On Sunday morning, George went through the rituals of death.

In his office at Redman International, he made phone calls. From the undertaker, he ordered an ornate mahogany casket with the initials CER engraved on each side. He phoned his daughter's favorite florist, ordered dozens of roses to fill the church and, later, the area surrounding her grave.

He phoned close friends and relatives, telling them the time and the place of the private wake and burial. And he spent time alone, still trying to accept the unacceptable. Not since his parents' death had George dealt with something so entirely personal. He felt numb, not vacant, but absent, as if he were standing outside himself, watching this hell happen to another man-even though he knew it was happening to himself.

Although the board was pushing to sign the final papers with WestTex and Iran on Tuesday, he shoved the takeover from his mind, not wanting or willing to deal with it until the day came and he had no other choice.

He left for her office.

When he stepped inside, it was like moving into a room where Celina still came to each morning. It was having her here that made him most proud. His office was next to hers. If a deal was going particularly well or sour, it wasn't unusual for them to communicate by yelling to each other through the wall. George's throat thickened at the thought.

He went to her desk.

Like himself, his daughter wasn't the neatest person. Her desk was cluttered with a litany of used Styrofoam cups and empty food containers. There were files pertaining to the takeover of WestTex and on the corner of the desk was a photo of them both framed in silver. They were standing in front of the new Redman International Building, father and daughter, smiling because this was their greatest moment. Together, they were invincible. Together, they had accomplished so much.

Who was he without her?

There was a knock at the office door. George turned to find Elizabeth standing in the doorway. She wore a simple black dress. Her mouth was a solemn line. She seemed like a ghost to him, as if this were still unreal, not happening.

Posture perfect, eyes dead, his wife lifted her head. "I'm ready," she said.

Walking into their daughter's apartment was perhaps the hardest thing George and Elizabeth had ever done. Looking around, it was as if she had just left for the weekend and would soon be returning. As they walked from room to room, each attaching a memory to objects Celina once held dear to her, they wondered how they would ever get through life without her.

They moved into her bedroom.

While Elizabeth stepped into a closet, George glanced around the room, noticing that the bed had been left unmade and that the shades were still drawn, shutting out an overcast sky. Behind him, he could hear the sharp clatter of wire hangers sliding rapidly across a metal bar.

"I think she should wear red," Elizabeth called. "Celina always loved red. It was her best color." Her voice was oddly light. It clashed against the sound of the clacking hangers.

George turned toward the closet, his brow furrowing as he said that he remembered.

"Or white," Elizabeth said. "I always liked her in white."


"I had no idea Celina had so many clothes," Elizabeth said. "She's not like me or her sister. I always thought she was a minimalist. But this? This rivals anything Leana or I have in our closets."

He stepped behind her.

"I thought it would take only a moment to find something appropriate, then we could leave." She pushed a rack of dresses aside-the metal scraped. "This is harder than I imagined it would be."

"Why don't you let me help?"

"That isn't necessary." She pushed more clothes aside, moving quickly, then stopped and lifted a white dress from the bar. She turned to him. "How's this?"

"It's fine, Elizabeth."

"Are you sure? I want her to look perfect."

An image of Celina as he'd last seen her forced its way into his mind. She had been stretched naked on a cold metal table in the basement of the M.E.'s office, her skin pale blue, her damp hair curling around a face that was strangely swollen. A part of George died in that moment, dissolving into something darker, uglier.

"She'll look perfect," he said.

Elizabeth raised the dress and inspected it quickly. Without looking at her husband, she said, "I won't come here again, George."

"You won't have to. I'll take care of everything."

With a last look around, they left the apartment, the door locking shut behind them.

Elizabeth said nothing on the drive uptown.

Their daughter's dress folded like a barrier between them, her hands clasped neatly in her lap, she looked out the window beside her, oblivious to the two unmarked police cars following them, the sun occasionally glinting in her eyes, her breathing as quiet as the limousine's virtually soundproof interior.

She was fifty-four years old and she was beautiful, the fine lines around her mouth and beneath her eyes somehow enhancing, curiously enhancing. Watching her, George found himself thinking back to a time when they both were young and happy, the time when they first met and neither knew the storms that lay ahead.

He remembered their chance meeting at a mutual friend's dinner party and how he told her at the end of that evening that he was going to marry her. He remembered stealing a kiss with her on her father's doorstep and he remembered the way his heart used to quicken when she alighted from her home to greet him. Then, she was the most important thing in his life. But where were they now?

If someone had asked George that question two months ago, he would have had an answer. But now? Now, he was moving uptown to meet with the undertaker friends had suggested. Now, whoever murdered their daughter and caused the spotlights to explode was still out there, free. He had no answers for any of it. As the limousine stopped for a red light, George closed his eyes and began wondering who was behind everything that was happening to them.

He wasn't given the chance.

In the limousine, there was a disturbance in the air, a change in the silence.

Beside him, he sensed Elizabeth bristle.

George looked at his wife, saw her looking out the window beside her and followed her gaze with his own.

There, at the crowded street comer, was a newspaper stand. On the front page of the Post was a picture of Celina and Eric Parker, both standing outside Redman International's gilded entrance, arms intertwined. They were alive, in love and smiling.

The banner headline was huge. One simple word: COINCIDENCE?

George reached for Elizabeth's hand.

As the light turned green and the car lurched forward, his gaze moved to the rack next to the Post. On the front page of the Daily News was another picture, this one of him, Elizabeth and Leana.

The banner headline screamed out at him.
