Charlotte opened her eyes. She felt numb, fuzzy, still filled with the cobwebs of sleep. Drugs! She bolted up in bed. The sudden jerk practically sent her brain spinning. She moaned, half-asleep.

She sat on the edge of the bed holding her head. An image of what she had done flashed vividly before her eyes like a silent motion picture.

"Oh, my God!" she said to herself.

Warily, she glanced around. She was in a beautiful room. She stood, then realized for the first time that she was naked. A whimpering gasp escaped her mouth. Her eyes darted around the room for her clothes. Panic gripped her – she didn't see them! She ran to the closet, threw it open. Empty. The drawers to the dresser – the same. Empty. She went to the door and tried the knob. It didn't turn. Fear twisted its grip on her heart. Her throat tightened, it was impossible to swallow. She was a prisoner!

"Jesus… ooooh… God!" She shook, every nerve in her body caught up in her fear.

She spun on her bare feet, seeing another door. Relief swept over her, and she dashed over to it. Halfway there, she was stopped short by a clicking noise. She froze, her feet cemented to the floor.

"I see you're awake," Felicia's sultry voice floated out of nowhere. "I hope you don't have too bad of a hangover."

Charlotte swiveled, looking around, searching for where the voice was coming from. "Where, where are you?"

"In another room," Felicia purred. "Do you remember this afternoon? How delicious our first meeting was."

Charlotte gasped, the awful memory of what they had done flashed through her mind. Each detail of their encounter was crisp and clear and revolting. The hot torrid voice spoke to her through the loudspeakers with a jarring recount of her perverted lust.

"It wasn't me," Charlotte screamed to the walls. "It wasn't me! I was drugged, drugged! I couldn't help myself!" She began to cry, sinking to the bed. She sobbed into her hands.

"The drug only allows you to be yourself," Felicia told her through the speakers. "You were absolutely delicious, too. I hope you're ready to explore some other facets of your sexual personality."

She was appalled. Fear flooded Charlotte's face. "What, what do you mean?" She was trembling, frightened out of her scull.

"You remember," Felicia taunted. "Your interest in dogs and how exciting it would be to make love to one."

A wailing sob racked Charlotte's lung. Desperation made her run to the other door, her small firm tits quivering as she frantically yanked on the knob. The door was locked, just like the first one. She rushed to the other door and tried it again.

"Let me get out of here! Let me go!"

"There's so much left for you to enjoy," Felicia continued. "You're my guest and it's my duty to see that you're made happy."

"My husband, my husband will miss me… the police… if I don't show up at my sisters you'll go to jail…" She was ranting, looking for the one thing to say that would force them to let her go. "I'll never say a word if you let me leave now."

The laugh was genuine, with a hint of the macabre laced through it. "Everything's been taken care of," Felicia said. "Don't fret. Enjoy your new home for a while and the pleasures I'll introduce to you."

Charlotte's fists drummed on the door. She was screaming and crying.

"You'll tire yourself out," Felicia said soothingly. "I would think you would want to save your strength for Khan."

Charlotte stopped her pounding. Sniffing back her sobs, a new fear surged inside her. "Khan? I, don't…" The name was vaguely familiar.

"You remember, Lotty. Khan is my special dog that my brother gave me a few years ago. I mentioned him to you."

"I, don't know about any dog," Charlotte spat, hoping it were true.

"You seemed so interested in making love to him, too." Felicia made clicking sounds of disapproval with her tongue. "It's a good thing Khan isn't listening," Felicia laughed. "His feelings might get hurt."

"Ohhh, God," Charlotte moaned. "Dogs." She leaned against the door, lightheaded, woozy. "I won't do it with dogs! It's…"

"Wonderful," Felicia broke in. "Dogs are wonderful lovers and can be such good company when you're alone. You told me yourself your husband would like you to try it."

"No!" Charlotte wailed, remembering that conversation only too clearly now. "Pleeeease let me go!"

Suddenly, there was another clicking sound. Her eyes darted to the door across the room.

"Yes," Felicia said, "I promised you a treat and here he is."

As she spoke a square flap in the door opened and a large black head peeked in. Khan pointed his muzzle, sniffing the new scent.

Charlotte let out a scream as the giant black Doberman pinscher came into the room, the flap in the door dropping back into position with another click. The white shiny fangs glistened perilously as the dog growled. His coal-black eyes burned into Charlotte's shrinking body. She cowered, trying to blend in with the woodwork.

"Take him away! Take him away!" Charlotte cried hysterically.

Her eyes filled with overwhelming fear and she gulped, frozen to the spot where she sat. She swallowed her voice as the dog took a step toward her. Whimpering sighs of helplessness emanated from her quivering mouth as her body trembled uncontrollably. Her heart beat in her throat, the thumping sound echoing in her ears.

She shut her eyes, expecting to wake up from this horrible dream, only to be disappointed when she reopened her eyes. The monstrous dog was still there, only closer.

Charlotte's eyes flitted about desperately, seeking safety. There was none, not even a window to leap through. Her face brightened, noticing the flap in the door where the dog had come through. Holding her breath, she inched around the room, closer and closer to the door. She gasped. Freedom was only inches away and the dog was only watching, not attacking.

She slithered down, her fingers crawling along the wall to touch the metal flap. She pushed. It didn't budge. She pushed again, becoming frantic.

"Sorry," Felicia's hot, sexy voice purred. "It locks automatically. It looks as if you'll just have to let Khan entertain you for a while." A deep throaty laugh followed. Then a snapping noise reverberated in the room. It was a signal to Khan.

The Doberman growled, his lips drawing back, showing his full set of sharp, dangerous teeth, the sparkling white fangs dripping saliva. When he saw Charlotte freeze, he came toward her, his paws padding silently on the thick carpet.

"Noooooooo, noooo, noooo!" Charlotte whimpered like a lost child, sinking to the floor, her legs unable to function correctly. "Noooooo!"

She curled up into a ball, sobbing into her hands, her eyes closed, every nerve in her body twitching as she waiting to be ripped apart by the demonic-looking beast.

Khan sniffed her thighs, his cold nose brushing lightly against the trembling skin.

"Aaaayiieeee!" Charlotte squealed, going into hysterics. Her body cringed more tightly into a ball. "Don't bite me. Don't bite me."

The dog, used to the screams of frightened women, never flinched. He continued to sniff out the new smell of the small-framed woman. The terror exuding from Charlotte's pores was almost as stimulating as the heavy musky scent of dried pussy juice. His cold, wet nose flared and his tongue swiped over Charlotte's thigh flesh. He lathered her curled-up legs with his warm doggie drool.

Once he was satisfied with the shuddering woman's thighs and calves, the huge black beast began licking her arms as she held them pinned to her chest. His tongue slapped out across her hands, glued to her frightened face. He growled, a low unearthly sound that brought hard sobs from the cringing Charlotte.

"Take him away… ooooohhhhhhhh… pleeeeease!" She was scared senseless, afraid to look up, afraid that at any second the dog would bite a chunk out of her. "Go away! Goooo… aaawayyy!"

"You shouldn't be so snobbish," Felicia's familiar voice floated out through the loudspeaker system. "Khan only wants to be your friend. He loves women, especially pretty women like you, with nice soft silky bodies."

Felicia was watching the closed-circuit television, her pussy soaked with her seething cunt-cream. She leered at Charlotte's naked body shivering on the floor and rubbed her own juice-laden pussy, moaning to herself as her swirling fingers caressed her blonde cunt mound. She was always ready, ready for either man, woman, or beast. Her boiling juices flowed over her active fingers, her blazing stare fixed on the television. Her sultry voice flowed through the room that held Charlotte prisoner as she spoke into the microphone.

Charlotte wanted to lash out at the soft perverted voice that was filling her head with loathsome thoughts. The dog was licking her hands and face and becoming increasingly active with his lapping tongue. She blamed it on the seductive voice, associating the two.

The dog whimpered, his bluish-red tongue going into Charlotte's ear. His tongue was long and wet, with warm spit dribbling from around the edges. Khan nibbled on her tiny earlobe, then slashed his whip-like tongue across her neck, and nuzzled his pointed snout between her bent elbows. He sought the tender flesh of this new woman's tits, the flesh he had grown to like on Felicia, his mistress.

"Allow him to lick your tits," Felicia moaned to Charlotte, her voice tight and heavy with passion. "You'll love it. He's so gentle."

All the hideous memories of what she had done with Felicia bombarded Charlotte's mind. Khan persisted in his quest to get at her tits and it made her sick. This seemed like a dream – a nightmare – a hazy nightmarish dream of terror.

Khan growled, his stubby tail wagging furiously. He barked and shook his long head, his cold nose snuggling between Charlotte's forearms and finally touching the flesh of her bare tits. He continued, barking and nuzzling. His strength forced her arms apart for a moment or two before he pulled back and barked his disapproval.

"You better give him his way," Felicia warned. "Khan gets very angry when he's deprived of what he wants." She paused, her own fingers imbedded inside her pussy making her quiver. "He'll bite you, bite your arm if you don't give him your tits."

It was a threat Charlotte believed and her throat constricted. Her choices were limited – refuse the beast the flesh of her tits and be bitten, or give into him and suffer the depraved act of having a dog lick her.

Slowly, fearfully, she lowered her arms. At least she wouldn't be maimed, at least she hoped not. Her eyes shifted to the camera peering down at her, hating the thought of giving the bitch pleasure – pleasure she knew Felicia was having by treating her in this inhumane manner. She felt sick just thinking about the things they had done together. How she had enjoyed the perverted things she had done to the blonde. Now it sickened her.

"Aaieee!" Charlotte whimpered as the dog's hard tongue slapping violently on her tits brought her quickly back to the present. What was happening now was worse, even more sickening!

Her eyes widened. She stared at the black, hairy dog intently licking the flesh of her soft tits. Her eyes followed his tongue as it whipped across her tittie mounds. Each contact of his wet tongue brought a shuddering groan from Charlotte's throat and a churning of her stomach. Her hand went to her mouth, and she was afraid she was going to be sick.

"Feels good, doesn't it?" Felicia's voice tormented. "It makes me jealous to see you enjoy all of Khan's favor."

Charlotte looked up at the camera. She was ready to kill the woman whose voice was tormenting her, whose drug had turned her into a vile animal like the blonde bitch.

Her hands clenched into fists. She moved towards the camera and its impersonal eye focused on her naked body.

When she moved, Khan growled, nipping her arm.

Charlotte froze. Being licked was better than being chewed alive.

The ferocious-looking dog was happy again as he slobbered his spit between Charlotte's two tittie mounds. They were smaller than his mistress' and he enjoyed the difference. His nostrils reveled in the aroma of a new pussy as he licked the naked woman's tits, his tongue whipping over both fleshy mounds and across her nipples. They were pointed and rigid with fright. He whined, growling low, nuzzling his pointed snout in between her firm tits and tasting the succulent meat.

Charlotte was slumped against the wall in shock, her eyes seeing but not believing what was happening to her. Her heart was trying to leap to her throat. Her sour stomach was tight and tumbled in somersaults. Her mind was trying to comprehend all that was happening to her.

"Like having your tits licked by a dog?" Felicia asked. Her body tingled as she watched the cowering Charlotte with a hungry passion. "His tongue is marvelous." Her eyes closed for a second and thrilled to the sexual joys that she and her pet shared. She heaved a shivery sigh and continued to watch the monitor.

Charlotte was horror-stricken. She cringed, utter horror sweeping over her face as she saw the ugly beast, tired of sloshing her tits with his vile spit, sniff down lower, catching the scent of her cunt. Afraid of touching him, yet not about to let him do those horrible things to her cunt, she pushed a finger against his snout. "Go away, go away."

The giant Doberman took her timid nudge as a sign of affection and licked her hand, whimpering playfully.

Charlotte screwed up her face in disgust and pulled her hand away. Her body twisted around, trying to protect her pussy from the shiny black beast with the dangerous coal-black eyes and the slobbering tongue.

Khan caught the scent of Charlotte's pussy as it drifted up to him. He inhaled, his cold black nose quivering. He nudged her with his huge head, trying to get at her pussy, his body slinking down. He renewed the search for her cunt from another angle but the woman's legs still hampered him.

Charlotte was afraid the dog would eventually squeeze through her legs to get at her cunt. She turned, uncurling her legs from her fetal position and covering her pussy with both hands to protect herself. All of a sudden, she realized in this position her tits were completely vulnerable to the peering eye of the camera and the gaping blonde bitch. Knowing this, Charlotte turned her head, slowly and furtively inching around to face the wall, trying to hide her body from the prying eye of the camera and her cunt from the persistent dog.

Khan, anxious for the taste of sweet pussy-meat, nipped Charlotte's thigh, his eyes glowing menacingly. He yearned for that special taste which his mistress had introduced him to and he had cultivated a taste for.

He nipped Charlotte again with his front teeth, turning her into a mass of trembling, squeamish nerves.

"Ohhhh, ooaaahh," she cried, believing this time she would be maimed by the brutish dog's dangerously sharp fangs. She began to cry again, going into loud racking howls that annoyed Felicia.

"Don't be a stupid little shit, Charlotte," Felicia snapped into the microphone. "Let the dog have your pussy."

"Noooo," Charlotte wailed. "It's vile, it's…" She was too scared, too intimidated to speak. The black beast was biting her legs on his way up to her pussy.

"It's fabulous," Felicia said softly. "Give him a chance." Her voice was suddenly laced with anger. "I'm getting impatient, Charlotte."

Charlotte trembled as the dog nipped her tits, catching her off guard. She turned sharply, falling back, more vulnerable now as her arms went to brace her fall. She tumbled to her stomach, still having the presence of mind to protect herself.

Khan pawed her smooth back as she lay frightened and trembling on her stomach, her legs fused together, her arms underneath her body. He growled again, snipping his teeth on her ass and making Charlotte cry louder. He sniffed the crack of her ass, his tongue darting out and swiping inside the wrinkled, deep crack.

"Nnnnnn," she whined through clenched teeth. The dog was feasting on her twin ass cheeks and the crack that separated them.

Khan soaked her ass cheeks as he had soaked her delicious tits. He bit her ass flesh, nipping it playfully and barking anxiously for the meat of her sweet-smelling cunt.

Charlotte's head was spinning. No matter which way she turned some part of her body was open to the dog's tongue. She found herself losing control of her senses. She was hysterical, crying, trying to crawl under the bed and find some port of safety from the vicious animal and the blonde bitch who was watching her every move.

Khan saw the naked woman trying to scramble under the bed and his mouth opened. Latching his jaw around her trim ankle, the black beast growled his warning. His jaw gripped her ankle as if it were a bone and he shook his head, holding her ankle with his teeth, but not breaking the skin.

A piercing laugh floated out the loudspeakers. "You better not try to hide under that bed. He'll rip off your leg."

With that warning, Charlotte stopped. She would surrender to her maniacal captor and her vicious dog. She lay on the floor, defeated, ready to let the dog have his way and be done with it. She closed her eyes, not able to move a muscle. She was a petite piece of white creamy flesh, readying herself for what she thought was the slaughter.

Khan growled deep and menacing, his huge head motionless, his jaw still holding her trim ankle, his black eyes alert and waiting for Charlotte to try to escape. Getting no resistance, his mouth opened and he dropped her ankle. There was spittle all over her flesh and an indentation evident in her smooth skin from the sharp tips of his teeth.

Leisurely, Khan licked her leg, working up the back of her calf.

Charlotte buried her face in her arms, shutting everything from her mind – the dog's slapping wet tongue and Felicia's dirty and perverted suggestions that came to her over the loudspeaker system.

Felicia settled back in the comforts of her chair, her hands delving between the lips of her juicy pussy. She was drooling. She watched her pet Doberman swipe his tongue over Charlotte's sweet creamy nude body. Felicia licked her lips, the taste of Charlotte's pussy still lingered.

Khan soaked the back of Charlotte's thighs, casually nipping her ass, his tongue working up a frothy lather between the cheeks of her creamy, firm ass. He nestled his nose between the back of her thighs, his head shaking, forcing the docile Charlotte's legs apart. His tongue hit the back of her pussy.

Charlotte wailed, terrified. She began to shake like never before. She quivered in sheer fright. She crunched her fists up and prayed.

At last attaining his goal, Khan growled with satisfaction. He buried his snout between the folds of her hot cunt and snorted, his tongue delving into the dry pussy-hole. He plunged his tongue-meat inside, his doggie spit lathering the hole into a wet foamy soup. He shoved his nose inside the sweet warmth of her pussy. Charlotte's whimpering cries of anguish were lost on the horny beast as he tried to shove his tongue to the very depths of her cunt.

She cried, afraid to move, afraid that if she did the dog would bite her pussy the way he had her ankle. She suffered the degradation of the animal's tongue as it snaked into her cunt and up through the crack of her ass, praying it would end soon.

Khan enjoyed the scent of her cunt as he worked it feverishly with his tongue and spit. He dropped to his haunches between the frightened woman's legs, devoting his tongue to her pussy. He licked, slurped, and reamed out her delicious cunt. His spit turned her once dry cunt into a white slimy mess. He squirmed on the floor, his black body, sleek and glistening, beginning to get aroused, his mammoth prick beginning to peek out from the thick-skinned sheath that housed it. He whimpered excitedly, his black snout white with his foamy spit.

Growling with intense excitement from Charlotte's succulent pussy-meat, he forced his nose deep into her pussy. The harsh, rough action jerked her body and caused friction on her clit. The scent of her savory cunt was growing stronger the more he licked and nudged his nose inside. It acted as an incentive for the horny dog. He became more determined, stretching her pussy with his pointed muzzle, his teeth nipping her swollen cuntlips gently.

Charlotte was still crying, inwardly fighting the warm feelings that were beginning to wash over her. The dog's tongue was bringing out the animal in her that had always been lurking below the surface. She battled her surging lust, holding her own against the dog's persistent tongue.

Despite herself, she felt herself slipping. She forced her mind to think of other things as the dog's lapping tongue drew her like a magnet to the murky depths of depravity. She concentrated on her husband, George. Then she erased the thought. He would probably enjoy this. For the five years they had been married he had wheedled and hinted that he wanted her to do it with a dog. His familiar voice raged inside her brain. Now that it was happening he wasn't even aware of it. It was ironic.

The dog nipped her cuntflesh, presenting her with the real danger of being chewed alive. He barked, seemingly frustrated.

A grim angry mask dropped over Felicia's face. Charlotte had plenty of will power. Felicia's hand was between her legs and she pinched her own clit, feeling a small tantalizing orgasm wash over her.

Still seated in her chair, Felicia knocked on a door, feeling the wonderful tremors of her lingering orgasm. "Craig. If you're done with your dinner, come on out. I'm going down to the room and fix our sweet little guest." There was an acknowledging grunt from the other side of the closing door.

Wearing only black crotchless panties and a black lace bra, Felicia hurried down the hall. She took a key from atop the door and fitted it into the lock. It clicked and she opened the door, staring at the scene before her. It made her blood boil tantalizingly.


The dog instantly looked up from the delectable pussy he was feasting on. His stubby tail wagged.

Felicia snapped her fingers and Khan leaped to her side. He sat down, glancing up at his mistress for approval as she stroked the top of his head.

"It looks as if you're going to need something to relax you," Felicia said to Charlotte, with a wicked smile. "No need for subtleties now."

She brought a hypodermic needle out of the leather pouch and stepped towards Charlotte. "A simple prick of the needle and you'll lose all this silly prejudice about making love to my handsome dog."

Terror swept over Charlotte. "Ohhh… nooooooo!"

"Yes, my sweet," Felicia said, kneeling over the prostrated Charlotte. "When you come to your senses, you won't need this." She jabbed the needle into Charlotte's arm and smiled. Charlotte flinched and bit her lip.
