READING GROUP GUIDE for the New York Times bestseller Extraordinary, Ordinary People A MEMOIR OF FAMILY CONDOLEEZZA RICE


BY ANY measure, Condoleezza Rice has built an extraordinary career, becoming the first female National Security Advisor and the first black woman to serve as Secretary of State during a time of seismic shifts on the international landscape. Many public figures have written autobiographies describing hard-won paths to success, but Rice’s journey from the segregated South to the world’s most exalted corridors of power is truly remarkable. Paying homage to her inspiring family, Extraordinary, Ordinary People is a portrait of loving parents who taught their daughter to conquer adversity with determination and education. As we meet her elegant mother and vibrant father, Rice introduces us to her community of middle-class blacks who, in the 1950s, stood poised to topple George Wallace’s call for “segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.”

Rice’s family of ministers and teachers had forged success on the outskirts of Birmingham, Alabama. Her parents devoted themselves to Condoleezza, undeterred by the racially motivated violence erupting around them. (Rice knew one of the young girls killed in the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church bombing.) She vividly captures a household where she was encouraged to be “twice as good,” never allowing herself to be cast as a victim to the humiliating circumstances of segregation. Yet it was also a household filled with joy as her mother immersed the family in fine arts and her father coached her on the finer points of football.

In the midst of Birmingham’s struggles, the Rices moved to Colorado, where Rice wandered into a class on international politics at the University of Denver and discovered her passion for foreign affairs. After completing his graduate studies, John transitioned from a life as a Presbyterian minister and became an assistant dean at the University of Denver. Rice describes his unfailing support as she followed in his footsteps into academia, earning a Ph.D., becoming a tenured professor at Stanford, and later serving as the university’s provost. Soon recognized as a leading Cold War scholar, she played a key role in forming U.S. policy as the Soviet Union collapsed, and she went on to become invaluable in both Bush presidencies. Rice recalls each achievement as a tribute to her parents as well.

Brimming with wisdom about families, careers, and history, Extraordinary, Ordinary People is destined to inspire future generations of leaders for years to come. We hope that the following discussion guide will enhance your experience of Condoleezza Rice’s captivating journey.


1. Discuss the memoir’s title. What led John and Angelena and their ancestors to strive for excellence? What gave them the drive to rise above the ordinary? What family legacies have shaped your identity?

2. How did Rice’s book enrich your understanding of black society in the segregated South, especially in middle-class communities like Titusville?

3. As educators, what did Rice’s parents know about helping students excel in school? Do you think most American parents today share the Rices’ approach, determined to deliver the best possible education no matter what the obstacles are?

4. Rice observes that in some cases she was more proficient than many whites in her knowledge of European culture, from classical music to history. Why did her parents immerse themselves in European culture, despite Europe’s domination of the slave trade in previous centuries? How did her father reconcile this with his campaign to increase African studies courses at the University of Denver?

5. Discuss your family’s recollections of the Civil Rights movement. If you had lived in the shadow of Bull Connor, would you have marched with Reverend Shuttlesworth and the SCLC, or would you have worked for change in less visible ways?

6. What did you discover about Jim Crow politics by reading Rice’s book? Did John Rice’s experience with voter registration surprise you? In “College Years,” Rice writes about her dislike of identity politics and the fact that Jimmy Carter’s foreign policy caused her to favor Republicans. How does her approach to party politics compare to yours?

7. What role did faith play in the Rice family? What does it say about religion in America that Rice’s father distrusted the Kennedys because of their Catholicism and preferred an intellectual Presbyterian style of worship rather than a charismatic Baptist one?

8. How was Rice affected by being an only child? How did the three close-knit family members influence one another over the years? How were Condoleezza and John sustained after Angelena’s death?

9. Consider the tremendous sacrifices, financial and otherwise, that the Rices made for their daughter. What rewards did they hope she would reap? Was there someone in your life, not necessarily in your family, who “invested” in you in some way?

10. What prevented Rice from becoming bitter after her many encounters with racism? What sustained her love for America?

11. In “Leaving the South Behind,” Rice describes her mother’s adjustment to life in Colorado, where she had difficulty finding a job and missed the refinement of her southern friends. What did Angelena teach Rice about being a successful woman? To Angelena, what were the qualities of an ideal woman?

12. As Rice described her young professional life, what common ground did you see between the world of Stanford/Palo Alto and the world of Washington, D.C.? How did a career in academia and the think tank RAND prepare her for a career of public service?

13. What universal human experiences did Rice observe as a witness to both the Civil Rights movement and glasnost? What aspects of her life story transcend ancestry?

14. In “Tough Decisions,” Rice writes about her strong support for including race as a factor in college admissions. Do you agree with her approach? What can society and institutions do to foster even greater numbers of minorities in higher education, the foundation for stepping into a leadership role?

15. What aspects of Rice’s story surprised you the most? How does her personal voice compare to her image as a public figure?
