This novel would not have been possible without the invaluable help of both friends and colleagues. First and foremost, I wish to express my gratitude to Lyssa Keusch, my editor, and Pesha Rubinstein, my literary agent. It was their determination, skill, and labor that helped hone this story into its present form. But I also would be remiss without acknowledging and thanking a group of friends who helped pick apart and polish the first draft: Inger Aasen, Chris Crowe, Michael Gallowglass, Lee Garrett, Dennis Grayson, Debra Nelson, Dave Meek, Chris Smith, Jane O’Riva, Judy and Steve Prey, and Caroline Williams. And the most heartfelt thanks to Carolyn McCray and John Clemens for standing by me through the ups and downs of this past year.
For technical assistance, I must also acknowledge Frank Malaret for his knowledge of Peruvian history and Andie Arthur for her help with the Latin translations. I wish also to thank Eric Drexler, PhD., whose book Engines of Creation was the inspiration for the science behind this story.