Even though I was an only child, my parents did not have a great deal of affection for me. They wanted a boy when I was born. They felt a girl was only so much more extra expense, while a boy would have been a real help to them around the farm. About that time, the drought was beginning to create havoc among the farms. My father had planted a large mixed crop, but none of it was saved from the scorching sun.

“Maybe Mr. Raleigh would advance you some money to tide us over till next year,” Mother suggested one evening as she and Father sat discussing conditions.

“Maybe,” Father replied, but his tone was hopeless. “I have no security to offer him, so he might not care to. The bank's holding a mortgage on everything. People don't like to advance money these days without good security for it.”

“But we've got to do something,” Mother declared. “Perhaps Mr. Raleigh would give Lucille a job as housekeeper or something and she could help us out with her wages. We've put her through school and done things for her, so she can help us out now.”

“I'll see him about it in the morning,” Father answered. “He's got a couple of black girls working up there, but I guess he could fire one of them and hire Lucille.”

But Father was saved the trip, for, a short time later, Mr. Raleigh drove up to the house. After he had been welcomed, Father explained what he and Mother had been talking about.

“I'm afraid even if Lucille turned all her wages over to you, it wouldn't prove of any great help, Zack,” Mr. Raleigh said. “Even in the cities, domestic help doesn't get more than six dollars a week and board. Besides, while I'd like to help you out, I've come to regard Lucille as sort of a younger sister and would feel rather strange about hiring her to work for me.”

“Then I guess we're going to be plenty up against it this winter,” Father said mournfully.

“Maybe not,” Mr. Raleigh said slowly, after he had glanced at me speculatively several times.

“You say you've no security to offer for a loan, but you're thinking in terms of banking finance. Now, if you want a loan from me, I can let you have up to five thousand dollars for as long as you wish and for security you can turn Lucille over to me. She can remain with me as my ward, as a sort of guardian till you find it convenient to pay off the loan.”

“Do you really mean that, Mr. Raleigh?” Father asked excitedly. “You'll let me have five thousand without security-all I have to do is let you keep Lucille to guarantee the money'll be paid back?”

“Right,” Mr. Raleigh agreed. “Of course, there are a few strings attached to my offer. One is that Lucille will regard me as her guardian, and that as her guardian, I shall be privileged to give her a whipping whenever she is disobedient, the same as you and your wife do. Do you object to that?”

“Not at all,” Father replied. “In fact, if Lucille isn't obedient to everything you tell her, we'd expect you to give her a licking.”

“Now there's one other point,” Mr. Raleigh continued. “Is Lucille strong and healthy?”

“She ain't been sick for a long time,” Mother spoke up, “and she's strong enough to do housework, the same as me.”

“I'm afraid,” he said slowly, “that it would be best to examine her.”

“You mean-undressed?” asked Mother.

Mr. Raleigh nodded, while I shrank back, looking at him horrifiedly. He said, “There's no need for her to feel strange about it. She wouldn't feel strange about undressing before you, and as her guardian I shall be taking your place.”

When my parents seemed to hesitate he drew his checkbook out of his pocket and uncapped his fountain pen. That settled the question for my parents; to them, money was far more important than their daughter's modesty.

“Lucille, go over to Mr. Raleigh,” directed Father.

I wanted to protest it. It seemed bad enough to know they were willing to turn me over to him with the privileges of him whipping me as they themselves had done so many times, but to know I had to get undressed and let him examine me seemed entirely too cruel.

“Did you hear me, Lucille?” Father demanded. “Now you look sharp when I speak to you, young lady, or I'll get the strap and teach you some manners.”

And Mother added: “You mind your father's wish and do what he tells you, or I'll take off my slipper and give you a good taste of it before he takes you out to the woodshed.”

Having been trained to always do exactly what they said, and seeing that they intended to make me submit to practically every request Mr. Raleigh made, I bowed my head and walked obediently over to where he sat.

“You must learn to be a good girl, Lucille, and mind what you are told, so my first duty as your guardian will now be to put you over my knees and give you a spanking,” Mr. Raleigh said. “Now take off your dress like an obedient little girl.”

With my fingers trembling and tears of shame welling up and blinding my eyes, I unfastened the snaps on my dress and pulled it up over my head, letting it fall to the floor at my feet.

“Your slip, too, my dear,” ordered Mr. Raleigh.

Slowly I pulled the slip over my head and let it join the discarded dress on the floor. That left me standing before him clad in just a cheap dance set of rayon consisting of step-ins and brassiere.

“You make a very attractive picture, my dear,” Mr. Raleigh declared as I stood timidly before him. “As an artist who appreciates real grace and charm, I must commend you on your poise. And your figure is far more mature and interesting than I ever suspected. But we must continue with our examination.”
