
"This must be an unusual experience for you," said Andrea.

"What do you mean?"

"Saying goodnight to your date on her doorstep, and not being invited in."

Stevie gave her a wounded look. "Having a date's an unusual experience for me these days."

"That'll be right; I'm not so innocent I'll believe that. Are you disappointed that the evening ends here?"

"No. Honestly. You set the pace; I told you that and I meant it."

"In that case, let me tell you something. The pace might hot up, quite significantly, when I stop feeling that the policeman in you is still interviewing me about that damn fire. All night, charming as you've been, I've had the feeling that there are still questions you want to ask me, but don't like to, since this evening's meant to be just about us and nothing else. You've also, if I may say so, looked remarkably smug, as if you've just done something very clever, and can't wait to tell me."

Steele leaned against the wall beside her front door and smiled at her.

"There's not much subtlety about me, is there? You've got two out of three right; where you're wrong about is that I can't tell you, not yet at any rate."

"Two out of three's not bad," Andrea conceded. "So what is it that you want to ask me?"

"I don't need to at all, actually; I could find out from other sources, but it would be quicker if I got it from you."

"Go ahead then."

"Okay, if you're happy. When you were in trouble, for trying to burn down the Baptists, and you appeared in court, who acted for you?"

"A woman called Davina Chapin, of Candela and Finch; they're our family's lawyers."

"Mmm," Steele muttered, trying to sound matter-of-fact, and succeeding.


"You mean that's it?" she exclaimed. "That's all?"

"Yup," he assured her. "I promise that's the last question I will ever ask you about this investigation. In the event that we do need to talk to you about it again, it'll be Maggie Rose who does it. I'll be nowhere near."


"Promise. I'll declare a personal interest."

Andrea took his hand and tugged him gently off the wall. "In that case," she said, "I'd best make an honest copper of you. Would you like to come in?. Just for a coffee, you understand."
