She clamped the pillow tighter against her head. Go away, she thought miserably. Mother has only sent you because she knows I won’t talk to her.
‘I know you’re in there,’ said Gaius.
Despite the pillow, Aurelia could hear every word he said.
‘Open the door. Please, Aurelia.’
With a sigh, she lifted her hand away from her head. ‘What do you want?’
‘To talk.’
‘Mother sent you,’ she accused.
‘She did ask, yes, but I wanted to talk to you too. I’m worried about you.’
‘I’m fine.’
‘No, you’re not.’ He knocked again. ‘I won’t go away until you let me in.’
She lay on her bed for a moment longer, before she got up and lifted the latch. Perhaps he could lift her mood.
‘You’ve been crying,’ he said, entering.
She wiped her reddened eyes. ‘What do you expect? Hannibal has defeated our armies yet again. Thousands of our soldiers have been killed. If Flaminius was killed, it stands to reason that Father and Quintus could have been slain too. And I’m — I’m supposed to be getting married?’ Her tears began again in earnest.
‘Come here.’ He took her in his arms, which is what she’d wanted him to do since the night at her house. But not in these dreadful circumstances. Aurelia didn’t fight him, though — she needed all the comfort she could get.
Three days before, a letter from her father granting his permission for her to wed Lucius had arrived. Aurelia had expected that. What she could never have envisaged was reading that Quintus had recently disappeared en route from Flaminius’ camp to Capua. Fabricius’ assertion that every effort was being made to find him had done little to ease her or her mother’s distress. It was too easy to assume that Quintus was dead, killed in a fall from his horse, by bandits or by an enemy patrol. Two days later — the previous morning — their lives had been turned upside down a second time when the shocking details of the battle at Lake Trasimene had reached Capua. Atia’s face had gone grey when she’d heard; she’d spent much of the time since on her knees at the temple to Mars. Gaius had been training on the Campanian plain, unaware, but the normally ebullient Martialis had been reduced to a brooding silence. Aurelia had been devastated. Deep in her gut, she knew that her father was among the thousands of dead. He had given his blessing to her betrothal, and then he had been killed in battle. It was as if the very gods were laughing at her.
‘The news from Trasimene was dreadful,’ Gaius began, which made her sob even harder, ‘but from what I’ve heard, most of our casualties were taken by the legionaries. Flaminius didn’t send any cavalry ahead of the vanguard, so they hadn’t passed through the narrows by the lake. From the moment that the fighting began, the press was so great that they couldn’t join in. When the tide turned, they were able to ride away without any difficulty.’
She pulled away, incredulous. ‘When did you hear this?’
‘Only this afternoon. I spoke with a second rider, who’d arrived from Rome. The Senate sent him with advice for the city’s leaders.’
She needed him to say the words. ‘So you’re saying that Father might be alive?’
He kissed her on the forehead. ‘He’s probably planning your wedding as we speak.’
‘The gods be thanked.’ How could I have doubted them? She managed a wan smile. ‘Have you told Mother?’
‘Yes. She said that I should be the one to tell you.’
Then Aurelia thought of Quintus, and her misery resurged. ‘What about my brother?’ she whispered.
‘Just because he disappeared doesn’t mean he’s dead.’
‘Why would he not come home, though?’
‘I don’t know, Aurelia, but he must have had a good reason. Quintus is no coward, you know that. He wouldn’t do something like this on a whim.’
‘I know. But what could his reasons have been? A girl?’
‘They’d been marching for weeks. He wouldn’t have had the time to get to know any.’
They gazed at each other, thinking the same thing.
In an effort to distract herself from how close Gaius was, Aurelia voiced the thought first. ‘Could it have been to do with Hanno?’
‘I don’t see how it could have been. How would he ever make contact with Quintus? They’re in opposing armies.’
‘And even if he did, what would make Quintus run away?’ She shook her head in frustration. ‘It doesn’t make any sense.’
‘But thinking about it logically has cheered you up a little.’ He gave her an affectionate squeeze. ‘Quintus will reappear sometime, never you fear.’
‘Thank you, Gaius.’ Aurelia smiled ruefully, feeling better than she had for many hours. Why can’t Lucius be more like you? she thought, looking up at him in admiration. Her head moved a fraction towards his. He didn’t move away, and her breath caught in her chest. She dropped her gaze until all she could see was his nose and lips. A fingersbreadth closer. Still he didn’t pull back. His breath was warm on her face. Gods, but she had never wanted to kiss someone so much. Their lips brushed, sending a jolt of energy through every part of her.
‘Who did you say was here?’ Carrying in from the courtyard, Atia’s voice was loud with displeasure.
The slave’s reply was pitched too low to be discernible, but by then the magic had vanished. They moved apart awkwardly, not looking at each other.
‘Show him in. He’ll only wait outside if I don’t see him,’ Atia ordered.
Gaius frowned. ‘Who could that be?’
‘Phanes,’ spat Aurelia.
‘He’s a moneylender.’
‘What would someone like that want with your mother?’
Gaius would find out sooner or later, she thought. Besides, what did it matter if he knew? Quickly, she filled him in on what her mother had told her.
‘Why didn’t your father ask mine for help? Or your mother?’
‘Could you, in a similar situation?’ she challenged.
‘It’s not easy to ask a friend for a loan, I suppose,’ he admitted.
‘I want to hear what he has to say.’
‘I don’t suppose that Atia will be too appreciative of that idea.’
‘What she doesn’t know won’t harm her,’ replied Aurelia as she padded to the door and peered outside. Her mother was facing the tablinum door, waiting for her unwanted visitor. Aurelia watched for a few moments. Phanes eventually appeared, accompanied by Martialis’ major domo. Atia greeted him in a cold voice; she made no move to welcome him further into the house, forcing the Greek to stand in the doorway. Aurelia wanted to stamp her foot. Her bedroom was too far away to be able to hear a word. She slipped out, ignoring Gaius’ hiss of dismay.
The courtyard had been designed in typical fashion, with statues and plants — vines, olive, lemon and fig trees — throughout. Using these as cover, Aurelia darted forward until she was close enough to eavesdrop. A glance behind her revealed that Gaius had accompanied her. She crouched down behind a large statue of Jupiter Grabovius, an Oscan version of the god revered by Romans, one whom Martialis also worshipped. Gaius crowded in behind her; she relished the feel of his chest against her back.
‘I sent a message informing you of the new arrangements. The first payment will be with you next month,’ Atia muttered.
‘When first we talked, you promised that I would have the money within a month. To try to change our agreement without consulting me about it is unacceptable,’ said Phanes sharply.
A pause. ‘It has been more difficult than I thought to raise the funds.’
‘As well it might. We live in times of war. What assurance have I, however, that you will meet this new deadline? I would be entirely within my rights to bring proceedings against you at once.’
‘Gods above, what more proof do you need than my word?’
Aurelia could hear the strain in her mother’s voice. Anger coursed through her, but she too was helpless. Martialis, who might have come to their aid, had gone on his daily outing to the baths and wouldn’t be back for hours.
‘Do you want my jewellery, is that it?’ Atia’s bracelets clinked off one another as she began stripping them from her wrists.
‘Keep your trinkets. They are of little consequence against a debt of this size,’ retorted Phanes, his tone thick with contempt. ‘I will agree to the later date on the condition that the interest rate is increased to six drachms in every hundred. Calculated weekly.’
‘That’s daylight robbery!’ cried Atia.
Aurelia felt Gaius tense with fury. Her own blood was boiling now. She peeked around Jupiter’s foot. Phanes had still not replied. He was just looking at her mother, a little smile playing across his thin lips. ‘Call it what you will,’ he said at last. ‘That’s my offer. You can take it or not, as you wish. If you refuse, I will instruct my lawyer to petition the courts this afternoon.’
A short silence.
‘You leave me no choice,’ said Atia, her shoulders sagging. ‘I agree to your terms.’
The low-down prick, thought Aurelia. Her anger was so all-consuming that she didn’t realise she’d leaned too far forward until it was too late. The next thing she knew, she was sprawling forward and landing flat on her face. She looked up to find her mother regarding her with horror. Phanes was smirking.
‘Have you been eavesdropping?’ demanded Atia.
‘Clearly,’ said Phanes. ‘And not very well either.’
‘I–I’m sorry, Mother,’ stuttered Aurelia, getting to her feet.
‘You will pay for this! Go to your room!’
Before Aurelia could move, Gaius had stepped out from behind Jupiter. ‘My pardon, Atia, it is I you should blame.’
Atia’s lips thinned, while Phanes’ expression verged on delight. ‘Explain yourself,’ hissed Atia.
‘We heard voices. Aurelia recognised that of the moneylender.’ He loaded the word with disdain. ‘She’d told me of your. . difficulties. . and wanted to listen. She was scared to, but I encouraged her. It was wrong, and I apologise.’ He stuck out his chin a little.
‘I see.’ Atia’s gaze shot from Gaius to Aurelia and back again. Both were careful not to look away. She scowled, momentarily defeated. ‘Your father will hear of this shocking behaviour. I do not expect to be eavesdropped upon whilst I am dealing with my family’s private business matters.’
Gaius bowed his head in acceptance. ‘No, of course not.’
‘Leave us, both of you,’ ordered Atia.
Aurelia began to breathe again. She turned to go, but Phanes’ voice coiled around her as a whip might. ‘Touching how close the two of them are, is it not?’ he asked.
‘What is it to do with you?’ Atia’s tone was glacial.
‘Nothing, nothing at all. I merely wonder if Melito is aware of their. . intimacy?’
‘You go too far, you piece of filth!’ shouted Atia. A slave on the far side of the courtyard, who was watering the plants, looked up in surprise. She lowered her voice. ‘How dare you impugn my daughter’s honour?’
‘I would never do such a thing,’ protested Phanes, but his eyes told a different story.
‘Get out, before I have the slaves throw you on to the street!’ Atia pointed towards the atrium.
‘I am at your command.’ Phanes made as if to go, but then turned back. ‘I wonder how well Melito will take it when he hears how his betrothed cavorted with a family friend before my very eyes. The first time I saw them together, I told myself I had to be imagining it, but there is no denying their fascination with each other now.’ He bowed. ‘I will expect the first payment by the date agreed.’
Atia let him go.
Aurelia was stunned that her mother could react in this way. When Phanes told him, Lucius would break off their betrothal, she was sure of it. Gaius’ expression said the same thing. Whether Lucius believed Phanes or not, it wouldn’t matter. Jealousy was a terrible beast, her mother said. Once its claws sank into someone’s flesh, they never came out. The Greek was nearly at the door now. He hadn’t looked back once.
‘Phanes,’ Atia called out.
He turned.
‘What would it take for you not to speak with Melito?’
A smirk. ‘And I thought you had nothing to hide?’
‘I don’t! How much?’
Now, a broad grin. ‘The interest rate will be ten drachms in every hundred. It will also be calculated every week. Do you find that acceptable?’
‘Yes,’ said Atia. She sounded very tired.
Phanes gave her a mocking bow. To Aurelia’s horror, he winked at her. And then he was gone.
Atia’s gaze was baleful as it fell on Aurelia. ‘Why could you not have stayed in your room? You have ruined us, child.’
Guilt-ridden, overwhelmed, Aurelia heard her mother’s voice as if through a long tunnel. Her knees gave way, and she crumpled to the floor in a dead faint.
The Adriatic coast of Picenum
Hanno shifted from foot to foot, excited, but also hot and sweaty in his full uniform. He eyed the glittering blue sea, which lay tantalisingly close. Off-duty soldiers were splashing about in the shallows, shrieking like happy children. The contrast to the last body of water he’d seen — Lake Trasimene, during the aftermath of the battle — could not have been more stark. Hanno’s men and the other Libyans had been too exhausted to pursue the Roman legionaries after they had broken through their lines. Leaving Mutt to take charge of the injured, he’d walked down to the lake, where the battle had been won.
The first shock had been the immeasurably vast area of water that had been stained red. When Hanno had managed to drag his eyes from that horror, they had been drawn to the shoreline, which had been crowded with thousands of bloody, mutilated corpses. Velites and hastati, principes and triarii, centurions and other officers had sprawled ignominiously together, their ranks irrelevant in death. Gauls and Numidians had been roaming the scene in their hundreds, killing any living Romans and looting the dead. Headless corpses lay everywhere, the grisly handiwork of warriors who wanted the ultimate trophy. That hadn’t been the worst of it, though. .
Plenty of legionaries had still been alive. With nowhere else to go, they had retreated into the water, where, if their armour hadn’t pulled them under, they’d served as sport for the enemy cavalry. Hanno had seen men making wagers with each other over who could hit a particular legionary in the head with a spear from twenty paces, or who could slice off a head as he urged his horse past. Some legionaries had slain one another rather than end their lives so miserably; others had simply walked out into the deep water to drown. Despite his hatred of Romans, Hanno had been repulsed. What other choice had they had, however? he thought harshly. They couldn’t have taken them all prisoner, and Rome had to learn its lesson for the humiliations that it had heaped upon Carthage in the past. If they didn’t learn something from the loss of fifteen thousand legionaries and one of their consuls, and three days later, more than four thousand cavalry, they were damn fools. Deep in his belly, however, Hanno knew that their latest victory wouldn’t be enough. More blood would have to be spilled, more defeats inflicted on their old enemy.
‘It’d be good to have a swim now, eh?’ whispered Sapho.
He jerked back to reality. ‘Yes. Hopefully, we can have a dip after Hannibal’s done with us.’
‘That would be good. I’ve hardly seen you in days.’
‘You know how it is. There’s so much to do after each day’s march. The injured need extra care. So too do the rest of the men. Thank the gods for the stores of oil Bostar found on that farm. Adding that to their food seems to have improved their health.’ The whole army had been exhausted by the long march from Cisalpine Gaul, the swamps and the battle, during which their rations had not always been good. Men had been complaining of aches in their joints; of feeling fatigued all the time; others had had badly bleeding gums. Yet Hanno knew that he was dodging the issue — and his brother. For some reason, he couldn’t shake his memory of the look on Sapho’s face when he’d fallen into the pool. There was no one he could talk to about it without feeling like a traitor. Sapho was his flesh and blood.
‘True enough. Let’s change that this evening, though.’
‘Good.’ He caught Bostar’s eye. ‘Fancy a dip later?’
‘Maybe,’ answered Bostar with a smile. ‘It depends what Hannibal has in mind for us.’
‘Do you know, Father?’ asked Hanno.
Malchus, who was standing a few steps away with Bostar, Maharbal — Hannibal’s cavalry commander — and a group of other senior officers, looked around. ‘Even if I do, I’m not telling you. Wait until your general gets here.’
The mention of Hannibal made Hanno wish he could vanish. He had felt awkward enough as it was around his general, but since the battle at the lake, he had avoided him if at all possible. He told himself that he was being stupid. Their victory had been resounding; moreover, the vast majority of the six thousand legionaries who had battered through their units had been surrounded the following day. In a magnanimous gesture, the non-Roman citizens among them had been set free with the message from Hannibal that he had no quarrel with their peoples. Apart from a few senior officers held as captives, the remainder had been slain. Why then did he feel such a failure? Even their father had told him that no one was to blame; Sapho and (particularly) Bostar had agreed, but Hanno fancied he could see the same unease in his brothers’ faces that he felt inside. The Libyan spearmen — their spearmen — had been the only units in the entire army to fail at the task set them by Hannibal.
‘Here he comes,’ muttered Bostar.
Hanno’s eyes followed everyone else’s. He saw the block of scutarii first, some of Hannibal’s black-cloaked crack troops. They went everywhere with the general, unless he was on one of his regular undercover missions, when he would don a disguise and go among his soldiers to gauge their mood. The scutarii came to a halt; their ranks parted and Hannibal strode forward. Today he had left his armour and weapons behind. Few men would mistake him for anyone else however. His confident bearing, deep purple tunic and the similarly coloured strip of fabric that covered his right eye made him stand out a mile. Close up, it was evident that Hannibal had also suffered during the previous weeks. His brown complexion was pastier than normal. There were new lines on his broad face, and grey hairs that had not been there before in his short beard. Despite this, his one remaining eye still danced with energy. ‘Thank you all for coming,’ he said, acknowledging their salutes. ‘It’s more pleasant to meet here than my tent. Sun. Sea. Sand. What more could a man want?’
‘Perhaps a few women, sir?’ suggested Maharbal with a cheeky grin.
Hannibal’s eyebrows rose.
‘Chance would be a fine thing. What’s wrong with your horses?’ called a voice from the gaggle of soldiers who had been drawn by the presence of their general.
Maharbal pretended to scowl. ‘They all have mange! Haven’t you seen us bathing them in the old wine?’
‘Is that where it’s all gone? Meanwhile, our tongues are hanging out with thirst.’
‘If you like, you can have the wine to drink after the horses have been washed in it,’ declared Hannibal.
The anonymous soldier went silent, while his companions fell about the place, hooting with laughter.
‘Lost your thirst?’ shouted Hannibal.
No answer.
‘Stand forth, soldier.’
There was a moment’s pause.
‘Do I have to say it twice?’ Hannibal’s voice was cold.
A short man with a slight limp pushed his way to the front of the group. He looked most unhappy.
‘Don’t you fancy the horses’ wine?’ asked Hannibal lightly.
‘Yes, sir. No, sir. I don’t know, sir.’
More laughter, but it was a little uneasy this time. For all of his charisma, their general was known for his toughness.
‘I’m joking with you,’ said Hannibal warmly. ‘The horses have to be treated, you know that. They’re vital to us.’
The men nodded.
‘Now I need to talk to my officers. In private.’
‘Yes, sir. Thank you, sir,’ muttered the short soldier.
‘You’re good men.’ Hannibal glanced at his scribe, who stood alongside, parchment and stylus in hand. ‘See that these soldiers are issued with a small amphora of wine from my personal supply. Small, mind,’ he added with a smile as the men began cheering.
‘Me and the lads will follow you anywhere, sir. Even if it’s to hell and back,’ cried the short soldier.
His comrades shouted even more loudly. Hanno never failed to be impressed by his general’s leadership. With a few words and a little wine, Hannibal had just turned his men’s resentment into adoration once more. ‘He makes it look so effortless,’ he whispered to Sapho. Instantly, he realised that it was a mistake. Sapho’s face twisted with bitterness.
‘It’s a skill, little brother. Some people have it, some people don’t.’
‘I wish I had it,’ said Hanno, fully aware that Sapho led his men through fear, not devotion, whereas he tried to emulate his father and Bostar, who led by example.
‘So do I,’ said Sapho, giving him a suspicious glare.
‘Gather round,’ ordered Hannibal.
Hanno felt a momentary relief that Sapho would not be able to jibe at him, but it didn’t last. There were no Gaulish chieftains or Numidian officers present, only Carthaginians. He felt sure that Hannibal was going to talk about the battle, and his and his family’s failures. The brunt of the blame would fall on him, because his phalanx had been the first to crumble. How would he be punished? Demotion seemed most likely. He steeled himself for the inevitable.
‘Our victory at Lake Trasimene was well earned,’ said Hannibal, eyeing them all.
‘Your plan made it easy, sir,’ said Maharbal. ‘It was a stroke of genius to set the trap as you did.’
Hannibal smiled. ‘A general is only as good as his officers and men. Which is why we’re here.’
Bostar glanced uneasily at Malchus, whose jaw was clenching and unclenching. Sapho flushed. Hanno studied the ground between his feet. Every officer within sight, apart from Maharbal, was doing something similar.
‘Everything went according to plan at the lake, except for one thing. As you know, the Libyan phalanxes broke before a sustained assault by thousands of legionaries.’
Hanno looked up to find Hannibal staring at him. Him, when he could have looked at a score of others. His mouth went as dry as a bone. ‘I’m sorry, sir. We should have held them,’ he began.
‘Peace. I do not know if even I could have stopped the Romans breaking through,’ said Hannibal, surprising him entirely. ‘The phalanx has been used for hundreds of years, by generals who led their armies to victories at places such as Marathon and Gaugamela. But those battles were fought against soldiers who also fought in phalanxes. The Roman legionary fights in an altogether different style. He’s more mobile, and can instantly respond to a change in his orders. The men of a phalanx cannot do that. They’ve never been able to and they never will.’
Hanno could not believe his ears. Were they being absolved of blame? He didn’t dare to look at Malchus or his brothers for confirmation. All his attention was locked on Hannibal. What use were the Libyan spearmen if they could not defeat the enemy?
‘Your Libyans’ — here Hannibal eyed them, one by one — ‘are among the finest soldiers I have. Their failure at Lake Trasimene is not a thing to be ashamed of. You could have done no more than you did.’
‘Thank you, sir,’ said Malchus, an uncharacteristic gruffness to his voice. Hanno felt as if an immense weight had just been lifted from his shoulders. His failure had not been down to poor leadership. He threw a look at his brothers, who seemed no less relieved than he felt.
‘Yet the same cannot happen again,’ warned Hannibal. ‘On a different day, what happened at Trasimene could have signalled disaster. The ship I sent to Carthage yesterday might have been carrying an altogether different message than the one it does.’
‘How can we serve you better in future, then?’ asked Malchus.
‘A man must always use the tools to hand,’ replied Hannibal with a sly grin.
He had them all now, thought Hanno, scanning the ring of intent faces. His own stomach twisted with excitement — and with admiration for his leader, who always seemed to have another trick up his sleeve.
‘Many of your men took mail shirts from the dead after the battle, which was an intelligent move. As you know, I ordered that the shields and swords of the enemy fallen also be collected.’ Hannibal smiled at the gasps of surprise. ‘Yes, I would have you train your troops to use pilum, gladius and scutum. If we cannot beat Rome with the phalanx, then we shall beat it by turning our Libyans into legionaries. After we have done that, we shall march south. Like the Gauls, the inhabitants of the southern part of the peninsula have no love for Rome. Moreover, their lands are fertile and will keep us in supplies. When the legions come to meet us again, we shall be well fed, better prepared and have allies at our backs.’
Around Hanno, the other officers were chuckling and muttering excitedly to each other. He grinned and pretended to listen to what his father was saying to him and his brothers. South. How far south would they go? he wondered. To Capua? He thought of Aurelia. ‘Come back safely,’ she’d said to Quintus. Then she had looked at him and whispered, ‘You too.’ With a thumping heart, he had answered, ‘I will. One day.’ Hanno had thought his promise would not be feasible for many years, if ever. He had buried his confused feelings for Aurelia deep. Now, he felt them take flame again. Gods, but it would be good to see her! Despite the intrinsic dangers, the possibility had just been made real. And that felt very good indeed. So too did finding out what had happened to his friend Suni.
The Apennines, on the Via Latina, southeast of Rome
A burst of laughter made Quintus’ head turn. Through the darkness, it was still possible to make out the maniple’s tent lines, some distance away. Orange glows marked the fires built by each contubernium. In the dim light beyond, he could see the glitter of the mules’ eyes from the animal pens. By counting carefully, Quintus was able to make out the canvas shape that was his tent. Like most troops in the camp, his comrades — his men, he corrected himself — were sitting around outside, talking and drinking whatever wine they had managed to buy or steal that day. He had no desire to share their company. Urceus would have been a logical choice to lead the ten-man section, but his injuries had meant he’d been left behind at Ocriculum, where the battered survivors of Trasimene had marched to meet their new commander, Quintus Fabius Maximus, recently appointed as dictator by a panicked Senate. Rutilus had been chosen by Corax to become the section leader, but it had been even more of a surprise when Quintus had been elevated to lead a ‘five’. When he had protested, Corax had told him to shut up, that he had earned it. Eyeing the new recruits, who had looked scared and as green as young saplings, Quintus had done as he was told. The strip of wolf skin on his helmet had barely been in place for a week.
Macerio had been incandescent with jealousy at being passed over; their enmity had grown even deeper as a result. Rutilus was now Quintus’ only friend in the unit, and he had formed a relationship with Severus, one of the new arrivals. Quintus barely saw him any more, except when they were marching. His father was alive — a couple of sneaky trips to the cavalry tent lines had established that Fabricius had come through Trasimene unscathed — but Quintus couldn’t exactly approach him for a friendly chat. With no one to turn to, he had grown to prefer solitude. In the midst of an army, that wasn’t often possible. The hours after the day’s duties ended were therefore his favourite time. As soon as the evening meal was over, it had become his norm to steal away to the camp’s rampart for some peace and quiet. As long as he kept out of the way of the duty officer, the sentries let him be.
In the blackness, he could grieve and let his guilt gnaw at him afresh. Several weeks had passed since the defeat at Trasimene, but the magnitude of those events and what had happened since still hadn’t quite become real. Against all the odds, Corax had led them through the surrounding ring of enemy troops after their breakout during the battle. More than five thousand of the legionaries who’d followed in their footsteps had not been so lucky; apart from a few senior officers, the citizens among them had been slain. Quintus felt a burning fury about their deaths, as he did about the thousands more who had died by the lake. He was sorry too that Big Tenner was gone — he’d been a decent man. But by far the greatest sorrow — and remorse — that he felt were reserved for Calatinus.
His friend was dead. He had to be. Shocking news had come a few days after the battle. Servilius’ four thousand cavalry had been annihilated. Hearing of Flaminius’ defeat, the other consul had sent his horse to reconnoitre the area. They had been ambushed by an enemy force and virtually wiped out. The very thought of it made Quintus feel sick with remorse. Despite his father’s orders, he should have been with Calatinus and the rest. For his friend to survive the Trebia only to be killed a few months later seemed too cruel. It proved how capricious the gods could be.
Quintus Fabius Maximus seemed of the same mind. Upon his appointment as dictator, he had ordered the priests to consult the Sibylline Books. Like the election of a dictator — a magistrate with supreme power over the Republic — this was something that was only done in times of great crisis. Innumerable other religious rites had been performed; dedications and vows had been made in an attempt to win the gods’ favour. None of it had made Hannibal disappear, thought Quintus bleakly. The bastard was still leading them a merry dance. The last he’d heard, the Carthaginian was laying waste to half of Apulia. That was bad enough, but what if Hannibal led his army over the Apennines and into Campania? Fabius had ordered that unfortified towns and farms near the enemy were to be abandoned, and all property and crops that could not be removed should be destroyed, but Quintus couldn’t envisage his mother leaving their home, let alone torching their stores of grain and wine. She was too stubborn. He closed his eyes, imagining a band of Numidians — like the men they’d ambushed — riding up to their farm. That made him feel guilty about not obeying his father. Jupiter, never let that happen, he prayed with all his might. By way of reply, he heard nothing, felt nothing, saw nothing. As usual. He wanted to shriek his frustration, to curse the gods, but he did not dare. Had they abandoned Rome altogether? Much of the time, it felt like it. Quintus wondered about sending his mother a warning letter, something that his father might have done already. It would serve a second purpose, that of telling her and Aurelia that he was alive. But he wouldn’t be able to tell them about joining the velites, so they would think he was even more of a coward. The idea increased his misery.
‘I thought I’d find you here.’
Rutilus’ soft voice made Quintus jump. ‘Hades, you’re as quiet as a cat.’
His friend grinned. ‘I can be silent when I want to. Feel like some company?’
Quintus bridled. ‘Won’t Severus miss you?’
‘He’s asleep.’
‘I should have known that would be the reason.’
Rutilus thumped him on the arm. ‘You know what first love is like — when you can’t get enough of the other person. When every spare moment has to be spent together.’
‘I’ve heard it talked about.’ Quintus could feel Rutilus’ eyes on him, but he didn’t turn his head to meet them. Instead he stared out beyond the rampart, angry at himself for resenting Rutilus — and Severus — and the fact that he’d never been in love.
‘You’ve never been with a woman?’
‘I didn’t say that.’ He thought longingly of Elira, the attractive slave at home whom he’d bedded on countless occasions. ‘I haven’t been in love with one, that’s all.’
‘One day, it will happen to you. Eros’ arrow will strike, and your life will never be the same again.’
‘Not while this damn war is on, it won’t.’
‘Meeting women in the army is hard,’ Rutilus agreed. ‘You could always seek out male company.’
Quintus spun. Rutilus’ smile made him even angrier. ‘Stop making fun of me!’
‘My apologies. I was only trying to lift your mood.’
Quintus didn’t answer. They stood in silence. Overhead, a shooting star shot across the heavens and winked out. It’s gone, just like Calatinus, he thought sourly.
‘What has you so downhearted?’ asked Rutilus after a while. ‘That’s why I’m here.’
His anger eased. Rutilus was a good friend. ‘You have to promise not to tell a soul.’
‘Your secret is safe with me.’
‘Not even Severus, Rutilus, I mean it.’
‘What have you done, raped a Vestal Virgin?’ Rutilus saw his mood and nodded. ‘All right, I swear it, before Jupiter, Juno and Minerva.’
Mention of the sacred triad was reassuring. ‘My name’s not Crespo. It’s Fabricius. Quintus Fabricius.’
Rutilus’ surprise was palpable, even in the gloom. ‘Why did you use a false identity to join the army? Did you commit a crime?’
‘You could say that. I am — I was — a cavalryman, but my father ordered me home months ago. I hadn’t been discharged from the cavalry, so by enlisting in the velites, I broke my original oath.’
Rutilus’ eyes were wide. ‘You’re an equestrian?’
Rutilus came closer. ‘Why in all the gods’ names would you want to become a veles?’
‘It’s complicated.’ In low tones, Quintus sketched him a brief outline of his past.
‘Well, that’s a story and a half, and that’s no mistake,’ said Rutilus when he was done.
Quintus’ guilt felt more raw than ever. ‘Do you think the gods will punish me? Strictly speaking, I am still in the cavalry.’
‘The gods have already had the last laugh, by letting you join the velites!’
‘I’m serious.’
‘So am I. If the gods can’t see that you’re a loyal servant of Rome, then there’s no hope.’
‘I should have been serving with Servilius’ cavalry. I should have been there when they were ambushed. A good friend of mine is dead, Rutilus. I should be too.’
‘But your father ordered you home, didn’t he?’
‘Yes,’ muttered Quintus.
‘So you wouldn’t have been there anyway. Even if you had been with your friend, you wouldn’t have deserted him if you’d known about the ambush. Would you?’
‘Of course not! I would never have left Calatinus on his own.’
‘Stop blaming yourself, then. For all you know, you might die in the next battle against the guggas. It’s not your choice when or how it will happen.’
Quintus cast his gaze up to the stars. ‘I hope you’re right.’
‘I am, so cheer up,’ ordered Rutilus. He raised the wine skin he had been holding by his side, unseen. ‘Let’s drink a toast to your dead friend, Calatinus.’
The wine was probably stolen, but Quintus didn’t care. He took the skin and carefully poured a libation on to the ground below, offering a prayer for Calatinus as he did so. ‘To all the others who died at the lake as well.’ He took a deep swallow, enjoying the warm sensation as the liquid swept down into his belly. Wordlessly, he handed it back to Rutilus. They passed it to and fro for some time, honouring the dead and savouring the silence.
‘I’ve often thought your accent was better bred than you let on,’ said Rutilus eventually, ‘but I had no idea that you were nobility. And friends with a gugga!’
‘Don’t call him that,’ retorted Quintus, remembering the time he had used the insult on Hanno.
‘Come on! All Carthaginians are guggas, surely?’
‘No! The term means “little rat”, Rutilus, remember? I knew Hanno for almost a year. Whatever he is, he’s not a gugga.’ He related the story of Flaccus, and the ambush where he had died.
Rutilus chewed on that for a moment. ‘If a man prefers men to women, he’s often judged harshly by others. It’s something I’ve always hated,’ he mused. ‘I suppose the same applies to the Carthaginians. Hanno showed real honour in letting you and your father go free. They’re not all monsters, eh?’
Quintus felt a strange relief to hear another offer respect towards Hanno. ‘No. They’re enemies, but they are worthy men.’
‘What will you do if you meet him again?’
‘I hope that that never happens.’
‘But if it does?’
‘I’ll kill him, as he’d kill me,’ said Quintus savagely. Deep inside, he wasn’t so sure that he could, but he wasn’t going to admit that to anyone.
‘Gods will it that you never have to,’ muttered Rutilus. He nudged Quintus. ‘Never thought I’d be serving with someone whose dead brother-in-law was so important!’
‘He wasn’t my brother-in-law. The marriage never took place.’
Rutilus hadn’t even heard him. ‘The brother of our new Master of the Horse related to a lowly veles, imagine that!’
Quintus’ protest died in his throat. He’d heard Marcus Minucius Rufus mentioned often enough of recent days, but the name’s relevance had passed him by. Caius Minucius Flaccus and he had been brothers. Now and for the next six months, Minucius was the second-highest-ranking man in the land, subordinate only to Fabius, the dictator. ‘I hadn’t thought of that.’ Another pang of guilt as he imagined the social and political advancements that that powerful family might have brought to his own if Aurelia’s wedding to Flaccus had taken place.
‘You will have to introduce me to him,’ said Rutilus, his tone mock-earnest.
Finally, Quintus laughed. ‘I told you, Aurelia did not marry Flaccus, so I’m not related to Minucius!’
Rutilus snorted with amusement. ‘Even if you were, I’d bet you wouldn’t introduce your comrades to him. Can you see someone as important as Minucius chatting to the likes of us?’
‘I can’t even see him talking to me. Anyway, it will never happen. I just hope that Minucius has more sense than Flaccus. He was an arrogant fool. It was his stupid idea to go on that patrol in the first place.’
‘Let’s be grateful that Fabius is more senior then,’ said Rutilus, looking a little worried.
‘They say he was slow-witted when he was a boy, don’t they? Now, he’s known for being cautious,’ said Quintus, repeating the gossip he’d heard. ‘But he’s twice been consul and once dictator. He should be able to keep Minucius in line.’
‘Course he will!’ Rutilus raised the skin high again. ‘To our new dictator. May he prove to be an able leader and a skilful general, who brings us victory over Hannibal!’
‘Before too long,’ added Quintus, thinking again of his mother and Aurelia.
‘Corax says the word is that he’s not going to rush into anything. To do so with so many new recruits and insufficient cavalry would be madness. The plan is to harry the Carthaginian foraging parties. Kicking the enemy in the stomach is nearly as effective as killing him in battle, Corax says, and far less dangerous. I’m not going to argue with that!’
Quintus had heard the talk. Although it was hard to swallow, it was difficult to disagree with Fabius’ and Corax’s logic. He could remember his father talking about the Hellenistic principles of generalship, which men such as Alexander had followed. If a general could not realistically be certain of winning a battle, then it was best that he avoid confrontation until such time as his forces had increased sufficiently in strength. It could easily take Fabius and Minucius the full period of their office to do that. ‘Gods, let Hannibal stay east of the Apennines,’ he muttered. He felt Rutilus’ eyes on him. ‘I’m from near Capua. My mother and sister are still living on the family farm.’
‘If Hannibal does cross the mountains, your mother will abandon the property for the safety of Capua. She’ll be protected there.’
‘You don’t know my mother. She’s as stubborn as a mule with a bad temper.’
‘Your father might have sent her a letter.’
‘I hope so.’
‘Why don’t you write one as well?’ Rutilus sensed his uncertainty. ‘Tell her that you’re fighting with the socii or something of the kind. Even if your father hears that from her, he won’t have time to look for you in every section of the army.’
That could work, thought Quintus. ‘Writing her a letter doesn’t mean she’ll pay any heed to it.’
‘No, but it might. And it will ease your worries a little, so do it.’
‘Thank you, Rutilus,’ said Quintus gratefully. His friend was right: he should make the best of the situation rather than revel in misery. All the same, a knot of worry for his mother and Aurelia remained in his guts.