
How can I begin to thank the incredible team at William Morrow and Avon Books for their hard work, as well as the many friendships I’ve formed over the years: Carrie Feron, my longtime editor, confidante, and life coach; Pamela Spengler-Jaffee, who watches out for me when I’m not making her sip champagne in my shower (long story); Liate Stehlik, the amazing woman I want to be when I grow up; Tavia Kowalchuk, who carries me in her heart when she goes hiking. Thanks to the incomparable Lynn Grady, the superefficient Nicole Fischer and Leora Bernstein, and the enthusiastic Harper sales team: Brian Grogan, Doug Jones, Rachel Levenberg, Carla Parker, Dale Schmidt, and Donna Waitkus. I’m so appreciative of the help I’ve received from Shawn Nicholls and Angela Craft, as well as the digital marketing support from Tobly McSmith. Virginia Stanley, you’ve been my cheerleader for more years than I can remember. Elsie Lyons, thank you for my beautiful cover, and Shelly Perron, you are not only my valiant copy editor but the most patient woman on earth.

On the home front, if it weren’t for my amazing assistant, Sharon Mitchell, the gap between my books would be much greater. My husband, Bill Phillips, is a man of many talents, including titling this book. My sister Lydia is my lifelong soul mate. I have worked with Steven Axelrod and Lori Antonson at the Axelrod Agency for so long I feel as though they’re part of my family.

I am so blessed to have the most wonderful friends. They make me laugh, make me think, cheer me on, and inspire me, especially Nicki Anderson, Robyn Carr, Jennifer Greene, Kristin Hannah, Jayne Ann Krentz, Lindsay Longford, Dawn Struxness, Suzette Van, Julie Wachowski, and Margaret Watson. Andy Kamm and Allison Anderson, thank you for answering my questions. And, Jules, you’re my watchdog Down Under.

To my publishers all over the world, you have made me feel so welcome. Special thanks to my dear Marisa Tonnezer at Ediciones B in Barcelona, as well as the remarkable team at Blanvalet in Munich, especially Nicola Bartels, Berit Bohm, Anna-Lisa Hollerbach, and Sebastian Rothfuss. Also my dear Angela Spizig, who is my “voice” in Germany.

To my international readers and bloggers, thank you for introducing my books to so many others. And to all my readers, I love that you demanded another Chicago Stars book. (For those of you not familiar with how Heath and Annabelle became a couple, I think you’ll enjoy Match Me If You Can, a book also titled by my husband, as he never fails to remind me.) Thanks to all of you who’ve become my friends on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. If you’re interested in a list of my books, as well as seeing the titles of the Chicago Stars books in order, please visit my Web site at, where you can also sign up for my newsletter.

Happy reading, my friends!

Susan Elizabeth Phillips
