I must thank several people who helped out with Fat Cat Spreads Out. I, of course, didn’t write this all by myself in a closet without asking anyone any questions. When you belong to the friendly, supportive community of mystery writers, there’s always help available. Thanks in particular to the following:
My agent, Kim Lionetti, as always, and my editors, Danielle Stockley and Michelle Vega, as well as every member of the Berkley Prime Crime team.
For synopsis help, Peg Cochran. For pet recipes and sheep consulting, KB Inglee and Bodge. For generous bidding on the name that I gave to the redheaded travel agent, Marisa Young. For taste testing the Harvest Bars, members of Ben Egner’s family, mainly Dani, Jack, and Nancy. For being astute and valuable readers, Kathy Waller, Gale Albright, and Paula Benson.
My family gives me all the support in the world, and I’m grateful for every one of them.
I want to mention the late, great rescued feral cat Agamemnon, who lived a good long life, kept us amused, and inspired many of Quincy’s antics. Thanks, Erin Rotunno and Jess Busen, for bringing him and James into our lives.
And last, Skott Johnson, the president of the Dinkytown Business Association, whom I forgot to thank in Fat Cat at Large. I apologize for this, as the assistance he gave me was a huge help.