From the chronicles of Coton

In thankfulness to the god who has seen so much of our journey completed.

We arrive in the plain before Ulatos late at night, exhausted from the last stage of our march. We make camp on me savannah, building our cookfires, though the hour is Past midnight.

Later we learn that these fires, seen by the men in Helmsport, gave them fear of Cordell’s army. The joke is a good

one, on all save the hapless Don Vaez. Cordell is indeed a charmed soldier, it would seem, for now he takes a fort of fifteen hundred men with the help of twelve legionnaires and two dozen Eagle Knights.

Already, at first light, the twenty-five ships of the new. comers are sent to the south under the command of a veteran navigator. They intend to sail around the jungles of Payit to the Sea of Azul. There they will gather the remainder of Cordell’s men and the warriors of Kultaka as well.. And as to us, we shall rest here in Ulatos. Erixitl still slumbers, and not until we can restore her awareness will we make the final leg of our journey. But ultimately, I am confident, we will trek to Twin Visages, and there we will seek the coming of the Plumed God.
