)
Lewin, Roger. Bones of Contention
Matthiessen, Peter. The Snow Leopard
Milton, Richard. The Facts of Life
Murray, W. H. The Story of Everest
Napier, J. Bigfoot
Rockhill, W. W. Land of the Llamas
Roper, Steve. Camp 4
Sagan, Carl. Nuclear War and Climatic Catastrophe
Shipton, Eric. Blank on the Map
Spindler, Konrad. The Man in the Ice
Tasker, Joe. Savage Arena
Tattersal, Ian. The Fossil Trail
Tchernine, O. Snowman and Company
Tschernezky, Vladimir. On the Nature of the Abominable Snowman
Waddell, L. A. Among the Himalayas