“And how’s the weather on Bonita Beach now?” Fletch said into the phone. “Still photogenic?”

“I’m not in Fort Myers,” Chief of Detectives Roz Nachman said. “I’m at the airport in Key West. And I’ve put my last coin into the phone box waiting for you to pick up the phone.”

“Sorry. Catching the noon weather report on television.”

“I’m waiting to be picked up by the local force.”

“They’ve had a busy morning. Up early, rousting the citizens—”

“I called you earlier, before I left the office but someone insisted you weren’t there.”

“I was helping the police on an underground matter. You have news?”

“Just keep everybody at the house until I arrive, please.”

“What’s your news?”

“If everybody isn’t there when I arrive, I’ll hold you responsible, Mister Fletcher.”

“Did Steve Peterman rent a car before he rented the car you examined?”

Nachman paused. “Yes. An identical blue Cadillac. From another company. The day of the accident, he turned one car in at the airport, leaving it in the parking lot, and rented another one.”

“And was the first car damaged?”


“Had it been in a hit-and-run accident?” “Yes. Blood, bits of cloth beneath the front fender. The fender itself had been washed off.”

“The blood match?”

“We’re presuming it does. We’ll know soon. There’s a police car. I’d better go outside so they’ll see me. Don’t let anybody leave, Fletcher.”

“We’ll be glad to see you, Chief. At least I will.”
