Chapter 35

I thought carefully about what the cartel leader had just said before replying. “You have children?”

Alejandro smiled, but it was bittersweet. “Two sons, two daughters. I have not heard from them in nearly two years.”

“You want your sons and daughters in the family business?”

“You’d have to make my wife my second dead wife for that to happen.”

“I didn’t ask if it was possible. I asked you if that was something you actively want for them, for their lives. To end up like this. I mean, like you.”

His face clouded. “Screw you, Señor Cross. I’m done answering you.”

“You just did answer me, Señor Alejandro,” I said.

“Yeah? What’d I say?”

“The fact you got angry suggests you love your sons and daughters and want better lives for them than the life that awaits you — no possibility of parole from that white room, where all you get to keep is silence, the memories of the good times, and the regrets.”

Alejandro looked away, then shrugged. “Sure, I don’t wish this life for them. Not to end up here or dead in the desert somewhere.”

“No one wants that for their kids,” I agreed. “Your younger daughter, Estella. How old?”


“Two of the victims in the slaughter I described were twin girls, five years old, just like your daughter.”

He tasted something sour and sensed something worse. “For real?”

“For real. And I’d like to figure out a way to stop that from happening again.”

“Your problem.”

“I actually see it another way. Who are the next likely targets in a retribution war? If this group killing federal agents because of their ties to your cartel want to make a statement, whose families do you think they’ll go after, Marco?”

For the first time, I really got to him. Alejandro struggled and then said, “I’m not helping you take down the cartel, even if it isn’t mine anymore.”

“That’s not what I’m asking. I just want to understand who could be behind this group killing federal agents. Any ideas? A rival cartel? DEA agents gone rogue? An old enemy of yours? If you think about it, helping me in this way only helps the cartel.”

Alejandro sat there, head bobbing slightly. “But what’s in it for me?”

“I am authorized to offer you access to written material, a satellite-radio receiver, and an hour a day in an exercise room.”

He thought about that. “I need better food once a week and visitation rights.”

“Depending on how cooperative you are, I’ll see what I can do.”

Alejandro nodded. “Those other things — they start today?”

“As soon as we’re done here. I mean, if you can actually tell me who is at war with your cartel.”

“Oh, yes, I know exactly who is doing this. They killed five of my best men a few years ago and let me know it. Texted me pictures of three of them with bullet holes in their heads. Up close. Personal.”

“Who are they?”

“Real names?” Alejandro said and laughed. “I don’t know if they have those. But, depending on the day, they call themselves Maestro or M.”
