Our capacity to model reality has burgeoned far beyond our ancestors’ expectations. Even the renowned Seldonites of yore, plotting secretively on fabled Trantor, could not have imagined what powers of extrapolation are nowadays shared widely.
And yet (we should remind ourselves) such abilities-whether exercised jointly or individually-do not make us gods.
Not quite.
Having emerged at last from a long dark epoch of forgetfulness, we can now gaze back upon events that took place at the very beginning of this era, cultivating sympathy for the tragic souls who struggled amid ignorance to get us here. Their disputes, often contradictory or violent, stirred the brew of circumstance that transformed and renewed the galaxy.
Remember, most of them were just as sure of their beliefs as we are today certain of ours. Likewise, some of our present-day convictions may yet prove to be wrong.
Only a diversity of viewpoint helps prevent self-deception.
Only criticism can defeat error.
Sim-cast by the Siwenna Commune for
Cooperative Contemplation,