10:58 P.M.

Captain Sol used surgeon’s forceps to place a small brass cannon on the gun deck of the Golden Hind.

“Good.” Zero nodded.

“Does it look straight?”

“Yeah,” Zero said.

“Good.” Samir nodded.

Captain Sol lifted his thimble-sized shot glass. “Here’s to it, eh?” He toasted Zero with a sip of anejo tequila.

Zero toasted him back.

Watching Captain Sol build his model was just about the only entertainment available on the Trident lately.

The ship-to-ship phone bleated suddenly and Samir rose from his chair and picked it up. He listened for about ten seconds. “Uh, wow, I think you need to speak to the captain,” he said, handing the phone to Captain Sol. Zero looked on curiously.

The captain smirked, putting the phone to his ear as Samir shrugged.

“Captain Sol, this is Lieutenant Scott of the U.S.S. Enterprise informing you that a communication signal has been detected coming from the vicinity of your vessel. In fact, we believe it came from your vessel. Broadcasting is unauthorized and contrary to the orders you have been given from the U.S. Navy. We must demand you prepare for immediate boarding.”

“Cynthea!” Captain Sol growled.

“Please copy that again?” said the voice on the radio.

“Thanks, Enterprise, I agree, whatever you are detecting is unauthorized. Let me check my ship now to find out what’s going on, over.”

“Uh, we will help you, Trident. Is that understood?”

They heard motors and saw three high-speed gray inflatables speeding into the cove, toward them.

“Yes, Enterprise! That is understood.” Gritting his teeth, Captain Sol turned off the radio. “Damn it, Cynthea, what now?”
