THE STOCKY CLOAKED figure climbs the outside stairs to Hissl’s quarters and waits outside the door, silhouetted against the late twilight horizon of summer.

Hissl opens the door.

“I have come to see how things are going,” says the cloaked armsman.

“Matters are not so simple as the great hunter would think,” snaps Hissl, motioning the other into his rooms, but leaving the door ajar. “If I leave here while Lord Ildyrom remains a threat, no amount of success on the Roof of the World will leave my head attached to my body, unless I stay on the Roof of the World.” The wizard glares at the armsman. “How did you like winter on the Roof of the World?”

“I am not a wizard, ser,” answers the armsman.

“I am not a devil angel, either, raised in the cold of Heaven and suckled on teats of ice.”

“How soon can you gather what you promised?”

“Lord Sillek is still in Rulyarth, and may well be there until close to the end of summer.”

“The end of summer?”

“The great hunter wishes a reward. The reward must come from Lord Sillek. If we offend him …” Hissl shrugs. “So we must wait, until I can be relieved, for when he returns, I can certainly request relief for a time after a year in this hole. Wizards are not that easy to come by.”

“If your good lord does not wish to relieve you?”

“Then I can leave my position-but I would leave in goodenough humor to claim His Lordship’s reward. Not so if I deserted, especially not when he is waging war, such as it is, against the Suthyans.” Hissl smiles sardonically.

“Can you get armsmen that late in the year?”

“I have the coin. With coin, I can obtain twoscore of armsmen, maybe more if the harvest is poor.” Hissl looks toward the window and the darkening courtyard below. “Come back when you hear that Lord Sillek is returning.”

“I will be back.” The armsman bows and slips out the door.

Hissl’s eyes turn to the blank glass. He smiles.
