
Once at his desk the following morning, after Brooke had taken her leave and been driven home by Fred, Stone called Dino.


“It’s Stone.”

“And what can your city do for you today?”

“You can put me in touch with your wife.”

“She’s in Mumbai, used to be Bombay.”

“What time is it in Mumbai?”

“I haven’t the slightest idea. Whenever I call her in the Far East, I always get it wrong and get yelled at.”

“I’ll have to risk it, I guess. Where’s she staying?”

“At the Taj Mahal Palace.”

“Have you got the number?”

“Joan will find it for you.”

“I’ll call her now.”

“Oh, I just remembered she’s leaving Mumbai today for Hong Kong.”

“What time is her flight?”

“Morning, I think.”

“Why don’t you know that?” Stone demanded.

“Why would I need to know that?”

“In case you had to call her.”

“I’ve never called my wife in Mumbai.”

“Is it morning there now?”

“How would I know?”

“You’re being unhelpful.”

“I can’t tell you what I don’t know.”

“Well, shit!”

“Why do you want to speak to my wife?”

“None of your business.”

“Then why are you bothering me?” Dino hung up.

Stone buzzed Joan.

“Yes, sir?”

“Can you figure out what time it is in Mumbai?”

“It’s seven-fifteen pm.”

“How do you know that?”

“I just know. Do you want me to place a call for you?”

“Yes, please.”

“And to whom do you wish to speak?”

“To Vivian Bacchetti. She’s at the Taj Mahal.”

“The Taj Mahal is in Agra, not Mumbai, and I don’t believe they rent rooms.”

“The Taj Mahal Palace Hotel.”

“Why didn’t you say so?”

“I just did. Call me when she’s on the line.”

“Yes, sir.” Joan hung up and her light on the phone came on.

Stone twiddled his thumbs, until he got tired of that. Joan buzzed.


“Mrs. Bacchetti is not available. She left Mumbai for Hong Kong.”

“How long ago?”

“Twelve hours. Do you want me to call her in Hong Kong? Twelve hours ought to be more than enough to get there.”

“Yes, please.”

“At what hotel?”

Stone gnashed his teeth. “Call Dino and ask him.”

“Yes, sir.” Joan’s light came on again.

A moment later, Stone’s phone rang. “Yes?”



“You called?”

“You were going to get me Mrs. Bacchetti, in Hong Kong.”

“This is Mrs. Bacchetti, and I am in Hong Kong.”

“I’m sorry, Viv, I thought you were Joan.”

“Was it Joan you wanted to speak to?”

“No, it was you.”

“Then speak.”

“Of course. Brooke Alley questioned me at some length over breakfast regarding the whereabouts of Shep Troutman.”

“Is that what you and Brooke do in the early morning? I’m disappointed to hear it. My imagination was more vivid.”

“No, we had already...”

“Ah, now you’re making sense. If you wanted to know where Shep is, why didn’t you ask Brooke, if you could get her to hold still for a moment.”

“No, the other way around.”

“That’s always fun, too.”

“No, Brooke wanted to know the whereabouts of Shep Troutman.”

“Then why didn’t you tell her? Why are you calling me in Hong Kong at bedtime?”

“Because I don’t want her to know where Shep is.”

“Then don’t tell her!”

“I didn’t. What I want to know is: Why would she want to know where Shep is?”

“Why didn’t you ask her?”

“I did, and she said she wanted to fix him up for a blind date with a friend of hers.”

“Who’s the friend?”

“She didn’t say.”

“That’s unlike Brooke. She always says. Tell me again why you’re calling me at bedtime?”

“I want to know why Brooke wants to know how to find Shep.”

“How should I know?”

“Well, you know Brooke better than I.”

Viv gave a low laugh. “I hardly think so. Now, come on, Stone. What’s this about? I’m getting sleepy.”

“Why does Brooke want to know where Shep is?”

“I have no fucking idea! Now can I go to bed?”

“All right. Just don’t tell Brooke where Shep is.”

“I would never tell her. Dino has sworn me to secrecy. Now good night!”

“Good morning,” Stone replied.


“It’s morning here.”

“Where are you?”

“In New York.”

“Well, it would be, wouldn’t it! Good night!!!” She hung up.

Stone reflected on the morning’s conversations, at home and abroad. He concluded that they had been fruitless. The only good thing about them was that Brooke still didn’t know where Shep was. On the other hand, he still didn’t know why she wanted to know Shep’s whereabouts.

It was a wash, sort of. He’d have to think of something else.
